Exemplo n.º 1
        public void DetectAutoSaveCollections()
            // Arrange
            var resource = new ReferenceResource();

            // Act
            var autosave = ResourceReferenceTools.GetAutoSaveCollections(resource);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, autosave.Count);

            // Validate event raised on modification
            var overrideAutosave = autosave.First();
            ReferenceCollectionChangedEventArgs eventArgs = null;

            overrideAutosave.CollectionChanged += (sender, args) => eventArgs = args;
            resource.ChildReferences.Add(new DerivedResource {
                Id = 42

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(resource, eventArgs.Parent);
            Assert.AreEqual(nameof(Resource.Children), eventArgs.CollectionProperty.Name);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void SetReferenceCollection()
            // Arrange
            var resource = new ReferenceResource();

            // Act

            // Assert
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void LinkResource()
            // Arrange
            var instance = new ReferenceResource {
                Id = 1

            _graph[1] = new ResourceWrapper(instance);
            _graph[2] = new ResourceWrapper(new SimpleResource {
                Id = 2, Name = "Ref1"
            _graph[3] = new ResourceWrapper(new SimpleResource {
                Id = 3, Name = "Pos1"
            _graph[4] = new ResourceWrapper(new DerivedResource {
                Id = 4, Name = "Ref2"
            _graph[5] = new ResourceWrapper(new DerivedResource {
                Id = 5, Name = "ChildOnly"
            _graph[6] = new ResourceWrapper(new DerivedResource {
                Id = 6, Name = "BackRef"
            var relations = new List <ResourceRelationAccessor>
                // All Parent-Child relations
                RelationAccessor(2), RelationAccessor(3), RelationAccessor(4), RelationAccessor(5),
                RelationAccessor(6, ResourceRelationType.ParentChild, ResourceReferenceRole.Source),
                // All PossibleExchangeablePart relations
                RelationAccessor(2, ResourceRelationType.PossibleExchangablePart), RelationAccessor(3, ResourceRelationType.PossibleExchangablePart),
                RelationAccessor(4, ResourceRelationType.PossibleExchangablePart),
                // The 2 CurrentExchangeablePart
                RelationAccessor(2, ResourceRelationType.CurrentExchangablePart, ResourceReferenceRole.Target, nameof(ReferenceResource.Reference)),
                RelationAccessor(4, ResourceRelationType.CurrentExchangablePart),

            // Act
            _linker.LinkReferences(instance, relations);

            // Assert
            Assert.NotNull(instance.Parent, "Parent reference not set");
            Assert.NotNull(instance.Reference, "Named reference not set");
            Assert.NotNull(instance.Reference2, "Type inferred reference not set");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, instance.Children.Count, "Children not set");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, instance.ChildReferences.Count, "Children override not set");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, instance.References.Count, "Possible parts not set");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void RemoveLinking()
            // Arrange
            var instance = new ReferenceResource();

            var deletedRef = new DerivedResource();

            instance.Reference2 = deletedRef;
            instance.References.Add(new SimpleResource());

            // Act
            // Call once for each relation
            _linker.RemoveLinking(deletedRef, instance);
            _linker.RemoveLinking(deletedRef, instance);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, instance.References.Count);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ReplaceWithProxy()
            // Arrange: Create instance and reference
            var ref1 = new DerivedResource {
                Id = 9, Foo = 20
            var ref2 = new SimpleResource {
                Id = 10, Foo = 30
            var nonPub = new NonPublicResource {
                Name = "NonPublic"
            var instance = new ReferenceResource
                Id        = 8,
                Reference = ref1,
                NonPublic = nonPub

            instance.References = new ReferenceCollection <ISimpleResource>(instance,
                                                                            instance.GetType().GetProperty(nameof(ReferenceResource.References)), new List <IResource>())

            // Act: Convert to proxy and access the reference
            var proxy       = (IReferenceResource)_typeController.GetProxy(instance);
            var reference   = proxy.Reference;
            var methodRef   = proxy.GetReference();
            var references  = proxy.MoreReferences.ToArray();
            var references2 = proxy.GetReferences();
            var nonPubProxy = proxy.NonPublic;

            ISimpleResource eventArgs = null;

            proxy.ReferenceChanged += (sender, resource) => eventArgs = resource;
            ISimpleResource[] eventArgs2 = null;
            proxy.SomeChanged += (sender, resources) => eventArgs2 = resources;

            // Act: Set resource property through proxy
            proxy.Reference = references[0];

            // Make sure all references where replaced with proxies
            Assert.AreNotEqual(ref1, reference);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(ref2, references[0]);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(ref2, references2[0]);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(nonPub, nonPubProxy);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, reference.Foo);
            Assert.AreEqual(reference, methodRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(30, references[0].Foo);
            Assert.AreEqual(30, references2[0].Foo);
            Assert.AreEqual(30, eventArgs.Foo);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, eventArgs2.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(30, eventArgs2[0].Foo);
            Assert.AreEqual("NonPublic", nonPubProxy.Name);
            // Assert modifications of the setters
            Assert.AreEqual(instance.Reference, ref2);
            Assert.AreEqual(instance.References.Count(), 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(instance.References.ElementAt(1), ref1);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void SaveReferences()
            // Arrange
            var instance = new ReferenceResource {
                Id = 1

            // Prepare reference objects
            var ref1 = new SimpleResource {
                Id = 2, Name = "Ref1"
            var ref2 = new SimpleResource {
                Id = 3, Name = "Pos1"
            var ref3 = new DerivedResource {
                Name = "Ref2"

            var ref4 = new DerivedResource {
                Id = 5, Name = "ChildOnly"
            var ref5 = new DerivedResource {
                Id = 6, Name = "BackRef"

            // Fill graph
            _graph[1] = new ResourceWrapper(instance);
            _graph[2] = new ResourceWrapper(ref1);
            _graph[3] = new ResourceWrapper(ref2);
            _graph[5] = new ResourceWrapper(ref4);
            _graph[6] = new ResourceWrapper(ref5);
            // Set single references
            instance.Parent = ref5;        // Parent is set and
            // ref5.Children.Add(instance); Bidirectional reference synced --> no longer necessary
            instance.Reference  = ref2;    // Reference is changed from ref1 to ref2
            instance.Reference2 = ref3;    // Reference2 is assigned with a new object
            // Fill collections
            instance.References.Add(ref1); // This element remains
            //instance.References.Add(ref2); // This element was removed
            instance.References.Add(ref3); // The new element is also added to the list, but is not a child
            // Fill children with all except the unsaved one to simulate an unchanged collection

            // Setup uow and repo to simulate the current database
            var relations = new List <ResourceRelation>
                // Parent child relations
                //Relation(6, ResourceRelationType.ParentChild, ResourceReferenceRole.Source), <-- Represents the missing bidirectional parent relationship created during this test
                Relation(2, 1), Relation(3, 1), Relation(5, 1),
                // Current exchangable part
                Relation(2, 1, ResourceRelationType.CurrentExchangablePart, ResourceReferenceRole.Target, nameof(ReferenceResource.Reference)), // This is changed to ref2
                // Possible exchangable part
                Relation(2, 1, ResourceRelationType.PossibleExchangablePart),                                                                   // This remains untouched
                Relation(3, 1, ResourceRelationType.PossibleExchangablePart)                                                                    // This is removed
            var mocks = SetupDbMocks(relations);

            // Act
            var newResources = _linker.SaveReferences(mocks.Item1.Object, instance, new ResourceEntity {
                Id = 1

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, newResources.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(ref3, newResources[0]);
            Assert.IsTrue(ref5.Children.Contains(instance), "Backlink sync failed for parent ref5");

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => mocks.Item3.Verify(repo => repo.Create(), Times.Once), "Linker did not detect the new resource");
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => mocks.Item2.Verify(repo => repo.Create((int)ResourceRelationType.PossibleExchangablePart), Times.Once), "Linker did not create relation for ref3 in References");
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => mocks.Item2.Verify(repo => repo.Create((int)ResourceRelationType.ParentChild), Times.Once), "Linker did not create relation for parent ref5");
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => mocks.Item2.Verify(repo => repo.Remove(It.Is <ResourceRelation>(removed => removed.SourceId == 1 && removed.TargetId == 3)), Times.Once), "Linker did not remove relation 1-3");

            var parentChild = relations.Where(r => r.RelationType == (int)ResourceRelationType.ParentChild).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, parentChild.Length);
            var currentPart = relations.Where(r => r.RelationType == (int)ResourceRelationType.CurrentExchangablePart).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, currentPart.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, currentPart.Count(r => r.Target.Id == 3));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, currentPart.Count(r => r.Target.Id == 0));
            var possiblePart = relations.Where(r => r.RelationType == (int)ResourceRelationType.PossibleExchangablePart).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, possiblePart.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, possiblePart.Count(r => r.Target.Id == 2));
            Assert.AreEqual(1, possiblePart.Count(r => r.Target.Id == 0));