Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// If the given classifier has the same number  of categories, spatial dimensions, and polynomial rank; then this
        /// classifier will mimic it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toMimic">The classifier to be mimicked.</param>
        public void Mimic(Classifier toMimic)
            if (toMimic.Ncats != this.Ncats)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot mimic another classifier having a different number of categories.");
            if (toMimic.Ndims != this.Ndims)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot mimic another classifier having a different number of spatial dimensions.");
            if (toMimic.Coeffs.Rank != this.Coeffs.Rank)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot mimic another classifier having a different polynomial rank.");

            Static.Copy <float>(toMimic.Params, this.Params);

            Quantization q;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Npoly; i++)
                q = toMimic.Quant[i];
                if (q != null)
                    this.Quant[i] = q.Copy();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deep copy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A deep copy.</returns>
        public SpatialConditionMeasurer Copy()
            SpatialConditionMeasurer output = new SpatialConditionMeasurer(this.Ncats, this.Ndims);

            Array.Copy(this.AvgMedian, output.AvgMedian, this.Ndims);
            Array.Copy(this.Spread, output.Spread, this.Ndims);
            Static.Copy <float>(this.Medians, output.Medians);
            Static.Copy <float>(this.Spreads, output.Spreads);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Deep copy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A deep copy.</returns>
        public PreOptimizationAnalysis Copy()
            PreOptimizationAnalysis output = new PreOptimizationAnalysis();

            if (this.Conditioner != null)
                output.Conditioner = this.Conditioner.Copy();

            if (this.ConditionMeasurer != null)
                output.ConditionMeasurer = this.ConditionMeasurer.Copy();

            if (this.Crits != null)
                output.Crits = Static.Copy <UniCrit>(this.Crits);
                for (int iCat = 0; iCat < output.Crits.Length; iCat++)
                    UniCrit[] crits = output.Crits[iCat];
                    for (int iCoeff = 0; iCoeff < crits.Length; iCoeff++)
                        crits[iCoeff] = crits[iCoeff].Copy();

            if (this.ParamInit != null)
                output.ParamInit = Static.Copy <float>(this.ParamInit);

            if (this.ParamScale != null)
                output.ParamScale = (float[])this.ParamScale.Clone();

Exemplo n.º 4
        protected Classifier(Classifier toCopy)
            this.Ncats  = toCopy.Ncats;
            this.Ndims  = toCopy.Ndims;
            this.Coeffs = new Poly(this.Ndims, toCopy.Coeffs.Rank);
            this.Npoly  = 1;
            if (this.Ncats > 2)
                this.Npoly = this.Ncats;
            this.Params = Static.Copy <float>(toCopy.Params);

            this.Quant = new Quantization[this.Npoly];
            Quantization q;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Npoly; i++)
                q = toCopy.Quant[i];
                if (q != null)
                    this.Quant[i] = q.Copy();
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains the classifier by optimizing parameters based on the training data using specified solver options.
        /// This can only be called once.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The training data.
        /// WARNING:  In order to save memory, this data is altered in palce (instead of copying a new object).</param>
        /// <param name="ops">Sets the member variable <see cref="Classifier.Options"/>.  If a value is not provided, default options are used.</param>
        /// <param name="ops">The pre-optimization analysis <see cref="Classifier.Analysis"/>.  If a value is not provided, default options are used.</param>
        public async Task <Trainer> Train(CategorizedData data, SolverOptions ops = null, PreOptimizationAnalysis analysis = null)
            lock (this)
                if (this.trainerIsRunning)
                    throw new ApplicationException("The Train method can only be called once at a time.  You might consider creating multiple Trainer objects.");
                this.trainerIsRunning = true;
                if (data.Ncats != this.Classifier.Instance.Ncats)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The number of categories in the classifier must be equal to the number of categories in the training set.");

                //	Set the solver otions.
                if (ops == null)
                    ops = new SolverOptions();
                this.options = ops;

                //	Compute CatWeights.
                double cwTotal = 0.0;
                this.totalWeight = 0.0;                  // Total weight across all training data.
                if (this.options.WeightingRule == WeightingRule.EqualPriors)
                    for (int iCat = 0; iCat < data.Ncats; iCat++)
                        double w = (double)data.Ntotal / (double)data.Neach[iCat] / (double)data.Ncats;
                        this.CatWeights[iCat] = w;
                        cwTotal          += w;
                        this.totalWeight += w * (double)data.Neach[iCat];
                else if (this.options.WeightingRule == WeightingRule.ObservedPriors)
                    for (int iCat = 0; iCat < data.Ncats; iCat++)
                        this.totalWeight     += (float)data.Neach[iCat];
                        this.CatWeights[iCat] = 1.0f;
                        cwTotal += 1.0f;
                    throw new ApplicationException("Unhandled weighting rule.");

                //	[iDatum] Used for identifying the category label for each datum.
                byte[] catVec = new byte[data.Ntotal];
                //	[iDatum] Used for storing the polynomial calculation for each datum.
                float[][] yVec = Static.NewArrays <float>(this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly, data.Ntotal);
                //	[iPoly][iDatum]  Used for sorting data rows.  Sort order is preserved for each polynomial.
                int[][] idxVec = Static.NewArrays <int>(this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly, data.Ntotal);

                //	Prepare category labels for each datum.
                int iDatum = 0;
                for (int iCat = 0; iCat < data.Ncats; iCat++)
                    int nRows = data.X[iCat].Length;
                    for (int iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; iRow++)
                        catVec[iDatum++] = (byte)iCat;

                if (analysis != null)
                    this.Analysis = analysis;
                    //	Condition the data and perform a polynomial expansion.
                    this.Analysis = new PreOptimizationAnalysis();
                    this.Analysis.ConditionMeasurer = SpatialConditionMeasurer.Measure(data);
                    this.Analysis.Conditioner       = this.Analysis.ConditionMeasurer.Conditioner();

                    this.Analysis.ParamScale = new float[this.Classifier.Instance.Coeffs.Ncoeffs];
                    this.Analysis.ParamInit  = Static.NewArrays <float>(this.Classifier.Instance.Ncats, this.Classifier.Instance.Coeffs.Ncoeffs);

                    //if (ops.InitializeParams)
                    this.Analysis.Crits = Static.NewArrays <UniCrit>(this.Classifier.Instance.Ncats, this.Classifier.Instance.Coeffs.Ncoeffs);

                    //	Get the parameter scale.
                    float   scale;
                    int     i15  = (int)(0.5 + 0.15 * (double)(data.Ntotal - 1));
                    int     i50  = (int)(0.5 + 0.50 * (double)(data.Ntotal - 1));
                    int     i85  = (int)(0.5 + 0.85 * (double)(data.Ntotal - 1));
                    float[] xVec = yVec[0];
                    for (int iCoeff = 0; iCoeff < this.Classifier.Instance.Coeffs.Ncoeffs; iCoeff++)
                        //	Quantiles determine the parameter scale.
                        iDatum = 0;
                        for (int iCat = 0; iCat < data.Ncats; iCat++)
                            int nSamp = data.Neach[iCat];
                            for (int iSamp = 0; iSamp < nSamp; iSamp++)
                                xVec[iDatum++] = data.X[iCat][iSamp][iCoeff];
                        Static.QuickSortIndex(idxVec[0], xVec, 0, xVec.Length - 1);
                        scale = xVec[idxVec[0][i85]] - xVec[idxVec[0][i15]];
                        this.Analysis.ParamScale[iCoeff] = (float)(1.0 / scale);

                        //if (ops.InitializeParams)
                        //	Get univariate classification criteria to get a first-order clue about the saliency of each feature.
                        for (int iCat = 0; iCat < data.Ncats; iCat++)
                            this.Analysis.Crits[iCat][iCoeff] = UniCrit.MaximumAccuracy(iCat, catVec, xVec, idxVec[0], this.CatWeights);

                    //	Compute initial params.
                    //	Compute the expected minimum value for the univariate 2-category classification accuracy.
                    double[] accMin = new double[data.Ncats];
                    for (int iCat = 0; iCat < data.Ncats; iCat++)
                        accMin[iCat] = (this.totalWeight - this.CatWeights[iCat] * (double)data.Neach[iCat]) / this.totalWeight;
                        if (accMin[iCat] < 0.5)
                            accMin[iCat] = 1.0 - accMin[iCat];

                    //	The magnitude of each parameter is a function of univariate classification accuracy for the corresponding spatial dimension.
                    double invNtotal = 1.0 / data.Ntotal;
                    for (int iCoeff = 0; iCoeff < this.Classifier.Instance.Coeffs.Ncoeffs; iCoeff++)
                        if (this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly == 1)
                            double tAcc = 0.5 *
                                Math.Max(0.0, this.Analysis.Crits[0][iCoeff].Accuracy - accMin[0])
                                Math.Max(0.0, this.Analysis.Crits[1][iCoeff].Accuracy - accMin[1])
                            tAcc /= (1.0 - 0.5 * (accMin[0] + accMin[1]) + invNtotal);
                            if (this.Analysis.Crits[0][iCoeff].TargetUpper)
                                this.Analysis.ParamInit[0][iCoeff] = (float)tAcc * this.Analysis.ParamScale[iCoeff];
                                this.Analysis.ParamInit[0][iCoeff] = -(float)tAcc * this.Analysis.ParamScale[iCoeff];
                            for (int iPoly = 0; iPoly < this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly; iPoly++)
                                double tAcc = Math.Max(0.0, this.Analysis.Crits[iPoly][iCoeff].Accuracy - accMin[iPoly]);
                                tAcc /= (1.0 - accMin[iPoly] + invNtotal);
                                if (this.Analysis.Crits[iPoly][iCoeff].TargetUpper)
                                    this.Analysis.ParamInit[iPoly][iCoeff] = (float)tAcc * this.Analysis.ParamScale[iCoeff];
                                    this.Analysis.ParamInit[iPoly][iCoeff] = -(float)tAcc * this.Analysis.ParamScale[iCoeff];

                //	Set classifier parameters.
                if (ops.InitializeParams)
                    Static.Copy <float>(this.Analysis.ParamInit, this.Classifier.Instance.Params);
                    //	Inherit parameters passed in by the classifier.  We assume the classifier was already initialized with parameters.
                    Static.Copy <float>(this.Classifier.Instance.Params, this.Analysis.ParamInit);

                //	Perform dual optimizations.
                if (this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly > 2 && this.options.InitializeParams)
                    SolverOptions dualOps = this.options.Copy();
                    dualOps.WeightingRule = WeightingRule.EqualPriors;
                    Task <Trainer>[] dualTasks = new Task <Trainer> [this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly];
                    for (int iPoly = 0; iPoly < this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly; iPoly++)
                        Trainer t = new Trainer(this.Classifier.Instance.GetDual(iPoly));
                        dualTasks[iPoly] = t.Train(data.GetDual(iPoly), dualOps);
                    for (int iPoly = 0; iPoly < this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly; iPoly++)
                        Trainer t = await dualTasks[iPoly];
                        Array.Copy(t.Classifier.Instance.Params, this.Analysis.ParamInit[iPoly], this.Classifier.Instance.Coeffs.Ncoeffs);
                    Static.Copy <float>(this.Analysis.ParamInit, this.Classifier.Instance.Params);

                //	Finish constructing the classifier for the first time.
                MonotonicRegressor regressor = new MonotonicRegressor();
                for (int iPoly = 0; iPoly < this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly; iPoly++)

                for (int iPoly = 0; iPoly < this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly; iPoly++)
                    //	Set the quantized probability limits.
                    double nPerQuantile = (double)Math.Min(data.Neach[iPoly], data.Ntotal - data.Neach[iPoly]) / (double)this.Classifier.Instance.Quant[iPoly].Nquantiles;
                    this.Classifier.Instance.Quant[iPoly].Pmin = 1.0 / nPerQuantile;
                    this.Classifier.Instance.Quant[iPoly].Pmax = 1.0 - this.Classifier.Instance.Quant[iPoly].Pmin;

                    //	Evaluate the polynomial expression for each datum.
                    iDatum = 0;
                    for (int iCat = 0; iCat < data.Ncats; iCat++)
                        int nSamp = data.Neach[iCat];
                        for (int iSamp = 0; iSamp < nSamp; iSamp++)
                            //	Evaluate the polynomial expression.
                            yVec[iPoly][iDatum++] = (float)this.Classifier.Instance.EvalPolyFromExpanded(iPoly, data.X[iCat][iSamp]);

                    //	Sort the output.  Indexes are preserved to speed up subsequent sorts.
                    Static.QuickSortIndex(idxVec[iPoly], yVec[iPoly], 0, data.Ntotal - 1);

                    //	Quantize the output.
                    this.Classifier.Instance.Quant[iPoly].Measure(idxVec[iPoly], yVec[iPoly], catVec, (byte)iPoly, this.CatWeights, totalWeight, regressor);

                //	Measure the conditional entropy.
                float[]  y = new float[this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly];
                double[] p;
                double   fit = 0.0;
                byte     c;
                for (iDatum = 0; iDatum < data.Ntotal; iDatum++)
                    for (int iPoly = 0; iPoly < this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly; iPoly++)
                        y[iPoly] = yVec[iPoly][iDatum];
                    p    = this.Classifier.Instance.ClassifyPolynomialOutputs(y);
                    c    = catVec[iDatum];
                    fit += Math.Log(p[c]) * this.CatWeights[c];
                //	Change logarithm base and normalize by total weight.
                this.Classifier.Fit = -fit / totalWeight / Math.Log((double)data.Ncats);                        //	<-- The conditional entropy... we want to minimize it.

                //	Prepare optimization memory.

                //	Initialize an orthonormal if the parameter space is small enough.
                float[][][] ortho   = null;
                int         nParams = this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly * this.Classifier.Instance.Coeffs.Ncoeffs;
                if (nParams <= 100)
                    ortho = this.randomDeviates();
                int iOrtho  = 0;
                int ctOrtho = 0;
                int ctSteps = 0;

                //	Every `modOrtho` steps through the orthonormal basis, we try a gradient search.
                int modOrtho = Math.Min(10, nParams);

                //	For a trip through `modOrtho` bases, changes in entropy are partialled across the parameter space.
                float[][] dhOrtho = Static.NewArrays <float>(this.Classifier.Instance.Npoly, this.Classifier.Instance.Coeffs.Ncoeffs);

                //	Optimize.
                //	The attempted classifier.
                Classifier cTry = this.Classifier.Instance.Copy();
                //	The initial step size.
                float stepSize = this.Options.ParamDiffMax;
                //	The optimization mode.  We start by iterating through the orthogonal bases.
                OptimizationMode mode = OptimizationMode.Ortho;

                throw new NotImplementedException("TO DO");

                bool keepOptimizing = true;
                while (keepOptimizing)
                    if (mode == OptimizationMode.Ortho)
                        if (iOrtho >= modOrtho)
                            iOrtho = 0;
                    else if (mode == OptimizationMode.Gradient)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Unhandled optimization mode.");
                this.trainerIsRunning = false;