Exemplo n.º 1
         * Algorithm used by the Pere Fwetar to know who to attack
        public override int GetAttackIndex(List <MonsterData> monsters)
            //Creates another list with only the monsters that are ALIVE and that arent us
            List <MonsterData> monstersToAttack = new List <MonsterData>();

            //we create a dummy NPC temporary until we determine which npc is the most efficient to attack
            MonsterData toAttack = new MonsterData(" ", " ", 1, 1);

            //Makes sure there are any monsters left
            if (monsters.Count > 0)
                foreach (MonsterData monster in monsters)
                    //if the hp is more than 0, that means the monster is alive
                    if (monster.hp > 0)
                        //If its ourself, do not add it to the list, cause we dont want to attack ourself (prevent suicide)
                        string ourType = GetType().Name;
                        if (monster.type != ourType)

            //Create another list with the npcs that we can kill this turn
            List <MonsterData> canKill = new List <MonsterData>();

            //Make sure there are atleast 1 enemy to attack
            if (monstersToAttack.Count > 0)
                foreach (MonsterData monster in monstersToAttack)
                    //If you can kill the NPC, focus that NPC
                    if (monster.hp <= DAMAGE)
                    //Checks for the NPC with the highest hp
                    if (toAttack.hp < monster.hp)
                        toAttack = monster;

            //Checks if we have atleast 1 npc that we can kill this turn
            if (canKill.Count > 0)
                //Checks for the best npc that we can kill this turn and choose that one
                foreach (MonsterData monster in canKill)
                    //we focus the monster that is the highest level, since we steal the stats of that npc if we kill it
                    if (monster.level > toAttack.level)
                        toAttack = monster;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override int GetAttackIndex(List <MonsterData> monsters)
            int target = 0;
            List <MonsterData> PotentialTargets = new List <MonsterData>(monsters.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < monsters.Count; i++)
                if (monsters[i].name != GetData().name&& monsters[i].hp > 0)
                    if (monsters[i].hp <= GetDamage())
            if (PotentialTargets.Count > 1)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < PotentialTargets.Count - 1; i++)
                        if (PotentialTargets[i].hp < PotentialTargets[i + 1].hp)
                            MonsterData temp = PotentialTargets[i + 1];
                            PotentialTargets[i + 1] = PotentialTargets[i];
                            PotentialTargets[i]     = temp;
                for (int i = 0; i < monsters.Count; i++)
                    if (monsters[i].type == PotentialTargets[0].type)
                        target = i;

                for (int i = 0; i < monsters.Count; i++)
                    if (monsters[i].name != GetData().name&& monsters[i].hp > 0 && monsters[i].hp / 2 < GetDamage())
                        target = i;
                        for (int j = 0; j < monsters.Count; j++)
                            if (monsters[j].name != GetData().name&& monsters[j].hp > 0)
                                target = j;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public override int GetAttackIndex(List <MonsterData> monsters)
            System.Console.WriteLine("Prepaire to die!");
            List <MonsterData> possibleTargets = new List <MonsterData>();
            List <MonsterData> goodTarget      = new List <MonsterData>();
            List <MonsterData> betterTarget    = new List <MonsterData>();
            MonsterData        bestTarget      = monsters[0];

            foreach (MonsterData md in monsters)
                if (md.hp > 0 && md.type != this.GetData().type)

            foreach (MonsterData md in possibleTargets)
                if (md.hp <= this.GetDamage())
            int GetBestLevel(List <MonsterData> targets)
                int lvl = 0;

                foreach (MonsterData md in targets)
                    if (md.level > lvl)
                        lvl = md.level;

            foreach (MonsterData md in goodTarget)
                if (md.level == GetBestLevel(possibleTargets))
            int GetLowestHp(List <MonsterData> targets)
                int Hp = 1000000;

                foreach (MonsterData md in targets)
                    if (md.hp < Hp)
                        Hp = md.hp;

            foreach (MonsterData md in betterTarget)
                if (md.hp == GetLowestHp(betterTarget))
                    bestTarget = md;