Inheritance: System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView
Exemplo n.º 1
		public static void GridView_Init (Page p)
			PokerGridView gv = new PokerGridView ();
			DS data = new DS ();
			p.Controls.Add (gv);
			p.Controls.Add (data);
			data.TypeName = typeof (DS).AssemblyQualifiedName;
			data.SelectMethod = "GetList";
			data.ID = "Data";
			gv.DataBinding += new EventHandler (data_DataBinding);
			gv.DataSourceID = "Data";
Exemplo n.º 2
		public void GridView_DeleteItem ()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			ArrayList myds = new ArrayList ();
			myds.Add ("Norway");
			myds.Add ("Sweden");
			myds.Add ("France");
			myds.Add ("Italy");

			g.DataSource = myds;
			g.DataBind ();
			Assert.AreEqual (false, deleteitemchecker, "DeleteItem#1");
			g.RowDeleting += new GridViewDeleteEventHandler (RowDeletingHandler);
			g.DeleteRow (0);
			Assert.AreEqual (true, deleteitemchecker, "DeleteItem#2");
Exemplo n.º 3
		public void GridView_CreateAutoGeneratedColumn ()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			AutoGeneratedFieldProperties fp = new AutoGeneratedFieldProperties();
			fp.Name = "testfield";
			fp.Type = typeof (string);
			AutoGeneratedField gf = g.DoCreateAutoGeneratedColumn (fp);
			Assert.AreEqual (typeof (string), gf.DataType , "AutoGeneratedColumn#1");
			Assert.AreEqual ("testfield", gf.HeaderText, "AutoGeneratedColumn#2");
			Assert.AreEqual ("System.Web.UI.WebControls.AutoGeneratedField", gf.GetType ().ToString (), "AutoGeneratedColumn#3");
Exemplo n.º 4
		public void GridView_DataKeys ()
			Page p = new Page ();

			PokerGridView gv = new PokerGridView ();
			p.Controls.Add (gv);

			ObjectDataSource data = new ObjectDataSource ();
			data.TypeName = typeof (DataObject).AssemblyQualifiedName;
			data.SelectMethod = "Select";
			p.Controls.Add (data);

			gv.DataSource = data;
			gv.DataKeyNames = new string [] { "ID", "FName" };

			DataKeyArray keys1 = gv.DataKeys;

			Assert.AreEqual (0, keys1.Count, "DataKeys count before binding");

			gv.DataBind ();

			DataKeyArray keys2 = gv.DataKeys;
			DataKeyArray keys3 = gv.DataKeys;

			Assert.IsFalse (Object.ReferenceEquals (keys1, keys2), "DataKey returns the same instans");
			Assert.IsTrue (Object.ReferenceEquals (keys2, keys3), "DataKey returns the same instans");

			Assert.AreEqual (1, keys1.Count, "DataKeys count after binding");
			Assert.AreEqual (1001, keys1 [0].Value, "DataKey.Value after binding");
			Assert.AreEqual (2, keys1 [0].Values.Count, "DataKey.Values count after binding");
			Assert.AreEqual (1001, keys1 [0].Values [0], "DataKey.Values[0] after binding");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Mahesh", keys1 [0].Values [1], "DataKey.Values[1] after binding");

			PokerGridView copy = new PokerGridView ();
			object state = gv.DoSaveControlState ();
			copy.DoLoadControlState (state);

			DataKeyArray keys4 = copy.DataKeys;

			Assert.AreEqual (1, keys4.Count, "DataKeys count from ControlState");
			Assert.AreEqual (1001, keys4 [0].Value, "DataKey.Value from ControlState");
			Assert.AreEqual (2, keys4 [0].Values.Count, "DataKey.Values count from ControlState");
			Assert.AreEqual (1001, keys4 [0].Values [0], "DataKey.Values[0] from ControlState");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Mahesh", keys4 [0].Values [1], "DataKey.Values[1] from ControlState");
Exemplo n.º 5
		public void GridView_DataBind()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			g.DataSource = myds;
			g.DataBind ();
			Assert.AreEqual (6, g.Rows.Count, "DataBind");

			g.DataSource = null;
			g.DataBind ();
			Assert.AreEqual (0, g.Rows.Count, "DataBind");
Exemplo n.º 6
		public void SortedDescendingHeaderStyle ()
			var g = new PokerGridView ();

			Assert.IsNotNull (g.SortedDescendingHeaderStyle, "#A1-1");
Exemplo n.º 7
		public void GridView_Sort_and_DataSourceSelectArguments ()
			DataSourceView view;
			DataSourceSelectArguments arg;
			Page p = new Page ();

			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			g.Columns.Add (new BoundField ());
			g.AllowSorting = true;
			p.Controls.Add (g);

			ObjectDataSource data = new ObjectDataSource ();
			data.TypeName = typeof (DataSourceObject).AssemblyQualifiedName;
			data.SelectMethod = "GetList";
			data.SortParameterName = "sortExpression";
			data.ID = "Data";
			p.Controls.Add (data);

			g.DataSourceID = "Data";
			g.EditIndex = 2;
			g.PageIndex = 1;
			g.DataBind ();
			g.Sort ("sort", SortDirection.Descending);

			Assert.AreEqual (-1, g.EditIndex, "EditIndex after Sort, Bound by DataSourceID");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, g.PageIndex, "PageIndex after Sort, Bound by DataSourceID");

			arg = g.DoCreateDataSourceSelectArguments();
			view = g.DoGetData ();
			Assert.IsTrue (view.CanSort);
			Assert.AreEqual ("sort", g.SortExpression, "SortExpression, Bound by DataSourceID");
			Assert.AreEqual (SortDirection.Descending, g.SortDirection, "SortDirection, Bound by DataSourceID");
			Assert.AreEqual ("sort DESC", arg.SortExpression, "AllowSorting = true, Bound by DataSourceID");

			g.AllowSorting = false;
			arg = g.DoCreateDataSourceSelectArguments ();
			Assert.AreEqual ("sort DESC", arg.SortExpression, "AllowSorting = false, Bound by DataSourceID");
Exemplo n.º 8
		public static void RenderAllowPaging (Page p)
			ArrayList myds = new ArrayList ();
			myds.Add ("Norway");
			myds.Add ("Sweden");
			myds.Add ("France");
			myds.Add ("Italy");
			LiteralControl lcb = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.BEGIN_TAG);
			LiteralControl lce = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.END_TAG);
			PokerGridView b = new PokerGridView ();
			p.Form.Controls.Add (lcb);
			p.Form.Controls.Add (b);
			b.AllowPaging = true;
			b.PageSize = 2;
			b.DataSource = myds;
			b.DataBind ();
			p.Form.Controls.Add (lce);
Exemplo n.º 9
		public static void RenderAllowPaging2 (Page p)
			ArrayList myds = new ArrayList ();
			myds.Add ("Norway");
			myds.Add ("Sweden");
			myds.Add ("France");
			myds.Add ("Italy");
			myds.Add ("Norway");
			myds.Add ("Sweden");
			myds.Add ("France");
			myds.Add ("Italy");
			myds.Add ("Norway");
			myds.Add ("Sweden");
			myds.Add ("France");
			myds.Add ("Italy");
			LiteralControl lcb = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.BEGIN_TAG);
			LiteralControl lce = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.END_TAG);
			PokerGridView b = new PokerGridView ();
			p.Form.Controls.Add (lcb);
			p.Form.Controls.Add (b);
			b.AllowPaging = true;
			b.PageSize = 2;
			b.PageIndex = 1;
			b.PagerSettings.PageButtonCount = 4;
			b.PagerSettings.Mode= PagerButtons.NumericFirstLast;
			b.DataSource = myds;
			b.DataBind ();
			p.Form.Controls.Add (lce);
Exemplo n.º 10
		public void GridView_DefaultsRender ()
			PokerGridView b = new PokerGridView ();
			string html = b.Render ();
			Assert.AreEqual(-1 ,b.Render().IndexOf("table"), "RenderViewState");
Exemplo n.º 11
		public void GridView_Render ()
			PokerGridView b = new PokerGridView ();
			b.DataSource = myds;
			b.DataBind ();
			string OriginControlHtml = "<div>\r\n\t<table cellspacing=\"0\" rules=\"all\" border=\"1\" style=\"border-collapse:collapse;\">\r\n\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t<th scope=\"col\">Item</th>\r\n\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t<td>Norway</td>\r\n\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t<td>Sweden</td>\r\n\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t<td>France</td>\r\n\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t<td>Italy</td>\r\n\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t<td>Israel</td>\r\n\t\t</tr><tr>\r\n\t\t\t<td>Russia</td>\r\n\t\t</tr>\r\n\t</table>\r\n</div>";
			string RenderedControlHtml = b.Render ();
			HtmlDiff.AssertAreEqual (OriginControlHtml, RenderedControlHtml, "Rendering");
Exemplo n.º 12
		public void GridView_State ()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			PokerGridView copy = new PokerGridView ();

			string[] test = new String[1];
			test[0] = "test";
			g.DataKeyNames = test;
			g.EditIndex = 0;
			g.PageIndex = 2;
			object state = g.DoSaveControlState ();
			copy.DoLoadControlState (state);

			Assert.AreEqual ("test", copy.DataKeyNames[0], "DataKeyNames");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, copy.EditIndex, "EditIndex");
			Assert.AreEqual (2, copy.PageIndex, "PageIndex");
Exemplo n.º 13
		public void GridView_PrepareControlHierarchy ()
			PokerGridView gv = new PokerGridView ();
			gv.controlHierarchy = false;
			gv.Render ();
			Assert.AreEqual (0, gv.Controls.Count, "ControlHierarchy_ControlsCount");
			Assert.AreEqual (true, gv.controlHierarchy, "ControlHierarchy_FirstFlow");
			gv.DataSource = myds;
			gv.DataBind ();
			gv.controlHierarchy = false;
			gv.Render ();
			Assert.AreEqual (1, gv.Controls.Count, "ControlHierarchy_ControlsCountSecondaryFlow");
			Assert.AreEqual (true, gv.controlHierarchy, "ControlHierarchy_SecondaryFlow");
Exemplo n.º 14
		public void GridView_PerformDataBiding ()
			PokerGridView gv = new PokerGridView ();
			gv.DoPerformDataBinding (myds);
			Assert.AreEqual (6, gv.Rows.Count, "PerformDataBiding_Rows");
Exemplo n.º 15
		public void GridView_AssignedProperties ()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			Assert.AreEqual (0, g.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count");
			g.AllowPaging = true;
			Assert.AreEqual (true, g.AllowPaging, "AllowPaging");
			g.AllowSorting = true;
			Assert.AreEqual (true, g.AllowSorting, "AllowSorting");
			g.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
			Assert.AreEqual (false, g.AutoGenerateColumns, "AutoGenerateColumns");
			g.AutoGenerateDeleteButton = true;
			Assert.AreEqual (true, g.AutoGenerateDeleteButton, "AutoGenerateDeleteButton");
			g.AutoGenerateEditButton = true;
			Assert.AreEqual (true, g.AutoGenerateEditButton, "AutoGenerateEditButton");
			g.AutoGenerateSelectButton = true;
			Assert.AreEqual (true, g.AutoGenerateSelectButton, "AutoGenerateSelectButton");
			g.BackImageUrl = "test";
			Assert.AreEqual ("test", g.BackImageUrl, "BackImageUrl");
			g.Caption = "test";
			Assert.AreEqual ("test", g.Caption, "Caption");
			g.CaptionAlign = TableCaptionAlign.Left;
			Assert.AreEqual (TableCaptionAlign.Left, g.CaptionAlign, "CaptionAlign");
			g.CellPadding = 0;
			Assert.AreEqual (0, g.CellPadding, "CellPadding");
			g.CellSpacing = 1;
			Assert.AreEqual (1, g.CellSpacing, "CellSpacing");
			// ToDo: The Columns property default value is tested by the DataControlFieldCollection and DataControlField tests
			string[] str = new String[1];
			str[0] = "test";
			g.DataKeyNames = str;
			Assert.AreEqual ("test", g.DataKeyNames[0], "DataKeyNames");
			// ToDo: The DataKeys property default value is tested by the DataKeyArray and DataKey tests
			g.EditIndex = 0;
			Assert.AreEqual (0, g.EditIndex, "EditIndex");
			// The EditRowStyle property default value is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			// The EmptyDataRowStyle property default value is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			MyWebControl.Image myImage = new MyWebControl.Image ();
			myImage.ImageUrl = "myimage.jpg";
			ImageTemplate template = new ImageTemplate ();
			template.MyImage = myImage;
			// end create template image

			g.EmptyDataTemplate = template;
			Assert.IsNotNull (g.EmptyDataTemplate, "EmptyDataTemplate");
			g.EmptyDataText = "test";
			Assert.AreEqual ("test", g.EmptyDataText, "EmptyDataText");

			g.EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks = true;
			Assert.AreEqual (true, g.EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks, "EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks");

			// The FooterStyle property default value is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			g.GridLines = GridLines.Horizontal;
			Assert.AreEqual (GridLines.Horizontal, g.GridLines, "GridLines");

			g.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Justify;
			Assert.AreEqual (HorizontalAlign.Justify, g.HorizontalAlign, "HorizontalAlign");

			g.PageIndex = 1;
			Assert.AreEqual (1, g.PageIndex, "PageIndex");
			// ToDo: The PagerSettings property default value is tested by the PagerSettings test
			// The PagerStyle property default value is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			g.PagerTemplate = template;
			Assert.IsNotNull (g.PagerTemplate, "PagerTemplate");
			g.PageSize = 5;
			Assert.AreEqual (5, g.PageSize, "PageSize");
			g.RowHeaderColumn = "test";
			Assert.AreEqual ("test", g.RowHeaderColumn, "RowHeaderColumn");
			// ToDo: The Rows property default value is tested by the GridViewRowCollection and GridViewRow test			
			// The RowStyle property default value is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			g.ShowFooter = true;
			Assert.AreEqual (true, g.ShowFooter, "ShowFooter");
			g.ShowHeader = false;
			Assert.AreEqual (false, g.ShowHeader, "ShowHeader");
			g.UseAccessibleHeader = false;
			Assert.AreEqual (false, g.UseAccessibleHeader, "UseAccessibleHeader");
Exemplo n.º 16
		public static void RenderProperty (Page p)
			// Array list for simple datasource
			ArrayList myds = new ArrayList ();
			myds.Add ("Norway");
			myds.Add ("Sweden");
			myds.Add ("France");
			myds.Add ("Italy");
			// Helper controls for searching usefull data from page 
			LiteralControl lcb = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.BEGIN_TAG);
			LiteralControl lce = new LiteralControl (HtmlDiff.END_TAG);
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			// Changing some property for test
			g.AutoGenerateDeleteButton = true;
			g.AutoGenerateEditButton = true;
			g.BackImageUrl = "http://test";
			g.Caption = "test";
			g.CaptionAlign = TableCaptionAlign.Left;
			g.CellPadding = 0;
			g.CellSpacing = 1;
			g.EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks = true;
			g.GridLines = GridLines.Horizontal;
			g.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Justify;
			g.ShowFooter = true;
			g.ShowHeader = false;
			g.UseAccessibleHeader = false;
			// Add controls for page
			p.Form.Controls.Add (lcb);
			p.Form.Controls.Add (g);
			// Data source and bind
			g.DataSource = myds;
			g.DataBind ();
			p.Form.Controls.Add (lce);
Exemplo n.º 17
		public void SortedAscendingCellStyle ()
			var g = new PokerGridView ();

			Assert.IsNotNull (g.SortedAscendingCellStyle, "#A1-1");
Exemplo n.º 18
		public void GridView_postback (Page p)
			PokerGridView b = new PokerGridView ();
			b.ID = "mygrid";
			b.PageIndexChanging += new GridViewPageEventHandler (b_PageIndexChanging);
			b.Sorting += new GridViewSortEventHandler (b_Sorting);
			b.RowDeleting += new GridViewDeleteEventHandler (b_RowDeleting);
			b.RowEditing += new GridViewEditEventHandler (b_RowEditing);
			ArrayList myds = new ArrayList ();
			myds.Add ("Norway");
			myds.Add ("Sweden");
			myds.Add ("France");
			myds.Add ("Italy");

			p.Form.Controls.Add (b);
			b.AllowPaging = true;
			b.PageSize = 2;
			b.AllowSorting = true;

			b.AutoGenerateDeleteButton = true;
			b.AutoGenerateEditButton = true;
			b.AutoGenerateSelectButton = true;

			b.DataSource = myds;
			b.DataBind ();
Exemplo n.º 19
		public void GridView_DefaultProtectedProperties ()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			Assert.AreEqual (HtmlTextWriterTag.Table, g.PTagKey, "TagKey");
Exemplo n.º 20
		public void GridView_GetDefaultSelectedValue ()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			object o = g.SelectedValue;
Exemplo n.º 21
		public void GridView_PageCount ()
			Page p = new Page ();

			PokerGridView gv = new PokerGridView ();
			gv.PageSize = 3;
			gv.AllowPaging = true;
			p.Controls.Add (gv);

			ObjectDataSource data = new ObjectDataSource ();
			data.ID = "ObjectDataSource1";
			data.TypeName = typeof (DataSourceObject).AssemblyQualifiedName;
			data.SelectMethod = "GetList";
			p.Controls.Add (data);

			gv.DataSourceID = "ObjectDataSource1";
			gv.SetRequiresDataBinding (true);

			Assert.AreEqual (0, gv.PageCount, "PageCount before binding");

			gv.DataBind ();

			Assert.AreEqual (2, gv.PageCount, "PageCount after binding");

			PokerGridView copy = new PokerGridView ();
			copy.DoLoadControlState (gv.DoSaveControlState ());

			Assert.AreEqual (2, copy.PageCount, "PageCount from ViewState");
Exemplo n.º 22
		public static void GridView_RequiresDataBinding_LoadComplete (Page p)
			PokerGridView grid = new PokerGridView ();
			p.Form.Controls.Add (grid);

			grid.DataSource = new string [] { "A", "B", "C" };
			grid.DataBind ();

			Assert.AreEqual (false, grid.GetRequiresDataBinding ());

			grid.EmptyDataTemplate = new CompiledTemplateBuilder (BuildTemplateMethod);
			Assert.AreEqual (false, grid.GetRequiresDataBinding (), "EmptyDataTemplate was set");

			grid.PagerTemplate = new CompiledTemplateBuilder (BuildTemplateMethod);
			Assert.AreEqual (false, grid.GetRequiresDataBinding (), "PagerTemplate was set");
Exemplo n.º 23
		public void GridView_CreateDataSourceSelectArguments ()
			DataSourceView view;
			Page p = new Page ();

			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			g.Sorting += new GridViewSortEventHandler (g_Sorting);
			p.Controls.Add (g);

			ObjectDataSource data = new ObjectDataSource ();
			data.TypeName = typeof (DataSourceObject).AssemblyQualifiedName;
			data.SelectMethod = "GetList";
			data.SortParameterName = "sortExpression";
			DataSourceSelectArguments arg;
			p.Controls.Add (data);

			g.DataSource = data;
			g.DataBind ();

			arg = g.DoCreateDataSourceSelectArguments ();
			Assert.IsTrue (arg.Equals (DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), "Default");

			g.AllowPaging = true;
			g.PageIndex = 2;
			g.PageSize = 3;
			arg = g.DoCreateDataSourceSelectArguments ();
			view = g.DoGetData ();
			Assert.IsFalse (view.CanPage);
			Assert.IsTrue (view.CanRetrieveTotalRowCount);
			Assert.IsTrue (arg.Equals (DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), "AllowPaging = true, CanPage = false, CanRetrieveTotalRowCount = true");

			// make DataSourceView.CanPage = true
			data.EnablePaging = true;

			arg = g.DoCreateDataSourceSelectArguments ();
			view = g.DoGetData ();
			Assert.IsTrue (view.CanPage);
			Assert.IsFalse (view.CanRetrieveTotalRowCount);
			Assert.IsTrue (arg.Equals (new DataSourceSelectArguments (6, -1)), "AllowPaging = true, CanPage = true, CanRetrieveTotalRowCount = false");

			g.AllowPaging = false;
			arg = g.DoCreateDataSourceSelectArguments ();
			Assert.IsTrue (arg.Equals (DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), "AllowPaging = false, CanPage = true, CanRetrieveTotalRowCount = false");

			// make DataSourceView.CanRetrieveTotalRowCount = true
			data.SelectCountMethod = "GetCount";

			arg = g.DoCreateDataSourceSelectArguments ();
			Assert.IsTrue (arg.Equals (DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), "AllowPaging = false, CanPage = true, CanRetrieveTotalRowCount = true");

			g.AllowPaging = true;
			arg = g.DoCreateDataSourceSelectArguments ();
			DataSourceSelectArguments arg1 = new DataSourceSelectArguments (6, 3);
			arg1.RetrieveTotalRowCount = true;
			view = g.DoGetData ();
			Assert.IsTrue (view.CanPage);
			Assert.IsTrue (view.CanRetrieveTotalRowCount);
			Assert.IsTrue (arg.Equals (arg1), "AllowPaging = true, CanPage = true, CanRetrieveTotalRowCount = true");

			g.AllowPaging = false;
			g.AllowSorting = true;
			g.EditIndex = 2;
			g.PageIndex = 1;
			g.Sort ("sort", SortDirection.Descending);

			Assert.AreEqual (2, g.EditIndex, "EditIndex after Sort, Bound by DataSource");
			Assert.AreEqual (1, g.PageIndex, "PageIndex after Sort, Bound by DataSource");
			arg = g.DoCreateDataSourceSelectArguments ();
			view = g.DoGetData ();
			Assert.IsTrue (view.CanSort);
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, g.SortExpression, "SortExpression, Bound by DataSource");
			Assert.AreEqual (SortDirection.Ascending, g.SortDirection, "SortDirection, Bound by DataSource");
			Assert.IsTrue (arg.Equals (DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), "AllowSorting = true, Bound by DataSource");
Exemplo n.º 24
		public static void GridView_Pager_Load (Page p)
			// TopAndBottom, PageCount = 1
			PokerGridView grid = new PokerGridView ();
			grid.PagerSettings.Position = PagerPosition.TopAndBottom;
			grid.AllowPaging = true;
			p.Form.Controls.Add (grid);

			grid.DataSource = new string [] { "A", "B", "C" };
			grid.DataBind ();

			Assert.AreEqual (1, grid.PageCount, "#1#PageCount");

			Assert.IsNotNull (grid.TopPagerRow, "#1#TopPagerRow");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, grid.TopPagerRow.Visible, "#1#TopPagerRow.Visible");

			Assert.IsNotNull (grid.BottomPagerRow, "#1#BottomPagerRow");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, grid.BottomPagerRow.Visible, "#1#BottomPagerRow.Visible");

			// Top, PageCount = 1
			grid = new PokerGridView ();
			grid.PagerSettings.Position = PagerPosition.Top;
			grid.AllowPaging = true;
			p.Form.Controls.Add (grid);

			grid.DataSource = new string [] { "A", "B", "C" };
			grid.DataBind ();

			Assert.AreEqual (1, grid.PageCount, "#2#PageCount");

			Assert.IsNotNull (grid.TopPagerRow, "#2#TopPagerRow");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, grid.TopPagerRow.Visible, "#2#TopPagerRow.Visible");

			Assert.IsNull (grid.BottomPagerRow, "#2#BottomPagerRow");

			// Bottom, PageCount = 1
			grid = new PokerGridView ();
			grid.PagerSettings.Position = PagerPosition.Bottom;
			grid.AllowPaging = true;
			p.Form.Controls.Add (grid);

			grid.DataSource = new string [] { "A", "B", "C" };
			grid.DataBind ();

			Assert.AreEqual (1, grid.PageCount, "#3#PageCount");

			Assert.IsNull (grid.TopPagerRow, "#3#TopPagerRow");

			Assert.IsNotNull (grid.BottomPagerRow, "#3#BottomPagerRow");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, grid.BottomPagerRow.Visible, "#3#BottomPagerRow.Visible");

			// PagerSettings.Visible = false, PageCount = 2
			grid = new PokerGridView ();
			grid.PagerSettings.Position = PagerPosition.TopAndBottom;
			grid.PagerSettings.Visible = false;
			grid.AllowPaging = true;
			grid.PageSize = 2;
			p.Form.Controls.Add (grid);

			grid.DataSource = new string [] { "A", "B", "C" };
			grid.DataBind ();

			Assert.AreEqual (2, grid.PageCount, "#3#PageCount");

			Assert.IsNull (grid.TopPagerRow, "#3#TopPagerRow");
			Assert.IsNull (grid.BottomPagerRow, "#3#BottomPagerRow");
Exemplo n.º 25
		public void GridView_DataBind_NoDataSource ()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			g.DataBind ();
			Assert.AreEqual (0, g.Rows.Count, "GridView_DataBind_NoDataSource");
Exemplo n.º 26
		public void GridView_DefaultProperties ()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			Assert.AreEqual (0, g.StateBag.Count, "ViewState.Count");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, g.AllowPaging, "AllowPaging");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, g.AllowSorting, "AllowSorting");
			// The AlternatingRowStyle property is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			Assert.AreEqual (true, g.AutoGenerateColumns, "AutoGenerateColumns");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, g.AutoGenerateDeleteButton, "AutoGenerateDeleteButton");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, g.AutoGenerateEditButton, "AutoGenerateEditButton");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, g.AutoGenerateSelectButton, "AutoGenerateSelectButton");
			Assert.AreEqual ("", g.BackImageUrl, "BackImageUrl");
			Assert.AreEqual (null, g.BottomPagerRow, "BottomPagerRow");
			Assert.AreEqual ("", g.Caption, "Caption");
			Assert.AreEqual (TableCaptionAlign.NotSet, g.CaptionAlign, "CaptionAlign");
			Assert.AreEqual (-1, g.CellPadding, "CellPadding");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, g.CellSpacing, "CellSpacing");
			// ToDo: The Columns property default value is tested by the DataControlFieldCollection and DataControlField tests
			Assert.AreEqual (0, g.DataKeyNames.Length, "DataKeyNames");
			// ToDo: The DataKeys property default value is tested by the DataKeyArray and DataKey tests
			Assert.AreEqual (-1, g.EditIndex, "EditIndex");
			// The EditRowStyle property is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			// The EmptyDataRowStyle property is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			Assert.AreEqual (null, g.EmptyDataTemplate, "EmptyDataTemplate");
			Assert.AreEqual ("", g.EmptyDataText, "EmptyDataText");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, g.EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks, "EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks");
			// The FooterStyle property is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			Assert.AreEqual (GridLines.Both, g.GridLines, "GridLines");
			// The HeaderStyle property is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			Assert.AreEqual (HorizontalAlign.NotSet, g.HorizontalAlign, "HorizontalAlign");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, g.PageIndex, "PageIndex");
			// ToDo: The PagerSettings property is tested by the PagerSettings test
			// The PagerStyle property is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			Assert.AreEqual (null, g.PagerTemplate, "PagerTemplate");
			Assert.AreEqual (10, g.PageSize, "PageSize");
			Assert.AreEqual ("", g.RowHeaderColumn, "RowHeaderColumn");
			// ToDo: The Rows property is tested by the GridViewRowCollection and GridViewRow test
			// The RowStyle property is tested by the TableItemStyle test (already exists)
			Assert.AreEqual (false, g.ShowFooter, "ShowFooter");
			Assert.AreEqual (true, g.ShowHeader, "ShowHeader");
			Assert.AreEqual (SortDirection.Ascending, g.SortDirection, "SortDirection");
			Assert.AreEqual (null, g.TopPagerRow, "TopPagerRow");
			Assert.AreEqual (true, g.UseAccessibleHeader, "UseAccessibleHeader");
Exemplo n.º 27
		public void GridView_Sort ()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			Assert.AreEqual (false, sortingaction, "BeforeSorting");
			g.Sorting += new GridViewSortEventHandler (Gridview_sorting);
			Assert.AreEqual (true, sortingaction, "AfterSorting");
Exemplo n.º 28
		public void GridView_DefaultPropertiesNotWorking ()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			Assert.AreEqual (null, g.FooterRow, "FooterRow");
			Assert.AreEqual (null, g.HeaderRow, "HeaderRow");
			Assert.AreEqual (true, g.Visible, "ViewVisible");
			Assert.AreEqual (0, g.PageCount, "PageCount");
			Assert.AreEqual ("", g.SortExpression, "SortExpression");
Exemplo n.º 29
		public void GridView_CreateChildControls ()
			PokerGridView g = new PokerGridView ();
			g.Page = new Page ();
			g.DataSource = myds;
			g.DataBind ();

			g.AllowPaging = true;
			g.PageSize = 3;
			g.DataBind ();
			Assert.AreEqual (6, g.DoCreateChildControls (myds, true), "CreateChildControls#1");
Exemplo n.º 30
		public void GridView_Events ()
			PokerGridView gv = new PokerGridView ();
			gv.DataSource = myds;

			gv.DataBinding += new EventHandler (gv_DataBinding);
			gv.DataBound += new EventHandler (gv_DataBound);
			gv.PageIndexChanging += new GridViewPageEventHandler (gv_PageIndexChanging);
			gv.PageIndexChanged += new EventHandler (gv_PageIndexChanged);
			gv.PreRender += new EventHandler (gv_PreRender);
			gv.RowCancelingEdit += new GridViewCancelEditEventHandler (gv_RowCancelingEdit);
			gv.RowCommand += new GridViewCommandEventHandler (gv_RowCommand);
			gv.RowCreated += new GridViewRowEventHandler (gv_RowCreated);
			gv.RowDataBound += new GridViewRowEventHandler (gv_RowDataBound);
			gv.RowDeleted += new GridViewDeletedEventHandler(gv_RowDeleted);
			gv.RowDeleting+= new GridViewDeleteEventHandler(gv_RowDeleting);
			gv.RowEditing+=new GridViewEditEventHandler(gv_RowEditing);
			gv.RowUpdated+= new GridViewUpdatedEventHandler(gv_RowUpdated);
			gv.RowUpdating+=new GridViewUpdateEventHandler(gv_RowUpdating);
			gv.SelectedIndexChanged +=new EventHandler(gv_SelectedIndexChanged);
			gv.SelectedIndexChanging+=new GridViewSelectEventHandler(gv_SelectedIndexChanging);
			gv.Sorted +=new EventHandler(gv_Sorted);
			gv.Sorting +=new GridViewSortEventHandler(gv_Sorting);
			gv.Unload+=new EventHandler(gv_Unload);

			Assert.AreEqual (false, dataBinding, "BeforeDataBinding");
			gv.DoOnDataBinding (new EventArgs ());
			Assert.AreEqual (true, dataBinding, "AfterDataBinding");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, dataBound, "BeforeDataBound");
			gv.DoOnDataBound (new EventArgs ());
			Assert.AreEqual (true, dataBound, "AfterDataBound");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, pageIndexChanged, "BeforepageIndexChanged");
			gv.DoOnPageIndexChanged (new EventArgs ());
			Assert.AreEqual (true, pageIndexChanged, "AfterpageIndexChanged");
			ResetEvents ();
			Assert.AreEqual (false, pageIndexChanging, "BeforepageIndexChanging");
			gv.DoOnPageIndexChanging (new GridViewPageEventArgs(1));
			Assert.AreEqual (true, pageIndexChanging, "AfterpageIndexChanging");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, preRender, "BeforePreRender");
			gv.DoOnPreRender (new EventArgs ());
			Assert.AreEqual (true, preRender, "AfterPreRender");
			ResetEvents ();
			Assert.AreEqual (false, gridViewCancelEdit, "BeforeGridViewCancelEdit");
			gv.DoOnRowCancelingEdit (new GridViewCancelEditEventArgs (1));
			Assert.AreEqual (true, gridViewCancelEdit, "AfterGridViewCancelEdit");
			ResetEvents ();
			Assert.AreEqual (false, rowCommand, "BeforeRowCommand");
			LinkButton lb= new LinkButton();
			gv.DoOnRowCommand (new GridViewCommandEventArgs(lb,new CommandEventArgs("",null)));
			Assert.AreEqual (true, rowCommand, "AfterRowCommand");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, rowCreated, "BeforeRowCreated");
			gv.DoOnRowCreated (new GridViewRowEventArgs (gv.SelectedRow));
			Assert.AreEqual (true, rowCommand, "AfterRowCreated");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, rowDataBound, "BeforeRowDataBound");
			gv.DoOnRowDataBound (new GridViewRowEventArgs (gv.SelectedRow)); 
			Assert.AreEqual (true, rowDataBound, "AfterRowDataBound");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, rowDeleted, "BeforeRowDeleted");
			gv.DoOnRowDeleted(new GridViewDeletedEventArgs(1,new ArgumentException()));
			Assert.AreEqual (true, rowDeleted, "AfterRowDeleted");
			ResetEvents ();
			Assert.AreEqual (false, rowDeleting, "BeforeRowDeleting");
			gv.DoOnRowDeleting (new GridViewDeleteEventArgs (0));
			Assert.AreEqual (true, rowDeleting, "AfterRowDeleting");
			ResetEvents ();
			Assert.AreEqual (false, rowEditing, "BeforeRowEditing");
			gv.DoOnRowEditing (new GridViewEditEventArgs (0));
			Assert.AreEqual (true, rowEditing, "AfterRowEditing");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, rowUpdated, "BeforeRowUpdated");
			gv.DoOnRowUpdated (new GridViewUpdatedEventArgs(1,new Exception()));
			Assert.AreEqual (true, rowUpdated, "AfterRowUpdated");
			ResetEvents ();
			Assert.AreEqual (false, rowUpdating, "BeforeRowUpdating");
			gv.DoOnRowUpdating (new GridViewUpdateEventArgs (0));
			Assert.AreEqual (true, rowUpdating, "AfterRowUpdating");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, selectIndexChanged, "BeforeSelectedIndexChanged");
			gv.DoOnSelectedIndexChanged (new EventArgs ());
			Assert.AreEqual (true, selectIndexChanged, "AfterSelectedIndexChanged");
			ResetEvents ();
			Assert.AreEqual (false, selectIndexChanging, "BeforeSelectedIndexChanging");
			gv.DoOnSelectedIndexChanging (new GridViewSelectEventArgs (2));
			Assert.AreEqual (true, selectIndexChanging, "AfterSelectedIndexChanging");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, sorted, "BeforeSorted");
			gv.DoOnSorted (new EventArgs ());
			Assert.AreEqual (true, sorted, "AfterSorted");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, sorting, "BeforeSorting");
			gv.DoOnSorting(new GridViewSortEventArgs("",SortDirection.Ascending));
			Assert.AreEqual (true, sorting, "AfterSorting");
			Assert.AreEqual (false, unload, "BeforeUnload");
			gv.DoOnUnload (new EventArgs ());
			Assert.AreEqual (true, unload, "AfterUnload");
