public override void AwakeFromNib ()
			ivGravatar.WantsLayer = true;
			ivGravatar.Layer.CornerRadius = ivGravatar.Frame.Width / 2;
			ivGravatar.Layer.MasksToBounds = true;
			DisplayGravatar (XamarinAccountEmail);

			// Change button text color to white and centered (lame that you can't do this in IB)
			var coloredTitle = new NSMutableAttributedString (btnLogin.Title);
			var titleRange = new NSRange (0, coloredTitle.Length);
			coloredTitle.AddAttribute (NSAttributedString.ForegroundColorAttributeName, NSColor.White, titleRange);
			var centeredAttribute = new NSMutableParagraphStyle ();
			centeredAttribute.Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Center;
			coloredTitle.AddAttribute (NSAttributedString.ParagraphStyleAttributeName, centeredAttribute, titleRange);
			btnLogin.AttributedTitle = coloredTitle;

			btnLogin.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => Login();
			var txtDelegate = new CustomNSTextFieldDelegate ();
			txtDelegate.ReturnKeyPressed += () => Login();
			txtPassword.Delegate = txtDelegate;

			txtEmail.StringValue = XamarinAccountEmail;
			txtEmail.FocusRingType = NSFocusRingType.None;
			txtPassword.FocusRingType = NSFocusRingType.None;
			txtPassword.SelectText (this);
			txtPassword.BecomeFirstResponder ();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public HyperLink(string pretext, string text, string postext, string address, string style)
            : base()
            this.url = new NSUrl (address);

            AllowsEditingTextAttributes = true;
            Bordered        = false;
            DrawsBackground = false;
            Editable        = false;
            Selectable      = false;
            base.Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily (
                "Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, 13);

            NSData name_data = NSData.FromString (pretext+"<a href='" + this.url +
                                                  "' "+style+" >" + text + "</a>"+postext);

            NSDictionary name_dictionary       = new NSDictionary();
            NSAttributedString name_attributes = new NSAttributedString (name_data, new NSUrl ("file://"), out name_dictionary);

            NSMutableAttributedString s = new NSMutableAttributedString ();
            s.Append (name_attributes);

            Cell.AttributedStringValue = s;

            SizeToFit ();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public SparkleDataSource(List<SparklePlugin> plugins)
            Items = new List <object> ();
            Cells = new NSAttributedString [plugins.Count];

            int i = 0;
            foreach (SparklePlugin plugin in plugins) {
                Items.Add (plugin);

                NSTextFieldCell cell = new NSTextFieldCell ();
                NSData data          = NSData.FromString (
                    "<font face='Lucida Grande'><b>" + plugin.Name + "</b></font>");

                NSDictionary dictionary       = new NSDictionary();
                NSAttributedString attributes = new NSAttributedString (
                    data, new NSUrl ("file://"), out dictionary);

                NSMutableAttributedString mutable_attributes = new NSMutableAttributedString (attributes);
                mutable_attributes.Append (new NSAttributedString ("\n" + plugin.Description));

                cell.SetAttributedStringValue (mutable_attributes);

                Cells [i] = (NSAttributedString) cell.ObjectValue;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void AwakeFromNib ()
            base.AwakeFromNib ();

            this.AddressLabel.StringValue = Properties_Resources.EnterWebAddress;
            this.UserLabel.StringValue = Properties_Resources.User + ": ";
            this.PasswordLabel.StringValue = Properties_Resources.Password + ": ";

            this.AddressDelegate = new TextFieldDelegate();
            this.AddressText.Delegate = this.AddressDelegate;
            this.UserDelegate = new TextFieldDelegate();
            this.UserText.Delegate = this.UserDelegate;
            this.PasswordDelegate = new TextFieldDelegate();
            this.PasswordText.Delegate = this.PasswordDelegate;

            this.ContinueButton.Title = Properties_Resources.Continue;
            this.CancelButton.Title = Properties_Resources.Cancel;

            this.AddressText.StringValue = (Controller.PreviousAddress == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty (Controller.PreviousAddress.ToString ())) ? "https://" : Controller.PreviousAddress.ToString ();
            this.UserText.StringValue = String.IsNullOrEmpty (Controller.saved_user) ? Environment.UserName : Controller.saved_user;
            //            this.PasswordText.StringValue = String.IsNullOrEmpty (Controller.saved_password) ? "" : Controller.saved_password;
            this.PasswordText.StringValue = "";

            // Cmis server address help link
            string helpLabel = Properties_Resources.Help + ": ";
            string helpLink = Properties_Resources.WhereToFind;
            string addressUrl = @"";
            this.AddressHelp.AllowsEditingTextAttributes = true;
            this.AddressHelp.Selectable = true;           
            var attrStr = new NSMutableAttributedString(helpLabel + helpLink);
            var labelRange = new NSRange(0, helpLabel.Length);
            var linkRange = new NSRange(helpLabel.Length, helpLink.Length);
            var url = new NSUrl(addressUrl);
            var font = this.AddressHelp.Font;
            var paragraph = new NSMutableParagraphStyle()
                LineBreakMode = this.AddressHelp.Cell.LineBreakMode,
                Alignment = this.AddressHelp.Alignment
            attrStr.AddAttribute(NSAttributedString.LinkAttributeName, url, linkRange);
            attrStr.AddAttribute(NSAttributedString.ForegroundColorAttributeName, NSColor.Blue, linkRange);
            attrStr.AddAttribute(NSAttributedString.ForegroundColorAttributeName, NSColor.Gray, labelRange);
            attrStr.AddAttribute(NSAttributedString.UnderlineStyleAttributeName, new NSNumber(1), linkRange);
            attrStr.AddAttribute(NSAttributedString.FontAttributeName, font, new NSRange(0, attrStr.Length));
            attrStr.AddAttribute(NSAttributedString.ParagraphStyleAttributeName, paragraph, new NSRange(0, attrStr.Length));
            this.AddressHelp.AttributedStringValue = attrStr;

            InsertEvent ();

            //  Must be called after InsertEvent()
            CheckTextFields ();
		public override void AwakeFromNib ()
			ivStatusImage.WantsLayer = true;
			View.Gear = ivStatusImage;

			btnTryAgain.Hidden = true;
			btnTryAgain.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => ProcessOrder();

			// Change button text color to white and centered (lame that you can't do this in IB)
			var coloredTitle = new NSMutableAttributedString (btnTryAgain.Title);
			var titleRange = new NSRange (0, coloredTitle.Length);
			coloredTitle.AddAttribute (NSAttributedString.ForegroundColorAttributeName, NSColor.White, titleRange);
			var centeredAttribute = new NSMutableParagraphStyle ();
			centeredAttribute.Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Center;
			coloredTitle.AddAttribute (NSAttributedString.ParagraphStyleAttributeName, centeredAttribute, titleRange);
			btnTryAgain.AttributedTitle = coloredTitle;

			ProcessOrder ();
		public override void AwakeFromNib ()
			viewEmptyBasket.WantsLayer = true;
			viewEmptyBasket.Layer = new CALayer () {BackgroundColor = NSColor.White.CGColor};
			viewBasket.WantsLayer = true;
			viewBasket.Layer = new CALayer () {BackgroundColor = NSColor.White.CGColor};

			// Change button text color to white and centered (lame that you can't do this in IB)
			var coloredTitle = new NSMutableAttributedString (btnCheckout.Title);
			var titleRange = new NSRange (0, coloredTitle.Length);
			coloredTitle.AddAttribute (NSAttributedString.ForegroundColorAttributeName, NSColor.White, titleRange);
			var centeredAttribute = new NSMutableParagraphStyle ();
			centeredAttribute.Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Center;
			coloredTitle.AddAttribute (NSAttributedString.ParagraphStyleAttributeName, centeredAttribute, titleRange);
			btnCheckout.AttributedTitle = coloredTitle;

			tvBasketProducts.Source = new ShoppingBasketTableViewSource ();

			btnCheckout.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => CheckoutInitiated();

			View.ViewController = this;
			RefreshBasket ();
		public override void AwakeFromNib ()
			// Change button text color to white and centered (lame that you can't do this in IB)
			var coloredTitle = new NSMutableAttributedString (btnPlaceOrder.Title);
			var titleRange = new NSRange (0, coloredTitle.Length);
			coloredTitle.AddAttribute (NSAttributedString.ForegroundColorAttributeName, NSColor.White, titleRange);
			var centeredAttribute = new NSMutableParagraphStyle ();
			centeredAttribute.Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Center;
			coloredTitle.AddAttribute (NSAttributedString.ParagraphStyleAttributeName, centeredAttribute, titleRange);
			btnPlaceOrder.AttributedTitle = coloredTitle;

			txtFirstName.StringValue = _user.FirstName;
			txtLastName.StringValue = _user.LastName;

			LoadCountries ();
			cbCountry.Changed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {

			txtAddress1.SelectText (this);
			txtAddress1.BecomeFirstResponder ();

			btnPlaceOrder.Activated += OnBtnPlaceOrder;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public SparkleDataSource(List<SparklePlugin> plugins)
            Items         = new List <object> ();
            Cells         = new NSAttributedString [plugins.Count];
            SelectedCells = new NSAttributedString [plugins.Count];

            int i = 0;
            foreach (SparklePlugin plugin in plugins) {
                Items.Add (plugin);

                NSTextFieldCell cell = new NSTextFieldCell ();

                NSData name_data = NSData.FromString ("<font face='Lucida Grande'><b>" + plugin.Name + "</b></font>");

                NSDictionary name_dictionary       = new NSDictionary();
                NSAttributedString name_attributes = new NSAttributedString (
                    name_data, new NSUrl ("file://"), out name_dictionary);

                NSData description_data = NSData.FromString (
                    "<small><font style='line-height: 150%' color='#aaa' face='Lucida Grande'>" + plugin.Description + "</font></small>");

                NSDictionary description_dictionary       = new NSDictionary();
                NSAttributedString description_attributes = new NSAttributedString (
                    description_data, new NSUrl ("file://"), out description_dictionary);

                NSMutableAttributedString mutable_attributes = new NSMutableAttributedString (name_attributes);
                mutable_attributes.Append (new NSAttributedString ("\n"));
                mutable_attributes.Append (description_attributes);

                cell.AttributedStringValue = mutable_attributes;
                Cells [i] = (NSAttributedString) cell.ObjectValue;

                NSTextFieldCell selected_cell = new NSTextFieldCell ();

                NSData selected_name_data = NSData.FromString (
                    "<font color='white' face='Lucida Grande'><b>" + plugin.Name + "</b></font>");

                NSDictionary selected_name_dictionary = new NSDictionary ();
                NSAttributedString selected_name_attributes = new NSAttributedString (
                    selected_name_data, new NSUrl ("file://"), out selected_name_dictionary);

                NSData selected_description_data = NSData.FromString (
                    "<small><font style='line-height: 150%' color='#9bbaeb' face='Lucida Grande'>" +
                    plugin.Description + "</font></small>");

                NSDictionary selected_description_dictionary       = new NSDictionary ();
                NSAttributedString selected_description_attributes = new NSAttributedString (
                    selected_description_data, new NSUrl ("file://"), out selected_description_dictionary);

                NSMutableAttributedString selected_mutable_attributes =
                    new NSMutableAttributedString (selected_name_attributes);

                selected_mutable_attributes.Append (new NSAttributedString ("\n"));
                selected_mutable_attributes.Append (selected_description_attributes);

                selected_cell.AttributedStringValue = selected_mutable_attributes;
                SelectedCells [i] = (NSAttributedString) selected_cell.ObjectValue;

Exemplo n.º 9
		private static NSMutableAttributedString buildAttributedString(string text, CTFont font, 
		                                                               Color? fontColor=null) 

			// Create a new attributed string from text
			NSMutableAttributedString atts = 
				new NSMutableAttributedString(text);

			var attRange = new NSRange(0, atts.Length);
			var attsDic = new NSMutableDictionary();

			// Font attribute
			NSObject fontObject = new NSObject(font.Handle);
			attsDic.Add(FontAttributedName, fontObject);
			// -- end font 

			if (fontColor.HasValue) {

				// Font color
				var fc = fontColor.Value;
				NSColor color = NSColor.FromDeviceRgba(fc.R / 255f, 
				                                       fc.G / 255f,
				                                       fc.B / 255f,
				                                       fc.A / 255f);
				NSObject colorObject = new NSObject(color.Handle);
				attsDic.Add(ForegroundColorAttributedName, colorObject);
				// -- end font Color

			if (underLine) {
				// Underline
				int single = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
				int solid = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
				var attss = single | solid;
				var underlineObject = NSNumber.FromInt32(attss);
				//var under = NSAttributedString.UnderlineStyleAttributeName.ToString();
				attsDic.Add(UnderlineStyleAttributeName, underlineObject);
				// --- end underline

			if (strikeThrough) {
				// StrikeThrough
				//				NSColor bcolor = NSColor.Blue;
				//				NSObject bcolorObject = new NSObject(bcolor.Handle);
				//				attsDic.Add(NSAttributedString.StrikethroughColorAttributeName, bcolorObject);
				int stsingle = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
				int stsolid = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
				var stattss = stsingle | stsolid;
				var stunderlineObject = NSNumber.FromInt32(stattss);

				attsDic.Add(StrikethroughStyleAttributeName, stunderlineObject);
				// --- end underline

			// Text alignment
			var alignment = CTTextAlignment.Left;
			var alignmentSettings = new CTParagraphStyleSettings();
			alignmentSettings.Alignment = alignment;
			var paragraphStyle = new CTParagraphStyle(alignmentSettings);
			NSObject psObject = new NSObject(paragraphStyle.Handle);

			// end text alignment

			attsDic.Add(ParagraphStyleAttributeName, psObject);

			atts.SetAttributes(attsDic, attRange);

			return atts;

Exemplo n.º 10
		public override void DrawInteriorWithFrame(CGRect cellFrame, NSView inView)
			var frame = cellFrame;
			var data = ObjectValue as MacImageData;
			if (data != null)
				if (data.Image != null)
					var imageSize = data.Image.Size;
					if (imageSize.Width > 0 && imageSize.Height > 0)
						var newHeight = (nfloat)Math.Min(imageSize.Height, frame.Height);
						var newWidth = (nfloat)(imageSize.Width * newHeight / imageSize.Height);

						if (DrawsBackground && !Highlighted)
							var g = NSGraphicsContext.CurrentContext.GraphicsPort;
							g.FillRect(new CGRect(frame.X, frame.Y, newWidth + ImagePadding, frame.Height));

						var imageRect = new CGRect(frame.X, frame.Y, newWidth, newHeight);
						imageRect.Y += (frame.Height - newHeight) / 2;

						nfloat alpha = Enabled ? 1 : (nfloat)0.5;

						if (data.Image.RespondsToSelector(new Selector(selDrawInRectFromRectOperationFractionRespectFlippedHints)))
							// 10.6+
							data.Image.Draw(imageRect, new CGRect(CGPoint.Empty, data.Image.Size), NSCompositingOperation.SourceOver, alpha, true, null);
							// 10.5-
							#pragma warning disable 618
							data.Image.Flipped = ControlView.IsFlipped; 
							#pragma warning restore 618
							data.Image.Draw(imageRect, new CGRect(CGPoint.Empty, data.Image.Size), NSCompositingOperation.SourceOver, alpha);
						frame.Width -= newWidth + ImagePadding;
						frame.X += newWidth + ImagePadding;

			var titleSize = AttributedStringValue.Size;
			// test to see if the text height is bigger then the cell, if it is,
			// don't try to center it or it will be pushed up out of the cell!
			if (titleSize.Height < frame.Size.Height)
				//frame.Y = frame.Y + (frame.Size.Height - titleSize.Height) / 2;
			if (UseTextShadow)
				var str = new NSMutableAttributedString(StringValue);
				str.AddAttribute(NSStringAttributeKey.Shadow, Highlighted ? TextHighlightShadow : TextShadow, new NSRange(0, (int)str.Length));
				AttributedStringValue = str;
			base.DrawInteriorWithFrame(frame, inView);
Exemplo n.º 11
		public override void DrawInteriorWithFrame (SD.RectangleF cellFrame, NSView inView)
			var data = ObjectValue as MacImageData;
			if (data != null) {
				if (data.Image != null) {
					var imageSize = data.Image.Size;
					if (imageSize.Width > 0 && imageSize.Height > 0) {
						var newHeight = Math.Min (imageSize.Height, cellFrame.Height);
						var newWidth = imageSize.Width * newHeight / imageSize.Height;
						var imageRect = new SD.RectangleF (cellFrame.X, cellFrame.Y, newWidth, newHeight);
						imageRect.Y += (cellFrame.Height - newHeight) / 2;

						if (data.Image.RespondsToSelector (new Selector (selDrawInRectFromRectOperationFractionRespectFlippedHints)))
							// 10.6+
							data.Image.Draw (imageRect, new SD.RectangleF (SD.PointF.Empty, data.Image.Size), NSCompositingOperation.SourceOver, 1, true, null);
						else {
							// 10.5-
							#pragma warning disable 618
							data.Image.Flipped = this.ControlView.IsFlipped; 
							#pragma warning restore 618
							data.Image.Draw (imageRect, new SD.RectangleF (SD.PointF.Empty, data.Image.Size), NSCompositingOperation.SourceOver, 1);
						cellFrame.Width -= newWidth + ImagePadding;
						cellFrame.X += newWidth + ImagePadding;

			SD.SizeF titleSize = this.AttributedStringValue.Size;
			// test to see if the text height is bigger then the cell, if it is,
			// don't try to center it or it will be pushed up out of the cell!
			if (titleSize.Height < cellFrame.Size.Height) {
				cellFrame.Y = cellFrame.Y + (cellFrame.Size.Height - titleSize.Height) / 2;
			if (UseTextShadow) {
				var str = new NSMutableAttributedString(this.StringValue);
				str.AddAttribute (NSAttributedString.ShadowAttributeName, this.Highlighted ? TextHighlightShadow : TextShadow, new NSRange(0, str.Length));
				this.AttributedStringValue = str;
			base.DrawInteriorWithFrame (cellFrame, inView);
Exemplo n.º 12
        static NSAttributedString GetAttributedString(string text)
            var attrStr = new NSMutableAttributedString (text);
            var range = new NSRange (0, attrStr.Length);

            var singleUnderlineStyle = NSNumber.FromInt32 ((int)NSUnderlineStyle.Single);
            attrStr.AddAttribute (NSStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, Toolkit.CurrentEngine.Defaults.FallbackLinkColor.ToNSColor (), range);
            attrStr.AddAttribute (NSStringAttributeKey.UnderlineStyle, singleUnderlineStyle, range);

            return attrStr;
Exemplo n.º 13
            public SparkleLink(string text, string address)
                : base()
                this.url = new NSUrl (address);

                AllowsEditingTextAttributes = true;
                BackgroundColor = NSColor.White;
                Bordered        = false;
                DrawsBackground = false;
                Editable        = false;
                Selectable      = false;

                NSData name_data = NSData.FromString ("<a href='" + this.url +
                    "' style='font-size: 9pt; font-family: \"Helvetica Neue\"; color: #739ECF'>" + text + "</a></font>");

                NSDictionary name_dictionary       = new NSDictionary();
                NSAttributedString name_attributes = new NSAttributedString (name_data, new NSUrl ("file://"), out name_dictionary);

                NSMutableAttributedString s = new NSMutableAttributedString ();
                s.Append (name_attributes);

                Cell.AttributedStringValue = s;
                SizeToFit ();
Exemplo n.º 14
		private void UpdateStatusBar()
			if (mediaListController.Count < 1)
                statusFilename.StringValue = statusTimestamp.StringValue = statusGps.StringValue = statusKeywords.StringValue = "";
				statusIndex.StringValue = "No files";

			var mm = mediaListController.Current;

            statusFilename.StringValue = mm.Name;

			var timestamp = mm.Timestamp.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
			if (mm.FileAndExifTimestampMatch)
				statusTimestamp.StringValue = timestamp;
				var str = new NSMutableAttributedString(timestamp);
					new NSRange(0, timestamp.Length));
					new NSNumber((int) NSUnderlineStyle.Single), 
					new NSRange(0, timestamp.Length));
				statusTimestamp.AttributedStringValue = str;
			statusIndex.StringValue = String.Format(
				"{0} of {1}", 
				mediaListController.CurrentIndex + 1, 

            statusKeywords.StringValue = mm.Keywords;
            statusGps.StringValue = "";

            if (mm.HasPlaceName)
                Task.Run( () =>
                    BeginInvokeOnMainThread( () => 
        private NSMutableAttributedString buildAttributedString(string text, Font font, StringFormat format = null, 
			Color? fontColor=null)
            // Create a new attributed string definition
            var ctAttributes = new CTStringAttributes ();

            // Font attribute
            ctAttributes.Font = font.nativeFont;
            // -- end font

            if (format != null && (format.FormatFlags & StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical) == StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical)
                //ctAttributes.VerticalForms = true;


            if (fontColor.HasValue) {

                // Font color
                var fc = fontColor.Value;
                var cgColor = new CGColor(fc.R / 255f,
                    fc.G / 255f,
                    fc.B / 255f,
                    fc.A / 255f);

                ctAttributes.ForegroundColor = cgColor;
                ctAttributes.ForegroundColorFromContext = false;
                // -- end font Color

            if (font.Underline) {
                // Underline
            #if MONOMAC
                int single = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
                int solid = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
                var attss = single | solid;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = attss;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = 1;
                // --- end underline

            if (font.Strikeout) {
                // StrikeThrough
            #if MONOMAC
                int single = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
                int solid = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
                var attss = single | solid;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = attss;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = 1;

                // --- end StrikeThrough

            var alignment = CTTextAlignment.Left;
            var alignmentSettings = new CTParagraphStyleSettings();
            alignmentSettings.Alignment = alignment;
            var paragraphStyle = new CTParagraphStyle(alignmentSettings);

            ctAttributes.ParagraphStyle = paragraphStyle;
            // end text alignment

            NSMutableAttributedString atts =
                new NSMutableAttributedString(text,ctAttributes.Dictionary);

            return atts;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public SparkleDataSource (float backing_scale_factor, List<Preset> presets)
            Items         = new List <object> ();
            Cells         = new NSAttributedString [presets.Count];
            SelectedCells = new NSAttributedString [presets.Count];

            this.backing_scale_factor = (int) backing_scale_factor;

            int i = 0;
            foreach (Preset preset in presets) {
                Items.Add (preset);

                NSTextFieldCell cell = new NSTextFieldCell ();

                NSData name_data = NSData.FromString ("<font face='" + UserInterface.FontName + "'><b>" + preset.Name + "</b></font>");

                NSDictionary name_dictionary       = new NSDictionary();
                NSAttributedString name_attributes = new NSAttributedString (
                    name_data, new NSUrl ("file://"), out name_dictionary);

                NSData description_data = NSData.FromString (
                    "<small><font style='line-height: 150%' color='#aaa' face='" + UserInterface.FontName + "'>" + preset.Description + "</font></small>");

                NSDictionary description_dictionary       = new NSDictionary();
                NSAttributedString description_attributes = new NSAttributedString (
                    description_data, new NSUrl ("file://"), out description_dictionary);

                NSMutableAttributedString mutable_attributes = new NSMutableAttributedString (name_attributes);
                mutable_attributes.Append (new NSAttributedString ("\n"));
                mutable_attributes.Append (description_attributes);

                cell.AttributedStringValue = mutable_attributes;
                Cells [i] = (NSAttributedString) cell.ObjectValue;

                NSTextFieldCell selected_cell = new NSTextFieldCell ();

                NSData selected_name_data = NSData.FromString (
                    "<font color='white' face='" + UserInterface.FontName +"'><b>" + preset.Name + "</b></font>");

                NSDictionary selected_name_dictionary = new NSDictionary ();
                NSAttributedString selected_name_attributes = new NSAttributedString (
                    selected_name_data, new NSUrl ("file://"), out selected_name_dictionary);

                NSData selected_description_data = NSData.FromString (
                    "<small><font style='line-height: 150%' color='#9bbaeb' face='" + UserInterface.FontName + "'>" +
                    preset.Description + "</font></small>");

                NSDictionary selected_description_dictionary       = new NSDictionary ();
                NSAttributedString selected_description_attributes = new NSAttributedString (
                    selected_description_data, new NSUrl ("file://"), out selected_description_dictionary);

                NSMutableAttributedString selected_mutable_attributes =
                    new NSMutableAttributedString (selected_name_attributes);

                selected_mutable_attributes.Append (new NSAttributedString ("\n"));
                selected_mutable_attributes.Append (selected_description_attributes);

                selected_cell.AttributedStringValue = selected_mutable_attributes;
                SelectedCells [i] = (NSAttributedString) selected_cell.ObjectValue;

Exemplo n.º 17
		static NSAttributedString GetAttributedString (string text)
			var attrStr = new NSMutableAttributedString (text);
			var range = new NSRange (0, attrStr.Length);

			var singleUnderlineStyle = NSNumber.FromInt32 ((int)NSUnderlineStyle.Single);
			attrStr.AddAttribute (NSStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, NSColor.Blue, range);
			attrStr.AddAttribute (NSStringAttributeKey.UnderlineStyle, singleUnderlineStyle, range);

			return attrStr;
		public void DisplayInfo(string message)
			var attr = new NSMutableAttributedString(message);
				NSColor.FromDeviceRgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75f),
				new NSRange(0, message.Length));
			infoText.AttributedStringValue = attr;
        private static NSMutableAttributedString buildAttributedString(string text, Font font, 
		                                                        Color? fontColor=null)
            // Create a new attributed string definition
            var ctAttributes = new CTStringAttributes ();

            // Font attribute
            ctAttributes.Font = font.nativeFont;
            // -- end font

            if (fontColor.HasValue) {

                // Font color
                var fc = fontColor.Value;
                var cgColor = new CGColor(fc.R / 255f,
                                          fc.G / 255f,
                                          fc.B / 255f,
                                          fc.A / 255f);

                ctAttributes.ForegroundColor = cgColor;
                ctAttributes.ForegroundColorFromContext = false;
                // -- end font Color

            if (font.Underline) {
                // Underline
            #if MONOMAC
                int single = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
                int solid = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
                var attss = single | solid;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = attss;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = 1;
                // --- end underline

            if (font.Strikeout) {
                // StrikeThrough
                //				NSColor bcolor = NSColor.Blue;
                //				NSObject bcolorObject = new NSObject(bcolor.Handle);
                //				attsDic.Add(NSAttributedString.StrikethroughColorAttributeName, bcolorObject);
                //				#if MACOS
                //				int stsingle = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
                //				int stsolid = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
                //				var stattss = stsingle | stsolid;
                //				var stunderlineObject = NSNumber.FromInt32(stattss);
                //				#else
                //				var stunderlineObject = NSNumber.FromInt32 (1);
                //				#endif
                //				attsDic.Add(StrikethroughStyleAttributeName, stunderlineObject);
                // --- end underline

            // Text alignment
            var alignment = CTTextAlignment.Left;
            var alignmentSettings = new CTParagraphStyleSettings();
            alignmentSettings.Alignment = alignment;
            var paragraphStyle = new CTParagraphStyle(alignmentSettings);

            ctAttributes.ParagraphStyle = paragraphStyle;
            // end text alignment

            NSMutableAttributedString atts =
                new NSMutableAttributedString(text,ctAttributes.Dictionary);

            return atts;
Exemplo n.º 20
		static NSAttributedString GetAttributedString (string text)
			var attrStr = new NSMutableAttributedString (text);
			var range = new NSRange (0, attrStr.Length);

			attrStr.AddAttribute (NSAttributedString.ForegroundColorAttributeName, NSColor.Blue, range);
			attrStr.AddAttribute (NSAttributedString.UnderlineStyleAttributeName, NSNumber.FromInt32 ((int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single), range);

			return attrStr;