Exemplo n.º 1
 static void PrepareGlyphArcInfo (CTLine line, long glyphCount, GlyphArcInfo[] glyphArcInfo)
         var runArray = line.GetGlyphRuns ();
         // Examine each run in the line, updating glyphOffset to track how far along the run is 
         // in terms of glyphCount.
         long glyphOffset = 0;
         float ascent = 0;
         float descent = 0;
         float leading = 0;
         foreach (var run in runArray) {
                 var runGlyphCount = run.GlyphCount;
                 // Ask for the width of each glyph in turn.
                 var runGlyphIndex = 0;
                 for (; runGlyphIndex < runGlyphCount; runGlyphIndex++) {
                         glyphArcInfo[runGlyphIndex + glyphOffset].width = (float)run.GetTypographicBounds (new NSRange (runGlyphIndex, 1), out ascent, out descent, out leading);
                 glyphOffset += runGlyphCount;
         var lineLength = line.GetTypographicBounds (out ascent, out descent, out leading);
         var prevHalfWidth = glyphArcInfo[0].width / 2.0;
         glyphArcInfo[0].angle = (float)((prevHalfWidth / lineLength) * Math.PI);
         var lineGlyphIndex = 1;
         for (; lineGlyphIndex < glyphCount; lineGlyphIndex++) {
                 var halfWidth = glyphArcInfo[lineGlyphIndex].width / 2.0;
                 var prevCenterToCenter = prevHalfWidth + halfWidth;
                 glyphArcInfo[lineGlyphIndex].angle = (float)((prevCenterToCenter / lineLength) * Math.PI);
                 prevHalfWidth = halfWidth;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public override void DrawRect (RectangleF dirtyRect)
         // Don't draw if we don't have a font or a title.
         if (Font == null || Title == string.Empty)
         // Initialize the text matrix to a known value
         CGContext context = NSGraphicsContext.CurrentContext.GraphicsPort;
         context.TextMatrix = CGAffineTransform.MakeIdentity ();
         // Draw a white background
         NSColor.White.Set ();
         context.FillRect (dirtyRect);
         //CTLineRef line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString((CFAttributedStringRef)self.attributedString);
         CTLine line = new CTLine (AttributedString);
         int glyphCount = line.GlyphCount;
         if (glyphCount == 0)
         GlyphArcInfo[] glyphArcInfo = new GlyphArcInfo[glyphCount];
         PrepareGlyphArcInfo (line, glyphCount, glyphArcInfo);
         // Move the origin from the lower left of the view nearer to its center.
         context.SaveState ();
         context.TranslateCTM (dirtyRect.GetMidX (), dirtyRect.GetMidY () - Radius / 2);
         // Stroke the arc in red for verification.
         context.BeginPath ();
         context.AddArc (0, 0, Radius, (float)Math.PI, 0, true);
         context.SetRGBStrokeColor (1, 0, 0, 1);
         context.StrokePath ();
         // Rotate the context 90 degrees counterclockwise.
         context.RotateCTM ((float)PI_2);
         // Now for the actual drawing. The angle offset for each glyph relative to the previous 
         //      glyph has already been calculated; with that information in hand, draw those glyphs 
         //      overstruck and centered over one another, making sure to rotate the context after each 
         //      glyph so the glyphs are spread along a semicircular path.
         PointF textPosition = new PointF (0, Radius);
         context.TextPosition = textPosition;
         var runArray = line.GetGlyphRuns ();
         var runCount = runArray.Count ();
         var glyphOffset = 0;
         var runIndex = 0;
         for (; runIndex < runCount; runIndex++) {
                 var run = runArray[runIndex];
                 var runGlyphCount = run.GlyphCount;
                 bool drawSubstitutedGlyphsManually = false;
                 CTFont runFont = run.GetAttributes ().Font;
                 // Determine if we need to draw substituted glyphs manually. Do so if the runFont is not 
                 //      the same as the overall font.
                 NSFont rrunFont = new NSFont (runFont.Handle);
                 // used for comparison
                 if (DimsSubstitutedGlyphs && Font != rrunFont) {
                         drawSubstitutedGlyphsManually = true;
                 var runGlyphIndex = 0;
                 for (; runGlyphIndex < runGlyphCount; runGlyphIndex++) {
                         var glyphRange = new NSRange (runGlyphIndex, 1);
                         context.RotateCTM (-(glyphArcInfo[runGlyphIndex + glyphOffset].angle));
                         // Center this glyph by moving left by half its width.
                         var glyphWidth = glyphArcInfo[runGlyphIndex + glyphOffset].width;
                         var halfGlyphWidth = glyphWidth / 2.0;
                         var positionForThisGlyph = new PointF (textPosition.X - (float)halfGlyphWidth, textPosition.Y);
                         // Glyphs are positioned relative to the text position for the line, so offset text position leftwards by this glyph's 
                         //      width in preparation for the next glyph.
                         textPosition.X -= glyphWidth;
                         CGAffineTransform textMatrix = run.TextMatrix;
                         textMatrix.x0 = positionForThisGlyph.X;
                         textMatrix.y0 = positionForThisGlyph.Y;
                         context.TextMatrix = textMatrix;
                         if (!drawSubstitutedGlyphsManually)
                                 run.Draw (context, glyphRange);
                         else {
                                 // We need to draw the glyphs manually in this case because we are effectively applying a graphics operation by 
                                 //      setting the context fill color. Normally we would use kCTForegroundColorAttributeName, but this does not apply 
                                 // as we don't know the ranges for the colors in advance, and we wanted demonstrate how to manually draw.
                                 var cgFont = runFont.ToCGFont ();
                                 var glyph = run.GetGlyphs (glyphRange);
                                 var position = run.GetPositions (glyphRange);
                                 context.SetFont (cgFont);
                                 context.SetFontSize (runFont.Size);
                                 context.SetRGBFillColor (0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1);
                                 context.ShowGlyphsAtPositions (glyph, position, 1);
                         // Draw the glyph bounds 
                         if (ShowsGlyphBounds) {
                                 var glyphBounds = run.GetImageBounds (context, glyphRange);
                                 context.SetRGBStrokeColor (0, 0, 1, 1);
                                 context.StrokeRect (glyphBounds);
                         // Draw the bounding boxes defined by the line metrics
                         if (ShowsLineMetrics) {
                                 var lineMetrics = new RectangleF ();
                                 float ascent = 0;
                                 float descent = 0;
                                 float leading = 0;
                                 run.GetTypographicBounds (glyphRange, out ascent, out descent, out leading);
                                 // The glyph is centered around the y-axis
                                 lineMetrics.Location = new PointF (-(float)halfGlyphWidth, positionForThisGlyph.Y - descent);
                                 lineMetrics.Size = new SizeF (glyphWidth, ascent + descent);
                                 context.SetRGBStrokeColor (0, 1, 0, 1);
                                 context.StrokeRect (lineMetrics);
                 glyphOffset += runGlyphCount;
         context.RestoreState ();