GetProjectFile() public method

Gets a project file.
public GetProjectFile ( string fileName ) : ProjectFile
fileName string /// File name. ///
return ProjectFile
		public IViewContent CreateContent (FilePath fileName, string mimeType, Project ownerProject)
			IPlistEditingHandler handler = null;
			if (ownerProject != null && fileName != null) {
				var pf = ownerProject.GetProjectFile (fileName);
				var virtualPath = pf.ProjectVirtualPath;
				var handlers = Mono.Addins.AddinManager.GetExtensionObjects<IPlistEditingHandler> (EXT_PATH);
				foreach (var h in handlers) {
					if (h.CanHandle (ownerProject, virtualPath)) {
						handler = h;
			return new PListEditorViewContent (handler, ownerProject);
Exemplo n.º 2
		public void TransferFiles (IProgressMonitor monitor, Project sourceProject, FilePath sourcePath, Project targetProject,
		                           FilePath targetPath, bool removeFromSource, bool copyOnlyProjectFiles)
			// When transfering directories, targetPath is the directory where the source
			// directory will be transfered, including the destination directory or file name.
			// For example, if sourcePath is /a1/a2/a3 and targetPath is /b1/b2, the
			// new folder or file will be /b1/b2
			if (targetProject == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("targetProject");

			if (!targetPath.IsChildPathOf (targetProject.BaseDirectory))
				throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid project folder: " + targetPath);

			if (sourceProject != null && !sourcePath.IsChildPathOf (sourceProject.BaseDirectory))
				throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid project folder: " + sourcePath);
			if (copyOnlyProjectFiles && sourceProject == null)
				throw new ArgumentException ("A source project must be specified if copyOnlyProjectFiles is True");
			bool sourceIsFolder = Directory.Exists (sourcePath);

			bool movingFolder = (removeFromSource && sourceIsFolder && (
					!copyOnlyProjectFiles ||
					IsDirectoryHierarchyEmpty (sourcePath)));

			// We need to remove all files + directories from the source project
			// but when dealing with the VCS addins we need to process only the
			// files so we do not create a 'file' in the VCS which corresponds
			// to a directory in the project and blow things up.
			List<ProjectFile> filesToRemove = null;
			List<ProjectFile> filesToMove = null;
			try {
				//get the real ProjectFiles
				if (sourceProject != null) {
					if (sourceIsFolder) {
						var virtualPath = sourcePath.ToRelative (sourceProject.BaseDirectory);
						// Grab all the child nodes of the folder we just dragged/dropped
						filesToRemove = sourceProject.Files.GetFilesInVirtualPath (virtualPath).ToList ();
						// Add the folder itself so we can remove it from the soruce project if its a Move operation
						var folder = sourceProject.Files.Where (f => f.ProjectVirtualPath == virtualPath).FirstOrDefault ();
						if (folder != null)
							filesToRemove.Add (folder);
					} else {
						filesToRemove = new List<ProjectFile> ();
						var pf = sourceProject.GetProjectFile (sourcePath);
						if (pf != null)
							filesToRemove.Add (pf);
				//get all the non-project files and create fake ProjectFiles
				if (!copyOnlyProjectFiles || sourceProject == null) {
					var col = new List<ProjectFile> ();
					GetAllFilesRecursive (sourcePath, col);
					if (sourceProject != null) {
						var names = new HashSet<string> (filesToRemove.Select (f => sourceProject.BaseDirectory.Combine (f.ProjectVirtualPath).ToString ()));
						foreach (var f in col)
							if (names.Add (f.Name))
							    filesToRemove.Add (f);
					} else {
						filesToRemove = col;
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not get any file from '{0}'.", sourcePath), ex);
			// Strip out all the directories to leave us with just the files.
			filesToMove = filesToRemove.Where (f => f.Subtype != Subtype.Directory).ToList ();
			// If copying a single file, bring any grouped children along
			ProjectFile sourceParent = null;
			if (filesToMove.Count == 1 && sourceProject != null) {
				var pf = filesToMove[0];
				if (pf != null && pf.HasChildren)
					foreach (ProjectFile child in pf.DependentChildren)
						filesToMove.Add (child);
				sourceParent = pf;
			// Ensure that the destination folder is created, even if no files
			// are copied
			try {
				if (sourceIsFolder && !Directory.Exists (targetPath) && !movingFolder)
					FileService.CreateDirectory (targetPath);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not create directory '{0}'.", targetPath), ex);

			// Transfer files
			// If moving a folder, do it all at once
			if (movingFolder) {
				try {
					FileService.MoveDirectory (sourcePath, targetPath);
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Directory '{0}' could not be moved.", sourcePath), ex);
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Copying files..."), filesToMove.Count);
			ProjectFile targetParent = null;
			foreach (ProjectFile file in filesToMove) {
				bool fileIsLink = file.Project != null && file.IsLink;
				var sourceFile = fileIsLink
					? file.Project.BaseDirectory.Combine (file.ProjectVirtualPath)
					: file.FilePath;
				FilePath newFile;
				if (sourceIsFolder)
					newFile = targetPath.Combine (sourceFile.ToRelative (sourcePath));
				else if (sourceFile == sourcePath)
					newFile = targetPath;
				else if (sourceFile.ParentDirectory != targetPath.ParentDirectory)
					newFile = targetPath.ParentDirectory.Combine (sourceFile.ToRelative (sourcePath.ParentDirectory));
					newFile = GetTargetCopyName (sourceFile, false);
				if (!movingFolder && !fileIsLink) {
					try {
						FilePath fileDir = newFile.ParentDirectory;
						if (!Directory.Exists (fileDir) && !file.IsLink)
							FileService.CreateDirectory (fileDir);
						if (removeFromSource)
							FileService.MoveFile (sourceFile, newFile);
							FileService.CopyFile (sourceFile, newFile);
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("File '{0}' could not be created.", newFile), ex);
						monitor.Step (1);
				if (sourceProject != null) {
					if (fileIsLink) {
						var linkFile = (sourceProject == targetProject)? file : (ProjectFile) file.Clone ();
						if (movingFolder) {
							var abs = linkFile.Link.ToAbsolute (sourceProject.BaseDirectory);
							var relSrc = abs.ToRelative (sourcePath);
							var absTarg = relSrc.ToAbsolute (targetPath);
							linkFile.Link = absTarg.ToRelative (targetProject.BaseDirectory);
						} else {
							linkFile.Link = newFile.ToRelative (targetProject.BaseDirectory);
						targetProject.Files.Add (linkFile);
					} else if (targetProject.Files.GetFile (newFile) == null) {
						ProjectFile projectFile = (ProjectFile) file.Clone ();
						projectFile.Name = newFile;
						if (targetParent == null) {
							if (file == sourceParent)
								targetParent = projectFile;
						} else if (sourceParent != null) {
							if (projectFile.DependsOn == sourceParent.Name)
								projectFile.DependsOn = targetParent.Name;
						targetProject.Files.Add (projectFile);
				monitor.Step (1);
			if (removeFromSource) {
				// Remove all files and directories under 'sourcePath'
				foreach (var v in filesToRemove)
					sourceProject.Files.Remove (v);
			var pfolder = sourcePath.ParentDirectory;
			// If this was the last item in the folder, make sure we keep
			// a reference to the folder, so it is not deleted from the tree.
			if (removeFromSource && sourceProject != null && pfolder.CanonicalPath != sourceProject.BaseDirectory.CanonicalPath && pfolder.IsChildPathOf (sourceProject.BaseDirectory)) {
				pfolder = pfolder.ToRelative (sourceProject.BaseDirectory);
				if (!sourceProject.Files.GetFilesInVirtualPath (pfolder).Any ()) {
					var folderFile = new ProjectFile (sourceProject.BaseDirectory.Combine (pfolder));
					folderFile.Subtype = Subtype.Directory;
					sourceProject.Files.Add (folderFile);
			monitor.EndTask ();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override ParsedDocument Parse(bool storeAst, string file, TextReader content, Project prj = null)
            if (!storeAst)
                return null;

            ProjectFile pf = null;

            if (prj == null)
                var sln = Ide.IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedSolution;
                if (sln != null)
                    foreach (var proj in sln.GetAllProjects())
                        if (proj.IsFileInProject(file))
                            prj = proj;
                            pf = proj.GetProjectFile(file);
            else if(prj.IsFileInProject(file))
                pf = prj.GetProjectFile(file);

            // HACK(?) The folds are parsed before the document gets loaded
            // - so reuse the last parsed document to save time
            // -- What if multiple docs are opened?
            if (LastParsedMod is ParsedDModule && LastParsedMod.FileName == file)
                var d = LastParsedMod as ParsedDModule;
                LastParsedMod = null;
                return d;
                LastParsedMod = null;

            var dprj = prj as DProject;

            // Remove obsolete ast from cache
            DModule ast = null;
            if (dprj != null)
                ast = dprj.LocalFileCache.GetModuleByFileName(file, prj.BaseDirectory) as DModule;

                if (ast != null)
                    ast = null;

            var doc = new ParsedDModule(file);

            var parser = DParser.Create(content);

            // Also put attention on non-ddoc comments; These will be used to generate foldable comment regions then
            parser.Lexer.OnlyEnlistDDocComments = false;

            // Parse the code
                ast = parser.Parse();
            catch (TooManyErrorsException x)
                ast = parser.Document;

            // Update project owner information / Build appropriate module name
                if(pf == null)
                    ast.ModuleName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
                    ast.ModuleName = BuildModuleName(pf);
            ast.FileName = file;

            // Assign new ast to the ParsedDDocument object
            doc.DDom = ast;

            // Add parser errors to the parser output
            foreach (var parserError in parser.ParseErrors)
                doc.ErrorList.Add(new Error(

            #region Provide comment fold support by addin them to the IDE document object
            foreach (var cm in parser.TrackerVariables.Comments)
                var c = new MonoDevelop.Ide.TypeSystem.Comment(cm.CommentText);

                c.CommentType = cm.CommentType.HasFlag(D_Parser.Parser.Comment.Type.Block) ? CommentType.Block : CommentType.SingleLine;
                c.IsDocumentation = cm.CommentType.HasFlag(D_Parser.Parser.Comment.Type.Documentation);

                if (c.CommentType == CommentType.SingleLine)
                    if (c.IsDocumentation)
                        c.OpenTag = "///";
                        c.OpenTag = "//";
                    if (c.IsDocumentation)
                        c.OpenTag = "/**";
                        c.ClosingTag = "*/";
                        c.OpenTag = "/*";
                        c.ClosingTag = "*/";

                c.Region = new DomRegion(cm.StartPosition.Line, cm.StartPosition.Column, cm.EndPosition.Line, cm.EndPosition.Column);


                // Enlist TODO/FIXME/HACK etc. stuff in the IDE's project task list
                foreach (var sct in CommentTag.SpecialCommentTags)
                    if (c.Text.StartsWith(sct.Tag))
                        doc.Add(new Tag(sct.Tag, c.Text, c.Region));

            // Workaround for tags not being displayed
            if (prj != null)
                var ctnt = TypeSystemService.GetProjectContentWrapper(prj);
                if (ctnt != null)
                    var tags = ctnt.GetExtensionObject<ProjectCommentTags>();
                    if (tags != null)
                        tags.UpdateTags(prj, file, doc.TagComments);
                // If the file is not associated with any project,
                // check if the file is located in an imported/included directory
                // and update the respective cache.
                // Note: ParseCache.Remove() also affects the Ufcs cache,
                // but when adding it again, the UfcsCache has to be updated manually
                var caches = new List<ParseCache>();

                foreach(var p in Ide.IdeApp.Workspace.GetAllProjects())
                    if (p is DProject)
                        dprj = p as DProject;
                        if (dprj.LocalIncludeCache.Remove(file))
                        if (dprj.LocalFileCache.Remove(file))

                foreach (var cmp in DCompilerService.Instance.Compilers)
                    if (cmp.ParseCache.Remove(file))

                if(caches.Count > 0)
                    var ctxt = Completion.DCodeCompletionSupport.CreateCurrentContext();
                    foreach (var cch in caches)
                        //FIXME: Adjust the target module name and/or copy the ast head
                        cch.UfcsCache.CacheModuleMethods(ast, ctxt);

            #region Serialize to NRefactory Dom structure
            var cu = new CompilationUnit(file);
            doc.CompilationUnit = cu;

            var global = new DomType(cu, ClassType.Class,
                Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Partial,
                new DomLocation(),
                new DomRegion());

            foreach (var n in ast)
                var ch = ConvertDParserToDomNode(n, doc);

                if (ch is DomField || ch is DomMethod)
                    global.Add(ch as IMember);
                    cu.Add(ch as IType);

            return doc;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override ParsedDocument Parse(bool storeAst, string file, TextReader content, Project prj = null)
            if (!storeAst)
                return null;

            ProjectFile pf = null;

            if (prj == null)
                var sln = Ide.IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedSolution;
                if (sln != null)
                    foreach (var proj in sln.GetAllProjects())
                        if (proj.IsFileInProject(file))
                            prj = proj;
                            pf = proj.GetProjectFile(file);
            else if(prj.IsFileInProject(file))
                pf = prj.GetProjectFile(file);

            // HACK(?) The folds are parsed before the document gets loaded
            // - so reuse the last parsed document to save time
            // -- What if multiple docs are opened?
            var d = LastParsedMod as ParsedDModule;
            if (d != null && d.FileName == file)
                LastParsedMod = null;
                return d;
                LastParsedMod = null;

            var dprj = prj as AbstractDProject;

            // Remove obsolete ast from cache
            if(file != null)
                GlobalParseCache.RemoveModule (file);

            DModule ast;
            var doc = new ParsedDModule(file);

            var parser = DParser.Create(content);

            // Also put attention on non-ddoc comments; These will be used to generate foldable comment regions then
            parser.Lexer.OnlyEnlistDDocComments = false;

            // Parse the code
                ast = parser.Parse();
            catch (TooManyErrorsException)
                ast = parser.Document;
            catch(System.Exception ex) {
                doc.ErrorList.Add(new Error(ErrorType.Error, ex.Message));
                return doc;

            if(ast == null)
                return doc;

            // Update project owner information / Build appropriate module name
                if(pf == null)
                    ast.ModuleName = file != null ? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) : string.Empty;
                    ast.ModuleName = BuildModuleName(pf);
            ast.FileName = file;

            // Assign new ast to the ParsedDDocument object
            doc.DDom = ast;

            // Add parser errors to the parser output
            foreach (var parserError in parser.ParseErrors)
                doc.ErrorList.Add(new Error(

            #region Provide comment fold support by addin them to the IDE document object
            foreach (var cm in parser.Comments)
                var c = new MonoDevelop.Ide.TypeSystem.Comment(cm.CommentText){
                    CommentStartsLine = cm.CommentStartsLine,
                    CommentType = (cm.CommentType & D_Parser.Parser.Comment.Type.Block) != 0 ? CommentType.Block : CommentType.SingleLine,
                    IsDocumentation = cm.CommentType.HasFlag(D_Parser.Parser.Comment.Type.Documentation),
                if (c.CommentType == CommentType.SingleLine)
                    if (c.IsDocumentation)
                        c.OpenTag = "///";
                        c.OpenTag = "//";
                    if (c.IsDocumentation)
                        c.OpenTag = "/**";
                        c.ClosingTag = "*/";
                        c.OpenTag = "/*";
                        c.ClosingTag = "*/";

                c.Region = new DomRegion(cm.StartPosition.Line, cm.StartPosition.Column, cm.EndPosition.Line, cm.EndPosition.Column);


                // Enlist TODO/FIXME/HACK etc. stuff in the IDE's project task list
                for (int i = CommentTag.SpecialCommentTags.Count-1; i >= 0 ; i--)
                    if (c.Text.StartsWith(CommentTag.SpecialCommentTags[i].Tag))
                        doc.Add(new Tag(CommentTag.SpecialCommentTags[i].Tag, c.Text, c.Region));

            #region Serialize to NRefactory Dom structure
            var cu = new CompilationUnit(file);
            doc.CompilationUnit = cu;

            var global = new DomType(cu, ClassType.Class,
                Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Partial,
                new DomLocation(),
                new DomRegion());

            foreach (var n in ast)
                var ch = ConvertDParserToDomNode(n, doc);

                if (ch is DomField || ch is DomMethod)
                    global.Add(ch as IMember);
                    cu.Add(ch as IType);

            if (prj != null)
                // Workaround for tags not being displayed
                var ctnt = TypeSystemService.GetProjectContentWrapper(prj);
                if (ctnt != null)
                    var tags = ctnt.GetExtensionObject<ProjectCommentTags>();
                    if (tags != null)
                        tags.UpdateTags(prj, file, doc.TagComments);

            return doc;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ParsedDocument Parse(bool storeAst, string file, TextReader content, Project prj = null)
            if (!storeAst)
                return null;

            // HACK(?) The folds are parsed before the document gets loaded
            // - so reuse the last parsed document to save time
            // -- What if multiple docs are opened?
            if (LastParsedMod is ParsedDModule && LastParsedMod.FileName == file)
                var d = (ParsedDModule)LastParsedMod;
                if (prj!=null)
                    var pf = prj.GetProjectFile(file);

                    // Build appropriate module name
                    if (pf != null)
                        d.DDom.ModuleName = BuildModuleName(pf);
                LastParsedMod = null;
                return d;
                LastParsedMod = null;

            var doc = new ParsedDModule(file);

            var parser = DParser.Create(content);

            // Also put attention on non-ddoc comments; These will be used to generate foldable comment regions then
            parser.Lexer.OnlyEnlistDDocComments = false;

            // Parse the code
            var ast = parser.Parse();

            // Update project owner information
            if (prj is DProject)
                var pf = prj.GetProjectFile(file);

                // Build appropriate module name
                if (pf != null)
                    ast.ModuleName = BuildModuleName(pf);

            ast.FileName = file;
            doc.DDom = ast;

            // Add parser errors to the parser output
            foreach (var parserError in parser.ParseErrors)
                doc.ErrorList.Add(new Error(

            #region Provide comment fold support by addin them to the IDE document object
            foreach (var cm in parser.TrackerVariables.Comments)
                var c = new MonoDevelop.Ide.TypeSystem.Comment(cm.CommentText);

                c.CommentType = cm.CommentType.HasFlag(D_Parser.Parser.Comment.Type.Block) ? CommentType.Block : CommentType.SingleLine;
                c.IsDocumentation = cm.CommentType.HasFlag(D_Parser.Parser.Comment.Type.Documentation);

                if (c.CommentType == CommentType.SingleLine)
                    if (c.IsDocumentation)
                        c.OpenTag = "///";
                        c.OpenTag = "//";
                    if (c.IsDocumentation)
                        c.OpenTag = "/**";
                        c.ClosingTag = "*/";
                        c.OpenTag = "/*";
                        c.ClosingTag = "*/";

                c.Region = new DomRegion(cm.StartPosition.Line, cm.StartPosition.Column - 2, cm.EndPosition.Line, cm.EndPosition.Column);


                // Enlist TODO/FIXME/HACK etc. stuff in the IDE's project task list
                foreach (var sct in CommentTag.SpecialCommentTags)
                    if (c.Text.StartsWith(sct.Tag))
                        doc.Add(new Tag(sct.Tag, c.Text, c.Region));

            #region Serialize to NRefactory Dom structure
            var cu = new CompilationUnit(file);
            doc.CompilationUnit = cu;

            var global = new DomType(cu, ClassType.Class,
                Modifiers.Public | Modifiers.Partial,
                new DomLocation(),
                new DomRegion());

            foreach (var n in ast)
                var ch = ConvertDParserToDomNode(n, doc);

                if (ch is DomField || ch is DomMethod)
                    global.Add(ch as IMember);
                    cu.Add(ch as IType);

            return doc;