Exemplo n.º 1
		internal IXmlNamespaceResolver GetNSResolver (XPathSequence iter)
			// FIXME: IXmlNamespaceResolver must be constructed
			// considering 1)static context and 2)in-scope element
			// construction.
			return iter.Context;
Exemplo n.º 2
		internal XQueryContextManager (XQueryStaticContext ctx, XPathItem input, XmlWriter writer, XmlResolver resolver, XmlArgumentList args)
			this.input = input;
			this.staticContext = ctx;
			this.args = args;
			currentWriter = writer;
			this.extDocResolver = resolver;

			namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager (ctx.NameTable);
			foreach (DictionaryEntry de in ctx.NSResolver.GetNamespacesInScope (XmlNamespaceScope.ExcludeXml))
				namespaceManager.AddNamespace (de.Key.ToString (), de.Value.ToString ());
			namespaceManager.PushScope ();

			currentContext = new XQueryContext (this, null, new Hashtable ());
			if (input != null) {
				currentSequence = new SingleItemIterator (input, currentContext);
				currentSequence.MoveNext ();
			currentContext = new XQueryContext (this, currentSequence, new Hashtable ());
Exemplo n.º 3
		public XPathSequence EvaluateNode (XPathSequence iter, XPathNodeType moveAfterCreation)
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
			XmlWriter w = iter.Context.Writer;
			try {
				iter.Context.Writer = doc.CreateNavigator ().AppendChild ();
				Serialize (iter);
				iter.Context.Writer.Close ();
			} finally {
				iter.Context.Writer = w;
			XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator ();
			switch (moveAfterCreation) {
			case XPathNodeType.Attribute:
				nav.MoveToFirstAttribute ();
			case XPathNodeType.Root:
				nav.MoveToFirstChild ();
			return new SingleItemIterator (nav, iter.Context);
Exemplo n.º 4
		private static object FnMinImpl (XPathSequence e, CultureInfo collation)
			if (!e.MoveNext ())
				return null;
			switch (e.Current.XmlType.TypeCode) {
			case XmlTypeCode.DayTimeDuration:
				return FnMinDayTimeDuration (e);
			case XmlTypeCode.YearMonthDuration:
				return FnMinYearMonthDuration (e);
			case XmlTypeCode.Decimal:
				return FnMinDecimal (e);
			case XmlTypeCode.Integer:
				return FnMinInteger (e);
			case XmlTypeCode.Float:
				return FnMinFloat (e);
			case XmlTypeCode.UntypedAtomic:
			case XmlTypeCode.Double:
				return FnMinDouble (e);
			throw new XmlQueryException ("avg() function detected that the sequence contains an item whose type is neither of dayTimeDuration, yearMonthDuration, decimal, integer, float, double, nor untypedAtomic.");
Exemplo n.º 5
		public static object FnMin (XQueryContext ctx, XPathSequence e)
			return FnMinImpl (e, ctx.DefaultCollation);
Exemplo n.º 6
		private static float FnMaxFloat (XPathSequence e)
			float ret = float.MinValue;
			do {
				ret = System.Math.Max (e.Current.ValueAsSingle, ret);
			} while (e.MoveNext ());
			return ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
		private static decimal FnMaxDecimal (XPathSequence e)
			decimal ret = decimal.MinValue;
			do {
				ret = System.Math.Max (e.Current.ValueAsDecimal, ret);
			} while (e.MoveNext ());
			return ret;
Exemplo n.º 8
		private static TimeSpan FnAvgYearMonthDuration (XPathSequence e)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
Exemplo n.º 9
		public static bool FnDeepEqualImpl (XPathSequence p1, XPathSequence p2, CultureInfo collation)
			// FIXME: use collation
			while (p1.MoveNext ()) {
				if (!p2.MoveNext ())
					return false;
				if (!FnDeepEqualItem (p1.Current, p2.Current, collation))
					return false;
			if (p2.MoveNext ())
				return false;
			return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
		public static XPathSequence FnRemove (XPathSequence target, int position)
			if (position < 1)
				return target;
			return new RemovalIterator (target, position);
Exemplo n.º 11
		public static XPathSequence FnInsertBefore (XPathSequence target, int position, XPathSequence inserts)
			if (position < 1)
				position = 1;
			return new InsertingIterator (target, position, inserts);
Exemplo n.º 12
		private static XPathSequence FnDistinctValuesImpl (XQueryContext ctx, XPathSequence items, CultureInfo collation)
			return new DistinctValueIterator (ctx, items, collation);
Exemplo n.º 13
		public static XPathSequence FnDistinctValues (XQueryContext ctx, XPathSequence items, string collation)
			return FnDistinctValuesImpl (ctx, items, ctx.GetCulture (collation));
Exemplo n.º 14
		public static XPathSequence FnDistinctValues (XQueryContext ctx, XPathSequence items)
			return FnDistinctValuesImpl (ctx, items, ctx.DefaultCollation);
Exemplo n.º 15
		public static bool FnExists (XPathSequence e)
			if (e is XPathEmptySequence)
				return false;
			return e.MoveNext ();
Exemplo n.º 16
		public static object FnDeepEqual (XQueryContext ctx, XPathSequence p1, XPathSequence p2)
			return FnDeepEqualImpl (p1, p2, ctx.DefaultCollation);
Exemplo n.º 17
		public static object FnDeepEqual (XQueryContext ctx, XPathSequence p1, XPathSequence p2, string collation)
			return FnDeepEqualImpl (p1, p2, ctx.GetCulture (collation));
Exemplo n.º 18
		public static XPathSequence FnReverse (XPathSequence arg)
			ArrayList al = new ArrayList ();
			while (arg.MoveNext ())
				al.Add (arg.Current);
			al.Reverse ();
			return new ListIterator (arg.Context, al);
Exemplo n.º 19
		public static int FnCount (XPathSequence e)
			if (e == null)
				return 0;
			return e.Count;
Exemplo n.º 20
		public static object FnSubsequence (XPathSequence sourceSeq, double startingLoc)
			return FnSubsequence (sourceSeq, startingLoc, double.MaxValue);
Exemplo n.º 21
		private static TimeSpan FnAvgDouble (XPathSequence e)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
Exemplo n.º 22
		public static object FnSubsequence (XPathSequence sourceSeq, double startingLoc, double length)
			throw new NotImplementedException ();
Exemplo n.º 23
		private static int FnMaxInteger (XPathSequence e)
			int ret = int.MinValue;
			do {
				ret = System.Math.Max (e.Current.ValueAsInt32, ret);
			} while (e.MoveNext ());
			return ret;
Exemplo n.º 24
		// Basically it should be optimized by XQueryASTCompiler
		public static XPathSequence FnUnordered (XPathSequence e)
			return e;
Exemplo n.º 25
		private static double FnMaxDouble (XPathSequence e)
			double ret = double.MinValue;
			do {
				ret = System.Math.Max (e.Current.ValueAsDouble, ret);
			} while (e.MoveNext ());
			return ret;
Exemplo n.º 26
		public static XPathItem FnZeroOrOne (XPathSequence e)
			if (!e.MoveNext ())
				return null;
			XPathItem item = e.Current;
			if (e.MoveNext ())
				throw new XmlQueryException ("zero-or-one() function detected that the argument sequence contains two or more items.");
			return item;
Exemplo n.º 27
		public static object FnMin (XQueryContext ctx, XPathSequence e, string collation)
			return FnMinImpl (e, ctx.GetCulture (collation));
Exemplo n.º 28
		public static object FnOneOrMore (XPathSequence e)
			if (!e.Clone ().MoveNext ())
				throw new XmlQueryException ("one-or-more() function detected that the argument sequence contains no items.");
			return e;
Exemplo n.º 29
		private static TimeSpan FnMinYearMonthDuration (XPathSequence e)
			// FIXME: reject dTD (but is it possible...?)
			TimeSpan ret = TimeSpan.Zero;
			do {
				TimeSpan ts = (TimeSpan) e.Current.TypedValue;
				if (ts > ret)
					ret = ts;
			} while (e.MoveNext ());
			return ret;
Exemplo n.º 30
		public static XPathItem FnExactlyOne (XPathSequence e)
			if (!e.MoveNext ())
				throw new XmlQueryException ("exactly-one() function detected that the argument sequence contains no items.");
			XPathItem item = e.Current;
			if (e.MoveNext ())
				throw new XmlQueryException ("exactly-one() function detected that the argument sequence contains two or more items.");
			return item;