Inheritance: System.Security.Cryptography.RSA
Exemplo n.º 1
		public void ConstructorEmpty () 
			// under Mono:: a new key pair isn't generated
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged ();
			// test default key size
			Assert.AreEqual (1024, rsa.KeySize, "Default key size");
Exemplo n.º 2
		public override void GenerateClient (TlsContext ctx)
			// Compute pre master secret
			using (var preMasterSecret = ctx.Session.GetSecureRandomBytes (48)) {
				preMasterSecret.Buffer [0] = (byte)((short)ctx.Configuration.RequestedProtocol >> 8);
				preMasterSecret.Buffer [1] = (byte)ctx.Configuration.RequestedProtocol;

				RSA rsa = null;
				// Create a new RSA key
				var serverCertificates = ctx.Session.PendingCrypto.ServerCertificates;
				if (serverCertificates == null || serverCertificates.Count == 0) {
					// FIXME: Should have received ServerKeyExchange message.
					throw new TlsException (AlertDescription.IlegalParameter);
				} else {
					rsa = new RSAManaged (serverCertificates [0].RSA.KeySize);
					rsa.ImportParameters (serverCertificates [0].RSA.ExportParameters (false));

				ComputeMasterSecret (ctx, preMasterSecret);

				// Encrypt premaster_sercret
				var formatter = new RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter (rsa);
				encryptedPreMasterSecret = formatter.CreateKeyExchange (preMasterSecret.Buffer);
				rsa.Clear ();
		protected override void ProcessAsSsl3()
			// Compute pre master secret
			byte[] preMasterSecret = this.Context.Cipher.CreatePremasterSecret();

			// Create a new RSA key
			RSA rsa = null;
			if (this.Context.ServerSettings.ServerKeyExchange) 
				// this is the case for "exportable" ciphers
				rsa = new RSAManaged ();
				rsa.ImportParameters (this.Context.ServerSettings.RsaParameters);
				rsa = this.Context.ServerSettings.CertificateRSA;
			// Encrypt premaster_sercret
			RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter formatter = new RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter(rsa);

			// Write the preMasterSecret encrypted
			byte[] buffer = formatter.CreateKeyExchange(preMasterSecret);

			// Create master secret

			// Create keys

			// Clear resources
Exemplo n.º 4
 static internal bool TryImportCapiPrivateKeyBlob(byte[] blob, int offset)
     try {
         var rsap = GetParametersFromCapiPrivateKeyBlob(blob, offset);
         // Since we are only checking whether this throws an exception and
         // not actually returning the `RSA` object, we can use `RSAManaged`
         // here because that's what the `RSACryptoServiceProvider` implementation
         // does internally.
         var rsa = new RSAManaged();
     } catch (CryptographicException) {
Exemplo n.º 5
		public void Properties () 
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged (minKeySize);
			Assert.AreEqual (1, rsa.LegalKeySizes.Length, "LegalKeySize");
			Assert.AreEqual (minKeySize, rsa.LegalKeySizes [0].MinSize, "LegalKeySize.MinSize");
			Assert.AreEqual (16384, rsa.LegalKeySizes [0].MaxSize, "LegalKeySize.MaxSize");
			Assert.AreEqual (8, rsa.LegalKeySizes [0].SkipSize, "LegalKeySize.SkipSize");
			Assert.AreEqual ("RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx", rsa.KeyExchangeAlgorithm, "KeyExchangeAlgorithm");
			Assert.AreEqual ("", rsa.SignatureAlgorithm, "SignatureAlgorithm");
			rsa.Clear ();
			Assert.AreEqual (1, rsa.LegalKeySizes.Length, "LegalKeySize(disposed)");
			Assert.AreEqual (minKeySize, rsa.LegalKeySizes [0].MinSize, "LegalKeySize.MinSize(disposed)");
			Assert.AreEqual (16384, rsa.LegalKeySizes [0].MaxSize, "LegalKeySize.MaxSize(disposed)");
			Assert.AreEqual (8, rsa.LegalKeySizes [0].SkipSize, "LegalKeySize.SkipSize(disposed)");
			Assert.AreEqual ("RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx", rsa.KeyExchangeAlgorithm, "KeyExchangeAlgorithm(disposed)");
			Assert.AreEqual ("", rsa.SignatureAlgorithm, "SignatureAlgorithm(disposed)");
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public ICryptographicKey ImportKeyPair(byte[] keyBlob, CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType blobType = CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType.Pkcs8RawPrivateKeyInfo)
            Requires.NotNull(keyBlob, "keyBlob");

            var parameters = KeyFormatter.GetFormatter(blobType).Read(keyBlob);
            Platform.RSA rsa;
            if (CapiKeyFormatter.IsCapiCompatible(parameters))
                rsa = new Platform.RSACryptoServiceProvider();
            #if DESKTOP
                rsa = new RSAManaged();
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            return new RsaCryptographicKey(rsa, this.algorithm);
Exemplo n.º 7
		public void TooBigKeyPair () 
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged (32768);
		private bool VerifyCounterSignature (PKCS7.SignerInfo cs, byte[] signature) 
			// SEQUENCE {
			//   INTEGER 1
			if (cs.Version != 1)
				return false;
			//   SEQUENCE {
			//      SEQUENCE {

			string contentType = null;
			ASN1 messageDigest = null;
			for (int i=0; i < cs.AuthenticatedAttributes.Count; i++) {
				// SEQUENCE {
				ASN1 attr = (ASN1) cs.AuthenticatedAttributes [i];
				string oid = ASN1Convert.ToOid (attr[0]);
				switch (oid) {
					case "1.2.840.113549.1.9.3":
						// contentType
						contentType = ASN1Convert.ToOid (attr[1][0]);
					case "1.2.840.113549.1.9.4":
						// messageDigest
						messageDigest = attr[1][0];
					case "1.2.840.113549.1.9.5":
						// SEQUENCE {
						//     signingTime (1 2 840 113549 1 9 5)
						//   SET {
						//     UTCTime '030124013651Z'
						//   }
						// }
						timestamp = ASN1Convert.ToDateTime (attr[1][0]);

			if (contentType != 
				return false;

			// verify message digest
			if (messageDigest == null)
				return false;
			// TODO: must be read from the ASN.1 structure
			string hashName = null;
			switch (messageDigest.Length) {
				case 16:
					hashName = "MD5";
				case 20:
					hashName = "SHA1";
			HashAlgorithm ha = HashAlgorithm.Create (hashName);
			if (!messageDigest.CompareValue (ha.ComputeHash (signature)))
				return false;

			// verify signature
			byte[] counterSignature = cs.Signature;

			// change to SET OF (not [0]) as per PKCS #7 1.5
			ASN1 aa = new ASN1 (0x31);
			foreach (ASN1 a in cs.AuthenticatedAttributes)
				aa.Add (a);
			byte[] p7hash = ha.ComputeHash (aa.GetBytes ());

			// we need to try all certificates
			string issuer = cs.IssuerName;
			byte[] serial = cs.SerialNumber;
			foreach (X509Certificate x509 in coll) {
				if (CompareIssuerSerial (issuer, serial, x509)) {
					if (x509.PublicKey.Length > counterSignature.Length) {
						RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = (RSACryptoServiceProvider) x509.RSA;
						// we need to HACK around bad (PKCS#1 1.5) signatures made by Verisign Timestamp Service
						// and this means copying stuff into our own RSAManaged to get the required flexibility
						RSAManaged rsam = new RSAManaged ();
						rsam.ImportParameters (rsa.ExportParameters (false));
						if (PKCS1.Verify_v15 (rsam, ha, p7hash, counterSignature, true)) {
							timestampChain.LoadCertificates (coll);
							return (timestampChain.Build (x509));
			// no certificate can verify this signature!
			return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
		[Test] // see bug #76627
		public void MultipleKeys ()
			RSAManaged r384a = new RSAManaged (384);
			RSAManaged r384b = new RSAManaged (384);
			RSAManaged r512 = new RSAManaged (512);
			PKCS12 p12 = new PKCS12 ();
			Assert.AreEqual (0, p12.Keys.Count, "0");
			p12.AddPkcs8ShroudedKeyBag (r512);
			Assert.AreEqual (1, p12.Keys.Count, "1");
			p12.AddPkcs8ShroudedKeyBag (r384a);
			Assert.AreEqual (2, p12.Keys.Count, "2");
			p12.AddPkcs8ShroudedKeyBag (r384b);
			Assert.AreEqual (3, p12.Keys.Count, "3");
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: Key.cs Projeto: nobled/mono
		void GenerateKeyPair ()
			var rsa = new RSAManaged ((int)keySize);
			KeyValue = rsa.ToXmlString (true);
			IsValid = true;
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public ICryptographicKey ImportKeyPair(byte[] keyBlob, CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType blobType = CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType.Pkcs8RawPrivateKeyInfo)
            Requires.NotNull(keyBlob, "keyBlob");

            var parameters = KeyFormatter.GetFormatter(blobType).Read(keyBlob);
            if (!CapiKeyFormatter.IsCapiCompatible(parameters))
                // Try to make it CAPI compatible since it's faster on desktop,
                // and the only thing that could possibly work on wp8.
                RSAParameters adjustedParameters = KeyFormatter.NegotiateSizes(parameters);
                if (CapiKeyFormatter.IsCapiCompatible(adjustedParameters))
                    parameters = adjustedParameters;

            Platform.RSA rsa;
            if (CapiKeyFormatter.IsCapiCompatible(parameters))
                rsa = new Platform.RSACryptoServiceProvider();
            #if DESKTOP
                rsa = new RSAManaged();
                // Throw the exception explaining the problem.

                // Make it obvious to the compiler that the buck stops here.
                // er... on the line above.
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            return new RsaCryptographicKey(rsa, this.algorithm);
Exemplo n.º 12
		private void Common (int dwKeySize, CspParameters p) 
			// Microsoft RSA CSP can do between 384 and 16384 bits keypair
			LegalKeySizesValue = new KeySizes [1];
			LegalKeySizesValue [0] = new KeySizes (384, 16384, 8);
			base.KeySize = dwKeySize;

			rsa = new RSAManaged (KeySize);
			rsa.KeyGenerated += new RSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler (OnKeyGenerated);

			persistKey = (p != null);
			if (p == null) {
				p = new CspParameters (PROV_RSA_FULL);
#if NET_1_1
				if (useMachineKeyStore)
					p.Flags |= CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore;
				store = new KeyPairPersistence (p);
				// no need to load - it cannot exists
			else {
				store = new KeyPairPersistence (p);
				store.Load ();
				if (store.KeyValue != null) {
					persisted = true;
					this.FromXmlString (store.KeyValue);
Exemplo n.º 13
		public void MonoXmlImportExportWithoutCRT () 
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged ();

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml384woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml384woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml384-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml448woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml448woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml448-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml512woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml512woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml512-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml576woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml576woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml576-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml640woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml640woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml640-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml704woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml704woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml704-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml768woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml768woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml768-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml832woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml832woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml832-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml896woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml896woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml896-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml960woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml960woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml960-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml1024woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml1024woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml1024-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml1536woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml1536woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml1536-WithoutCRT");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml2048woCRT);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml2048woCRT, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml2048-WithoutCRT");
Exemplo n.º 14
		public void MonoXmlImportExport () 
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged ();

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml384);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml384, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml384");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml448);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml448, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml448");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml512);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml512, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml512");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml576);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml576, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml576");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml640);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml640, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml640");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml704);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml704, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml704");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml768);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml768, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml768");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml832);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml832, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml832");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml896);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml896, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml896");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml960);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml960, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml960");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml1024);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml1024, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml1024");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml1536);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml1536, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml1536");

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml2048);
			Assert.AreEqual (MonoXml2048, rsa.ToXmlString (true), "Mono-Xml2048");
Exemplo n.º 15
		public void CapiEncryptDecryptWithoutCRT () 
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged ();

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml384woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-384-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml448woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-448-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml512woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-512-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml576woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-576-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml640woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-640-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml704woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-704-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml768woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-768-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml832woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-832-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml896woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-896-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml960woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-960-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml1024woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-1024-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml1536woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-1536-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml2048woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-2048-WithoutCRT", rsa);
Exemplo n.º 16
		public void CapiEncryptDecrypt () 
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged ();

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml384);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-384", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml448);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-448", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml512);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-512", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml576);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-576", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml640);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-640", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml704);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-704", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml768);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-768", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml832);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-832", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml896);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-896", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml960);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-960", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml1024);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-1024", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml1536);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-1536", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (CapiXml2048);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Capi-2048", rsa);
Exemplo n.º 17
		private void EncryptDecrypt (string msg, RSAManaged rsa) 
			RSAParameters param = rsa.ExportParameters (false);

			byte[] data = { 0xFF, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 };
			// we don't need the private key to encrypt
			RSAManaged pubkey = new RSAManaged ();
			pubkey.ImportParameters (param);
			byte[] enc = pubkey.EncryptValue (data);

			byte[] dec = rsa.DecryptValue (enc);
			// note: the decrypted value is now right padded with zeros
			Assert.IsTrue (BitConverter.ToString (dec).EndsWith (BitConverter.ToString (data)), msg);
Exemplo n.º 18
		private void Common (int dwKeySize, CspParameters p) 
			// Microsoft RSA CSP can do between 384 and 16384 bits keypair
			LegalKeySizesValue = new KeySizes [1];
			LegalKeySizesValue [0] = new KeySizes (384, 16384, 8);
			base.KeySize = dwKeySize;

			rsa = new RSAManaged (KeySize);
			rsa.KeyGenerated += new RSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler (OnKeyGenerated);

			persistKey = (p != null);
			if (p == null) {
				p = new CspParameters (PROV_RSA_FULL);
				if (useMachineKeyStore)
					p.Flags |= CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore;
				store = new KeyPairPersistence (p);
				// no need to load - it cannot exists
			else {
				store = new KeyPairPersistence (p);
				bool exists = store.Load ();
				bool required = (p.Flags & CspProviderFlags.UseExistingKey) != 0;

				if (required && !exists)
					throw new CryptographicException ("Keyset does not exist");

				if (store.KeyValue != null) {
					persisted = true;
					this.FromXmlString (store.KeyValue);
Exemplo n.º 19
		private void EncryptDecrypt (string msg, RSAManaged rsa) 
			RSAParameters param = rsa.ExportParameters (false);

			byte[] data = { 0xFF, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13 };
			// we don't need the private key to encrypt
			RSAManaged pubkey = new RSAManaged ();
			pubkey.ImportParameters (param);
			byte[] enc = pubkey.EncryptValue (data);

			byte[] dec = rsa.DecryptValue (enc);
			Assert.AreEqual (BitConverter.ToString (data), BitConverter.ToString (dec), msg);
Exemplo n.º 20
		private RSA getClientCertRSA(RSA privKey)
			RSAParameters rsaParams		= new RSAParameters();
			RSAParameters privateParams = privKey.ExportParameters(true);

			// for RSA m_publickey contains 2 ASN.1 integers
			// the modulus and the public exponent
			ASN1 pubkey = new ASN1 (this.Context.ClientSettings.Certificates[0].GetPublicKey());
			ASN1 modulus = pubkey [0];
			if ((modulus == null) || (modulus.Tag != 0x02))
				return null;
			ASN1 exponent = pubkey [1];
			if (exponent.Tag != 0x02)
				return null;

			rsaParams.Modulus = this.getUnsignedBigInteger(modulus.Value);
			rsaParams.Exponent = exponent.Value;

			// Set private key parameters
			rsaParams.D			= privateParams.D;
			rsaParams.DP		= privateParams.DP;
			rsaParams.DQ		= privateParams.DQ;
			rsaParams.InverseQ	= privateParams.InverseQ;
			rsaParams.P			= privateParams.P;
			rsaParams.Q			= privateParams.Q;			

			// BUG: MS BCL 1.0 can't import a key which 
			// isn't the same size as the one present in
			// the container.
			int keySize = (rsaParams.Modulus.Length << 3);
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged(keySize);
			rsa.ImportParameters (rsaParams);

			return (RSA)rsa;
Exemplo n.º 21
		public void MonoEncryptDecrypt () 
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged ();

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml384);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-384", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml448);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-448", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml512);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-512", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml576);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-576", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml640);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-640", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml704);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-704", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml768);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-768", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml832);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-832", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml896);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-896", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml960);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-960", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml1024);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-1024", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml1536);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-1536", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml2048);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-2048", rsa);
Exemplo n.º 22
		public void MonoEncryptDecryptWithoutCRT () 
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged ();

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml384woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-384-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml448woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-448-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml512woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-512-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml576woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-576-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml640woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-640-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml704woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-704-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml768woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-768-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml832woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-832-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml896woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-896-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml960woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-960-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml1024woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-1024-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml1536woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-1536-WithoutCRT", rsa);

			rsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml2048woCRT);
			EncryptDecrypt ("Mono-2048-WithoutCRT", rsa);
Exemplo n.º 23
		public void ConstructorKeySize () 
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged (minKeySize);
			// test default key size
			Assert.AreEqual (minKeySize, rsa.KeySize, "Minimum key size");
Exemplo n.º 24
		public void RemoveKeyBag_Test ()
			PKCS12 p12 = new PKCS12 ();
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged (384);
			p12.AddKeyBag (rsa);
			Assert.AreEqual (1, p12.Keys.Count, "RK.1");

			RSAManaged rsa2 = new RSAManaged (384);
			p12.RemoveKeyBag (rsa2);
			Assert.AreEqual (1, p12.Keys.Count, "RK.2");

			p12.RemoveKeyBag (rsa);
			Assert.AreEqual (0, p12.Keys.Count, "RK.3");
Exemplo n.º 25
		public void Bug79269 ()
	                RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged ();
			rsa.FromXmlString ("<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>iSObDmmhDgrl4NiLaviFcpv4NdysBWJcqiVz3AQbPdajtXaQQ8VJdfRkixah132yKOFGCWZhHS3EuPMh8dcNwGwta2nh+m2IV6ktzI4+mZ7CSNAsmlDY0JI+H8At1vKvNArlC5jkVGuliYroJeSU/NLPLNYgspi7TtXGy9Rfug8=</Modulus><Exponent>EQ==</Exponent></RSAKeyValue>");
			Assert.IsTrue (rsa.PublicOnly, "PublicOnly");
        	        string b64 = @"YgyAhscnTTIcDeLJTZcOYYyHVxNhV6d03jeZYjq0sPMEsfCCbE/NcFyYHD9BTuiduqPplCLbGpfZIZYJ6vAP9m5z4Q9eEw79kmEFCsm8wSKEo/gKiptVpwQ78VOPrWd/wEkTTeeg2nVim3JIsTKGFlV7rKxIWQhGN9aAqgP8nZI=";
        	        byte [] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String (b64);
	                rsa.DecryptValue (bytes);
Exemplo n.º 26
		public void UpdateCertificateRSA()
			if (this.clientCertificate == null)
				this.certificateRSA = null;
				X509.X509Certificate cert = new X509.X509Certificate(this.clientCertificate.GetRawCertData());

				this.certificateRSA = new RSAManaged(

Exemplo n.º 27
		public void Bug18482 ()
			RSAManaged privateRsa = new RSAManaged ();
			privateRsa.FromXmlString (MonoXml384);
			var rsaParameters = privateRsa.ExportParameters (false);
			RSAManaged publicRsa = new RSAManaged ();
			//Generates a key pair with private key values
			publicRsa.ExportParameters (false);
			//Sets public key values and should reset private key values
			publicRsa.ImportParameters (rsaParameters);
			//Should export valid parameters without throwing an exception.
			publicRsa.ExportParameters (false);
Exemplo n.º 28
		void Common (int dwKeySize, bool parameters) 
			// Microsoft RSA CSP can do between 384 and 16384 bits keypair
			LegalKeySizesValue = new KeySizes [1];
			LegalKeySizesValue [0] = new KeySizes (384, 16384, 8);
			base.KeySize = dwKeySize;

			rsa = new RSAManaged (KeySize);
			rsa.KeyGenerated += new RSAManaged.KeyGeneratedEventHandler (OnKeyGenerated);

			persistKey = parameters;
			if (parameters)

			// no need to load - it cannot exists
			var p = new CspParameters (PROV_RSA_FULL);
			if (useMachineKeyStore)
				p.Flags |= CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore;
			store = new KeyPairPersistence (p);
Exemplo n.º 29
		public void TooSmallKeyPair () 
			RSAManaged rsa = new RSAManaged (256);
Exemplo n.º 30
		public void FixtureSetUp ()
			rsa = new RSAManaged ();
			rsa.FromXmlString (rsaxml);
Exemplo n.º 31
		public void FixtureSetup ()
			key = new RSAManaged (384);