public override Control GetVisualizerWidget (ObjectValue val)
			string value = val.Value;
			Gdk.Color col = new Gdk.Color (85, 85, 85);

			if (!val.IsNull && (val.TypeName == "string" || val.TypeName == "char[]"))
				value = '"' + GetString (val) + '"';
			if (DebuggingService.HasInlineVisualizer (val))
				value = DebuggingService.GetInlineVisualizer (val).InlineVisualize (val);

			var label = new Gtk.Label ();
			label.Text = value;
			var font = label.Style.FontDescription.Copy ();

			if (font.SizeIsAbsolute) {
				font.AbsoluteSize = font.Size - 1;
			} else {
				font.Size -= (int)(Pango.Scale.PangoScale);

			label.ModifyFont (font);
			label.ModifyFg (StateType.Normal, col);
			label.SetPadding (4, 4);

			if (label.SizeRequest ().Width > 500) {
				label.WidthRequest = 500;
				label.Wrap = true;
				label.LineWrapMode = Pango.WrapMode.WordChar;
			} else {
				label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Center;

			if (label.Layout.GetLine (1) != null) {
				label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left;
				var line15 = label.Layout.GetLine (15);
				if (line15 != null) {
					label.Text = value.Substring (0, line15.StartIndex).TrimEnd ('\r', '\n') + "\n…";

			label.Show ();

			return label;
Exemplo n.º 2
		void HandleExceptionValueChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
			frames = null;
			if (exception.IsEvaluatingGroup)
				exception = exception.GetArrayItem (0);
			NotifyChanged ();
Exemplo n.º 3
		public override Gtk.Widget GetVisualizerWidget (ObjectValue val)
			var ops = DebuggingService.DebuggerSession.EvaluationOptions.Clone ();
			string file = Path.GetTempFileName ();
			Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf;

			ops.AllowTargetInvoke = true;

			try {
				var pix = (RawValue) val.GetRawValue (ops);
				pix.CallMethod ("Save", file, "png");
				pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf (file);
			} finally {
				File.Delete (file);

			var sc = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow ();
			sc.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In;
			sc.HscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic;
			sc.VscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic;
			var image = new Gtk.Image (pixbuf);
			sc.AddWithViewport (image);
			sc.ShowAll ();
			return sc;
		public PinnedWatchWidget (TextEditor editor, PinnedWatch watch)
			objectValue = watch.Value;
			Editor = editor;
			Watch = watch;

			valueTree = new ObjectValueTreeView ();
			valueTree.AllowAdding = false;
			valueTree.AllowEditing = true;
			valueTree.AllowPinning = true;
			valueTree.HeadersVisible = false;
			valueTree.CompactView = true;
			valueTree.PinnedWatch = watch;
			if (objectValue != null)
				valueTree.AddValue (objectValue);
			valueTree.ButtonPressEvent += HandleValueTreeButtonPressEvent;
			valueTree.ButtonReleaseEvent += HandleValueTreeButtonReleaseEvent;
			valueTree.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleValueTreeMotionNotifyEvent;
			Gtk.Frame fr = new Gtk.Frame ();
			fr.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.Out;
			fr.Add (valueTree);
			Add (fr);
			HandleEditorOptionsChanged (null, null);
			ShowAll ();
			//unpin.Hide ();
			Editor.EditorOptionsChanged += HandleEditorOptionsChanged;
			DebuggingService.PausedEvent += HandleDebuggingServicePausedEvent;
			DebuggingService.ResumedEvent += HandleDebuggingServiceResumedEvent;
Exemplo n.º 5
		/// <summary>
		/// The provided value can have the following members:
		/// Type of the object: type of the exception
		/// Message: Message of the exception
		/// Instance: Raw instance of the exception
		/// StackTrace: an array of frames. Each frame must have:
		///     Value of the object: display text of the frame
		///     File: name of the file
		///     Line: line
		///     Col: column
		/// InnerException: inner exception, following the same format described above.
		/// </summary>
		public ExceptionInfo (ObjectValue exception)
			this.exception = exception;
			if (exception.IsEvaluating || exception.IsEvaluatingGroup)
				exception.ValueChanged += HandleExceptionValueChanged;
		public void Show (ObjectValue val)
			value = val;
			visualizers = new List<ValueVisualizer> (DebuggingService.GetValueVisualizers (val));
			visualizers.Sort ((v1, v2) => string.Compare (v1.Name, v2.Name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
			buttons = new List<ToggleButton> ();

			Gtk.Button defaultVis = null;

			for (int i = 0; i < visualizers.Count; i++) {
				var button = new ToggleButton ();
				button.Label = visualizers [i].Name;
				button.Toggled += OnComboVisualizersChanged;
				if (visualizers [i].IsDefaultVisualizer (val))
					defaultVis = button;
				hbox1.PackStart (button, false, false, 0);
				buttons.Add (button);
				button.CanFocus = false;
				button.Show ();

			if (defaultVis != null)
				defaultVis.Click ();
			else if (buttons.Count > 0)
				buttons [0].Click ();

			if (val.IsReadOnly || !visualizers.Any (v => v.CanEdit (val))) {
				buttonCancel.Label = Gtk.Stock.Close;
				buttonSave.Hide ();
		string GetString (ObjectValue val)
			var ops = DebuggingService.DebuggerSession.EvaluationOptions.Clone ();
			ops.AllowTargetInvoke = true;
			ops.ChunkRawStrings = true;
			if (val.TypeName == "string") {
				var rawString = val.GetRawValue (ops) as RawValueString;
				var length = rawString.Length;
				if (length > 0) {
					return rawString.Substring (0, Math.Min (length, 4096));
				} else {
					return "";
			} else if (val.TypeName == "char[]") {
				var rawArray = val.GetRawValue (ops) as RawValueArray;
				var length = rawArray.Length;
				if (length > 0) {
					return new string (rawArray.GetValues (0, Math.Min (length, 4096)) as char[]);
				} else {
					return "";

			} else {
				throw new InvalidOperationException ();
Exemplo n.º 8
		public void UpdateValue (ObjectValue newValue)
			try {
				callback.UpdateValue (newValue);
			} catch {
				// Ignore
		static ObjectValue Create (IObjectValueSource source, ObjectPath path, string typeName)
			ObjectValue ob = new ObjectValue ();
			ob.source = source;
			ob.path = path;
			ob.typeName = typeName;
			return ob;
		void LoadMessage ()
			if (messageObject == null) {
				messageObject = exception.GetChild ("Message");
				if (messageObject != null && messageObject.IsEvaluating)
					messageObject.ValueChanged += HandleMessageValueChanged;
Exemplo n.º 11
		public override bool CanVisualize (ObjectValue val)
			switch (val.TypeName) {
			case "char[]": return true;
			case "string": return true;
			default: return false;
		static ObjectValue Create (IObjectValueSource source, ObjectPath path, string typeName)
			var val = new ObjectValue ();
			val.typeName = typeName;
			val.source = source;
			val.path = path;
			return val;
		public static void Show (ObjectValue val, Control widget, Gdk.Rectangle previewButtonArea)
			DestroyWindow ();
			wnd = new PreviewVisualizerWindow (val, widget);
			wnd.ShowPopup (widget, previewButtonArea, PopupPosition.Left);
			wnd.Destroyed += HandleDestroyed;
			OnWindowShown (EventArgs.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 14
//		PinWindow pinWindow;
//		TreeIter currentPinIter;
		public DebugValueWindow (Mono.TextEditor.TextEditor editor, int offset, StackFrame frame, ObjectValue value, PinnedWatch watch): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
			this.TypeHint = WindowTypeHint.PopupMenu;
			this.AllowShrink = false;
			this.AllowGrow = false;
			this.Decorated = false;

			TransientFor = (Gtk.Window) editor.Toplevel;
			// Avoid getting the focus when the window is shown. We'll get it when the mouse enters the window
			AcceptFocus = false;
			sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
			sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never;
			sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never;
			tree = new ObjectValueTreeView ();
			sw.Add (tree);
			ContentBox.Add (sw);
			tree.Frame = frame;
			tree.CompactView = true;
			tree.AllowAdding = false;
			tree.AllowEditing = true;
			tree.HeadersVisible = false;
			tree.AllowPinning = true;
			tree.RootPinAlwaysVisible = true;
			tree.PinnedWatch = watch;
			DocumentLocation location = editor.Document.OffsetToLocation (offset);
			tree.PinnedWatchLine = location.Line;
			tree.PinnedWatchFile = ((ExtensibleTextEditor)editor).View.ContentName;
			tree.AddValue (value);
			tree.Selection.UnselectAll ();
			tree.SizeAllocated += OnTreeSizeChanged;
			tree.PinStatusChanged += delegate {
				Destroy ();
//			tree.MotionNotifyEvent += HandleTreeMotionNotifyEvent;
			sw.ShowAll ();
//			pinWindow = new PinWindow (this);
//			pinWindow.SetPinned (false);
//			pinWindow.ButtonPressEvent += HandlePinWindowButtonPressEvent;
			tree.StartEditing += delegate {
				Modal = true;
			tree.EndEditing += delegate {
				Modal = false;

			ShowArrow = true;
			Theme.CornerRadius = 3;
Exemplo n.º 15
		public bool StoreValue (ObjectValue val)
			try {
				val.SetRawValue (textView.Buffer.Text);
			} catch {
				MonoDevelop.Ide.MessageService.ShowError ("Unable to set text");
			return true;
		internal void Evaluate (bool notify)
			if (DebuggingService.CurrentFrame != null) {
				evaluated = true;
				value = DebuggingService.CurrentFrame.GetExpressionValue (expression, true);
				value.Name = expression;
				if (notify)
					NotifyChanged ();
		public void Show (ObjectValue val)
			value = val;
			visualizers = new List<IValueVisualizer> (DebuggingService.GetValueVisualizers (val));
			visualizers.Sort (delegate (IValueVisualizer v1, IValueVisualizer v2) {
				return v1.Name.CompareTo (v2.Name);
			foreach (IValueVisualizer vis in visualizers)
				comboVisualizers.AppendText (vis.Name);
			comboVisualizers.Active = 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
		public override bool CanVisualize (ObjectValue val)
			switch (val.TypeName) {
			case "System.IO.MemoryStream":
			case "Foundation.NSData":
			case "sbyte[]":
			case "byte[]":
				return true;
				return false;
Exemplo n.º 19
		void PrintValue (ObjectValue val)
			string result = val.Value;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (result)) {
				if (val.IsNotSupported)
					result = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Expression not supported.");
				else if (val.IsError || val.IsUnknown)
					result = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Evaluation failed.");
					result = string.Empty;
			view.WriteOutput (result);
Exemplo n.º 20
		public static ObjectValue CreateObject (IObjectValueSource source, ObjectPath path, string typeName, EvaluationResult value, ObjectValueFlags flags, ObjectValue[] children)
			ObjectValue ob = Create (source, path, typeName);
			ob.path = path;
			ob.flags = flags | ObjectValueFlags.Object;
			ob.value = value.Value;
			ob.displayValue = value.DisplayValue;
			if (children != null) {
				ob.children = new List<ObjectValue> ();
				ob.children.AddRange (children);
			return ob;
		public void Show (ObjectValue val)
			value = val;
			visualizers = new List<IValueVisualizer> (DebuggingService.GetValueVisualizers (val));
			visualizers.Sort (delegate (IValueVisualizer v1, IValueVisualizer v2) {
				return v1.Name.CompareTo (v2.Name);
			foreach (IValueVisualizer vis in visualizers)
				comboVisualizers.AppendText (vis.Name);
			comboVisualizers.Active = 0;
			if (val.IsReadOnly || visualizers.Count == 0) {
				buttonCancel.Hide ();
				buttonOk.Label = Gtk.Stock.Close;
Exemplo n.º 22
		public override bool IsDefaultVisualizer (ObjectValue val)
			switch (val.TypeName) {
			case "MonoTouch.Foundation.NSData":
			case "MonoMac.Foundation.NSData":
			case "System.IO.MemoryStream":
			case "Foundation.NSData":
			case "sbyte[]":
			case "byte[]":
				return true;
			case "char[]": 
			case "string":
				return false;
Exemplo n.º 23
		public DebugValueWindow (TextEditor editor, int offset, StackFrame frame, ObjectValue value, PinnedWatch watch) : base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
			this.TypeHint = WindowTypeHint.PopupMenu;
			this.AllowShrink = false;
			this.AllowGrow = false;
			this.Decorated = false;

			TransientFor = (Gtk.Window) ((Gtk.Widget)editor).Toplevel;
			// Avoid getting the focus when the window is shown. We'll get it when the mouse enters the window
			AcceptFocus = false;

			sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
			sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never;
			sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never;

			tree = new ObjectValueTreeView ();
			sw.Add (tree);
			ContentBox.Add (sw);

			tree.Frame = frame;
			tree.CompactView = true;
			tree.AllowAdding = false;
			tree.AllowEditing = true;
			tree.HeadersVisible = false;
			tree.AllowPinning = true;
			tree.RootPinAlwaysVisible = true;
			tree.PinnedWatch = watch;
			var location = editor.OffsetToLocation (offset);
			tree.PinnedWatchLine = location.Line;
			tree.PinnedWatchFile = editor.FileName;

			tree.AddValue (value);
			tree.Selection.UnselectAll ();
			tree.SizeAllocated += OnTreeSizeChanged;
			tree.PinStatusChanged += OnPinStatusChanged;

			sw.ShowAll ();

			tree.StartEditing += OnStartEditing;
			tree.EndEditing += OnEndEditing;

			ShowArrow = true;
			Theme.CornerRadius = 3;
		public DebugValueWindow (Mono.TextEditor.TextEditor editor, int offset, StackFrame frame, ObjectValue value, PinnedWatch watch)
			TransientFor = (Gtk.Window) editor.Toplevel;
			// Avoid getting the focus when the window is shown. We'll get it when the mouse enters the window
			AcceptFocus = false;
			sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
			sw.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never;
			sw.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never;
			tree = new ObjectValueTreeView ();
			sw.Add (tree);
			Add (sw);
			tree.Frame = frame;
			tree.CompactView = true;
			tree.AllowAdding = false;
			tree.AllowEditing = true;
			tree.HeadersVisible = false;
			tree.AllowPinning = true;
			tree.PinnedWatch = watch;
			DocumentLocation location = editor.Document.OffsetToLocation (offset);
			tree.PinnedWatchLine = location.Line + 1;
			tree.PinnedWatchFile = ((ExtensibleTextEditor)editor).View.ContentName;
			tree.AddValue (value);
			tree.Selection.UnselectAll ();
			tree.SizeAllocated += OnTreeSizeChanged;
			tree.PinStatusChanged += delegate {
				Destroy ();
			sw.ShowAll ();
			tree.StartEditing += delegate {
				Modal = true;
			tree.EndEditing += delegate {
				Modal = false;
Exemplo n.º 25
		public override Widget GetVisualizerWidget (ObjectValue val)
			hexEditor = new Mono.MHex.HexEditor ();

			byte[] buf = null;

			if (val.TypeName != "string") {
				var raw = val.GetRawValue () as RawValueArray;
				sbyte[] sbuf;

				switch (val.TypeName) {
				case "sbyte[]":
					sbuf = raw.ToArray () as sbyte[];
					buf = new byte[sbuf.Length];
					for (int i = 0; i < sbuf.Length; i++)
						buf[i] = (byte) sbuf[i];
				case "char[]":
					buf = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes (new string (raw.ToArray () as char[]));
				case "byte[]":
					buf = raw.ToArray () as byte[];
			} else {
				var ops = DebuggingService.DebuggerSession.EvaluationOptions.Clone ();
				ops.ChunkRawStrings = true;

				var raw = val.GetRawValue (ops) as RawValueString;

				buf = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes (raw.Value);

			hexEditor.HexEditorData.Buffer = new ArrayBuffer (buf);
			hexEditor.Sensitive = CanEdit (val);

			var xwtScrollView = new Xwt.ScrollView (hexEditor);
			var scrollWidget = (Widget) Xwt.Toolkit.CurrentEngine.GetNativeWidget (xwtScrollView);
			SetHexEditorOptions ();
			hexEditor.SetFocus ();
			return scrollWidget;
Exemplo n.º 26
		public override Gtk.Widget GetVisualizerWidget (ObjectValue val)
			Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf;
			string file = Path.GetTempFileName ();
			try {
				RawValue pix = (RawValue) val.GetRawValue ();
				pix.CallMethod ("Save", file, "png");
				pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf (file);
			} finally {
				File.Delete (file);
			Gtk.ScrolledWindow sc = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow ();
			sc.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In;
			sc.HscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic;
			sc.VscrollbarPolicy = Gtk.PolicyType.Automatic;
			Gtk.Image image = new Gtk.Image (pixbuf);
			sc.AddWithViewport (image);
			sc.ShowAll ();
			return sc;
		public Gtk.Widget GetVisualizerWidget (ObjectValue val)
			VBox box = new VBox (false, 6);
			textView = new TextView () { WrapMode = WrapMode.Char };
			Gtk.ScrolledWindow scrolled = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow ();
			scrolled.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic;
			scrolled.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic;
			scrolled.ShadowType = ShadowType.In;
			scrolled.Add (textView);
			box.PackStart (scrolled, true, true, 0);
			CheckButton cb = new CheckButton (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Wrap text"));
			cb.Active = true;
			cb.Toggled += delegate {
				if (cb.Active)
					textView.WrapMode = WrapMode.Char;
					textView.WrapMode = WrapMode.None;
			box.PackStart (cb, false, false, 0);
			box.ShowAll ();
			EvaluationOptions ops = DebuggingService.DebuggerSession.EvaluationOptions.Clone ();
			ops.ChunkRawStrings = true;
			this.raw = val.GetRawValue (ops) as RawValueString;
			this.length = raw.Length;
			this.offset = 0;
			this.val = val;
			if (this.length > 0) {
				idle_id = GLib.Idle.Add (GetNextStringChunk);
				textView.Destroyed += delegate {
					if (idle_id != 0) {
						GLib.Source.Remove (idle_id);
						idle_id = 0;
			return box;
Exemplo n.º 28
		public void Show (ObjectValue val)
			value = val;
			visualizers = new List<ValueVisualizer> (DebuggingService.GetValueVisualizers (val));
			visualizers.Sort ((v1, v2) => string.Compare (v1.Name, v2.Name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

			int defaultVis = 0;
			int n = 0;

			foreach (ValueVisualizer vis in visualizers) {
				comboVisualizers.AppendText (vis.Name);
				if (vis.IsDefaultVisualizer (val))
					defaultVis = n;

			comboVisualizers.Active = defaultVis;
			if (val.IsReadOnly || !visualizers.Any (v => v.CanEdit (val))) {
				buttonCancel.Label = Gtk.Stock.Close;
				buttonSave.Hide ();
		public override Control GetVisualizerWidget (ObjectValue val)
			var ops = DebuggingService.DebuggerSession.EvaluationOptions.Clone ();
			ops.AllowTargetInvoke = true;
			ops.ChunkRawStrings = true;
			ops.EllipsizedLength = 5000;//Preview window can hold aprox. 4700 chars
			val.Refresh (ops);//Refresh DebuggerDisplay/String value with full length instead of ellipsized
			string value = val.Value;
			Gdk.Color col = Styles.PreviewVisualizerTextColor.ToGdkColor ();

			if (DebuggingService.HasInlineVisualizer (val))
				value = DebuggingService.GetInlineVisualizer (val).InlineVisualize (val);

			var label = new Gtk.Label ();
			label.Text = value;
			label.ModifyFont (FontService.SansFont.CopyModified (Ide.Gui.Styles.FontScale11));
			label.ModifyFg (StateType.Normal, col);
			label.SetPadding (4, 4);

			if (label.SizeRequest ().Width > 500) {
				label.WidthRequest = 500;
				label.Wrap = true;
				label.LineWrapMode = Pango.WrapMode.WordChar;
			} else {
				label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Center;

			if (label.Layout.GetLine (1) != null) {
				label.Justify = Gtk.Justification.Left;
				var trimmedLine = label.Layout.GetLine (50);
				if (trimmedLine != null) {
					label.Text = value.Substring (0, trimmedLine.StartIndex).TrimEnd ('\r', '\n') + "\n…";

			label.Show ();

			return label;
Exemplo n.º 30
		public void Show (ObjectValue val)
			value = val;
			visualizers = new List<ValueVisualizer> (DebuggingService.GetValueVisualizers (val));
			visualizers.Sort (delegate (ValueVisualizer v1, ValueVisualizer v2) {
				return v1.Name.CompareTo (v2.Name);

			int defaultVis = 0;
			int n = 0;
			foreach (ValueVisualizer vis in visualizers) {
				comboVisualizers.AppendText (vis.Name);
				if (vis.IsDefaultVisualizer (val))
					defaultVis = n;
			comboVisualizers.Active = defaultVis;
			if (val.IsReadOnly || !visualizers.Where (v => v.CanEdit (val)).Any ()) {
				buttonCancel.Hide ();
				buttonOk.Label = Gtk.Stock.Close;
Exemplo n.º 31
 internal void ConnectCallback(StackFrame parentFrame)
     ObjectValue.ConnectCallbacks(parentFrame, exception);
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// The provided value must have a specific structure.
 /// The Value property is the display text.
 /// A child "File" member must be the name of the file.
 /// A child "Line" member must be the line.
 /// A child "Col" member must be the column.
 /// </summary>
 public ExceptionStackFrame(ObjectValue value)
     frame = value;
 public UpdateCallbackProxy(ObjectValue val)
     valRef = new WeakReference(val);