//This section is used to populate search bar with the contents( Factory Name, Item Name and Description )
        public void populateSearchBarWithAllData(ComboBox cmbBox)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    //retriving factory name, item name and description from the database and saving it in a list
                    var factoryName = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                       select new { e.FactoryName, e.ItemName, e.descript }

                    List<String> nList = new List<string>();

                    //pulling retrived data from the list and setting them in the combo box record
                    for (int i = 0; i < factoryName.Count; i++)
                        String n = factoryName[i].FactoryName.ToString();
                        String m = factoryName[i].ItemName.ToString();
                        String l = factoryName[i].descript.ToString();

                        String nm = n + "  ->  " + m + "  ->  " + l;

                    cmbBox.ItemsSource = nList;
            catch (Exception e)
        // This section is use to update the search combo box
        public List<String> updateSearchComboBox(String searchText)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())

                    // Take all the records where Factory Name, Item name or description match with the user input (Search text)
                    var factoryName = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                       where e.FactoryName.Contains(searchText) || e.ItemName.Contains(searchText) || e.descript.Contains(searchText)
                                       select new { e.FactoryName, e.ItemName, e.descript }

                    List<String> nList = new List<string>();

                    // setting retrived data in the list and adding them to the combo drop down box
                    for (int i = 0; i < factoryName.Count; i++)
                        String n = factoryName[i].FactoryName.ToString();
                        String m = factoryName[i].ItemName.ToString();
                        String l = factoryName[i].descript.ToString();

                        String nm = n + "  ->  " + m + "  ->  " + l;
                    // Returning the List 
                    return nList;
            catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                return null;
                return null;
        // This section is use to populate the searchbar with all data, This return a List
        public List<string> populateSearchBarWithAllData()
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    // retriving factory name, item name and description from the database and saving it in a list
                    var factoryName = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                       select new { e.FactoryName, e.ItemName, e.descript }

                    List<String> nList = new List<string>();

                    // pulling retrived data from the list and setting them in the combo box record
                    for (int i = 0; i < factoryName.Count; i++)
                        String n = factoryName[i].FactoryName.ToString();
                        String m = factoryName[i].ItemName.ToString();
                        String l = factoryName[i].descript.ToString();

                        String nm = n + "  ->  " + m + "  ->  " + l;

                    // Returning the List
                    return nList;
                return null;
                return null;
        // This section use to get No of items in fob stock in Hand using the stock ID
        public String getNoOfItemsInFobStockInHand(String stockID)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    // Take all the records where Factory Name, Item name or description match with the user input (Search text)
                    var noOfItemsInStockInHand = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                   where e.StockID == stockID
                                   select e.NoOfItems).ToList();

                    return noOfItemsInStockInHand.First().ToString();
            catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                return null;
                return null;
        // This section is use to get shipment ID using factoryName, itemName and Description
        public String getShipmentID(String factoryName, String itemName, String description)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    // Take all the records where Factory Name, Item name or description match with the user input (Search text)
                    var stockID = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                   where e.FactoryName == factoryName && e.ItemName == itemName && e.descript == description
                                   select e.StockID).ToList();

                    return stockID.First().ToString();
            catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                return null;
                return null;
        // This section is use to get number of pieces available in the currently selected frequency
        public String getNoOfPiecesCurrentlyInThatFreqency(String stockID, int freqID)
              using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    var noOfPiecesDetails = (from e in a.FOBSalesFrequencies
                                             where (e.ShipmentID == stockID && e.FrequencyID == freqID)
                                             select e.NoOfPieces

                    String noOfPiecesAvail = noOfPiecesDetails.ToString();

                    return noOfPiecesAvail;
            catch(ArgumentNullException e)
                return null;
                return null;
                return null;
       //This section use to update Image Name list currently in the memory
        public void updateImageNameList()
            using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                // retriving the image name list using the current selected record's stock id and store in the list
                var imageNameList = (from e in a.Images
                                     where (e.StockID == currentRecordStockID)
                                     select e.Link

                // updating the imageNameList to global variable currentRecordImageNameList
                currentRecordImageNameList = imageNameList;
        // this section is use to update stock in hand item amount using shipment ID and total number of left
        public bool updateStockInHandAmountOfItems(String shipmentID,int noOfPiecesLeft)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())

                    var stockInHandObj = a.StockInHands.FirstOrDefault((sh) => sh.StockID == shipmentID);

                    stockInHandObj.NoOfItems = noOfPiecesLeft;

                    int done = a.SaveChanges();

                    if (done != -1)
                        return true;
                        return false;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException e)
                return false;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException)
                return false;
            catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                return false;
            catch (System.ObjectDisposedException)
                return false;
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                return false;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;
        // This section is use to update update frequency
        public bool updateFrequency(String shipmentID, int frequencyID, int noOfPieces, decimal pricePerPiece, DateTime date)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    var frequency = a.FOBSalesFrequencies.FirstOrDefault((sf) => sf.ShipmentID == shipmentID && sf.FrequencyID == frequencyID);

                    frequency.NoOfPieces = noOfPieces;
                    frequency.PricePerPiece = pricePerPiece;
                    frequency.Date = date;

                    // _context.BnSFrequencies.Load();
                    int done = a.SaveChanges();

                    // If the operation is succeded
                    if (done != -1)
                        return true;
                        return false;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException e)
                return false;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException)
                return false;
            catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                return false;
            catch (System.ObjectDisposedException)
                return false;
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                return false;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;
        // this section is used to populate all other textboxes according to the selected record in searchbar
        public void populateAllOtherTextbox(ComboBox cmbBox, TextBox factoryNameTxt, TextBox itemNameTxt, DatePicker dateX, TextBox descriptionTxt, TextBox noOfPiecesTxt, TextBox costPerPieceTxt, System.Windows.Controls.Image imgX)
            if (cmbBox.SelectedItem != null)

                    using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                        //getting data from the selected record in the search bar
                        String fullString = cmbBox.SelectedValue.ToString();
                        String[] facNameAndItemNameArray = Regex.Split(fullString, "  ->  ");
                        String factoryName = facNameAndItemNameArray[0];
                        String itemName = facNameAndItemNameArray[1];

                        factoryNameTxt.Text = factoryName;
                        itemNameTxt.Text = itemName;
                        // retriving descrption data from the database and populating the description text box
                        var DescriptionDetails = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                                  where (e.FactoryName == factoryName && e.ItemName == itemName)
                                                  select e.descript

                        descriptionTxt.Text = DescriptionDetails.First().ToString();

                        // retriving date details from the database and populating the date field
                        var dateDetails = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                                  where (e.FactoryName == factoryName && e.ItemName == itemName)
                                                  select e.Date

                        dateX.Text = dateDetails.First().ToString();

                        // retriving no of pieces details from the database and populating the no of pieces details text box
                        var noOfPiecesDetails = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                           where (e.FactoryName == factoryName && e.ItemName == itemName)
                                           select e.NoOfItems

                        noOfPiecesTxt.Text = noOfPiecesDetails.First().ToString();

                            // retriving cost per piece details from the database and populating the cost per piece details text box
                            var CostPerPieceDetails = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                                       join b in a.ActualCosts on e.ACostID equals b.ACostID
                                                       where (e.FactoryName == factoryName && e.ItemName == itemName)
                                                       select b.TotalCost

                            costPerPieceTxt.Text = CostPerPieceDetails.First().ToString();
                            costPerPieceTxt.Text = "<< Cost per piece for this item not available >>";

                        // retriving the image stock id from the database using factory name and item number of selected record
                        var imageStockId = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                            where (e.FactoryName == factoryName && e.ItemName == itemName)
                                            select e.StockID

                        // setting the current record stock id public variable 

                        if (imageStockId.Any())
                            String imgStockId = imageStockId.Last().ToString();

                            //retriving the image name list from the database using the image stock id
                            var imageNameList = (from e in a.Images
                                             where (e.StockID == imgStockId)
                                             select e.Link

                            // Setting the imageNameList to global variable currentRecordImageList
                             currentRecordImageNameList = imageNameList;

                            // Setting the first image in the image viewer
                             if (currentRecordImageNameList.Count > 0)
                                 String firstImageName = currentRecordImageNameList.First().ToString();

                                 // calling image set function to set the corresponding image in the image viewer
                                 imageSet(firstImageName, imgX);
                                 imgX.Source = null;
                catch (Exception e)
        // this section is use to add and update records
           public void addUpdateRecord(RadioButton updateRButtonX, RadioButton addRButtonX, TextBox factoryNameX, TextBox itemNameX, DatePicker datePick, TextBox descriptionX, TextBox noOfPiecesX, Label errX)

                    // This section is use to update records     
                   if (updateRButtonX.IsChecked == true)
                       if (validationX.allFieldsFilled(factoryNameX, itemNameX, datePick, descriptionX, noOfPiecesX))
                           // retriving the corresponding stock object that matches current record stock ID
                           var Bns = con.StockInHands.FirstOrDefault((bns) => bns.StockID == currentRecordStockID);

                           // updating the retrived object data using the new data
                           Bns.FactoryName = factoryNameX.Text;
                           Bns.ItemName = itemNameX.Text;
                           Bns.Date = datePick.SelectedDate;
                           Bns.descript = descriptionX.Text;
                           Bns.NoOfItems = Convert.ToInt32(noOfPiecesX.Text);

                           // saving changes to the database
                           int done = con.SaveChanges();

                           if (done > 0)
                               MessageBox.Show("Update sucessfully!","Notification");
                               validationX.resetForm(factoryNameX, itemNameX, datePick, descriptionX, noOfPiecesX, errX);
                               MessageBox.Show("You have not modified any value!","Notification");
                           MessageBox.Show("Please Fill All Fields", "Error");
               // This method is used to add New record to the database
               if (addRButtonX.IsChecked == true)
                   // validating whether al fields are filled correctly
                   if (validationX.allFieldsFilled(factoryNameX, itemNameX, datePick, descriptionX, noOfPiecesX))
                       adoraDBContext _context = new adoraDBContext();

                    StockInHand sh = new StockInHand();

                    // getting data from the textboxes and saving them in newly created object
                    sh.FactoryName = factoryNameX.Text;
                    sh.ItemName = itemNameX.Text;
                    sh.Date = datePick.SelectedDate;
                    sh.descript = descriptionX.Text;
                    sh.NoOfItems = Convert.ToInt32((noOfPiecesX.Text));
                   // sh.ACostID = id;
                    // adding the object to the database

                    // saving the object in the database

                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Succesfully Added", "Done", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

                    // this section is used to set CurrentRecordStockID global variable to newly added record's stock id
                    using (adoraDBContext b = new adoraDBContext())
                        // retriving newly added record's stock id from the database
                        var newRecordStockId = (from x in b.StockInHands
                                                where (x.FactoryName == factoryNameX.Text && x.ItemName == itemNameX.Text && x.descript == descriptionX.Text)
                                                select x.StockID).ToList();

                        // setting the CurrentRecordStockID global variable
                       MessageBox.Show("Please Fill All Fields", "Error");

               if (updateRButtonX.IsChecked == false && addRButtonX.IsChecked == false)
                   MessageBox.Show("Please select Add or Update", "Error");
        // Real time combo box drop down data updating method
           public void updateSearchComboBox(ComboBox cmbBox)
                   using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                       String searchText = cmbBox.Text.ToString();

                       // Take all the records where Factory Name, Item name or description match with the user input (Search text)
                       var factoryName = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                          where e.FactoryName.Contains(searchText) || e.ItemName.Contains(searchText) || e.descript.Contains(searchText)
                                          select new { e.FactoryName, e.ItemName, e.descript }

                       List<String> nList = new List<string>();

                       // setting retrived data in the list and adding them ti the combo drop down box
                       for (int i = 0; i < factoryName.Count; i++)
                           String n = factoryName[i].FactoryName.ToString();
                           String m = factoryName[i].ItemName.ToString();
                           String l = factoryName[i].descript.ToString();

                           String nm = n + "  ->  " + m + "  ->  " + l;
                       cmbBox.ItemsSource = nList;
                       cmbBox.IsDropDownOpen = true;
               catch (Exception e)
           // this section is use to delete the whole record with it's all the images
           public void deleteCurrentRecordWithItsImages()
               using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                   // update the image name list in the memory

                   // retriving image id list from the database using the current stock id public variable
                   var imageIdList = (from e in a.Images
                                      where (e.StockID == currentRecordStockID )
                                      select e.ImageID).ToList();

                   // deleting the all the images related to the currrent record
                   for(int i=0; i<imageIdList.Count; i++)
                       String deletingImageObjectID = imageIdList[i];

                       // retriving the image object from the database using the image ID
                       var deletingImageObject = con.Images.First(d => d.ImageID == deletingImageObjectID);

                       // remove the retrived image object

                       // save the changes to the database

                   // deleting the image files on the disk related to the current record
                   for(int i=0; i<currentRecordImageNameList.Count; i++)
                       String fileName = currentRecordImageNameList[i];

                       // check whether file exist or not
                       if(File.Exists(@destinationFolder + fileName))
                           // setting the image's access permission to normal to avoid unauthorized access exception
                            File.SetAttributes(@destinationFolder + fileName, FileAttributes.Normal);

                            // deleting the image file on the hard drive
                            File.Delete(@destinationFolder + fileName);


                   // retriving the stock in hand object currently selected from the database using the currect record stock id
                   // this section use to delete the main record
                   var deletingStockInHandObject = con.StockInHands.First(k => k.StockID == currentRecordStockID);

                   // deleting the retrived record from the database

                   // save changes to the database
        // Setting image in the Image View
           public void imageSet(String imageName, System.Windows.Controls.Image imagePick)
            // if image viewer visibility is hiddent this makes it visible
            if (imagePick.Visibility == Visibility.Hidden)
                imagePick.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // full path to the image folder
            String fullPath = "C:\\Users\\Poorna Jayasinghe\\Desktop\\images1\\" + imageName;

                // setting image viewer source as corresponding image's full path
                imagePick.Source = LoadImage(fullPath);
                // if the corresponding image missing or corrupted this method is use to notify it to the user and delete that image's path from the database
                if (MessageBox.Show("Current Image file is missing or currupted !!! Do you want to delete database record according to that image path", "Image File Missing or Corrupted", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.No)
                    // Don't do anything if the user clicked No

                    // Delete the missing image record from the database if the user approved
                    String fileNameOfTheImage = currentRecordImageNameList[currentImageNumber];
                    String deletingImageObjectID;

                    using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                        // retriving deleting image record's id from the database using the file name of the image and current selected record's stock ID
                        var deletingImageObject = (from e in a.Images
                                                   where (e.StockID == currentRecordStockID && e.Link == fileNameOfTheImage)
                                                   select e.ImageID

                        deletingImageObjectID = deletingImageObject.First().ToString();

                        // retriving the delete image object from the database using the image ID
                        var deleteImageObject = con.Images.First(d => d.ImageID == deletingImageObjectID);

                        //removing the image object from the database

                        // save changes in the database
        // This section returns the get frequency Numbers as a list using the shipment id
        public List<int> getFrequencyNumbers(String shipmentID)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    // Query and get frequency numbers for a given shipment ID using LINQ
                    var frequencyNumberList = (from e in a.FOBSalesFrequencies
                                  where e.ShipmentID == shipmentID
                                  select e.FrequencyID

                   return frequencyNumberList;
            catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                return null;
                return null;
        // this section is use to add New Frequency 
        public bool addNewFrequency(String shipmentID, int frequencyID, int noOfPieces, decimal pricePerPiece, DateTime date)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    var frequency = new FOBSalesFrequency();

                    frequency.FrequencyID = frequencyID;
                    frequency.ShipmentID = shipmentID;
                    frequency.NoOfPieces = noOfPieces;
                    frequency.PricePerPiece = pricePerPiece;
                    frequency.Date = date;

                    //Add to memory

                    //Save to database
                    int done = a.SaveChanges();

                    // If the operation is sucessfull
                    if (done != -1)
                        return true;
                        return false;
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException e)
                return false;
                return false;
                return false;
                return false;
                return false;
                return false;
        //This section is use to delete the current frequency
        public bool deleteCurrentFrequency(String shipmentId, int freqID)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    // getting the deleting frequency object according to the shipment ID and frequncy ID
                    var deletingFrequencyObj = a.FOBSalesFrequencies.FirstOrDefault((sf) => sf.ShipmentID == shipmentId && sf.FrequencyID == freqID);

                    // deleting the selected object

                    // saving the changes to the database
                    int done = a.SaveChanges();

                    // If the operation is succeded retuen true, Otherwise return false
                    if (done != -1)
                        return true;
                        return false;
            catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                return false;
                return false;
        // This section is use to populate frequency data using shiment ID and frequency ID
        // This section returns a dictionary
        public Dictionary<String, String> populateFrequencyData(String shipmentID,String freqID)
                Dictionary<String,String> newDictionary = new Dictionary<string,string>();
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    int freqIDint = Int32.Parse(freqID);
                    var NoOfPiecesDetails = (from e in a.FOBSalesFrequencies
                                              where (e.ShipmentID == shipmentID && e.FrequencyID == freqIDint)
                                              select e.NoOfPieces

                    newDictionary.Add("NoOfPiecesDetails", NoOfPiecesDetails.First().ToString());

                    var pricePerPieceDetails = (from e in a.FOBSalesFrequencies
                                             where (e.ShipmentID == shipmentID && e.FrequencyID == freqIDint)
                                             select e.PricePerPiece

                    newDictionary.Add("pricePerPieceDetails", pricePerPieceDetails.First().ToString());

                    var dateDetails = (from e in a.FOBSalesFrequencies
                                             where (e.ShipmentID == shipmentID && e.FrequencyID == freqIDint)
                                             select e.Date

                    newDictionary.Add("date", dateDetails.First().ToString());

                    // Return a dictionary with data
                    return newDictionary;
            catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                return null;
                return null;
                return null;
        // This section is use to populate the other all textboxes according to the selection in main combo box
        public Dictionary<String, String> populateAllOtherTextbox(String fullString)
                Dictionary<String, String> selectedRecord = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                    using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                        String[] facNameAndItemNameArray = Regex.Split(fullString, "  ->  ");
                        String factoryName = facNameAndItemNameArray[0];
                        String itemName = facNameAndItemNameArray[1];

                        // adding factory Name and item name to the dictionary
                        selectedRecord.Add("factoryName", factoryName);
                        selectedRecord.Add("itemName", itemName);

                        // retriving descrption data from the database and populating the description text box
                        var DescriptionDetails = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                                  where (e.FactoryName == factoryName && e.ItemName == itemName)
                                                  select e.descript

                        // adding description details to the dictionary
                        selectedRecord.Add("descriptionDetails", DescriptionDetails.First().ToString());

                        // retriving no of pieces details from the database and populating the no of pieces details text box
                        var noOfPiecesDetails = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                                 where (e.FactoryName == factoryName && e.ItemName == itemName)
                                                 select e.NoOfItems

                        // adding noOfPiecesDetails details to the dictionary
                        selectedRecord.Add("noOfPiecesDetails", noOfPiecesDetails.First().ToString());

                            // retriving cost per piece details from the database and populating the cost per piece details text box
                            var CostPerPieceDetails = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                                       join b in a.ActualCosts on e.ACostID equals b.ACostID
                                                       where (e.FactoryName == factoryName && e.ItemName == itemName)
                                                       select b.TotalCost

                            // adding CostPerPieceDetails details to the dictionary
                            selectedRecord.Add("CostPerPieceDetails", CostPerPieceDetails.First().ToString());
                        catch (Exception)
                            // if the cost per piece not available for a record This error message will add to the dictionary
                            selectedRecord.Add("CostPerPieceDetails", "<< Cost per piece for this item not available >>");
                catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                    return null;
                    return null;
                    return null;
                // returning the dictionary with data
                return selectedRecord;
        // This section is use to get No Of pieces available in stock in hand table
        public String getNoOfPiecesAvailable(String stockID)
                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    var noOfPiecesDetails = (from e in a.StockInHands
                                             where (e.StockID == stockID)
                                             select e.NoOfItems

                    String noOfPiecesAvail = noOfPiecesDetails.ToString();

                    return noOfPiecesAvail;
            catch(ArgumentNullException e)
                return null;
            catch(InvalidOperationException e)
                return null;
        // this section is used to delete the current image showing in the image viewer
        public void deleteCurrentImage(System.Windows.Controls.Image imgX)
            //update the image name list in the memory

            // checks there are any images related to the current record from the image name list in memory
            if (currentRecordImageNameList.Count > 0)
                String currentSelectedImageName = currentRecordImageNameList[currentImageNumber];
                String currentSelectedImageId;

                using (adoraDBContext a = new adoraDBContext())
                    // retriving the current image id from the database using the current selected image name and the current selected stock ID
                    var imageIdObj = (from e in a.Images
                                      where (e.Link == currentSelectedImageName && e.StockID == currentRecordStockID)
                                      select e.ImageID).First();

                    currentSelectedImageId = imageIdObj.ToString();

                    // retriving the current image object using current selected image ID
                    var deleteImage = con.Images.First(d => d.ImageID == currentSelectedImageId);

                    // removing the current image object

                    // saving changes to the database
                    int x = con.SaveChanges();

                    // updating the image name list in the memory after deleting the image

                        // after deleting the current image, this sets the first image in the image name list to the image viewer
                        String firstImageName = currentRecordImageNameList.First().ToString();
                        imageSet(firstImageName, imgX);
                    catch (System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException e)
                        imgX.Source = null;
                    catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException)
                        imgX.Source = null;
                    catch (System.NotSupportedException)
                        imgX.Source = null;
                    catch (System.ObjectDisposedException)
                        imgX.Source = null;
                    catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
                        imgX.Source = null;
                    catch (Exception)
                        imgX.Source = null;

                    // this section check whether correctly updated the database or not about the image deletion
                    // x > 0 means correcly updated
                    if (x > 0)
                            // setting the image's access permission to normal to avoid unauthorized access exception
                            File.SetAttributes(@destinationFolder + currentSelectedImageName, FileAttributes.Normal);

                            // deleting the image file on the hard drive
                            File.Delete(@destinationFolder + currentSelectedImageName);

                            // confirmation message
                            MessageBox.Show("Image Deleted","Notification");
                        catch (Exception)
                            MessageBox.Show("Error occured while deleting the file from the disk","Error");
                        MessageBox.Show("Error Occured while deleting the file entry from the database","Error");
                // if there are no images to delete this warning appears
                MessageBox.Show("There are no images to delete","Notification");