Exemplo n.º 1
 // Static function to find the intersection of two planes
 // If they are parallel, returns false and outputs an invalid line struct
 // Otherwise, returns true and outputs the line of intersection
 public static bool Intersect(Plane a, Plane b, out Line result)
     Vec3 cross = Vec3.Cross(a.normal, b.normal);
     double magsq = cross.ComputeMagnitudeSquared();
     if (magsq == 0)
         // failure! planes did not intersect, or planes were equal
         result = new Line { direction = Vec3.Zero, origin = Vec3.Zero };                // not a valid line!
         return false;
     double invmag = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(magsq);
     Vec3 line_direction = cross * invmag;
     // using plane a to find intersection (also could try b?)
     Vec3 in_a_toward_edge = Vec3.Normalize(Vec3.Cross(a.normal, line_direction));
     Vec3 point_in_a = a.normal * a.offset;
     double dist = b.PointDistance(point_in_a);
     // seems this number could be either the positive or negative of what we want...
     double unsigned_r = dist * invmag;
     Vec3 positive = point_in_a + in_a_toward_edge * unsigned_r;
     Vec3 negative = point_in_a - in_a_toward_edge * unsigned_r;
     // figure out which one is actually at the intersection (or closest to it)
     double positive_check = new Vec2 { x = a.PointDistance(positive), y = b.PointDistance(positive) }.ComputeMagnitudeSquared();
     double negative_check = new Vec2 { x = a.PointDistance(negative), y = b.PointDistance(negative) }.ComputeMagnitudeSquared();
     // and use that one as a point on the line (for the out value)
     Vec3 point_on_line;
     if (positive_check < negative_check)
         point_on_line = positive;
         point_on_line = negative;
     // success! planes intersectedx
     result = new Line { origin = point_on_line, direction = line_direction };
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // 2D yes-or-no intersection test for a pair of line segments
        public static bool LineSegmentIntersection2D(Vec2 a_begin, Vec2 a_end, Vec2 b_begin, Vec2 b_end)
            Vec2 a_dir = a_end - a_begin;
            Vec2 b_dir = b_end - b_begin;
            Vec2 a_normal = new Vec2 { x = a_dir.y, y = -a_dir.x };
            a_normal /= a_normal.ComputeMagnitude();
            Vec2 b_normal = new Vec2 { x = b_dir.y, y = -b_dir.x };
            b_normal /= b_normal.ComputeMagnitude();

            double a_offset = Vec2.Dot(a_normal, a_begin);
            double b_offset = Vec2.Dot(b_normal, b_begin);

            double a_dir_dot = Vec2.Dot(a_dir, b_normal);
            double a_origin_dot = Vec2.Dot(a_begin, b_normal);
            double a_hit = (b_offset - a_origin_dot) / a_dir_dot;

            double b_dir_dot = Vec2.Dot(b_dir, a_normal);
            double b_origin_dot = Vec2.Dot(b_begin, a_normal);
            double b_hit = (a_offset - b_origin_dot) / b_dir_dot;

            Vec2 a_intersect = a_begin + a_dir * a_hit;
            Vec2 b_intersect = b_begin + b_dir * b_hit;

            return (a_hit >= 0 && a_hit <= 1 && b_hit >= 0 && b_hit <= 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static BasicModelVert Interpolate(BasicModelVert[] verts, double[] weights)
     Vec3 position = Vec3.Zero;
     Vec3 normal = Vec3.Zero;
     Vec2 uv = Vec2.Zero;
     for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++)
         position += verts[i].position * weights[i];
         normal += verts[i].normal * weights[i];
         uv += verts[i].uv * weights[i];
     normal /= normal.ComputeMagnitude();
     return new BasicModelVert { position = position, normal = normal, uv = uv };
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Function to determine whether a 2D line intersects the triangle with vertices at (0,0), (1,0), and (0,1); returns true if they intersect, false otherwise
        // The output variables "enter" and "exit" are the number of times the direction vector must be repeated (starting at the line's origin) to reach the line's intersections with the triangle
        // If there is no interesection, both will be zero
        public static bool LineIntersectIJTriangle(Vec2 line_origin, Vec2 line_direction, out double enter, out double exit)
            double[] edge_hits = new double[] { -line_origin.x / line_direction.x, -line_origin.y / line_direction.y, (1.0 - line_origin.x - line_origin.y) / (line_direction.x + line_direction.y) };
            List<double> hits = new List<double>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                double t = edge_hits[i];
                if (t >= 0 || t < 0)        // check that it's a real number
                    Vec2 pos = line_origin + line_direction * t;
                    switch (i)
                        case 0:             // x is zero, check y
                            if (pos.y >= 0 && pos.y <= 1)
                        case 1:             // y is zero, check x
                            if (pos.x >= 0 && pos.x <= 1)
                        case 2:             // x + y is one, check x and y
                            if (pos.x >= 0 && pos.y >= 0)

            if (hits.Count > 0)
                double min = hits[0], max = min;
                for (int i = 1; i < hits.Count; i++)
                    min = Math.Min(min, hits[i]);
                    max = Math.Max(max, hits[i]);
                enter = min;
                exit = max;
                return true;
                enter = exit = 0.0;
                return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Returns a Vec2 representing the PoI in the triangle's coordinate system
        // A value of (0,0) corresponds to the 1st vertex, (1,0) corresponds to the 2nd vertex, (0,1) corresponds to the 3rd vertex
        public static Vec2 VectorToTriangleCoords(Vec3[] tri_verts, Vec3 tri_normal, Vec3 point_of_interest)
            Vec3 relative = point_of_interest - tri_verts[0];
            Vec3 b_minus_a = tri_verts[1] - tri_verts[0];
            Vec3 c_minus_a = tri_verts[2] - tri_verts[0];
            Vec3 P = Vec3.Cross(c_minus_a, tri_normal), Q = Vec3.Cross(b_minus_a, tri_normal);
            double div_x = 1.0 / Vec3.Dot(P, b_minus_a);
            double div_y = 1.0 / Vec3.Dot(Q, c_minus_a);

            Vec2 result = new Vec2 { x = Vec3.Dot(P, relative) * div_x, y = Vec3.Dot(Q, relative) * div_y };
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Finds the intersection of two triangles
        // If the triangles are coplanar or on parallel planes, returns null
        // If there is an intersection, returns the A and B triangles' IJ coordinates of the endpoints of the intersecting line segment
        // The first indexer is which triangle, and the second is which of the two endpoints
        public static Vec2[,] TriangleTriangleIntersection(Vec3[] a_verts, Vec3[] b_verts)
            Plane a_plane = Plane.FromTriangleVertices(a_verts[0], a_verts[1], a_verts[2]);
            Plane b_plane = Plane.FromTriangleVertices(b_verts[0], b_verts[1], b_verts[2]);

            Line line;
            if (!Plane.Intersect(a_plane, b_plane, out line))
                return null;

            Vec2 a_line_origin = VectorToTriangleCoords(a_verts, a_plane.normal, line.origin);
            Vec2 a_line_direction = VectorToTriangleCoords(a_verts, a_plane.normal, line.origin + line.direction) - a_line_origin;
            Vec2 b_line_origin = VectorToTriangleCoords(b_verts, b_plane.normal, line.origin);
            Vec2 b_line_direction = VectorToTriangleCoords(b_verts, b_plane.normal, line.origin + line.direction) - b_line_origin;

            double a_dot = Vec3.Dot(line.direction, a_plane.normal), b_dot = Vec3.Dot(line.direction, b_plane.normal);

            double a_min, a_max;
            if (!LineIntersectIJTriangle(a_line_origin, a_line_direction, out a_min, out a_max))
                return null;

            double b_min, b_max;
            if (!LineIntersectIJTriangle(b_line_origin, b_line_direction, out b_min, out b_max))
                return null;

            if (a_max < b_min || b_max < a_min)
                return null;
            double min = Math.Max(a_min, b_min), max = Math.Min(a_max, b_max);

            Vec2[,] result = new Vec2[2, 2];
            result[0, 0] = a_line_origin + a_line_direction * min;
            result[0, 1] = a_line_origin + a_line_direction * max;
            result[1, 0] = b_line_origin + b_line_direction * min;
            result[1, 1] = b_line_origin + b_line_direction * max;
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void IntersectTest(int a_tri, ModelInput a_obj, int b_tri, ModelInput b_obj, out Vec2[,] intersections, out Vec3[] a_verts, out Vec3[] b_verts)
            a_verts = new Vec3[] { a_obj.verts[a_obj.t_v[a_tri, 0]], a_obj.verts[a_obj.t_v[a_tri, 1]], a_obj.verts[a_obj.t_v[a_tri, 2]] };
            b_verts = new Vec3[] { b_obj.verts[b_obj.t_v[b_tri, 0]], b_obj.verts[b_obj.t_v[b_tri, 1]], b_obj.verts[b_obj.t_v[b_tri, 2]] };

            intersections = Util.TriangleTriangleIntersection(a_verts, b_verts);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static double Dot(ref Vec2 a, ref Vec2 b)
     return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y;
Exemplo n.º 9
 // Finds the square of the distance between two points
 public static double DistanceSquared(Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
     double dx = a.x - b.x, dy = a.y - b.y;
     return dx * dx + dy * dy;
Exemplo n.º 10
 // Finds the distance between two points
 public static double Distance(Vec2 a, Vec2 b)
     double dx = a.x - b.x, dy = a.y - b.y;
     return Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);