Exemplo n.º 1
 public static CopyAndTransformVert VertexTransformationByMat4(Mat4 mat)
     return new CopyAndTransformVert(
         (Vec3 basis, out Vec3 result) =>
             result = mat.TransformVec3(basis, 1.0);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static CopyAndTransformVInfo BMDVInfoTransformationByMat4(Mat4 mat)
     return new CopyAndTransformVInfo(
         (VInfo basis, out VInfo result) =>
             BMDVInfo bmd = basis as BMDVInfo;
             if (bmd == null)
                 throw new Exception("Can't treat some random VInfo as though it were a BMDVInfo when it isn't!");
             result = new BMDVInfo { material = bmd.material, uv = bmd.uv, normal = Vec3.Normalize(mat.TransformVec3(bmd.normal, 0.0)) };
Exemplo n.º 3
 public List<BasicModelVert> GetBMVList(BasicModelData model, Mat4 xform)
     List<BasicModelVert> list = new List<BasicModelVert>();
     foreach (CutTriangle tri in cutTriangles)
         List<WorkingVertex> triVerts = tri.GetCutTriangleVerts();
         foreach(WorkingVertex vert in triVerts)
             list.Add(CSG.WorkingVertexToBMV(vert.position.xyz, vert.vinfo, model, xform, this));
     return list;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static CSGModel ModelFromBMD(BasicModelData input, Mat4 xform)
     List<Vec3> verts = new List<Vec3>();
     List<VInfo> vinfos = new List<VInfo>();
     CopyAndTransformVert vx = VertexTransformationByMat4(xform);
     CopyAndTransformVInfo vi = BMDVInfoTransformationByMat4(xform);
     for (int i = 0; i < input.a_vert.Length; i++)
         TransformAndAddVec3(verts, new Vec3 { x = input.x[input.a_vert[i]], y = input.y[input.a_vert[i]], z = input.z[input.a_vert[i]] }, vx);
         TransformAndAddVec3(verts, new Vec3 { x = input.x[input.b_vert[i]], y = input.y[input.b_vert[i]], z = input.z[input.b_vert[i]] }, vx);
         TransformAndAddVec3(verts, new Vec3 { x = input.x[input.c_vert[i]], y = input.y[input.c_vert[i]], z = input.z[input.c_vert[i]] }, vx);
         TransformAndAddVInfo(vinfos, new BMDVInfo { material = nextMaterial, uv = new Vec2 { x = input.u[input.a_uv[i]], y = input.v[input.a_uv[i]] }, normal = new Vec3 { x = input.nx[input.a_norm[i]], y = input.ny[input.a_norm[i]], z = input.nz[input.a_norm[i]] } }, vi);
         TransformAndAddVInfo(vinfos, new BMDVInfo { material = nextMaterial, uv = new Vec2 { x = input.u[input.b_uv[i]], y = input.v[input.b_uv[i]] }, normal = new Vec3 { x = input.nx[input.b_norm[i]], y = input.ny[input.b_norm[i]], z = input.nz[input.b_norm[i]] } }, vi);
         TransformAndAddVInfo(vinfos, new BMDVInfo { material = nextMaterial, uv = new Vec2 { x = input.u[input.c_uv[i]], y = input.v[input.c_uv[i]] }, normal = new Vec3 { x = input.nx[input.c_norm[i]], y = input.ny[input.c_norm[i]], z = input.nz[input.c_norm[i]] } }, vi);
     return new CSGModel(verts, vinfos);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Makes a ModelInput object from a BasicModelData object (with verts and normals transformed by the 4x4 xform matrix)
        public static ModelInput FromBasicModelData(BasicModelData data, Mat4 xform)
            List<Vec3> verts = new List<Vec3>();

            List<int> vertMapping = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < data.x.Length; i++)
                Vec3 vert = xform.TransformVec3(new Vec3 { x = data.x[i], y = data.y[i], z = data.z[i] }, 1.0);
                int index = verts.FindIndex(vec => vec.x == vert.x && vec.y == vert.y && vec.z == vert.z);
                if (index == -1)

            int[][] t_v_indices = new int[data.a_vert.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < data.a_vert.Length; i++)
                int a = vertMapping[(int)data.a_vert[i]];
                int b = vertMapping[(int)data.b_vert[i]];
                int c = vertMapping[(int)data.c_vert[i]];
                t_v_indices[i] = new int[] { a, b, c };

            return new ModelInput(verts.ToArray(), t_v_indices);
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Creates a rotation around a point
        // TODO: check whether this actually works or not !!!
        public static Mat4 RotationAroundPoint(Mat3 rot, Vec3 point)
            Mat3 ident = Mat3.Identity;

            return(Mat4.FromPositionAndOrientation((rot * point), ident) * Mat4.FromMat3(rot) * Mat4.FromPositionAndOrientation(-(point), ident));
Exemplo n.º 7
 // Function that transforms stuff and does interpolation for vertices that were created in the middles of faces
 // TODO: replace with a generic user-vertex-info function
 public static BasicModelVert WorkingVertexToBMV(Vec3 position, VInfoReference[] vinfos, BasicModelData input_model, Mat4 input_xform, WorkingModel working_model)
     Vec3 normal = Vec3.Zero;
     Vec2 uv = Vec2.Zero;
     foreach (VInfoReference vinfo in vinfos)
         int index = vinfo.index;
         if (index != -1)
             int tri = index / 3;
             int vert = index % 3;
             double weight = vinfo.weight;
             int normal_index = (int)(vert == 0 ? input_model.a_norm[tri] : vert == 1 ? input_model.b_norm[tri] : input_model.c_norm[tri]);
             normal += weight * input_xform.TransformVec3(new Vec3 { x = input_model.nx[normal_index], y = input_model.ny[normal_index], z = input_model.nz[normal_index] }, 0.0);
             int uv_index = (int)(vert == 0 ? input_model.a_uv[tri] : vert == 1 ? input_model.b_uv[tri] : input_model.c_uv[tri]);
             uv += weight * new Vec2 { x = input_model.u[uv_index], y = input_model.v[uv_index] };
     return new BasicModelVert { position = position, normal = Vec3.Normalize(normal), uv = uv };