Exemplo n.º 1
        private void OnCLEMAnimalSell(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RuminantHerd ruminantHerd = Resources.RuminantHerd();

            int    trucks     = 0;
            double saleValue  = 0;
            double saleWeight = 0;
            int    head       = 0;
            double aESum      = 0;

            // get current untrucked list of animals flagged for sale
            List <Ruminant> herd = this.CurrentHerd(false).Where(a => a.SaleFlag != HerdChangeReason.None).OrderByDescending(a => a.Weight).ToList();

            if (trucking == null)
                // no trucking just sell
                head = herd.Count();
                if (herd.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var ind in herd)
                    aESum      += ind.AdultEquivalent;
                    saleValue  += ind.BreedParams.ValueofIndividual(ind, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Sale);
                    saleWeight += ind.Weight;
                    ruminantHerd.RemoveRuminant(ind, this);
                // if sale herd > min loads before allowing sale
                if (herd.Select(a => a.Weight / 450.0).Sum() / trucking.Number450kgPerTruck >= trucking.MinimumTrucksBeforeSelling)
                    // while truck to fill
                    while (herd.Select(a => a.Weight / 450.0).Sum() / trucking.Number450kgPerTruck > trucking.MinimumLoadBeforeSelling)
                        bool nonloaded = true;
                        double load450kgs = 0;
                        // while truck below carrying capacity load individuals
                        foreach (var ind in herd)
                            if (load450kgs + (ind.Weight / 450.0) <= trucking.Number450kgPerTruck)
                                nonloaded = false;
                                aESum      += ind.AdultEquivalent;
                                load450kgs += ind.Weight / 450.0;
                                saleValue  += ind.BreedParams.ValueofIndividual(ind, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Sale);
                                saleWeight += ind.Weight;
                                ruminantHerd.RemoveRuminant(ind, this);

                                //TODO: work out what to do with suckling calves still with mothers if mother sold.
                        if (nonloaded)
                            Summary.WriteWarning(this, String.Format("There was a problem loading the sale truck as sale individuals did not meet the loading criteria for breed [r={0}]", this.PredictedHerdBreed));
                        herd = this.CurrentHerd(false).Where(a => a.SaleFlag != HerdChangeReason.None).OrderByDescending(a => a.Weight).ToList();
                    // create trucking emissions
                    if (trucks > 0)
                    trucking.ReportEmissions(trucks, true);
            if (bankAccount != null && head > 0) //(trucks > 0 || trucking == null)
                ResourceRequest expenseRequest = new ResourceRequest
                    ActivityModel      = this,
                    AllowTransmutation = false

                // calculate transport costs
                if (trucking != null)
                    expenseRequest.Required = trucks * trucking.DistanceToMarket * trucking.CostPerKmTrucking;
                    expenseRequest.Reason   = "Transport sales";

                foreach (RuminantActivityFee item in Apsim.Children(this, typeof(RuminantActivityFee)))
                    switch (item.PaymentStyle)
                    case AnimalPaymentStyleType.Fixed:
                        expenseRequest.Required = item.Amount;

                    case AnimalPaymentStyleType.perHead:
                        expenseRequest.Required = head * item.Amount;

                    case AnimalPaymentStyleType.perAE:
                        expenseRequest.Required = aESum * item.Amount;

                    case AnimalPaymentStyleType.ProportionOfTotalSales:
                        expenseRequest.Required = saleValue * item.Amount;

                        throw new Exception(String.Format("PaymentStyle ({0}) is not supported for ({1}) in ({2})", item.PaymentStyle, item.Name, this.Name));
                    expenseRequest.Reason = item.Name;
                    // uses bank account specified in the RuminantActivityFee

                // add and remove from bank
                if (saleValue > 0)
                    bankAccount.Add(saleValue, this, this.PredictedHerdName + " sales");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void OnCLEMAnimalSell(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Status = ActivityStatus.NoTask;

            int    trucks     = 0;
            double saleValue  = 0;
            double saleWeight = 0;
            int    head       = 0;
            double aESum      = 0;

            // only perform this activity if timing ok, or selling required as a result of forces destock
            List <Ruminant> herd = new List <Ruminant>();

            if (this.TimingOK || this.CurrentHerd(false).Where(a => a.SaleFlag == HerdChangeReason.DestockSale).Any())
                this.Status = ActivityStatus.NotNeeded;
                // get current untrucked list of animals flagged for sale
                herd = this.CurrentHerd(false).Where(a => a.SaleFlag != HerdChangeReason.None).OrderByDescending(a => a.Weight).ToList();

            // no individuals to sell
            if (herd.Count == 0)

            List <Ruminant> soldIndividuals = new List <Ruminant>();

            if (trucking == null)
                // no trucking just sell
                foreach (var ind in herd)
                    aESum += ind.AdultEquivalent;
                    var pricing = ind.BreedParams.ValueofIndividual(ind, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Sale);
                    if (pricing != null)
                        saleValue += pricing.CalculateValue(ind);

                    saleWeight += ind.Weight;
                    HerdResource.RemoveRuminant(ind, this);
                // if sale herd > min loads before allowing sale
                if (herd.Select(a => a.Weight / 450.0).Sum() / trucking.Number450kgPerTruck >= trucking.MinimumTrucksBeforeSelling)
                    // while truck to fill
                    while (herd.Select(a => a.Weight / 450.0).Sum() / trucking.Number450kgPerTruck > trucking.MinimumLoadBeforeSelling)
                        bool nonloaded = true;
                        double load450kgs = 0;
                        // while truck below carrying capacity load individuals
                        foreach (var ind in herd)
                            if (load450kgs + (ind.Weight / 450.0) <= trucking.Number450kgPerTruck)
                                nonloaded = false;
                                aESum      += ind.AdultEquivalent;
                                load450kgs += ind.Weight / 450.0;
                                var pricing = ind.BreedParams.ValueofIndividual(ind, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Sale);
                                if (pricing != null)
                                    saleValue += pricing.CalculateValue(ind);
                                saleWeight += ind.Weight;
                                HerdResource.RemoveRuminant(ind, this);

                                //TODO: work out what to do with suckling calves still with mothers if mother sold.
                        if (nonloaded)
                            Summary.WriteWarning(this, String.Format("There was a problem loading the sale truck as sale individuals did not meet the loading criteria for breed [r={0}]", this.PredictedHerdBreed));
                        herd = this.CurrentHerd(false).Where(a => a.SaleFlag != HerdChangeReason.None).OrderByDescending(a => a.Weight).ToList();
                    // create trucking emissions
                    trucking.ReportEmissions(trucks, true);
                    // if sold all
                    Status = (this.CurrentHerd(false).Where(a => a.SaleFlag != HerdChangeReason.None).Count() == 0) ? ActivityStatus.Success : ActivityStatus.Warning;

            if (bankAccount != null && head > 0) //(trucks > 0 || trucking == null)
                ResourceRequest expenseRequest = new ResourceRequest
                    ActivityModel      = this,
                    AllowTransmutation = false

                // calculate transport costs
                if (trucking != null)
                    expenseRequest.Required = trucks * trucking.DistanceToMarket * trucking.CostPerKmTrucking;
                    expenseRequest.Category = trucking.TransactionCategory;

                // perform payments by transaction grouping
                // uses a list of individuals that were taken from the herd

                // calculate aEsum and saleValue form the above list for use below
                // currently done above but can be shifted to calc from grouped indiv

                // add and remove from bank
                if (saleValue > 0)
                    //bankAccount.Add(saleValue, this, this.PredictedHerdName, TransactionCategory);
                    var groupedIndividuals = HerdResource.SummarizeIndividualsByGroups(soldIndividuals, PurchaseOrSalePricingStyleType.Sale);
                    foreach (var item in groupedIndividuals)
                        foreach (var item2 in item.RuminantTypeGroup)
                            bankAccount.Add(item2.TotalPrice, this, item.RuminantTypeName, $"{TransactionCategory}.{item2.GroupName}");

                // perform activity fee payments
                foreach (RuminantActivityFee item in this.FindAllChildren <RuminantActivityFee>())
                    switch (item.PaymentStyle)
                    case AnimalPaymentStyleType.Fixed:
                        expenseRequest.Required = item.Amount;

                    case AnimalPaymentStyleType.perHead:
                        expenseRequest.Required = head * item.Amount;

                    case AnimalPaymentStyleType.perAE:
                        expenseRequest.Required = aESum * item.Amount;

                    case AnimalPaymentStyleType.ProportionOfTotalSales:
                        expenseRequest.Required = saleValue * item.Amount;

                        throw new Exception(String.Format("PaymentStyle [{0}] is not supported for [{1}] in [{2}]", item.PaymentStyle, item.Name, this.Name));
                    expenseRequest.Category = item.TransactionCategory;
                    // uses bank account specified in the RuminantActivityFee