Exemplo n.º 1
        internal virtual void AddSettings(ModSettingsBase modSettings)
            foreach (FieldInfo field in modSettings.GetFields())
                Attributes.GetAttributes(field, out SectionAttribute section, out NameAttribute name,
                                         out DescriptionAttribute description, out SliderAttribute slider, out ChoiceAttribute choice);

                if (section != null)
                else if (lastHeader == null)

                if (slider != null)
                    AddSliderSetting(modSettings, field, name, description, slider);
                else if (choice != null)
                    AddChoiceSetting(modSettings, field, name, description, choice);
                    // No Slider or Choice annotation, determine GUI object from field type
                    Type fieldType = field.FieldType;

                    if (fieldType == typeof(UnityEngine.KeyCode))
                        AddKeySetting(modSettings, field, name, description);
                    else if (fieldType.IsEnum)
                        AddChoiceSetting(modSettings, field, name, description, ChoiceAttribute.ForEnumType(fieldType));
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(bool))
                        AddChoiceSetting(modSettings, field, name, description, ChoiceAttribute.YesNoAttribute);
                    else if (IsFloatType(fieldType))
                        AddSliderSetting(modSettings, field, name, description, SliderAttribute.DefaultFloatRange);
                    else if (IsIntegerType(fieldType))
                        AddSliderSetting(modSettings, field, name, description, SliderAttribute.DefaultIntRange);
                        throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported field type: " + fieldType.Name);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void AddChoiceSetting(ModSettingsBase modSettings, FieldInfo field, NameAttribute name, DescriptionAttribute description, ChoiceAttribute choice)
            // Create menu item
            GameObject      setting  = CreateSetting(name, description, comboBoxPrefab, "Label");
            ConsoleComboBox comboBox = setting.GetComponent <ConsoleComboBox>();

            // Add selectable values
            foreach (string choiceName in choice.Names)
            comboBox.m_Localize = choice.Localize;

            // Add listener and set default value
            EventDelegate.Set(comboBox.onChange, new Action(() => UpdateChoiceValue(modSettings, field, comboBox.GetCurrentIndex())));
            modSettings.AddRefreshAction(() => UpdateChoiceComboBox(modSettings, field, comboBox));

            // Control visibility
            SetVisibilityListener(modSettings, field, setting, lastHeader);
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal static void GetAttributes(FieldInfo field, out SectionAttribute section, out NameAttribute name,
                                           out DescriptionAttribute description, out SliderAttribute slider, out ChoiceAttribute choice)
            // Must be assigned at least once, so assign to null first
            section     = null;
            name        = null;
            description = null;
            slider      = null;
            choice      = null;

            object[] attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(true);
            foreach (object attribute in attributes)
                if (attribute is SectionAttribute sectionAttribute)
                    section = sectionAttribute;
                else if (attribute is NameAttribute nameAttribute)
                    name = nameAttribute;
                else if (attribute is DescriptionAttribute descriptionAttribute)
                    description = descriptionAttribute;
                else if (attribute is SliderAttribute sliderAttribute)
                    slider = sliderAttribute;
                else if (attribute is ChoiceAttribute choiceAttribute)
                    choice = choiceAttribute;