// ---------[ UTILITY ]---------
        /// <summary>Checks a ModContainer's template structure.</summary>
        public static bool HasValidTemplate(ExplorerFilterTagsDropdown selector, out string helpMessage)
            helpMessage = null;

            // - null checks -
            if (selector.categoryDisplay == null ||
                !GameTagCategoryDisplay.HasValidTemplate(selector.categoryDisplay, out helpMessage))
                helpMessage = ("The required GameTagCategoryDisplay is missing or"
                               + " has an invalid template.");

            // - Validity checks -
            bool             isValid = true;
            TagContainerItem tagItem = selector.categoryDisplay.template.tagTemplate;

            // check for StateToggleDisplay
            if (tagItem.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <StateToggleDisplay>(true) == null)
                helpMessage = ("This ExplorerFilterTagsDropdown has an invalid template."
                               + "\nThe tag template of the GameTagCategoryDisplay must"
                               + " also have a StateToggleDisplay derived component as"
                               + " a child, or on the same GameObject."
                               + "\n(EG. GameObjectToggle, StateToggle, or SlideToggle.)");
                isValid = false;

Exemplo n.º 2
        // ---------[ UTILITY ]---------
        /// <summary>Checks a display's template structure.</summary>
        public static bool HasValidTemplate(GameTagCategoryDisplay display, out string helpMessage)
            helpMessage = null;
            bool isValid = true;

            // null check
            if (display.template.root == null)
                helpMessage = ("This Game Tag Category Display has an invalid template."
                               + "\nThe template root is not assigned.");
                isValid = false;
            // null check
            else if (display.template.tagTemplate == null)
                helpMessage = ("This Game Tag Category Display has an invalid template."
                               + "\nThe tag template is not assigned.");
                isValid = false;
            // template.root is child of Component
            else if (!display.template.root.IsChildOf(display.transform) ||
                     display.template.root == display.transform)
                helpMessage = ("This Game Tag Category Display has an invalid template."
                               + "\nThe template root must be a child of this object.");
                isValid = false;
            // template.category is child of, or attached to template.root
            else if (display.template.categoryLabel.displayComponent != null &&
                     !display.template.categoryLabel.displayComponent.transform.IsChildOf(display.template.root) &&
                     display.template.categoryLabel.displayComponent.transform != display.template.root)
                helpMessage = ("This Game Tag Category Display has an invalid template."
                               + "\nThe category label must be a child of, or attached to"
                               + " the template root.");
                isValid = false;
            // template.tag is child of template.root
            else if (!display.template.tagTemplate.transform.IsChildOf(display.template.root) ||
                     display.template.tagTemplate.transform == display.template.root)
                helpMessage = ("This Game Tag Category Display has an invalid template."
                               + "\nThe tag template must be a child of the template root.");
                isValid = false;
            // template.category is not in template.tag hierarchy
            else if (display.template.categoryLabel.displayComponent != null &&
                     (display.template.categoryLabel.displayComponent.transform.IsChildOf(display.template.tagTemplate.transform) ||
                      display.template.categoryLabel.displayComponent.transform == display.template.tagTemplate.transform))
                helpMessage = ("This Game Tag Category Display has an invalid template."
                               + "\nThe category label cannot be a child of, or attached to the"
                               + " same transform as the tag template.");
                isValid = false;

Exemplo n.º 3
        // ---------[ INITIALIZATION ]---------
        /// <summary>Initialize template.</summary>
        protected virtual void Awake()
            // check template
            #if DEBUG
            string message;
            if (!GameTagCategoryDisplay.HasValidTemplate(this, out message))
                Debug.LogError("[mod.io] " + message, this);

            // Hide template

            // Check for category name duplication
            if (this.template.tagTemplate.categoryName.displayComponent == this.template.categoryLabel.displayComponent)

            // Add item component
            this.m_itemTemplate = this.template.root.gameObject.GetComponent <CategoryItem>();
            if (this.m_itemTemplate == null)
                this.m_itemTemplate              = this.template.root.gameObject.AddComponent <CategoryItem>();
                this.m_itemTemplate.label        = this.template.categoryLabel;
                this.m_itemTemplate.tagContainer = this.template.tagTemplate.transform.parent as RectTransform;
                this.m_itemTemplate.tagInstances = new TagContainerItem[1]

            // Collect vars
            this.m_container = this.template.root.parent as RectTransform;

            // Clear any instantiated categories
            List <CategoryItem> itemInstances = new List <CategoryItem>(this.m_container.GetComponentsInChildren <CategoryItem>(true));

            foreach (CategoryItem item in itemInstances)