Exemplo n.º 1
        // Functions
        protected override void Awake()

            // Cache references to required component
            UnderstandingDLL        = new SpatialUnderstandingDll();
            UnderstandingSourceMesh = GetComponent <SpatialUnderstandingSourceMesh>();
            UnderstandingCustomMesh = GetComponent <SpatialUnderstandingCustomMesh>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the internal mesh list and provides an array pointer in
        /// the form the DLL will accept.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meshCount">Number of meshes contains in the return mesh list</param>
        /// <param name="meshList">Marshalled mesh list pointer. Valid only with the caller's function context</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool GetInputMeshList(out int meshCount, out IntPtr meshList)
            if (inputMeshList.Count == 0)
                meshCount = 0;
                meshList  = IntPtr.Zero;

            // Convert to IntPtr
            SpatialUnderstandingDll dll = SpatialUnderstandingManager.Instance.UnderstandingDLL;

            meshCount = inputMeshList.Count;
            meshList  = dll.PinMeshDataForMarshalling(inputMeshList);

        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the custom mesh from the DLL. This a a coroutine which will take multiple frames to complete.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerator Import_UnderstandingMesh()
            var stopwatch       = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            int startFrameCount = Time.frameCount;

            if (!spatialUnderstanding.AllowSpatialUnderstanding || IsImportActive)
                yield break;

            IsImportActive = true;

            SpatialUnderstandingDll dll = spatialUnderstanding.UnderstandingDLL;

            Vector3[] meshVertices = null;
            Vector3[] meshNormals  = null;
            Int32[]   meshIndices  = null;

            // Pull the mesh - first get the size, then allocate and pull the data
            int vertCount;
            int idxCount;

            if ((SpatialUnderstandingDll.Imports.GeneratePlayspace_ExtractMesh_Setup(out vertCount, out idxCount) > 0) &&
                (vertCount > 0) &&
                (idxCount > 0))
                meshVertices = new Vector3[vertCount];
                IntPtr vertPos = dll.PinObject(meshVertices);
                meshNormals = new Vector3[vertCount];
                IntPtr vertNorm = dll.PinObject(meshNormals);
                meshIndices = new Int32[idxCount];
                IntPtr indices = dll.PinObject(meshIndices);

                SpatialUnderstandingDll.Imports.GeneratePlayspace_ExtractMesh_Extract(vertCount, vertPos, vertNorm, idxCount, indices);

            // Wait a frame
            yield return(null);


            // Create output meshes
            if ((meshVertices != null) &&
                (meshVertices.Length > 0) &&
                (meshIndices != null) &&
                (meshIndices.Length > 0))
                // first get all our mesh data containers ready for meshes.
                foreach (MeshData meshdata in meshSectors.Values)

                float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                // first we need to split the playspace up into segments so we don't always
                // draw everything.  We can break things up in to cubic meters.
                for (int index = 0; index < meshIndices.Length; index += 3)
                    Vector3 firstVertex  = meshVertices[meshIndices[index]];
                    Vector3 secondVertex = meshVertices[meshIndices[index + 1]];
                    Vector3 thirdVertex  = meshVertices[meshIndices[index + 2]];

                    // The triangle may belong to multiple sectors.  We will copy the whole triangle
                    // to all of the sectors it belongs to.  This will fill in seams on sector edges
                    // although it could cause some amount of visible z-fighting if rendering a wireframe.
                    Vector3 firstSector = VectorToSector(firstVertex);

                    AddTriangleToSector(firstSector, firstVertex, secondVertex, thirdVertex);

                    // If the second sector doesn't match the first, copy the triangle to the second sector.
                    Vector3 secondSector = VectorToSector(secondVertex);
                    if (secondSector != firstSector)
                        AddTriangleToSector(secondSector, firstVertex, secondVertex, thirdVertex);

                    // If the third sector matches neither the first nor second sector, copy the triangle to the
                    // third sector.
                    Vector3 thirdSector = VectorToSector(thirdVertex);
                    if (thirdSector != firstSector && thirdSector != secondSector)
                        AddTriangleToSector(thirdSector, firstVertex, secondVertex, thirdVertex);

                    // Limit our run time so that we don't cause too many frame drops.
                    // Only checking every few iterations or so to prevent losing too much time to checking the clock.
                    if ((index % 30 == 0) && ((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime) > MaxFrameTimeInSeconds))
                        //  Debug.LogFormat("{0} of {1} processed", index, meshIndices.Length);
                        yield return(null);

                        startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

                startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

                // Now we have all of our triangles assigned to the correct mesh, we can make all of the meshes.
                // Each sector will have its own mesh.
                foreach (MeshData meshData in meshSectors.Values)
                    // Construct the mesh.

                    // Make sure we don't build too many meshes in a single frame.
                    if ((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime) > MaxFrameTimeInSeconds)
                        yield return(null);

                        startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            // Wait a frame
            yield return(null);


            // All done - can free up marshal pinned memory

            // Done
            IsImportActive = false;

            // Mark the timestamp
            timeLastImportedMesh = Time.time;

            int deltaFrameCount = (Time.frameCount - startFrameCount + 1);

            if (stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 0.75)
                Debug.LogWarningFormat("Import_UnderstandingMesh took {0:N0} frames ({1:N3} ms)",