Exemplo n.º 1
        public void update(ref double[] servos, Simulation.FGNetFDM fdm)
            for (int i = 0; i < servos.Length; i++)
                var servo = servos[(int)self.motors[i].servo];
                if (servo <= 0.0)
                    motor_speed[i] = 0;
                    motor_speed[i] = scale_rc(i, (float)servo, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                    //servos[i] = motor_speed[i];
            double[] m = motor_speed;

            //# how much time has passed?
            //DateTime t = DateTime.Now;
            //TimeSpan delta_time = t - last_time; // 0.02
            //last_time = t;

            // run at 1000hz lockstep
            TimeSpan delta_time = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1);

            if (delta_time.TotalMilliseconds > 100) // somethings wrong / debug
                delta_time = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 20);

            // rotational acceleration, in degrees/s/s, in body frame
            Vector3 rot_accel = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            double  thrust    = 0.0;

            foreach (var i in range((self.motors.Length)))
                rot_accel.x += -radians(5000.0) * sin(radians(self.motors[i].angle)) * m[i];
                rot_accel.y += radians(5000.0) * cos(radians(self.motors[i].angle)) * m[i];
                if (!self.motors[i].clockwise)
                    rot_accel.z -= m[i] * radians(400.0);
                    rot_accel.z += m[i] * radians(400.0);
                thrust += m[i] * self.thrust_scale; // newtons

            //Console.WriteLine("rot_accel " + rot_accel.ToString());

            // rotational air resistance
            rot_accel.x -= self.gyro.x * radians(5000.0) / self.terminal_rotation_rate;
            rot_accel.y -= self.gyro.y * radians(5000.0) / self.terminal_rotation_rate;
            rot_accel.z -= self.gyro.z * radians(400.0) / self.terminal_rotation_rate;

            //  Console.WriteLine("rot_accel " + rot_accel.ToString());

            // update rotational rates in body frame
            self.gyro += rot_accel * delta_time.TotalSeconds;

            //   Console.WriteLine("gyro " + gyro.ToString());

            // update attitude
            self.dcm.rotate(self.gyro * delta_time.TotalSeconds);

            // air resistance
            Vector3 air_resistance = -self.velocity * (self.gravity / self.terminal_velocity);

            accel_body = new Vector3(0, 0, -thrust / self.mass);
            Vector3 accel_earth = self.dcm * accel_body;

            accel_earth += new Vector3(0, 0, self.gravity);
            accel_earth += air_resistance;

            // add in some wind (turn force into accel by dividing by mass).
            // accel_earth += self.wind.drag(self.velocity) / self.mass;

            // if we're on the ground, then our vertical acceleration is limited
            // to zero. This effectively adds the force of the ground on the aircraft
            if (self.on_ground() && accel_earth.z > 0)
                accel_earth.z = 0;

            // work out acceleration as seen by the accelerometers. It sees the kinematic
            // acceleration (ie. real movement), plus gravity
            self.accel_body = self.dcm.transposed() * (accel_earth + new Vector3(0, 0, -self.gravity));

            // new velocity vector
            self.velocity += accel_earth * delta_time.TotalSeconds;

            if (double.IsNaN(velocity.x) || double.IsNaN(velocity.y) || double.IsNaN(velocity.z))
                velocity = new Vector3();

            // new position vector
            old_position   = self.position.copy();
            self.position += self.velocity * delta_time.TotalSeconds;

            if (home_latitude == 0)
                home_latitude  = fdm.latitude * rad2deg;
                home_longitude = fdm.longitude * rad2deg;
                home_altitude  = fdm.altitude;
                ground_level   = home_altitude;

            // constrain height to the ground
            if (self.on_ground())
                if (!self.on_ground(old_position))
                    Console.WriteLine("Hit ground at {0} m/s", (self.velocity.z));

                self.velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                // zero roll/pitch, but keep yaw
                double r = 0;
                double p = 0;
                double y = 0;
                self.dcm.to_euler(ref r, ref p, ref y);
                self.dcm.from_euler(0, 0, y);

                self.position = new Vector3(self.position.x, self.position.y,
                                            -(self.ground_level + self.frame_height - self.home_altitude));

            // update lat/lon/altitude