Exemplo n.º 1
        }   //END (Cell_Up)

        /// <summary>
        /// Double click the mine field cell event handler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        private void MineFieldLabel_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ME.CurrentGameState.State != MinesEngine.GameState.NewGame &&   //if current game state is NOT NewGame
                ME.CurrentGameState.State != MinesEngine.GameState.InProgress)  //AND current game state is NOT InProgress
                return;                                                             //just do nothing and return

            MineFieldLabel Cell = (MineFieldLabel)sender;                       //get the cell upon which mouse acted

            MinesEngine.CurrentGameStateInfo GS = 
                ME.OpenMany(Cell.Column, Cell.Row);                             //open the current cell and cells around it

            switch (GS.State)                                                   //switch between the current game states
                case MinesEngine.GameState.InProgress:                              //game's in progress
                    RedrawOpened();                                                     //redraw already opened cells
                case MinesEngine.GameState.Loose:                                   //game's lost
                    tTime.Stop();                                                       //stop game timer
                    RedrawOpened();                                                     //redraw already opened cells
                    OpenLoose(GS);                                                      //open field as for the lost game
                    butNewGame.ImageIndex = 3;                                          //set the NewGame button's image to LOST
                    MStats.CalcStats(ME, MS, GameSeconds, AskForUserName);              //calculate game stats
                case MinesEngine.GameState.Win:                                     //game's won
                    tTime.Stop();                                                       //stop game timer
                    RedrawOpened();                                                     //redraw already opened cells
                    butNewGame.ImageIndex = 4;                                          //set the NewGame button's image to WON
                    MStats.CalcStats(ME, MS, GameSeconds, AskForUserName);              //calculate game stats
                case MinesEngine.GameState.Stopped:                                 //game's stopped
                    break;                                                              //do nothing
            }   //ENDSWITCH (game states)
        }   //END (MineFieldLabel_DoubleClick)
Exemplo n.º 2
        }   //END (RedrawOpened)

        /// <summary>
        /// Open field when game is lost (shows only mines location and mistakes)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GS">Current game state</param>
        private void OpenLoose(MinesEngine.CurrentGameStateInfo GS)
            //show mines
            for (int i = 0; i < ME.Width; i++)      //moving through all the columns
                for (int j = 0; j < ME.Height; j++)     //moving through all the cells in current column
                    if (ME[i, j].cell == -1)                //if cell contains mine
                        FL[i][j].ImageIndex = 0;                //show mine
            //highlight mistakes
            for (int k = 0; k < GS.NumMinesBombed; k++)                                         //moving through all the mines that bombed
                FL[GS.BombedMines[k].Column][GS.BombedMines[k].Row].BackColor = MistakeColor;       //and highlighting them with mistake color
            for (int k = 0; k < GS.NumWrongFlags; k++)                                          //moving through all the wrongly placed flags
                FL[GS.WrongFlags[k].Column][GS.WrongFlags[k].Row].BackColor = MistakeColor;         //highlight flag with mistake color
                FL[GS.WrongFlags[k].Column][GS.WrongFlags[k].Row].ImageIndex = 1;                   //show flag on the cell
            }   //ENDFOR (wrong flags)
        }   //END (OpenLoose)
Exemplo n.º 3
        }   //END (Cell_Down)

        /// <summary>
        /// Mouse button goes up upon the minefield cell (event handler)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
        private void Cell_Up(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (ME.CurrentGameState.State != MinesEngine.GameState.NewGame &&   //if current game state is NOT NewGame
                ME.CurrentGameState.State != MinesEngine.GameState.InProgress)  //AND current game state is NOT InProgress
                                                                                //which means that game is stopped
                return;                                                             //just return (mine field doesn't work while game is stopped)

            //if we're here then game is NOT stopped
            MineFieldLabel Cell = (MineFieldLabel)sender;                       //get the cell upon mouse button acted
            MouseEventArgs curButton =                                          //create arguments for the current mouse button
                new MouseEventArgs(e.Button,                                        //which button acted (left or right)
                                    e.Clicks,                                       //number of clicks (not used)
                                    Cell.Column,                                    //current cell's column number
                                    Cell.Row,                                       //current cell's row number
                                    e.Delta);                                       //delta (not used)

            //check whether it is a new game
            if (!GameStart)                                                     //if game wasn't started by now (it was the first click on the mine field)
                if (SameButton(LBDown, curButton) || 
                    SameButton(curButton, RBDown))                              //if button goes up on the same cell where it went down
                    GameStart = true;                                               //start game
                    GameSeconds = 0;                                                //clear game time
                    tTime.Start();                                                  //start game timer
                }   //ENDIF (same cell)
            }   //ENDIF (GameStart)

            //check the combinations of the currently acted buttons
            if (SameButton(LBDown, RBDown))                                     //Left+Right buttons acted together
                                                                                    //we will work with the current cell and all the cells around it
                for (int dI = -1; dI <= 1; dI++)                                    //moving through the previous, current and next columns
                    if (Cell.Column + dI < 0 || 
                        Cell.Column + dI >= ME.Width)                                   //if current dI gets us outside the mine field borders
                        continue;                                                           //just skip current dI
                    for (int dJ = -1; dJ <= 1; dJ++)                                    //moving through the previous, current and next cells in current column
                        if (Cell.Row + dJ < 0 || 
                            Cell.Row + dJ >= ME.Height)                                     //if current dJ gets us outside the mine field borders
                            continue;                                                           //just skip current dJ
                        FL[Cell.Column + dI][Cell.Row + dJ].BackColor = ClosedColor;        //set current cell's color to the closed-cell-color
                    }   //ENDFOR (cells in column)
                }   //ENDFOR (columns)

                MinesEngine.CurrentGameStateInfo GS = 
                    ME.OpenMany(Cell.Column, Cell.Row);                             //open the clicked cell and cells around it

                switch (GS.State)                                                   //switch between the game states
                    case MinesEngine.GameState.InProgress:                          //game's in progress
                        RedrawOpened();                                                 //redraw already opened cells
                    case MinesEngine.GameState.Loose:                               //game's lost
                        tTime.Stop();                                                   //stop the game timer
                        RedrawOpened();                                                 //redraw already opened cells
                        OpenLoose(GS);                                                  //open field as for the lost game                        
                        butNewGame.ImageIndex = 3;                                      //set the NewGame button's image to the LOOSE
                        MStats.CalcStats(ME, MS, GameSeconds, AskForUserName);          //calculate stats
                    case MinesEngine.GameState.Win:                                 //game's won
                        tTime.Stop();                                                   //stop the game timer
                        RedrawOpened();                                                 //redraw already opened cells
                        butNewGame.ImageIndex = 4;                                      //set the NewGame button's image to the WIN
                        MStats.CalcStats(ME, MS, GameSeconds, AskForUserName);          //calculate stats
                    case MinesEngine.GameState.Stopped:                             //game's stopped
                        break;                                                          //do nothing
                }   //ENDSWITCH (game state)
            }   //ENDIF (left+right buttons)
            else if (SameButton(LBDown, curButton))                             //same left button upped as was down (left-click on the cell)
                FL[Cell.Column][Cell.Row].BackColor = ClosedColor;                  //set current cell's back color to the closed-cell-color

                MinesEngine.CurrentGameStateInfo GS = 
                    ME.OpenCell(Cell.Column, Cell.Row);                             //open the clicked cell

                switch (GS.State)                                                   //switch between the game states
                    case MinesEngine.GameState.InProgress:                              //game's in progress
                        RedrawOpened();                                                     //redraw already opened cells
                    case MinesEngine.GameState.Loose:                                   //game's lost
                        tTime.Stop();                                                       //stop the game timer
                        RedrawOpened();                                                     //redraw already opened cells
                        OpenLoose(GS);                                                      //open field as for the lost game
                        butNewGame.ImageIndex = 3;                                          //set the NewGame button's image to the LOOSE
                        MStats.CalcStats(ME, MS, GameSeconds, AskForUserName);              //calculate stats
                    case MinesEngine.GameState.Win:                                     //game's won
                        tTime.Stop();                                                       //stop the game timer
                        RedrawOpened();                                                     //redraw already opened cells
                        butNewGame.ImageIndex = 4;                                          //set the NewGame button's image to the WIN
                        MStats.CalcStats(ME, MS, GameSeconds, AskForUserName);              //calculate stats
                    case MinesEngine.GameState.Stopped:                                 //game's stopped
                        break;                                                              //do nothing
                }   //ENDSWITCH (game state)
            }   //ENDELSEIF (left click)
            else if (SameButton(curButton, RBDown))                             //same right button upped as was down (right-click on the cell)
                ME.ChangeMarker(Cell.Column, Cell.Row);                             //change marker on the current cell
                if (ME[Cell.Column, Cell.Row].marker > 0)                           //if there is marker set on the current cell
                    FL[Cell.Column][Cell.Row].ImageIndex = 
                        ME[Cell.Column, Cell.Row].marker;                               //draw marker on the current cell
                else                                                                //otherwise (marker not set)
                    FL[Cell.Column][Cell.Row].ImageIndex = -1;                          //hide marker on the current cell
                lMines.Text = ((int)ME.NumMines - (int)ME.NumFlags).ToString();     //change number of mines in the mines-textfield
            }   //ENDELSEIF (right click)
            LBDown = null;                                                      //clear the information about the pushed left button of the mouse
            RBDown = null;                                                      //clear the information about the pushed right button of the mouse
        }   //END (Cell_Up)