Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Throw_SocketException_when_connection_is_closed() {
            // Arrange
            var fakesocket = new FakeSocket { Connected = false, ReceiveCallback = (buffer, offset, length) => { throw new SocketException(); } };
            var callbacks = new PoolSocketCallbacks();
            var poolsocket = new PoolSocket(fakesocket, callbacks.Reclaim);

            // Act
            try {
                poolsocket.Receive(new byte[0], 0, 0);
                Assert.Fail("didn't throw");
            catch (SocketException ex) {

                // Assert
                Assert.AreEqual((int)SocketError.NotConnected, ex.ErrorCode);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void On_failure_PoolSocket_and_underlying_socket_are_disposed_and_reclaimed() {

            // Arrange
            var fakesocket = new FakeSocket { ReceiveCallback = (buffer, offset, length) => { throw new SocketException(); } };
            var callbacks = new PoolSocketCallbacks();
            var poolsocket = new PoolSocket(fakesocket, callbacks.Reclaim);

            // Act
            try {
                poolsocket.Receive(new byte[0], 0, 0);
                Assert.Fail("didn't throw");
            } catch(SocketException) { }

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, fakesocket.ReceiveCalled, "send called wrong number of times");
            Assert.IsTrue(fakesocket.IsDisposed, "underlying socket wasn't disposed");
            Assert.IsTrue(poolsocket.IsDisposed, "pool socket wasn't disposed");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, callbacks.ReclaimCalled, "reclaim was called wrong number of times");
            Assert.AreSame(fakesocket, callbacks.ReclaimedSocket, "underlying socket wasn't the one reclaimed");