Exemplo n.º 1
		internal bool confirmModify(ChartObject item)
			PointF point = AlignPointToGrid(interaction.CurrentPoint);
			int selHandle = interaction.SelectionHandle;
			bool validated = true;

			switch (item.getType())
				case ItemType.Box:
					if (BoxModifying != null)
						Box box = (Box)item;
						BoxConfirmArgs args = new BoxConfirmArgs(box, point, selHandle);
						BoxModifying(this, args);
						validated = args.Confirm;
				case ItemType.ControlHost:
					if (ControlHostModifying != null)
						ControlHost host = (ControlHost)item;
						ControlHostConfirmArgs args = new ControlHostConfirmArgs(host, point, selHandle);
						ControlHostModifying(this, args);
						validated = args.Confirm;
				case ItemType.Table:
					if (TableModifying != null)
						Table table = (Table)item;
						TableConfirmArgs args = new TableConfirmArgs(table, point, selHandle);
						TableModifying(this, args);
						validated = args.Confirm;
				case ItemType.Arrow:
					if (ArrowModifying != null)
						Arrow arrow = (Arrow)item;
						ArrowConfirmArgs args = new ArrowConfirmArgs(arrow, point, selHandle);
						ArrowModifying(this, args);
						validated = args.Confirm;

			return validated;
Exemplo n.º 2
		internal bool confirmSelect(ChartObject obj)
			bool res = true;

			switch (obj.getType())
				case ItemType.Box:
					if (BoxSelecting != null)
						BoxConfirmArgs args = new BoxConfirmArgs((Box)obj);
						BoxSelecting(this, args);
						res = args.Confirm;
				case ItemType.ControlHost:
					if (ControlHostSelecting != null)
						ControlHostConfirmArgs args = new ControlHostConfirmArgs((ControlHost)obj);
						ControlHostSelecting(this, args);
						res = args.Confirm;
				case ItemType.Table:
					if (TableSelecting != null)
						TableConfirmArgs args = new TableConfirmArgs((Table)obj);
						TableSelecting(this, args);
						res = args.Confirm;
				case ItemType.Arrow:
					if (ArrowSelecting != null)
						ArrowConfirmArgs args = new ArrowConfirmArgs((Arrow)obj);
						ArrowSelecting(this, args);
						res = args.Confirm;

			return res;
Exemplo n.º 3
		internal bool confirmCreate(ChartObject item)
			PointF point = AlignPointToGrid(interaction.CurrentPoint);
			bool validated = true;

			switch (item.getType())
				case ItemType.Box:
					if (BoxCreating != null)
						BoxConfirmArgs args = new BoxConfirmArgs((Box)item, point, -1);
						BoxCreating(this, args);
						validated = args.Confirm;
				case ItemType.ControlHost:
					if (ControlHostCreating != null)
						ControlHostConfirmArgs args =
							new ControlHostConfirmArgs((ControlHost)item, point, -1);
						ControlHostCreating(this, args);
						validated = args.Confirm;
				case ItemType.Table:
					if (TableCreating != null)
						TableConfirmArgs args = new TableConfirmArgs((Table)item, point, -1);
						TableCreating(this, args);
						validated = args.Confirm;
				case ItemType.Arrow:
					if (ArrowCreating != null)
						Arrow arrow = (Arrow)item;

						PointF endPt = arrow.Points[arrow.Points.Count - 1];
						int id = 0;
						int row = -1;
						arrow.NewDest.getAnchor(endPt, arrow, true, ref id);
						if (arrow.NewDest is Table)
							row = ((Table)arrow.NewDest).rowFromPt(endPt);

						AttachConfirmArgs args = new AttachConfirmArgs(
							arrow, arrow.NewDest, false, id, row);
						ArrowCreating(this, args);

						validated = args.Confirm;

			return validated;
Exemplo n.º 4
		private bool confirmBoxInplaceEdit(Box box)
			if (BoxInplaceEditing == null) return true;

			BoxConfirmArgs args = new BoxConfirmArgs(box);
			BoxInplaceEditing(this, args);
			return args.Confirm;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void flowChart1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            if (e.Data.GetDataPresent("MyControls2008.ToolboxItem"))
                ToolboxItem toolBoxItem = (ToolboxItem)e.Data.GetData("MyControls2008.ToolboxItem");

                Point p = flowChart1.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
                PointF pt = flowChart1.ClientToDoc(new Point(p.X, p.Y));

                Box box = Common.CreateBox(flowChart1, toolBoxItem, pt.X, pt.Y, null);
                if (toolBoxItem.Showtext == "连接点")
                    //box.Transparent = false;
                    //box.FillColor = Color.Green;
                    box.TextColor = Color.Aqua;


                BoxConfirmArgs args = new BoxConfirmArgs(box);
                flowChart1_BoxSelecting(null, args);
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void flowChart1_BoxSelecting(object sender, BoxConfirmArgs e)
     BoxPropertiesExt pro = (BoxPropertiesExt)e.Box.Tag;
     switch (pro.model)
         case "0":
             pro.property.typbeName = "进口";
         case "-1":
             pro.property.typbeName = "出口";
         case "-2":
             pro.property.typbeName ="连接点";
             pro.property.typbeName = pro.model;
     propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = pro.property;
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void fcFlowChart_BoxDeleting(object sender, BoxConfirmArgs e)
   e.Confirm = false; // Tell flowchart not to deal with this.
Exemplo n.º 8
    private void fcFlowChart_BoxModifying(object sender, BoxConfirmArgs e)
      //foreach (Arrow arrow in e.Box.IncomingArrows)
      //  if (arrow.ControlPoints.Count % 2 == 0)
      //  {
      //    // add dummy controlpoint to fix bug in mindfusion stuff.
      //    List<SysCAD.Protocol.Point> points = new List<SysCAD.Protocol.Point>();
      //    int i;
      //    for (i=0; i<arrow.ControlPoints.Count; i++)
      //    {
      //      points.Add(new SysCAD.Protocol.Point(arrow.ControlPoints[i].X, arrow.ControlPoints[i].Y));
      //    }
      //    points.Add(new SysCAD.Protocol.Point(arrow.ControlPoints[i].X, arrow.ControlPoints[i].Y)); // add dummy last one.

      //    State.SetControlPoints(arrow, points);
      //  }

      //foreach (Arrow arrow in e.Box.OutgoingArrows)
      //  if (arrow.ControlPoints.Count % 2 == 0)
      //  {
      //    // add dummy controlpoint to fix bug in mindfusion stuff.
      //    List<SysCAD.Protocol.Point> points = new List<SysCAD.Protocol.Point>();
      //    int i;
      //    for (i = 0; i < arrow.ControlPoints.Count; i++)
      //    {
      //      points.Add(new SysCAD.Protocol.Point(arrow.ControlPoints[i].X, arrow.ControlPoints[i].Y));
      //    }
      //    points.Add(new SysCAD.Protocol.Point(arrow.ControlPoints[i].X, arrow.ControlPoints[i].Y)); // add dummy last one.

      //    State.SetControlPoints(arrow, points);
      //  }

      if (e.Box.Tag is EditorNode)
        Box modelBox = (e.Box.Tag as EditorNode).ModelBox;
        if (modelBox != null)
          Box graphicBox = (e.Box.Tag as EditorNode).GraphicBox;
          //graphicBox.BoundingRect = (e.Box.Tag as Item).Model.BoundingRect;
          graphicBox.RotationAngle = (e.Box.Tag as EditorNode).ModelBox.RotationAngle;

      else if (e.Box.Tag is EditorArea)
      { // specifically modify the links so that they mvoe as expected.
        EditorArea editorArea = e.Box.Tag as EditorArea;

        double dx = (double)e.Box.BoundingRect.X - editorArea.GraphicArea.BoundingRect.X;
        double dy = (double)e.Box.BoundingRect.Y - editorArea.GraphicArea.BoundingRect.Y;

        PureComponents.TreeView.Node treeViewNode = state.TVNavigation.GetNodeByKey(editorArea.Guid.ToString());

        foreach (PureComponents.TreeView.Node subTreeViewNode in treeViewNode.Nodes)
          if (subTreeViewNode.Tag is EditorNode)
            EditorNode editorNode = subTreeViewNode.Tag as EditorNode;
            if (editorNode.ModelBox != null)
              foreach (Arrow arrow in editorNode.IncomingArrows)
                State.SetControlPoints(arrow, (arrow.Tag as EditorLink).GraphicLink.ControlPoints, dx, dy);

              foreach (Arrow arrow in editorNode.OutgoingArrows)
                State.SetControlPoints(arrow, (arrow.Tag as EditorLink).GraphicLink.ControlPoints, dx, dy);