/// <summary>Parses a byte array into a track's worth of events.</summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data to be parsed.</param>
        /// <returns>The track containing the parsed events.</returns>
        public static MidiTrack ParseToTrack(byte[] data)
            long pos           = 0;     // current position in data
            bool running       = false; // whether we're in running status
            int  status        = 0;     // the current status byte
            bool sysExContinue = false; // whether we're in a multi-segment system exclusive message

            byte[] sysExData = null;    // system exclusive data up to this point from a multi-segment message

            // Create the new track
            MidiTrack track = new MidiTrack();

            try {
                // Process all bytes, turning them into events
                while (pos < data.Length)
                    // Read in the delta time
                    long deltaTime = ReadVariableLength(data, ref pos);

                    // Get the next character
                    byte nextValue = data[pos];

                    // Are we continuing a sys ex?  If so, the next value better be 0x7F
                    if (sysExContinue && (nextValue != 0x7F))
                        var mpe = new MidiParserException("Expected to find a system exclusive continue byte.", pos);
                        mpe.Data["nextValue"] = nextValue;
                        throw mpe;

                    // Are we in running status?  Determine whether we're running and
                    // what the current status byte is.
                    if ((nextValue & 0x80) == 0)
                        // We're now in running status... if the last status was 0, uh oh!
                        if (status == 0)
                            throw new MidiParserException("Status byte required for running status.", pos);

                        // Keep the last iteration's status byte, and now we're in running mode
                        running = true;
                        // Not running, so store the current status byte and mark running as false
                        status  = nextValue;
                        running = false;

                    // Grab the 4-bit identifier
                    byte messageType = (byte)((status >> 4) & 0xF);

                    MidiEvent tempEvent = null;

                    // Handle voice events
                    if (messageType >= 0x8 && messageType <= 0xE)
                        if (!running)
                            pos++;                           // if we're running, we don't advance; if we're not running, we do
                        byte channel = (byte)(status & 0xF); // grab the channel from the status byte
                        tempEvent = ParseVoiceEvent(deltaTime, messageType, channel, data, ref pos);
                    // Handle meta events
                    else if (status == 0xFF)
                        byte eventType = data[pos];
                        tempEvent = ParseMetaEvent(deltaTime, eventType, data, ref pos);
                    // Handle system exclusive events
                    else if (status == 0xF0)
                        long length = ReadVariableLength(data, ref pos); // figure out how much data to read

                        // If this is single-segment message, process the whole thing
                        if (data[pos + length - 1] == 0xF7)
                            sysExData = new byte[length - 1];
                            Array.Copy(data, (int)pos, sysExData, 0, (int)length - 1);
                            tempEvent = new SystemExclusiveMidiEvent(deltaTime, sysExData);
                        // It's multi-segment, so add the new data to the previously aquired data
                            // Add to previously aquired sys ex data
                            int    oldLength    = (sysExData == null ? 0 : sysExData.Length);
                            byte[] newSysExData = new byte[oldLength + length];
                            if (sysExData != null)
                                sysExData.CopyTo(newSysExData, 0);
                            Array.Copy(data, (int)pos, newSysExData, oldLength, (int)length);
                            sysExData     = newSysExData;
                            sysExContinue = true;
                        pos += length;
                    // Handle system exclusive continuations
                    else if (status == 0xF7)
                        if (!sysExContinue)
                            sysExData = null;

                        // Figure out how much data there is
                        long length = ReadVariableLength(data, ref pos);

                        // Add to previously aquired sys ex data
                        int    oldLength    = (sysExData == null ? 0 : sysExData.Length);
                        byte[] newSysExData = new byte[oldLength + length];
                        if (sysExData != null)
                            sysExData.CopyTo(newSysExData, 0);
                        Array.Copy(data, (int)pos, newSysExData, oldLength, (int)length);
                        sysExData = newSysExData;

                        // Make it a system message if necessary (i.e. if we find an end marker)
                        if (data[pos + length - 1] == 0xF7)
                            tempEvent     = new SystemExclusiveMidiEvent(deltaTime, sysExData);
                            sysExData     = null;
                            sysExContinue = false;
                    // Nothing we know about
                        var e = new MidiParserException("Invalid status byte found.", pos);
                        e.Data["status"] = status;
                        throw e;

                    // Add the newly parsed event if we got one
                    if (tempEvent != null)

                // Return the newly populated track
            // Let MidiParserExceptions through
            catch (MidiParserException) { throw; }
            // Wrap all other exceptions in MidiParserExceptions
            catch (Exception exc) { throw new MidiParserException("Failed to parse MIDI file.", exc, pos); }
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Parse a meta MIDI event from the data stream.</summary>
        /// <param name="track">The track that owns this event.</param>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">The previously parsed delta-time for this event.</param>
        /// <param name="eventType">The previously parsed type of message we're expecting to find.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data stream from which to read the event information.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">The position of the start of the event information.</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed meta MIDI event.</returns>
        private static MidiEvent ParseMetaEvent(MidiTrack track, long deltaTime, byte eventType, byte[] data, ref long pos)
                MidiEvent tempEvent = null;

                // Create the correct meta event based on its meta event id/type
                switch (eventType)
                // Sequence number
                case SequenceNumberMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    pos++;     // skip past the 0x02
                    int number = ((data[pos] << 8) | data[pos + 1]);
                    tempEvent = new SequenceNumberMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, number);
                    pos      += 2; // skip read values

                // Text events (copyright, lyrics, etc)
                case TextMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    tempEvent = new TextMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, ReadASCIIText(data, ref pos));

                case CopyrightTextMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    tempEvent = new CopyrightTextMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, ReadASCIIText(data, ref pos));

                case SequenceTrackNameTextMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    tempEvent = new SequenceTrackNameTextMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, ReadASCIIText(data, ref pos));

                case InstrumentTextMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    tempEvent = new InstrumentTextMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, ReadASCIIText(data, ref pos));

                case LyricTextMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    tempEvent = new LyricTextMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, ReadASCIIText(data, ref pos));

                case MarkerTextMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    tempEvent = new MarkerTextMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, ReadASCIIText(data, ref pos));

                case CuePointTextMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    tempEvent = new CuePointTextMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, ReadASCIIText(data, ref pos));

                case ProgramNameTextMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    tempEvent = new ProgramNameTextMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, ReadASCIIText(data, ref pos));

                case DeviceNameTextMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    tempEvent = new DeviceNameTextMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, ReadASCIIText(data, ref pos));

                // Channel prefix
                case ChannelPrefixMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    pos++;     // skip 0x1
                    tempEvent = new ChannelPrefixMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, data[pos]);
                    pos++;     // skip read value

                // Port number
                case MidiPortMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    pos++;     // skip 0x1
                    tempEvent = new MidiPortMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, data[pos]);
                    pos++;     // skip read value

                // End of track
                case EndOfTrackMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    pos++;     // skip 0x0
                    tempEvent = new EndOfTrackMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime);

                // Tempo
                case TempoMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    pos++;     // skip 0x3
                    int tempo = ((data[pos] << 16) | data[pos + 1] << 8 | data[pos + 2]);
                    tempEvent = new TempoMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, tempo);
                    pos      += 3;

                // SMPTE offset
                case SMPTEOffsetMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    pos++;     // skip 0x5
                    tempEvent = new SMPTEOffsetMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime,
                                                             data[pos], data[pos + 1], data[pos + 2], data[pos + 3], data[pos + 4]);
                    pos += 5;

                // Time signature
                case TimeSignatureMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    pos++;     // skip past 0x4
                    tempEvent = new TimeSignatureMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime,
                                                               data[pos], data[pos + 1], data[pos + 2], data[pos + 3]);
                    pos += 4;

                // Key signature
                case KeySignatureMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    pos++;     // skip past 0x2
                    tempEvent = new KeySignatureMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, (Key)data[pos], (Tonality)data[pos + 1]);
                    pos      += 2;

                // Proprietary
                case ProprietaryMetaMidiEvent.MetaId:
                    // Read in the variable length and that much data, then store it
                    long   length   = ReadVariableLength(data, ref pos);
                    byte[] propData = new byte[length];
                    Array.Copy(data, (int)pos, propData, 0, (int)length);
                    tempEvent = new ProprietaryMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, propData);
                    pos      += length;

                // An unknown meta event!
                    // Read in the variable length and that much data, then store it
                    length = ReadVariableLength(data, ref pos);
                    byte[] unknownData = new byte[length];
                    Array.Copy(data, (int)pos, unknownData, 0, (int)length);
                    tempEvent = new UnknownMetaMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, eventType, unknownData);
                    pos      += length;
            // Something bad happened; wrap it in a parser exception
            catch (Exception exc) { throw new MidiParserException("Unable to parse meta MIDI event.", exc, pos); }
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Parse a voice event from the data stream.</summary>
        /// <param name="track">The track that owns this event.</param>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">The previously parsed delta-time for this event.</param>
        /// <param name="messageType">The previously parsed type of message we're expecting to find.</param>
        /// <param name="channel">The previously parsed channel for this message.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data stream from which to read the event information.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">The position of the start of the event information.</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed voice MIDI event.</returns>
        private static MidiEvent ParseVoiceEvent(MidiTrack track, long deltaTime, byte messageType, byte channel, byte[] data, ref long pos)
                MidiEvent tempEvent = null;

                // Create the correct voice event based on its message id/type
                switch (messageType)
                // NOTE OFF
                case OffNoteVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent     = new OffNoteVoiceMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, channel, data[pos], data[pos + 1]);
                    track.Channel = channel;
                    pos          += 2;

                // NOTE ON
                case OnNoteVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent     = new OnNoteVoiceMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, channel, data[pos], data[pos + 1]);
                    track.Channel = channel;
                    pos          += 2;

                // AFTERTOUCH
                case AftertouchNoteVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent     = new AftertouchNoteVoiceMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, channel, data[pos], data[pos + 1]);
                    track.Channel = channel;
                    pos          += 2;

                // CONTROLLER
                case ControllerVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent = new ControllerVoiceMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, channel, data[pos], data[pos + 1]);
                    pos      += 2;

                // PROGRAM CHANGE
                case ProgramChangeVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent = new ProgramChangeVoiceMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, channel, data[pos]);
                    pos      += 1;

                // CHANNEL PRESSURE
                case ChannelPressureVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    tempEvent = new ChannelPressureVoiceMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, channel, data[pos]);
                    pos      += 1;

                // PITCH WHEEL
                case PitchWheelVoiceMidiEvent.CategoryId:
                    int  position = ((data[pos] << 8) | data[pos + 1]);
                    byte upper, lower;
                    MidiEvent.Split14BitsToBytes(position, out upper, out lower);
                    tempEvent = new PitchWheelVoiceMidiEvent(track, deltaTime, channel, upper, lower);
                    pos      += 2;

                // UH OH!
                    Validate.ThrowOutOfRange("messageType", messageType, 0x8, 0xE);

                // Return the newly parsed event
            // Something bad happened; wrap it in a parser exception
            catch (Exception exc) { throw new MidiParserException("Unable to parse voice MIDI event.", exc, pos); }
        /// <summary>Converts the MIDI sequence into a new one with the desired format.</summary>
        /// <param name="sequence">The sequence to be converted.</param>
        /// <param name="format">The format to which we want to convert the sequence.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options used when doing the conversion.</param>
        /// <returns>The new, converted sequence.</returns>
        public static MidiSequence Convert(this MidiSequence sequence, Format format, FormatConversionOption options)
            Validate.NonNull("sequence", sequence);
            Validate.InRange("format", (int)format, (int)Format.Zero, (int)Format.Two);

            if (sequence.Format == format)
                // If the desired format is the same as the original, just return a copy.
                // No transformation is necessary.
                sequence = new MidiSequence(sequence);
            else if (format != Format.Zero || sequence.Tracks.Count == 1)
                // If the desired format is is not 0 or there's only one track, just copy the sequence with a different format number.
                // If it's not zero, then multiple tracks are acceptable, so no transformation is necessary.
                // Or if there's only one track, then there's no possible transformation to be done.
                var newSequence = new MidiSequence(format, sequence.Division);
                foreach (MidiTrack t in sequence)
                    newSequence.Tracks.Add(new MidiTrack(t));
                sequence = newSequence;
                // Now the harder cases, converting to format 0.  We need to combine all tracks into 1,
                // as format 0 requires that there only be a single track with all of the events for the song.
                sequence = new MidiSequence(sequence);

                // Iterate through all events in all tracks and change deltaTimes to actual times.
                // We'll then be able to sort based on time and change them back to deltas later.
                foreach (MidiTrack track in sequence)

                // Add all events to new track (except for end of track markers!)
                int       trackNumber = 0;
                MidiTrack newTrack    = new MidiTrack();
                foreach (MidiTrack track in sequence)
                    foreach (MidiEvent midiEvent in track.Events)
                        // If this event has a channel, and if we're storing tracks as channels, copy to it
                        if ((options & FormatConversionOption.CopyTrackToChannel) > 0 && trackNumber >= 0 && trackNumber <= 0xF)
                            var vme = midiEvent as VoiceMidiEvent;
                            if (vme != null)
                                vme.Channel = (byte)trackNumber;

                        // Add all events, except for end of track markers (we'll add our own)
                        if (!(midiEvent is EndOfTrackMetaMidiEvent))

                // Sort the events by total time, then convert back to delta time,
                // and top things off with an end-of-track marker.
                newTrack.Events.Sort((x, y) => x.DeltaTime.CompareTo(y.DeltaTime));
                newTrack.Events.Add(new EndOfTrackMetaMidiEvent(0));

                // We now have all of the combined events in newTrack.  Clear out the sequence, replacing all the tracks
                // with this new one.
