Exemplo n.º 1
        private void calculateLmatch_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Complex ZA   = MenialOperations.ComplexFromString(CalculateLMatch_ZA_tb.Text);
            Complex ZB   = MenialOperations.ComplexFromString(CalculateLMatch_ZB_tb.Text);
            bool    isLP = lowpass_rb.Checked;
            double  freq = Convert.ToDouble(CalculateLmatch_frequency_tb.Text);
            double  Zo   = Convert.ToDouble(CalculateLMatch_Zo_tb.Text);

            double L;
            double C;
            bool   seriesNextToLoad = OnePortNetwork.Lmatch(ZA, ZB, isLP, freq, Zo, out L, out C);

            ThreadSafe.SetControlTextThreadSafe_f(this, CalculateLmatch_Output_tb,
                                                  L.ToString() + " H, " + Environment.NewLine +
                                                  ((seriesNextToLoad == isLP) ? "Next to ZA, " : "Next to ZB, ") + Environment.NewLine + //Series next to load XOR isLP.
                                                  (isLP ? "Series, " : "Shunt, ") + Environment.NewLine
            ThreadSafe.SetControlTextThreadSafe_f(this, CalculateLmatch_Output_tb,
                                                  C.ToString() + " F," + Environment.NewLine +
                                                  ((seriesNextToLoad != isLP) ? "Next to ZA, " : "Next to ZB, ") + Environment.NewLine + //Series next to load XNOR isLP.
                                                  (!isLP ? "Series, " : "Shunt, ")

            //Draw ind and cap connected on screen.
        private void ConjugateMatch_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Dummy validation script.
            //Take s-parameters.
            //TwoPortNetworks.TwoPortNetwork tpn = new TwoPortNetworks.TwoPortNetwork(
            //    MenialOperations.complex_magphase(0.869, -159, true),
            //    MenialOperations.complex_magphase(0.031, -9, true),
            //    MenialOperations.complex_magphase(4.250, 61, true),
            //    MenialOperations.complex_magphase(0.507, -117, true),
            //    TwoPortNetworks.STATE.S,
            //    50.0
            //    );
            //ComplexXY gammaIN_TEST_XY = new ComplexXY(new ComplexLinearSpace(100, 100), tpn.CalculateGammaIN);
            //ComplexXY gammaOUT_TEST_XY = new ComplexXY(new ComplexLinearSpace(100, 100), tpn.CalculateGammaOUT);
            //this.PlotGammaXY(gammaIN_TEST_XY, Color.Red);
            //this.PlotGammaXY(gammaOUT_TEST_XY, Color.Blue, false);

            TwoPortNetworks.TwoPortNetwork tpn = this.Device.ExtractTwoPortNetwork(DesignFrequency);

            //Calculate gamma_s and gamma_L.
            Complex gamma_s = PAdesign.gamma_S(tpn);
            Complex gamma_l = PAdesign.gamma_L(tpn);
            Complex Z_s     = Conversions.GammaToZ(gamma_s, this.Device.Zo);
            Complex Z_l     = Conversions.GammaToZ(gamma_l, this.Device.Zo);

            //Compute gain.
            double GS     = PAdesign.G_S(tpn);
            double GL     = PAdesign.G_L(tpn);
            double GTotal = PAdesign.G_total(tpn);

            string CompleteCircuitDesign = "";

            CompleteCircuitDesign += "Gamma S: " + Environment.NewLine +
                                     gamma_s.Magnitude + " " + MenialOperations.radtodeg(gamma_s.Phase) + Environment.NewLine +
                                     Z_s + Environment.NewLine +
                                     Z_s.Real + ", " + Conversions.XtoComponent(Z_s.Imaginary, DesignFrequency) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            CompleteCircuitDesign += "Gamma L: " + Environment.NewLine +
                                     gamma_l.Magnitude + " " + MenialOperations.radtodeg(gamma_l.Phase) + Environment.NewLine +
                                     Z_l + Environment.NewLine +
                                     Z_l.Real + ", " + Conversions.XtoComponent(Z_l.Imaginary, DesignFrequency) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

            ////These.... might not be correct.....
            //CompleteCircuitDesign += "GS is: " + GS + " (" + 10 * Math.Log10(GS) + "dB)" + Environment.NewLine;
            //CompleteCircuitDesign += "GL is: " + GL + " (" + 10 * Math.Log10(GL) + "dB)" + Environment.NewLine;
            //CompleteCircuitDesign += "GTotal is: " + GTotal + " (" + 10 * Math.Log10(GTotal) + "dB)" + Environment.NewLine;
            //CompleteCircuitDesign += "Mu is: " + tpn.mu();
            ThreadSafe.SetControlTextThreadSafe_uc(this, CompleteCircuitDesign_tb, CompleteCircuitDesign);
        protected virtual void UpdateForNewParams()
            //Change DesignFrequency.
            bool UserInputFrequency = double.TryParse(setDesignFrequency_tb.Text, out DesignFrequency);

            if (!UserInputFrequency)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter valid frequency");
            DesignFrequency *= MenialOperations.M;

            //Fill out table.
            TwoPortNetworks.TwoPortNetwork temp_tpn = this.Device.ExtractTwoPortNetwork(DesignFrequency);
            ThreadSafe.SetControlTextThreadSafe_uc(this, sParamsChosen_tlp.GetControlFromPosition(0, 0), temp_tpn.m(1, 1).ToString());
            ThreadSafe.SetControlTextThreadSafe_uc(this, sParamsChosen_tlp.GetControlFromPosition(0, 1), temp_tpn.m(1, 2).ToString());
            ThreadSafe.SetControlTextThreadSafe_uc(this, sParamsChosen_tlp.GetControlFromPosition(1, 0), temp_tpn.m(2, 1).ToString());
            ThreadSafe.SetControlTextThreadSafe_uc(this, sParamsChosen_tlp.GetControlFromPosition(1, 1), temp_tpn.m(2, 2).ToString());
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void CalculateOscillatorInForm(Complex gammaL)
            //int gx = smithChart.gammacoord_to_imagecoord(g.Real, true);
            //int gy = smithChart.gammacoord_to_imagecoord(g.Imaginary, false);
            //MessageBox.Show("You clicked at " + e.X + ", " + e.Y + ", which is " + g.Real + ", " + g.Imaginary + ", which converts back to " + gx + ", " + gy);

            //So clicking should give you the whole rundown on the rest of the circuit.
            Complex Z_L     = Conversions.GammaToZ(gammaL, BiasedBJT.Zo);
            Complex gammaIN = MenialOperations.gamma_IN(BiasedBJTAtDesignFrequency.p, gammaL);
            Complex Zin     = Conversions.GammaToZ(gammaIN, BiasedBJT.Zo);
            Complex Z_s     = new Complex(Zin.Real / -3, -Zin.Imaginary);
            Complex gammaS  = Conversions.ZtoGamma(Z_s, BiasedBJT.Zo);

                                                  "Desired Gamma In /// Zin: " + MenialOperations.ComplexToStringMagPhase(gammaIN) + " /// " + Zin + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                                  "Source Z: " + Z_s + " (" + Conversions.XtoComponent(Z_s.Imaginary, DesignFrequency) + ")" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                                  "Load Z: " + Z_L + " (" + Conversions.XtoComponent(Z_L.Imaginary, DesignFrequency) + ")"

            //For every other frequency, calculate the gammaIN and gammaOUT with this network.
            //For every other frequency.
                                                  otherOscillationModes_tb, "");
            for (int n = 0; n < BiasedBJT.freq.Count; n++)
                //Calculate gammaIN and gammaOUT.
                Complex gammaIN_otherFrequency  = MenialOperations.gamma_IN(BiasedBJT.p[n], gammaL);
                Complex gammaOUT_otherFrequency = MenialOperations.gamma_OUT(BiasedBJT.p[n], gammaS);

                //If any magnitudes are greater than one.
                if (gammaIN_otherFrequency.Magnitude > 1 || gammaOUT_otherFrequency.Magnitude > 1)
                    //Print them.
                                                             BiasedBJT.freq[n] + ", " +
                                                             gammaIN_otherFrequency.Magnitude + ", " +
                                                             gammaOUT_otherFrequency.Magnitude + Environment.NewLine
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void UpdateForDesignFrequencyChange()
            //Change DesignFrequency variable.
            bool UserInputFrequency = double.TryParse(setDesignFrequency_tb.Text, out DesignFrequency);

            if (!UserInputFrequency)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter valid frequency");
            DesignFrequency *= MenialOperations.M;

            //Fill out table.
            BiasedBJTAtDesignFrequency = BiasedBJT.ExtractTwoPortNetwork(DesignFrequency);
            ThreadSafe.SetControlTextThreadSafe_f(this, sParamsChosen_tlp.GetControlFromPosition(0, 0), BiasedBJTAtDesignFrequency.m(1, 1).ToString());
            ThreadSafe.SetControlTextThreadSafe_f(this, sParamsChosen_tlp.GetControlFromPosition(0, 1), BiasedBJTAtDesignFrequency.m(1, 2).ToString());
            ThreadSafe.SetControlTextThreadSafe_f(this, sParamsChosen_tlp.GetControlFromPosition(1, 0), BiasedBJTAtDesignFrequency.m(2, 1).ToString());
            ThreadSafe.SetControlTextThreadSafe_f(this, sParamsChosen_tlp.GetControlFromPosition(1, 1), BiasedBJTAtDesignFrequency.m(2, 2).ToString());

            //So now we have the right two-port network. It's the one at our design-freq of course.
            //But we're interested in mag gammaIN wrt gammaL.

            //You can make this be a scalarField2D that takes in gammaL.real and gammaL.imag, then outputs gammaIN.magnitude.
            //Then you can do the Func<> and Fill() that way and get the whole .csv.
            //Alternatively you can go with the contour plot, which this is not.
            //But luckily it's not much of a change to go.

            //Sweep and calculate.
            double             maxMagnitude = 0;
            double             minMagnitude = double.MaxValue;
            ComplexLinearSpace gammaL_Sweep = new ComplexLinearSpace(
                new LinearSpace(0.0, 1.0, (int)200),
                new LinearSpace(0.0, 2 * Math.PI, (int)200)

            Complex[,] gammaIN_Sweep = new Complex[gammaL_Sweep.Mag.N, gammaL_Sweep.Phase.N];
            for (int mag_ind = 0; mag_ind < gammaL_Sweep.Mag.N; mag_ind++)
                for (int phase_ind = 0; phase_ind < gammaL_Sweep.Phase.N; phase_ind++)
                    Complex gammaL_Current = MenialOperations.complex_magphase(gammaL_Sweep.Mag.v[mag_ind], gammaL_Sweep.Phase.v[phase_ind], false);

                    gammaIN_Sweep[mag_ind, phase_ind] = MenialOperations.gamma_IN(BiasedBJTAtDesignFrequency.p, gammaL_Current);
                    if (gammaIN_Sweep[mag_ind, phase_ind].Magnitude > maxMagnitude)
                        maxMagnitude      = gammaIN_Sweep[mag_ind, phase_ind].Magnitude;
                        maximizing_gammaL = gammaL_Current;
                        Debug.WriteLine("Max magnitude of " + maxMagnitude + " at " + gammaL_Current);
                    if (gammaIN_Sweep[mag_ind, phase_ind].Magnitude < minMagnitude)
                        minMagnitude = gammaIN_Sweep[mag_ind, phase_ind].Magnitude;
                        Debug.WriteLine("Min magnitude of " + minMagnitude + " at " + gammaL_Current);

            maxMagnitude = Math.Log10(maxMagnitude);
            minMagnitude = Math.Log10(minMagnitude);

            for (int mag_ind = 0; mag_ind < gammaL_Sweep.Mag.N; mag_ind++)
                for (int phase_ind = 0; phase_ind < gammaL_Sweep.Phase.N; phase_ind++)
                    Complex gammaL_Current = MenialOperations.complex_magphase(gammaL_Sweep.Mag.v[mag_ind], gammaL_Sweep.Phase.v[phase_ind], false);

                    if (gammaIN_Sweep[mag_ind, phase_ind].Magnitude > 1)
                        int colorFactor = (int)((Math.Log10(gammaIN_Sweep[mag_ind, phase_ind].Magnitude) - minMagnitude) / (maxMagnitude - minMagnitude) * 255);
                        smithChart.plotGamma(gammaL_Current, Color.FromArgb(255, colorFactor, 255 - colorFactor, 0));
