MkDatatypeSorts() public method

Create mutually recursive datatypes.
public MkDatatypeSorts ( Symbol names, Microsoft.Z3.Constructor c ) : Microsoft.Z3.DatatypeSort[]
names Symbol names of datatype sorts
c Microsoft.Z3.Constructor list of constructors, one list per sort.
return Microsoft.Z3.DatatypeSort[]
Exemplo n.º 1
    public void Run()
        Dictionary<string, string> cfg = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
            { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" },
            { "MODEL", "true" } };

        using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg))
            Constructor c_leaf = ctx.MkConstructor("leaf", "is_leaf", new string[] { "val" }, new Sort[] { ctx.IntSort });
            Constructor c_node = ctx.MkConstructor("node", "is_node", new string[] { "left", "right" }, new Sort[] { null, null }, new uint[] { 1, 1 });
            Constructor[] constr_1 = new Constructor[] { c_leaf, c_node };

            Constructor c_nil = ctx.MkConstructor("nil", "is_nil");
            Constructor c_cons = ctx.MkConstructor("cons", "is_cons", new string[] { "car", "cdr" }, new Sort[] { null, null }, new uint[] { 0, 1 });
            Constructor[] constr_2 = new Constructor[] { c_nil, c_cons };

            DatatypeSort[] ts = ctx.MkDatatypeSorts(new string[] { "Tree", "TreeList" },
                                                    new Constructor[][] { constr_1, constr_2 });

            DatatypeSort Tree = ts[0];
            DatatypeSort TreeList = ts[1];

            FuncDecl leaf = Tree.Constructors[0];
            FuncDecl node = Tree.Constructors[1];
            FuncDecl val = Tree.Accessors[0][0];

            FuncDecl nil = TreeList.Constructors[0];
            FuncDecl cons = TreeList.Constructors[1];

            Expr t1 = leaf[ctx.MkInt(10)];
            Expr tl1 = cons[t1, nil.Apply()];
            Expr t2 = node[tl1, nil.Apply()];


            t1 = ctx.MkConst("t1", TreeList);
            t2 = ctx.MkConst("t2", TreeList);
            Expr t3 = ctx.MkConst("t3", TreeList);

            Solver s = ctx.MkSolver();
            s.Assert(ctx.MkDistinct(t1, t2, t3));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a forest of trees.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// forest ::= nil | cons(tree, forest)
        /// tree   ::= nil | cons(forest, forest)
        /// </remarks>
        public static void ForestExample(Context ctx)

            Sort tree, forest;
            FuncDecl nil1_decl, is_nil1_decl, cons1_decl, is_cons1_decl, car1_decl, cdr1_decl;
            FuncDecl nil2_decl, is_nil2_decl, cons2_decl, is_cons2_decl, car2_decl, cdr2_decl;
            Expr nil1, nil2, t1, t2, t3, t4, f1, f2, f3, l1, l2, x, y, u, v;

            // Declare the names of the accessors for cons.
            // Then declare the sorts of the accessors.
            // For this example, all sorts refer to the new types 'forest' and 'tree'
            // being declared, so we pass in null for both sorts1 and sorts2.
            // On the other hand, the sort_refs arrays contain the indices of the
            // two new sorts being declared. The first element in sort1_refs
            // points to 'tree', which has index 1, the second element in sort1_refs array
            // points to 'forest', which has index 0.
            Symbol[] head_tail1 = new Symbol[] { ctx.MkSymbol("head"), ctx.MkSymbol("tail") };
            Sort[] sorts1 = new Sort[] { null, null };
            uint[] sort1_refs = new uint[] { 1, 0 }; // the first item points to a tree, the second to a forest

            Symbol[] head_tail2 = new Symbol[] { ctx.MkSymbol("car"), ctx.MkSymbol("cdr") };
            Sort[] sorts2 = new Sort[] { null, null };
            uint[] sort2_refs = new uint[] { 0, 0 }; // both items point to the forest datatype.
            Constructor nil1_con, cons1_con, nil2_con, cons2_con;
            Constructor[] constructors1 = new Constructor[2], constructors2 = new Constructor[2];
            Symbol[] sort_names = { ctx.MkSymbol("forest"), ctx.MkSymbol("tree") };

            /* build a forest */
            nil1_con = ctx.MkConstructor(ctx.MkSymbol("nil"), ctx.MkSymbol("is_nil"), null, null, null);
            cons1_con = ctx.MkConstructor(ctx.MkSymbol("cons1"), ctx.MkSymbol("is_cons1"), head_tail1, sorts1, sort1_refs);
            constructors1[0] = nil1_con;
            constructors1[1] = cons1_con;

            /* build a tree */
            nil2_con = ctx.MkConstructor(ctx.MkSymbol("nil2"), ctx.MkSymbol("is_nil2"), null, null, null);
            cons2_con = ctx.MkConstructor(ctx.MkSymbol("cons2"), ctx.MkSymbol("is_cons2"), head_tail2, sorts2, sort2_refs);
            constructors2[0] = nil2_con;
            constructors2[1] = cons2_con;

            Constructor[][] clists = new Constructor[][] { constructors1, constructors2 };

            Sort[] sorts = ctx.MkDatatypeSorts(sort_names, clists);
            forest = sorts[0];
            tree = sorts[1];

            // Now that the datatype has been created.
            // Query the constructors for the constructor
            // functions, testers, and field accessors.
            nil1_decl = nil1_con.ConstructorDecl;
            is_nil1_decl = nil1_con.TesterDecl;
            cons1_decl = cons1_con.ConstructorDecl;
            is_cons1_decl = cons1_con.TesterDecl;
            FuncDecl[] cons1_accessors = cons1_con.AccessorDecls;
            car1_decl = cons1_accessors[0];
            cdr1_decl = cons1_accessors[1];

            nil2_decl = nil2_con.ConstructorDecl;
            is_nil2_decl = nil2_con.TesterDecl;
            cons2_decl = cons2_con.ConstructorDecl;
            is_cons2_decl = cons2_con.TesterDecl;
            FuncDecl[] cons2_accessors = cons2_con.AccessorDecls;
            car2_decl = cons2_accessors[0];
            cdr2_decl = cons2_accessors[1];

            nil1 = ctx.MkConst(nil1_decl);
            nil2 = ctx.MkConst(nil2_decl);
            f1 = ctx.MkApp(cons1_decl, nil2, nil1);
            t1 = ctx.MkApp(cons2_decl, nil1, nil1);
            t2 = ctx.MkApp(cons2_decl, f1, nil1);
            t3 = ctx.MkApp(cons2_decl, f1, f1);
            t4 = ctx.MkApp(cons2_decl, nil1, f1);
            f2 = ctx.MkApp(cons1_decl, t1, nil1);
            f3 = ctx.MkApp(cons1_decl, t1, f1);

            /* nil != cons(nil,nil) */
            Prove(ctx, ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(nil1, f1)));
            Prove(ctx, ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(nil2, t1)));

            /* cons(x,u) = cons(x, v) => u = v */
            u = ctx.MkConst("u", forest);
            v = ctx.MkConst("v", forest);
            x = ctx.MkConst("x", tree);
            y = ctx.MkConst("y", tree);
            l1 = ctx.MkApp(cons1_decl, x, u);
            l2 = ctx.MkApp(cons1_decl, y, v);
            Prove(ctx, ctx.MkImplies(ctx.MkEq(l1, l2), ctx.MkEq(u, v)));
            Prove(ctx, ctx.MkImplies(ctx.MkEq(l1, l2), ctx.MkEq(x, y)));

            /* is_nil(u) or is_cons(u) */
            Prove(ctx, ctx.MkOr((BoolExpr)ctx.MkApp(is_nil1_decl, u),
                                (BoolExpr)ctx.MkApp(is_cons1_decl, u)));

            /* occurs check u != cons(x,u) */
            Prove(ctx, ctx.MkNot(ctx.MkEq(u, l1)));