Exemplo n.º 1
 public static string SaveToString(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point?point)
     if (point.HasValue)
         return(point.Value.X.ToString() + " " + point.Value.Y.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 2
 public override void PostDeserializationActions(bool?selected, XNA.Point?offset)
     if (selected.HasValue)
         Selected = selected.Value;
     if (offset.HasValue)
         Move(X + offset.Value.X, Y + offset.Value.Y);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void PostDeserializationActions(bool?selected, XNA.Point?offset)
     if (selected.HasValue)
         firstAnchor.Selected = secondAnchor.Selected = selected.Value;
     if (offset.HasValue)
         firstAnchor.MoveSilent(firstAnchor.X + offset.Value.X, firstAnchor.Y + offset.Value.Y);
         secondAnchor.MoveSilent(secondAnchor.X + offset.Value.X, secondAnchor.Y + offset.Value.Y);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public virtual void PostDeserializationActions(bool?selected, XNA.Point?offset)
     if (selected.HasValue)
         Selected = selected.Value;
     if (offset.HasValue)
         position.X += offset.Value.X;
         position.Y += offset.Value.Y;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public override void PostDeserializationActions(bool?selected, XNA.Point?offset)
     if (selected.HasValue)
         Selected = selected.Value;
     if (offset.HasValue)
         foreach (MapleDot dot in new[] { a, b, c, d })
             dot.MoveSilent(dot.X + offset.Value.X, dot.Y + offset.Value.Y);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void DoSnap()
            if (!baseInfo.Connect)
            XNA.Point?closestDestPoint = null;
            double    closestDistance  = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (LayeredItem li in Board.BoardItems.TileObjs)
                // Trying to snap to other selected items can mess up some of the mouse bindings
                if (!(li is ObjectInstance) || li.Selected || li.Equals(this))
                ObjectInstance objInst = (ObjectInstance)li;
                ObjectInfo     objInfo = (ObjectInfo)objInst.BaseInfo;
                if (!objInfo.Connect)
                XNA.Point snapPoint = new XNA.Point(objInst.X, objInst.Y - objInst.Origin.Y + objInst.Height + this.Origin.Y);
                double    dx        = snapPoint.X - X;
                double    dy        = snapPoint.Y - Y;
                if (dx > UserSettings.SnapDistance || dy > UserSettings.SnapDistance)
                double distance = InputHandler.Distance(dx, dy);
                if (distance > UserSettings.SnapDistance)
                if (closestDistance > distance)
                    closestDistance  = distance;
                    closestDestPoint = snapPoint;

            if (closestDestPoint.HasValue)
                SnapMoveAllMouseBoundItems(new XNA.Point(closestDestPoint.Value.X, closestDestPoint.Value.Y));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override void DoSnap()
            // Lookup possible snap to foothold
            FootholdLine closestLine         = null;
            double       closestDistanceLine = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (FootholdLine fh in Board.BoardItems.FootholdLines)
                if (fh.FirstDot.Selected || fh.SecondDot.Selected)
                if (!fh.IsWall && BetweenOrEquals(X, fh.FirstDot.X, fh.SecondDot.X, (int)UserSettings.SnapDistance) && BetweenOrEquals(Y, fh.FirstDot.Y, fh.SecondDot.Y, (int)UserSettings.SnapDistance))
                    double targetY  = fh.CalculateY(X) + 2;
                    double distance = Math.Abs(targetY - Y);
                    if (closestDistanceLine > distance)
                        closestDistanceLine = distance;
                        closestLine         = fh;

            // Lookup possible snap to rope/ladder
            XNA.Point?closestRopeHint     = null;
            double    closestDistanceRope = double.MaxValue;
            bool      closestIsLadder     = false;

            foreach (LayeredItem li in Board.BoardItems.TileObjs)
                if (!(li is ObjectInstance) || li.Selected)
                ObjectInstance objInst = (ObjectInstance)li;
                ObjectInfo     objInfo = (ObjectInfo)objInst.BaseInfo;
                if (objInfo.RopeOffsets != null)
                    LookupSnapInOffsetMap(objInst, objInfo.RopeOffsets, false, ref closestRopeHint, ref closestDistanceRope, ref closestIsLadder);
                if (objInfo.LadderOffsets != null)
                    LookupSnapInOffsetMap(objInst, objInfo.LadderOffsets, true, ref closestRopeHint, ref closestDistanceRope, ref closestIsLadder);

            if (closestDistanceRope >= closestDistanceLine && closestLine != null)
                // If foothold is closer, snap to it
                SnapMoveAllMouseBoundItems(new XNA.Point(Parent.X + Parent.BoundItems[this].X, (int)closestLine.CalculateY(X) + 2));
            else if (closestDistanceRope <= closestDistanceLine && closestRopeHint.HasValue)
                // If rope/ladder is closer, snap to it and change our rope/ladder policy, unless it was hard-set by the user
                SnapMoveAllMouseBoundItems(new XNA.Point(closestRopeHint.Value.X, closestRopeHint.Value.Y));
                if (!this.parentRope.ladderSetByUser)
                    this.parentRope.ladder = closestIsLadder;
Exemplo n.º 8
 private void LookupSnapInOffsetMap(ObjectInstance objInst, List <List <XNA.Point> > offsetMap, bool ladderList, ref XNA.Point?closestRopeHint, ref double closestDistanceRope, ref bool closestIsLadder)
     foreach (List <XNA.Point> offsetList in offsetMap)
         foreach (XNA.Point offset in offsetList)
             int dx = objInst.X + offset.X - X;
             int dy = objInst.Y + offset.Y - Y;
             if (Math.Abs(dx) > UserSettings.SnapDistance || Math.Abs(dy) > UserSettings.SnapDistance)
             double distance = InputHandler.Distance(dx, dy);
             if (distance > UserSettings.SnapDistance)
             if (closestDistanceRope > distance)
                 closestDistanceRope = distance;
                 closestRopeHint     = new XNA.Point(objInst.X + offset.X, objInst.Y + offset.Y);
                 closestIsLadder     = ladderList;
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: Scene.cs Projeto: XF9/Fenrir
        /// <summary>
        /// computes the shortest route to a given set of possible points .. if reachable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentPosition">the start position</param>
        /// <param name="targets">the positions you want to get to</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public LinkedList <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point> getPath(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point currentPosition, List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point> targets)
            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point target in targets)
                if (currentPosition == target)
                    return(new LinkedList <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point>());

            // Breadth-First-Search / Distance Table
            // this will give us the perfect route

            Boolean foundTarget = false;
            Dictionary <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, int> distanceMap = new Dictionary <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point, int>();

            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point?targetTile = null;

            List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point> neighboursCurrent = new List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point>(); // neighbours, checkt in the current iteration
            List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point> neighboursNext    = new List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point>(); // neighbours, checkt in the next iteration

            int distance = 0;

            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point[] pointer = { new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(), new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(), new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(), new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point() };

            while (!foundTarget)
                foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point neighbour in neighboursCurrent)
                    if (!foundTarget && !distanceMap.ContainsKey(neighbour)) // skip if already found or the rare occasion with two or more ways to the same tile with the same amount of steps
                        distanceMap.Add(neighbour, distance);

                        pointer[2].Y = neighbour.Y;
                        pointer[2].X = neighbour.X - 1;

                        pointer[3].Y = neighbour.Y;
                        pointer[3].X = neighbour.X + 1;

                        pointer[0].Y = neighbour.Y - 1;
                        pointer[0].X = neighbour.X;

                        pointer[1].Y = neighbour.Y + 1;
                        pointer[1].X = neighbour.X;

                        foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point possibleMovement in pointer)
                            Components.TileState state = FenrirGame.Instance.InGame.Scene.GetBlockState(possibleMovement);
                            if ((state == Components.TileState.Walkable || state == Components.TileState.Climbable) && !distanceMap.ContainsKey(possibleMovement))

                            // check if a target
                            foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point target in targets)
                                if (possibleMovement.X == target.X && possibleMovement.Y == target.Y)
                                    foundTarget = true;
                                    targetTile  = target;

                neighboursCurrent = new List <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point>(neighboursNext);

                // if we have no next neighbours left to check and still havent found the target there is no way
                if (neighboursCurrent.Count == 0)
                    foundTarget = true;

            // if the current block is the one to be mined error is set too
            // so check if me might found the target
            if (!targetTile.HasValue)
                FenrirGame.Instance.Log(LogLevel.Error, "unreachable target for pathfinding");
                // samething backwards - search the path
                foundTarget = false;
                LinkedList <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point> path = new LinkedList <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point>();
                Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point moveTo            = targetTile.Value;
                Boolean foundSmallerOne;

                while (!foundTarget)
                    pointer[0].Y = targetTile.Value.Y;
                    pointer[0].X = targetTile.Value.X - 1;

                    pointer[1].Y = targetTile.Value.Y;
                    pointer[1].X = targetTile.Value.X + 1;

                    pointer[2].Y = targetTile.Value.Y - 1;
                    pointer[2].X = targetTile.Value.X;

                    pointer[3].Y = targetTile.Value.Y + 1;
                    pointer[3].X = targetTile.Value.X;

                    foundSmallerOne = false;

                    foreach (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point possibleMovement in pointer)
                        int blockDistance;
                        if (distanceMap.TryGetValue(possibleMovement, out blockDistance))
                            if (blockDistance < distance && blockDistance > 0)
                                foundSmallerOne = true;
                                distance        = blockDistance;
                                moveTo          = possibleMovement;

                    if (foundSmallerOne)
                        targetTile = moveTo;
                        foundTarget = true;

Exemplo n.º 10
 public void PostDeserializationActions(bool?selected, XNA.Point?offset)
     // Nothing to do here, we cant be offset nor selected.