Exemplo n.º 1
        internal void Initialize()

            // Clear the texture and sampler collections forcing
            // the state to be reapplied.

            // Clear constant buffers

            // Force set the buffers and shaders on next ApplyState() call
            _vertexBuffers = new VertexBufferBindings(_maxVertexBufferSlots);
            //            _vertexBuffersDirty = true;
            _indexBufferDirty  = true;
            _vertexShaderDirty = true;
            _pixelShaderDirty  = true;

            // Set the default scissor rect.
            _scissorRectangleDirty = true;
            ScissorRectangle       = _viewport.Bounds;

            // Set the default render target.
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or create the DirectX input layout for the specified vertex buffers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertexBuffers">The vertex buffers.</param>
        /// <returns>The DirectX input layout.</returns>
        public InputLayout GetOrCreate(VertexBufferBindings vertexBuffers)
            InputLayout inputLayout;
            if (_cache.TryGetValue(vertexBuffers, out inputLayout))
                return inputLayout;

            var vertexInputLayout = vertexBuffers.ToImmutable();
            var inputElements = vertexInputLayout.GetInputElements();
                inputLayout = new InputLayout(_graphicsDevice._d3dDevice, _shaderByteCode, inputElements);
            catch (SharpDXException ex)
                if (ex.Descriptor != Result.InvalidArg)

                // If InputLayout ctor fails with InvalidArg then it's most likely because the 
                // vertex declaration doesn't match the vertex shader. 
                // Shader probably used the semantic "SV_Position" in the vertex shader input.
                // Background information:
                // "SV_Position" is a "system-value semantic" which is interpreted by the
                // rasterizer stage. This means it needs to be used in the vertex shader output
                // or the pixel shader input. (See
                // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb509647.aspx)
                // However, some effects (notably the original XNA stock effects) use
                // "SV_Position" for the vertex shader input. This is technically allowed, but
                // rather uncommon and causes problems:
                // - XNA/MonoGame only has VertexElementUsage.Position, so there is no way to
                //   distinguish between "POSITION" and "SV_Position".
                // - "SV_Position" cannot be used with any index other than 0, i.e. the DirectX
                //   FX compiler does not accept "SV_Position1", "SV_Position2", ...
                //   This is a problem when using multiple vertex streams, e.g. for blend shape
                //   animations. It makes it impossible to correctly match the vertex
                //   declaration with the vertex shader signature.
                // Conclusion:
                // - MonoGame needs to translate VertexElementUsage.Position to "POSITION".
                // - MonoGame effects should always use "POSITION" for vertex shader inputs.

                // Here is a workaround ("hack") for old vertex shaders which haven't been
                // updated: Rename "POSITION0" to "SV_Position" and try again.
                bool retry = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < inputElements.Length; i++)
                    if (inputElements[i].SemanticIndex == 0 && inputElements[i].SemanticName.Equals("POSITION", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        inputElements[i].SemanticName = "SV_Position";
                        retry = true;

                if (!retry)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(GetInvalidArgMessage(inputElements), ex);

                    inputLayout = new InputLayout(_graphicsDevice._d3dDevice, _shaderByteCode, inputElements);

                    // Workaround succeeded? This means that there is a vertex shader that needs
                    // to be updated.
                    if (_printWarning)
                            "Warning: Vertex shader uses semantic 'SV_Position' for input register. " +
                            "Please update the shader and use the semantic 'POSITION0' instead. The " +
                            "semantic 'SV_Position' should only be used for the vertex shader output or " +
                            "pixel shader input!");
                        _printWarning = false;
                catch (SharpDXException)
                    // Workaround failed.
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(GetInvalidArgMessage(inputElements), ex);

            _cache.Add(vertexInputLayout, inputLayout);

            return inputLayout;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or create the DirectX input layout for the specified vertex buffers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertexBuffers">The vertex buffers.</param>
        /// <returns>The DirectX input layout.</returns>
        public InputLayout GetOrCreate(VertexBufferBindings vertexBuffers)
            InputLayout inputLayout;

            if (_cache.TryGetValue(vertexBuffers, out inputLayout))

            var vertexInputLayout = vertexBuffers.ToImmutable();
            var inputElements     = vertexInputLayout.GetInputElements();

                inputLayout = new InputLayout(_graphicsDevice._d3dDevice, _shaderByteCode, inputElements);
            catch (SharpDXException ex)
                if (ex.Descriptor != Result.InvalidArg)

                // If InputLayout ctor fails with InvalidArg then it's most likely because the
                // vertex declaration doesn't match the vertex shader.
                // Shader probably used the semantic "SV_Position" in the vertex shader input.
                // Background information:
                // "SV_Position" is a "system-value semantic" which is interpreted by the
                // rasterizer stage. This means it needs to be used in the vertex shader output
                // or the pixel shader input. (See
                // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb509647.aspx)
                // However, some effects (notably the original XNA stock effects) use
                // "SV_Position" for the vertex shader input. This is technically allowed, but
                // rather uncommon and causes problems:
                // - XNA/MonoGame only has VertexElementUsage.Position, so there is no way to
                //   distinguish between "POSITION" and "SV_Position".
                // - "SV_Position" cannot be used with any index other than 0, i.e. the DirectX
                //   FX compiler does not accept "SV_Position1", "SV_Position2", ...
                //   This is a problem when using multiple vertex streams, e.g. for blend shape
                //   animations. It makes it impossible to correctly match the vertex
                //   declaration with the vertex shader signature.
                // Conclusion:
                // - MonoGame needs to translate VertexElementUsage.Position to "POSITION".
                // - MonoGame effects should always use "POSITION" for vertex shader inputs.

                // Here is a workaround ("hack") for old vertex shaders which haven't been
                // updated: Rename "POSITION0" to "SV_Position" and try again.
                bool retry = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < inputElements.Length; i++)
                    if (inputElements[i].SemanticIndex == 0 && inputElements[i].SemanticName.Equals("POSITION", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        inputElements[i].SemanticName = "SV_Position";
                        retry = true;

                if (!retry)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(GetInvalidArgMessage(inputElements), ex);

                    inputLayout = new InputLayout(_graphicsDevice._d3dDevice, _shaderByteCode, inputElements);

                    // Workaround succeeded? This means that there is a vertex shader that needs
                    // to be updated.
                    if (_printWarning)
                            "Warning: Vertex shader uses semantic 'SV_Position' for input register. " +
                            "Please update the shader and use the semantic 'POSITION0' instead. The " +
                            "semantic 'SV_Position' should only be used for the vertex shader output or " +
                            "pixel shader input!");
                        _printWarning = false;
                catch (SharpDXException)
                    // Workaround failed.
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(GetInvalidArgMessage(inputElements), ex);

            _cache.Add(vertexInputLayout, inputLayout);
