public void SByteDeserializationNegative()
            List<Tuple<string, string>> testCases = new List<Tuple<string, string>>() {
                new Tuple<string, string>("{\"SByte\":128}", "Error converting value 128 to type 'System.SByte'. Path 'SByte', line 1, position 12."),
                new Tuple<string, string>("{\"SByte\":\"128\"}","Error converting value \"128\" to type 'System.SByte'. Path 'SByte', line 1, position 14."),
                new Tuple<string, string>("{\"SByte\":-129}","Error converting value -129 to type 'System.SByte'. Path 'SByte', line 1, position 13."),

            foreach (var testCase in testCases)
                var input = testCase.Item1;
                var expected = testCase.Item2;

                SByteType actual = new SByteType();
                Exception actualError = null;
                    // Need to ensure that the type is registered as a table to force the id property check

                    DefaultSerializer.Deserialize(input, actual);
                catch (Exception e)
                    actualError = e;

                Assert.AreEqual(actualError.Message, expected);
        public void SByteDeserialization()
            List<Tuple<SByteType, string>> testCases = new List<Tuple<SByteType, string>>() {
                new Tuple<SByteType, string>(new SByteType() { SByte = 0 }, "{}"),
                new Tuple<SByteType, string>(new SByteType() { SByte = 0 }, "{\"SByte\":null}"),
                new Tuple<SByteType, string>(new SByteType() { SByte = 0 }, "{\"SByte\":0}"),
                new Tuple<SByteType, string>(new SByteType() { SByte = 1 }, "{\"SByte\":1}"),
                new Tuple<SByteType, string>(new SByteType() { SByte = 0 }, "{\"SByte\":false}"),
                new Tuple<SByteType, string>(new SByteType() { SByte = 1 }, "{\"SByte\":true}"),
                new Tuple<SByteType, string>(new SByteType() { SByte = -1 }, "{\"SByte\":-1}"),
                new Tuple<SByteType, string>(new SByteType() { SByte = SByte.MaxValue }, "{\"SByte\":127}"),
                new Tuple<SByteType, string>(new SByteType() { SByte = SByte.MinValue }, "{\"SByte\":-128}"),
                new Tuple<SByteType, string>(new SByteType() { SByte = SByte.MinValue }, "{\"SByte\":\"-128\"}"),

            // Need to ensure that the type is registered as a table to force the id property check

            foreach (var testCase in testCases)
                var input = JToken.Parse(testCase.Item2);
                var expected = testCase.Item1;

                SByteType actual = new SByteType();
                DefaultSerializer.Deserialize(input, actual);

                Assert.AreEqual(actual.SByte, expected.SByte);

                if (testCase.Item2 != "{}")
                    actual = new SByteType();
                    actual.SByte = 12;
                    DefaultSerializer.Deserialize(input, actual);

                Assert.AreEqual(actual.SByte, expected.SByte);

                JArray json = JToken.Parse("[" + testCase.Item2 + "]") as JArray;
                actual = DefaultSerializer.Deserialize<SByteType>(json).FirstOrDefault();

                Assert.AreEqual(actual.SByte, expected.SByte);

                actual = (SByteType)DefaultSerializer.Deserialize<SByteType>(input);

                Assert.AreEqual(actual.SByte, expected.SByte);