Exemplo n.º 1
		public System.IntPtr MarshalManagedToNative(object ManagedObj)
			SecurityAttributes saIn = (SecurityAttributes)ManagedObj;
			if (saIn == null)
				return IntPtr.Zero;

			// Keep a reference to the wrapper in case "MarshalNativeToManaged"
			// is called later (In/Out marshaling)
			this._wrapper = saIn;

			// Allocate unmanaged memeory to store the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES struct
			IntPtr pSaIn = Win32.AllocGlobal(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.SizeOf);
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(saOut, pSaIn, false);
			return pSaIn;
        public System.IntPtr MarshalManagedToNative(object ManagedObj)
            SecurityAttributes saIn = (SecurityAttributes)ManagedObj;
            if (saIn == null)
                return IntPtr.Zero;

            // Keep a reference to the wrapper in case "MarshalNativeToManaged"
            // is called later (In/Out marshaling)
            this._wrapper = saIn;

            // Allocate unmanaged memeory to store the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES struct
            IntPtr pSaIn = Win32.AllocGlobal(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.SizeOf);
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(saOut, pSaIn, false);
            return pSaIn;
Exemplo n.º 3
		public object MarshalNativeToManaged(System.IntPtr pNativeData)
			// If native ptr is NULL, return null
			if (pNativeData == IntPtr.Zero)
				return null;

			// If we have an existing wrapper, re-use it.
			// This allows us to properly support the In/Out semantics.
			if (_wrapper != null)
				return _wrapper;

			// Create a new wrapper and parse the native struct
			_wrapper = new SecurityAttributes();
			return _wrapper;
        public object MarshalNativeToManaged(System.IntPtr pNativeData)
            // If native ptr is NULL, return null
            if (pNativeData == IntPtr.Zero)
                return null;

            // If we have an existing wrapper, re-use it.
            // This allows us to properly support the In/Out semantics.
            if (_wrapper != null)
                return _wrapper;

            // Create a new wrapper and parse the native struct
            _wrapper = new SecurityAttributes();
            return _wrapper;