static void CreateDatabase(SlkSPSiteMapping mapping, string databaseName, string appPoolAccountName, string databaseSchema)
            // restrict the characters in <databaseName>
            if (!Regex.Match(databaseName, @"^\w+$").Success)
                throw new SafeToDisplayException(SlkCulture.GetResources().InvalidDatabaseName, databaseName);

            // if <appPoolAccountName> is null, set it to the name of the application pool account
            // (e.g. "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE"); set <appPoolSid> to its SID
            byte[] appPoolSid = null;
            if (appPoolAccountName == null)
                using (SPSite site = new SPSite(mapping.SPSiteGuid))
                    appPoolAccountName = site.WebApplication.ApplicationPool.Username;

            NTAccount          appPoolAccount = new NTAccount(appPoolAccountName);
            SecurityIdentifier securityId     =

            appPoolSid = new byte[securityId.BinaryLength];
            securityId.GetBinaryForm(appPoolSid, 0);

                CreateDatabase(mapping.DatabaseServerConnectionString, databaseName,
                               mapping.DatabaseConnectionString, appPoolAccountName,
                               appPoolSid, databaseSchema);
        /// <summary>Loads SLK configuration information from WSS and LearningStore, in a form that's
        /// suitable for copying to Configure.aspx form fields. </summary>
        /// <param name="spSiteGuid">The GUID of the SPSite to retrieve configuration information
        ///     from.</param>
        /// <returns>An AdministrationConfiguration.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is static so it can used outside the context of IIS.  Only SharePoint
        /// administrators can perform this function.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="SafeToDisplayException">
        /// An error occurred that can be displayed to a browser user.
        /// </exception>
        public static AdministrationConfiguration LoadConfiguration(Guid spSiteGuid)
            AdministrationConfiguration configuration = new AdministrationConfiguration(spSiteGuid);

            // only SharePoint administrators can perform this action

            // set <mapping> to the mapping between <spSiteGuid> and the LearningStore connection
            // information for that SPSite
            SlkSPSiteMapping mapping = SlkSPSiteMapping.GetMapping(spSiteGuid);

            // set "out" parameters based on <mappingExists> and <mapping>
            if (mapping != null)
                // the mapping exists -- set "out" parameters based on <mapping>
                configuration.DatabaseServer       = mapping.DatabaseServer;
                configuration.DatabaseName         = mapping.DatabaseName;
                configuration.InstructorPermission = mapping.InstructorPermission;
                configuration.LearnerPermission    = mapping.LearnerPermission;

                // The below given condition will be true only during the migration of SLK from
                // 'SLK without Observer role' to 'SLK with Observer role' implementation
                if (mapping.ObserverPermission == null)
                    mapping.ObserverPermission = LoadCulture(spSiteGuid).Resources.DefaultSlkObserverPermissionName;
                configuration.ObserverPermission = mapping.ObserverPermission;
                SlkCulture        siteCulture    = LoadCulture(spSiteGuid);
                AppResourcesLocal adminResources = SlkCulture.GetResources();

                configuration.IsNewConfiguration = true;
                mapping = SlkSPSiteMapping.CreateMapping(spSiteGuid);
                // the mapping doesn't exist -- set "out" parameters to default values
                SPWebService adminWebService = SlkAdministration.GetAdminWebService();
                configuration.DatabaseServer       = adminWebService.DefaultDatabaseInstance.Server.Address;
                configuration.DatabaseName         = adminResources.DefaultSlkDatabaseName;
                mapping.DatabaseServer             = configuration.DatabaseServer;
                mapping.DatabaseName               = configuration.DatabaseName;
                configuration.InstructorPermission = siteCulture.Resources.DefaultSlkInstructorPermissionName;
                configuration.LearnerPermission    = siteCulture.Resources.DefaultSlkLearnerPermissionName;
                configuration.ObserverPermission   = siteCulture.Resources.DefaultSlkObserverPermissionName;

            // set "out" parameters that need to be computed
            bool createDatabaseResult = false;

                createDatabaseResult = !DatabaseExists(mapping.DatabaseServerConnectionString, mapping.DatabaseName);
            configuration.CreateDatabase = createDatabaseResult;

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Generate the drop box edit details.</summary>
        /// <param name="file">The file to edit.</param>
        /// <param name="web">The web the file is in.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The open mode.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceUrl">The source page.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DropBoxEditDetails GenerateDropBoxEditDetails(AssignmentFile file, SPWeb web, DropBoxEditMode mode, string sourceUrl)
            DropBoxEditDetails details = new DropBoxEditDetails();

            // Set default details
            details.Url = file.Url;
            details.OnClick = EditJavascript(file, web);

                bool isIpad = SlkUtilities.IsIpad();
                if (settings.UseOfficeWebApps)
                    if (file.IsOfficeFile)
                        if (settings.OpenOfficeInIpadApp && isIpad)
                            details.Url = file.GenerateOfficeProtocolUrl(web, sourceUrl);
                            details.OnClick = null;
                        else if (mode == DropBoxEditMode.Edit)
                            // Document must be 2010 format to be edited in office web apps
                            if (file.IsOwaCompatible)
                                details.Url = file.GenerateOfficeAppsEditUrl(web, sourceUrl);
                                details.OnClick = null;
                        // Use Office Web Apps viewer for office files except for Excel which does not support it for pre 2010 worksheets
                        else if (file.Extension.ToUpperInvariant() != "XLS")
                            details.Url = file.GenerateOfficeAppsViewUrl(web, sourceUrl);
                            details.OnClick = null;
                else if (settings.OpenOfficeInIpadApp && isIpad)
                    details.Url = file.GenerateOfficeProtocolUrl(web, sourceUrl);
                    details.OnClick = null;
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                // Not valid for office web apps
                details.Url = file.Url;
                details.OnClick = EditJavascript(file, web);

            return details;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns <c>true</c> if all SharePoint permissions specified by a given set of permission
        /// names exist in the root web site of a given SPSite, <c>false</c> if not.
        /// </summary>
        bool PermissionsExist()
            bool returnValue = true;

                bool catchAccessDenied = SPSecurity.CatchAccessDeniedException;
                    SPSecurity.CatchAccessDeniedException = false;

                    // populate <existingPermissions> with the existing permissions on the root SPWeb of the
                    // site with GUID <spSiteGuid>
                    Dictionary <string, bool> existingPermissions = new Dictionary <string, bool>(20);
                    using (SPSite spSite = new SPSite(siteId))
                        using (SPWeb rootWeb = spSite.RootWeb)
                            foreach (SPRoleDefinition roleDef in rootWeb.RoleDefinitions)
                                existingPermissions[roleDef.Name] = true;

                    if (existingPermissions.ContainsKey(LearnerPermission) == false)
                        returnValue = false;
                    else if (existingPermissions.ContainsKey(InstructorPermission) == false)
                        returnValue = false;
                    else if (existingPermissions.ContainsKey(ObserverPermission) == false)
                        returnValue = false;
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    SlkCulture culture = new SlkCulture();
                    throw new SafeToDisplayException(culture.Resources.NoAccessToSite);
                    SPSecurity.CatchAccessDeniedException = catchAccessDenied;

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        ///  If a specified query string is present in the current HttpContext,
        ///  its value is retrieved as a string and true is returned.  If the query string is
        ///  absent, then (a) if the caller specifies that the value is required, a
        ///  SafeToDisplayException is thrown, or (b) if the caller specifies that
        ///  the value is optional, null is retrieved and false is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryStringName">Name of the QueryString.</param>
        /// <param name="isOptional">If false, SafeToDisplayException is thrown if
        ///   the query string is absent.</param>
        static string Get(string queryStringName, bool isOptional)
            string queryStringValue = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[queryStringName];

            queryStringValue = SlkUtilities.Trim(queryStringValue);

            if (queryStringValue == string.Empty)
                queryStringValue = null;

            bool isValidQueryString = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryStringValue) == false);

            if (!isValidQueryString && !isOptional)
                throw new SafeToDisplayException(Resources.SlkExQueryStringNotFound, queryStringName);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public RenderedCell[] RenderQueryRowCells(DataRow dataRow, int[,] columnMap, SPWebResolver spWebResolver, SPTimeZone timeZone)
            if (dataRow == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataRow");
            if (columnMap == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columnMap");

            RenderedCell[] renderedCells     = new RenderedCell[m_columnDefinitions.Count];
            int            iColumnDefinition = 0;

            foreach (ColumnDefinition columnDefinition in m_columnDefinitions)
                // set <cellValue> to the rendered value to be displayed in this cell (i.e. this
                // column of this row); set <cellSortKey> to the cell's sort key value (i.e. the value
                // to use for sorting); set <cellId> to the LearningStoreItemIdentifier associated
                // with this cell (null if none); set <cellToolTip> to the tooltip associated with
                // this cell (null if none)
                object cellValue, cellSortKey;
                LearningStoreItemIdentifier cellId;
                string cellToolTip;
                string text, textNotRounded;
                Guid?  cellSiteGuid = null, cellWebGuid = null;
                string cellWebUrl   = null;
                bool   renderAsLink = false;
                switch (columnDefinition.RenderAs)
                case ColumnRenderAs.Default:

                    cellValue = dataRow[columnMap[iColumnDefinition, 0]];
                    if (cellValue is DBNull)
                        cellValue   = (columnDefinition.NullDisplayString ?? String.Empty);
                        cellSortKey = String.Empty;
                        cellId      = null;
                        cellToolTip = null;
                        if ((cellId = cellValue as LearningStoreItemIdentifier) != null)
                            cellValue = cellSortKey = cellId.GetKey();
                            cellSortKey = cellValue;
                        if (columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat != null)
                            cellToolTip = culture.Format(columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat, cellValue);
                            cellToolTip = null;
                        if (columnDefinition.CellFormat != null)
                            text        = FormatValue(cellValue, columnDefinition.CellFormat);
                            cellValue   = text;
                            cellSortKey = text.ToLower(culture.Culture);

                case ColumnRenderAs.UtcAsLocalDateTime:

                    cellValue = dataRow[columnMap[iColumnDefinition, 0]];
                    if (cellValue is DBNull)
                        cellValue   = (columnDefinition.NullDisplayString ?? String.Empty);
                        cellSortKey = String.Empty;
                        cellId      = null;
                        cellToolTip = null;
                        DateTime dateTime;
                            dateTime = timeZone.UTCToLocalTime((DateTime)cellValue);
                        catch (InvalidCastException)
                            throw new SlkSettingsException(columnDefinition.LineNumber, culture.Resources.SlkUtilitiesViewColumnNameNonDateTime);
                        cellValue = cellSortKey = dateTime;
                        if (columnDefinition.CellFormat != null)
                            cellValue = FormatValue(dateTime, columnDefinition.CellFormat);
                        cellId = null;
                        if (columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat != null)
                            cellToolTip = culture.Format(columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat, dateTime);
                            cellToolTip = null;

                case ColumnRenderAs.SPWebTitle:
                case ColumnRenderAs.SPWebName:

                    renderAsLink = (columnDefinition.RenderAs == ColumnRenderAs.SPWebName);
                    cellWebGuid  = GetQueryCell <Guid>(dataRow, columnMap, columnDefinition, iColumnDefinition, 0);
                    cellSiteGuid = GetQueryCell <Guid>(dataRow, columnMap, columnDefinition, iColumnDefinition, 1);
                    if (spWebResolver != null)
                        spWebResolver(cellWebGuid.Value, cellSiteGuid.Value, out text, out cellWebUrl);
                        text = null;

                    if (text == null)
                        text = cellWebGuid.Value.ToString();

                    cellValue   = text;
                    cellSortKey = text.ToLower(culture.Culture);
                    cellId      = null;
                    if (columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat != null)
                        cellToolTip = culture.Format(columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat, text);
                        cellToolTip = null;


                case ColumnRenderAs.Link:

                    text        = GetQueryCell <string>(dataRow, columnMap, columnDefinition, iColumnDefinition, 0);
                    cellId      = GetQueryCell <LearningStoreItemIdentifier>(dataRow, columnMap, columnDefinition, iColumnDefinition, 1);
                    cellValue   = text;
                    cellSortKey = text.ToLower(culture.Culture);
                    if (columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat != null)
                        cellToolTip = culture.Format(columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat, text);
                        cellToolTip = null;

                case ColumnRenderAs.LearnerAssignmentStatus:

                    bool unused;
                    LearnerAssignmentState learnerAssignmentState =
                        (LearnerAssignmentState)GetQueryCell <int>(dataRow, columnMap,
                                                                   columnDefinition, iColumnDefinition, 0, out unused);
                    text        = SlkUtilities.GetLearnerAssignmentState(learnerAssignmentState);
                    cellValue   = text;
                    cellSortKey = learnerAssignmentState;
                    cellId      = null;
                    if (columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat != null)
                        cellToolTip = culture.Format(columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat, text);
                        cellToolTip = null;

                case ColumnRenderAs.IfEmpty:
                    cellToolTip = null;
                    bool   noColumn1;
                    object column1 = GetQueryCell <object>(dataRow, columnMap, columnDefinition, iColumnDefinition, 0, out noColumn1);
                    bool   noColumn2;
                    object column2 = GetQueryCell <object>(dataRow, columnMap, columnDefinition, iColumnDefinition, 1, out noColumn2);

                    if (noColumn1 == false)
                        cellValue = column1;
                        if (noColumn2 == false)
                            if (columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat != null)
                                cellToolTip = culture.Format("{0} ({1})", cellValue, column2);
                    else if (noColumn2)
                        cellValue = culture.Resources.SlkUtilitiesPointsNoValue;
                        cellValue = column2;

                    cellId      = null;
                    cellSortKey = cellValue.ToString().ToLower(culture.Culture);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cellToolTip))
                        cellToolTip = cellValue.ToString();


                case ColumnRenderAs.ScoreAndPossible:

                    // get <finalPoints> and <pointsPossible> from <dataRow>
                    bool  noFinalPoints;
                    float finalPoints = GetQueryCell <float>(dataRow, columnMap, columnDefinition, iColumnDefinition, 0, out noFinalPoints);
                    bool  noPointsPossible;
                    float pointsPossible = GetQueryCell <float>(dataRow, columnMap, columnDefinition, iColumnDefinition, 1, out noPointsPossible);

                    // round to two decimal places
                    float finalPointsRounded    = (float)Math.Round(finalPoints, 2);
                    float pointsPossibleRounded = (float)Math.Round(pointsPossible, 2);

                    // format the result
                    if (!noFinalPoints)
                        // FinalPoints is not NULL
                        text           = culture.Format(culture.Resources.SlkUtilitiesPointsValue, FormatValue(finalPointsRounded, columnDefinition.CellFormat));
                        textNotRounded = culture.Format(culture.Resources.SlkUtilitiesPointsValue, finalPoints);
                        // FinalPoints is NULL
                        text           = culture.Resources.SlkUtilitiesPointsNoValue;
                        textNotRounded = culture.Resources.SlkUtilitiesPointsNoValue;
                    if (!noPointsPossible)
                        // PointsPossible is not NULL
                        text = culture.Format(culture.Resources.SlkUtilitiesPointsPossible, text,
                                              FormatValue(pointsPossibleRounded, columnDefinition.CellFormat));
                        textNotRounded = culture.Format(culture.Resources.SlkUtilitiesPointsPossible, textNotRounded,
                    cellValue = text;
                    cellId    = null;
                    if ((columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat != null) &&
                        (!noFinalPoints || !noPointsPossible))
                        cellToolTip = culture.Format(columnDefinition.ToolTipFormat, textNotRounded);
                        cellToolTip = null;

                    // set <cellSortKey>
                    if (!noFinalPoints)
                        if (!noPointsPossible)
                            cellSortKey = ((double)finalPoints) / pointsPossible;
                            cellSortKey = (double)finalPoints;
                        cellSortKey = (double)0;

                case ColumnRenderAs.Submitted:

                    int countCompletedOrFinal = GetQueryCell <int>(dataRow, columnMap, columnDefinition, iColumnDefinition, 0);
                    int countTotal            = GetQueryCell <int>(dataRow, columnMap, columnDefinition, iColumnDefinition, 1);
                    text        = culture.Format(culture.Resources.SlkUtilitiesSubmitted, countCompletedOrFinal, countTotal);
                    cellValue   = text;
                    cellId      = null;
                    cellToolTip = null;
                    cellSortKey = countCompletedOrFinal;


                    throw new SlkSettingsException(columnDefinition.LineNumber, culture.Resources.SlkUtilitiesUnknownRenderAsValue, columnDefinition.RenderAs);

                // add to <renderedCells>
                RenderedCell renderedCell;
                if (cellSiteGuid != null)
                    renderedCell = new WebNameRenderedCell(cellValue, cellSortKey, cellId, cellToolTip, columnDefinition.Wrap, cellSiteGuid.Value, cellWebGuid.Value, cellWebUrl);
                    ((WebNameRenderedCell)renderedCell).RenderAsLink = renderAsLink;
                    renderedCell = new RenderedCell(cellValue, cellSortKey, cellId, cellToolTip, columnDefinition.Wrap);
                renderedCells[iColumnDefinition++] = renderedCell;
