Exemplo n.º 1
 public override void Repr(ReprBuilder builder) {
     // In Python 2.7, string literals in bytearray repr use the 3.x-style prefixed b'...' form.
     var langVer =
         builder.Options.LanguageVersion <= PythonLanguageVersion.V27 ?
         PythonLanguageVersion.V33 :
     var constExpr = new ConstantExpression(new AsciiString(ToBytes(), ToString()));
     builder.Append(constExpr.GetConstantRepr(langVer, escape8bitStrings: true));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public override bool Walk(ConstantExpression node) {
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Peek if the next token is a 'yield' and parse a yield or yield from expression. Else return null.
        /// Called w/ yield already eaten.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A yield or yield from expression if present, else null.</returns>
        // yield_expression: "yield" [expression_list] 
        private Expression ParseYieldExpression() {
            // Mark that this function is actually a generator.
            // If we're in a generator expression, then we don't have a function yet.
            //    g=((yield i) for i in range(5))
            // In that case, the genexp will mark IsGenerator. 
            FunctionDefinition current = CurrentFunction;
            if (current != null && !current.IsCoroutine) {
                current.IsGenerator = true;
            string whitespace = _tokenWhiteSpace;

            var start = GetStart();

            // Parse expression list after yield. This can be:
            // 1) empty, in which case it becomes 'yield None'
            // 2) a single expression
            // 3) multiple expression, in which case it's wrapped in a tuple.
            // 4) 'from', in which case we expect a single expression and return YieldFromExpression
            Expression yieldResult;
            bool isYieldFrom = PeekToken(TokenKind.KeywordFrom);
            bool suppressSyntaxError = false;
            string fromWhitespace = string.Empty;

            if (isYieldFrom) {
                if (_langVersion < PythonLanguageVersion.V33) {
                    // yield from added to 3.3
                    ReportSyntaxError("invalid syntax");
                    suppressSyntaxError = true;
                fromWhitespace = _tokenWhiteSpace;

            bool trailingComma;
            List<string> itemWhiteSpace;
            List<Expression> l = ParseTestListAsExpr(null, out itemWhiteSpace, out trailingComma);                
            if (l.Count == 0) {
                if (_langVersion < PythonLanguageVersion.V25 && !suppressSyntaxError) {
                    // 2.4 doesn't allow plain yield
                    ReportSyntaxError("invalid syntax");
                } else if (isYieldFrom && !suppressSyntaxError) {
                    // yield from requires one expression
                    ReportSyntaxError("invalid syntax");
                // Check empty expression and convert to 'none'
                yieldResult = new ConstantExpression(null);
            } else if (l.Count != 1) {
                if (isYieldFrom && !suppressSyntaxError) {
                    // yield from requires one expression
                    ReportSyntaxError(l[0].StartIndex, l[l.Count - 1].EndIndex, "invalid syntax");
                // make a tuple
                yieldResult = MakeTupleOrExpr(l, itemWhiteSpace, trailingComma, true);
            } else {
                // just take the single expression
                yieldResult = l[0];

            Expression yieldExpression;
            if (isYieldFrom) {
                yieldExpression = new YieldFromExpression(yieldResult);
            } else {
                yieldExpression = new YieldExpression(yieldResult);
            if (_verbatim) {
                AddPreceedingWhiteSpace(yieldExpression, whitespace);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromWhitespace)) {
                    AddSecondPreceedingWhiteSpace(yieldExpression, fromWhitespace);

                if (l.Count == 0) {
                } else if (l.Count == 1 && trailingComma) {
                    AddListWhiteSpace(yieldExpression, itemWhiteSpace.ToArray());
            yieldExpression.SetLoc(start, GetEnd());
            return yieldExpression;

Exemplo n.º 4
 private bool IsString(ConstantExpression ce) {
     if (_langVersion.Is3x()) {
         return ce.Value is string;
     return ce.Value is AsciiString;
Exemplo n.º 5
        //subscriptlist: subscript (',' subscript)* [',']
        //subscript: '.' '.' '.' | expression | [expression] ':' [expression] [sliceop]
        //sliceop: ':' [expression]
        private Expression ParseSubscriptList(out bool ateTerminator) {
            const TokenKind terminator = TokenKind.RightBracket;
            var start0 = GetStart();
            bool trailingComma = false;

            List<Expression> l = new List<Expression>();
            List<string> listWhiteSpace = MakeWhiteSpaceList();
            while (true) {
                Expression e;
                if (MaybeEat(TokenKind.Dot)) {
                    string whitespace = _tokenWhiteSpace;
                    var start = GetStart();
                    if (Eat(TokenKind.Dot)) {
                        if (Eat(TokenKind.Dot)) {
                            e = new ConstantExpression(Ellipsis.Value);
                            if (_verbatim) {
                                AddPreceedingWhiteSpace(e, whitespace);
                        } else {
                            e = Error(_verbatim ? whitespace + ".." : null);
                    } else {
                        e = Error(_verbatim ? whitespace + "." : null);
                    e.SetLoc(start, GetEnd());
                } else if (MaybeEat(TokenKind.Colon)) {
                    e = FinishSlice(null, GetStart());
                } else {
                    e = ParseExpression();
                    if (MaybeEat(TokenKind.Colon)) {
                        e = FinishSlice(e, e.StartIndex);

                if (!MaybeEat(TokenKind.Comma)) {
                    ateTerminator = Eat(terminator);
                    trailingComma = false;
                if (listWhiteSpace != null) {

                trailingComma = true;
                if (MaybeEat(terminator)) {
                    ateTerminator = true;
            Expression ret = MakeTupleOrExpr(l, listWhiteSpace, trailingComma, true);
            if (l.Count != 1 || ret != l[0]) {
                ret.SetLoc(start0, GetEnd());
            return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
        // primary: atom | attributeref | subscription | slicing | call 
        // atom:    identifier | literal | enclosure 
        // enclosure: 
        //      parenth_form | 
        //      list_display | 
        //      generator_expression | 
        //      dict_display | 
        //      string_conversion | 
        //      yield_atom 
        private Expression ParsePrimary() {
            Token t = PeekToken();
            Expression ret;
            switch (t.Kind) {
                case TokenKind.LeftParenthesis: // parenth_form, generator_expression, yield_atom
                    return FinishTupleOrGenExp();
                case TokenKind.LeftBracket:     // list_display
                    return FinishListValue();
                case TokenKind.LeftBrace:       // dict_display
                    return FinishDictOrSetValue();
                case TokenKind.BackQuote:       // string_conversion
                    return FinishStringConversion();
                case TokenKind.KeywordAsync:
                case TokenKind.KeywordAwait:
                // if we made it this far, treat await and async as names
                // See ParseAwaitExpr() for treating 'await' as a keyword
                case TokenKind.Name:            // identifier
                    ret = MakeName(TokenToName(t));
                    if (_verbatim) {
                    ret.SetLoc(GetStart(), GetEnd());
                    return ret;
                case TokenKind.Ellipsis:
                    ret = new ConstantExpression(Ellipsis.Value);
                    if (_verbatim) {
                        AddPreceedingWhiteSpace(ret, _tokenWhiteSpace);
                    ret.SetLoc(GetStart(), GetEnd());
                    return ret;
                case TokenKind.KeywordTrue:
                    ret = new ConstantExpression(true);
                    if (_verbatim) {
                    ret.SetLoc(GetStart(), GetEnd());
                    return ret;
                case TokenKind.KeywordFalse:
                    ret = new ConstantExpression(false);
                    if (_verbatim) {
                    ret.SetLoc(GetStart(), GetEnd());
                    return ret;
                case TokenKind.Constant:        // literal
                    var start = GetStart();
                    object cv = t.Value;
                    string cvs = cv as string;
                    AsciiString bytes;
                    if (PeekToken() is ConstantValueToken && (cv is string || cv is AsciiString)) {
                        // string plus
                        string[] verbatimImages = null, verbatimWhiteSpace = null;
                        if (cvs != null) {
                            cv = FinishStringPlus(cvs, t, out verbatimImages, out verbatimWhiteSpace);
                        } else if ((bytes = cv as AsciiString) != null) {
                            cv = FinishBytesPlus(bytes, t, out verbatimImages, out verbatimWhiteSpace);
                        ret = new ConstantExpression(cv);
                        if (_verbatim) {
                            AddListWhiteSpace(ret, verbatimWhiteSpace);
                            AddVerbatimNames(ret, verbatimImages);
                    } else {
                        ret = new ConstantExpression(cv);
                        if (_verbatim) {
                            AddExtraVerbatimText(ret, t.VerbatimImage);
                            AddPreceedingWhiteSpace(ret, _tokenWhiteSpace);

                    ret.SetLoc(start, GetEnd());
                    return ret;
                case TokenKind.EndOfFile:
                    // don't eat the end of file token
                    ReportSyntaxError(_lookahead.Token, _lookahead.Span, ErrorCodes.SyntaxError, _allowIncomplete || _tokenizer.EndContinues);
                    // error node
                    return Error(_verbatim ? "" : null);
                    ReportSyntaxError(_lookahead.Token, _lookahead.Span, ErrorCodes.SyntaxError, _allowIncomplete || _tokenizer.EndContinues);
                    if (_lookahead.Token.Kind != TokenKind.NewLine) {
                        return Error(_verbatim ? (_tokenWhiteSpace + _token.Token.VerbatimImage) : null);

                    // error node
                    return Error("");
Exemplo n.º 7
        private Expression FinishUnaryNegate() {
            // Special case to ensure that System.Int32.MinValue is an int and not a BigInteger
            if (PeekToken().Kind == TokenKind.Constant) {
                Token t = PeekToken();

                if (t.Value is BigInteger) {
                    BigInteger bi = (BigInteger)t.Value;
                    if (bi == 0x80000000) {
                        string tokenString = _tokenizer.GetTokenString(); ;
                        Debug.Assert(tokenString.Length > 0);

                        if (tokenString[tokenString.Length - 1] != 'L' &&
                            tokenString[tokenString.Length - 1] != 'l') {
                            string minusWhiteSpace = _tokenWhiteSpace;

                            // TODO Fix the white space here
                            var ret = new ConstantExpression(-2147483648);

                            if (_verbatim) {
                                AddExtraVerbatimText(ret, minusWhiteSpace + "-" + _tokenWhiteSpace + t.VerbatimImage);
                            return ret;

            string whitespace = _tokenWhiteSpace;
            var res = new UnaryExpression(PythonOperator.Negate, ParseFactor());
            if (_verbatim) {
                AddPreceedingWhiteSpace(res, whitespace);
            return res;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public override bool Walk(ConstantExpression node) {
     return UpdateLineInfo(node, true);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public override void PostWalk(ConstantExpression node) { PostWalkWorker(node); }
Exemplo n.º 10
 // ConstantExpression
 public override bool Walk(ConstantExpression node) { return ShouldWalkWorker(node); }
Exemplo n.º 11
 public override bool Walk(ConstantExpression node) {
     return base.Walk(node);