Exemplo n.º 1
        private void AddVisualizer(Type visualizationObjectType, VisualizationLogWriter logWriter, string assemblyPath)
            // Add both a "Visualize" and a "Visualize in new panel" command metadata
            logWriter.WriteLine("Loading Visualizer {0} from {1}...", visualizationObjectType.Name, assemblyPath);
            List <VisualizerMetadata> visualizerMetadata = VisualizerMetadata.Create(visualizationObjectType, this.summarizers, this.streamAdapters, logWriter);

            if (visualizerMetadata != null)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Instert a custom object adapter for viewing message latencies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visualizerMetadata">The visualizer metadata into which to insert the object adapter.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceDataType">The type of the source data.</param>
        /// <returns>A new visualizer metadata containing an object adapter.</returns>
        internal static VisualizerMetadata InsertObjectToLatencyAdapter(VisualizerMetadata visualizerMetadata, Type sourceDataType)
            // Clone the metadata
            VisualizerMetadata newMetadata = visualizerMetadata.DeepClone();

            // Create an object adapter from the node type to object so that the message
            // visualization object displays the actual data values for types that we understand.
            newMetadata.StreamAdapterType = typeof(ObjectToLatencyAdapter <>).MakeGenericType(sourceDataType);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the visualizer metadata whose data type is hierarchically closest to a stream's data type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataType">The data type of messages in the stream.</param>
        /// <param name="metadatas">A collection of metadatas to select from.</param>
        /// <returns>The metadata whose data type is hierarchically closest to the message data type.</returns>
        private static VisualizerMetadata GetVisualizerMetadataOfNearestBaseType(Type dataType, IEnumerable <VisualizerMetadata> metadatas)
            Type type = dataType;

                VisualizerMetadata metadata = metadatas.FirstOrDefault(m => m.DataType == type);
                if (metadata != default)

                type = type.BaseType;
            }while (type != null);

            // The collection of metadata objects passed to this method should be guaranteed
            // to find a match.  If that failed, then there's a bug in our logic.
            throw new ApplicationException("No compatible metadata could be found for the message type");
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the visualizer metadata whose data type is hierarchically closest to a stream's data type.
        /// Metadata objects that don't use an adapter are prioritized first.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataType">The data type of messages in the stream.</param>
        /// <param name="metadatas">A list of metadatas to select from.</param>
        /// <returns>The metadata whose data type is closest (hierarchically, prioritizing non-adapters) to the message data type.</returns>
        public static VisualizerMetadata GetClosestVisualizerMetadata(Type dataType, IEnumerable <VisualizerMetadata> metadatas)
            // Get the collection of metadatas that don't use an adapter
            var nonAdaptedMetadatas = metadatas.Where(m => m.StreamAdapterType == null);

            // If there are any metadata objects that don't use an adapter, return the one
            // whose data type is closest to the message data type in the derivation hierarchy.
            if (nonAdaptedMetadatas.Any())
                VisualizerMetadata metadata = GetVisualizerMetadataOfNearestBaseType(dataType, nonAdaptedMetadatas);
                if (metadata != default)

            // Return the metadata object whose data type is closest
            // to the message data type in the derivation hierarchy.
            return(GetVisualizerMetadataOfNearestBaseType(dataType, metadatas));
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a stream member adapter based on a specified visualizer metadata.  Any existing stream
        /// adapter in the given visualizer metadata will be preserved within the stream member adapter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visualizerMetadata">The visualizer metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceDataType">The type of the stream's source data.</param>
        /// <returns>A new visualizer metadata containing a stream member adapter.</returns>
        internal static VisualizerMetadata CreateStreamMemberAdapter(VisualizerMetadata visualizerMetadata, Type sourceDataType)
            // Clone the metadata
            var metadataClone = visualizerMetadata.DeepClone();

            // If the visualizer metadata already contains a stream adapter, create a stream member adapter that
            // encapsulates it, otherwise create a stream member adapter that adapts directly from the message
            // type to the member type.
            if (visualizerMetadata.StreamAdapterType != null)
                IStreamAdapter existingStreamAdapter = (IStreamAdapter)Activator.CreateInstance(visualizerMetadata.StreamAdapterType);
                metadataClone.StreamAdapterType = typeof(StreamMemberAdapter <, , ,>).MakeGenericType(sourceDataType, existingStreamAdapter.SourceType, visualizerMetadata.StreamAdapterType, existingStreamAdapter.DestinationType);
                metadataClone.StreamAdapterType = typeof(StreamMemberAdapter <,>).MakeGenericType(sourceDataType, metadataClone.DataType);
