/// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to a Restriction instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of a Restriction instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public override uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader reader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            this.RestrictType = (RestrictionType)reader.ReadByte();
            this.propTag.PropertyType = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.propTag.PropertyId = reader.ReadUInt16();

            return reader.Position;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to a ReplyActionData instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contains data of an ActionData instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            this.messageEIDSize = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
            this.replyTemplateMessageEID = bufferReader.ReadBytes(this.messageEIDSize);
            uint guidLength = (uint)Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Length;
            this.ReplyTemplateGUID = bufferReader.ReadBytes((uint)guidLength);

            return bufferReader.Position;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to a Restriction instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of a Restriction instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public override uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            this.RestrictType = (RestrictionType)bufferReader.ReadByte();

            uint size = bufferReader.Position;
            byte[] tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadToEnd();

            RestrictionType restrictionType = (RestrictionType)tmpArray[0];
            switch (restrictionType)
                case RestrictionType.AndRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new AndRestriction(this.CountType);
                case RestrictionType.BitMaskRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new BitMaskRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.CommentRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new CommentRestriction(this.CountType);
                case RestrictionType.ComparePropertiesRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new ComparePropertiesRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.ContentRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new ContentRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.CountRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new CountRestriction(this.CountType);
                case RestrictionType.ExistRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new ExistRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.NotRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new NotRestriction(this.CountType);
                case RestrictionType.OrRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new OrRestriction(this.CountType);
                case RestrictionType.PropertyRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new PropertyRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.SizeRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new SizeRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.SubObjectRestriction:
                    this.Restriction = new SubObjectRestriction(this.CountType);

            size += this.Restriction.Deserialize(tmpArray);
            return size;
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserialized byte array to a TagActionData instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contains data of an ActionData instance.</param>
 /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
 public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
     BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
     PropertyTag propertyTag = new PropertyTag
         PropertyType = bufferReader.ReadUInt16(),
         PropertyId = bufferReader.ReadUInt16()
     this.PropertyTag = propertyTag;
     uint size = bufferReader.Position;
     this.PropertyValue = AdapterHelper.ReadValueByType(this.PropertyTag.PropertyType, bufferReader.ReadToEnd());
     size += (uint)this.PropertyValue.Length;
     return size;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a TaggedPropertyValue structure from buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer contain TaggedPropertyValue instance.</param>
        /// <returns>A TaggedPropertyvalue structure.</returns>
        public static TaggedPropertyValue ReadTaggedProperty(byte[] buffer)
            TaggedPropertyValue tagValue = new TaggedPropertyValue();
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);

            PropertyTag newPropertyTag = new PropertyTag
                PropertyType = bufferReader.ReadUInt16(),
                PropertyId = bufferReader.ReadUInt16()
            tagValue.PropertyTag = newPropertyTag;
            tagValue.Value = ReadValueByType(tagValue.PropertyTag.PropertyType, bufferReader.ReadToEnd());

            return tagValue;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to an RuleCondition instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of a Restriction instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            byte[] tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadBytes((uint)buffer.Length);
            RestrictionType restrictionType = (RestrictionType)tmpArray[0];
            switch (restrictionType)
                case RestrictionType.AndRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new AndRestriction(this.CountType);
                case RestrictionType.BitMaskRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new BitMaskRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.CommentRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new CommentRestriction(this.CountType);
                case RestrictionType.ComparePropertiesRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new ComparePropertiesRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.ContentRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new ContentRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.CountRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new CountRestriction(this.CountType);
                case RestrictionType.ExistRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new ExistRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.NotRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new NotRestriction(this.CountType);
                case RestrictionType.OrRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new OrRestriction(this.CountType);
                case RestrictionType.PropertyRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new PropertyRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.SizeRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new SizeRestriction();
                case RestrictionType.SubObjectRestriction:
                    this.RuleRestriction = new SubObjectRestriction(this.CountType);

            uint totalLength = this.RuleRestriction.Deserialize(tmpArray);
            return totalLength;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to a ForwardActionData instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contains data of an ActionData instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            this.Reserved = bufferReader.ReadByte();

            uint count = 0;
            if (this.CountType == CountByte.TwoBytesCount)
                this.NoOfProperties = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();
                this.PropertiesData = new TaggedPropertyValue[(ushort)this.NoOfProperties];
                count = (uint)(ushort)this.NoOfProperties;
            else if (this.CountType == CountByte.FourBytesCount)
                this.NoOfProperties = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
                this.PropertiesData = new TaggedPropertyValue[(uint)this.NoOfProperties];
                count = (uint)this.NoOfProperties;

            uint size = bufferReader.Position;
            byte[] tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadToEnd();
            for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                TaggedPropertyValue tagValue = AdapterHelper.ReadTaggedProperty(tmpArray);
                this.PropertiesData[i] = tagValue;
                uint tagSize = (uint)tagValue.Size();
                size += tagSize;

                bufferReader = new BufferReader(tmpArray);
                tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadBytes(tagSize, (uint)(tmpArray.Length - tagSize));

            return size;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to an ActionBlock instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of an ActionBlock instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            uint totalBytes = 0;
            if (this.CountType == CountByte.TwoBytesCount)
                this.ActionLength = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();
                totalBytes += bufferReader.Position;
                bufferReader = new BufferReader(bufferReader.ReadBytes((ushort)this.ActionLength));
            else if (this.CountType == CountByte.FourBytesCount)
                this.ActionLength = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
                totalBytes += bufferReader.Position;
                bufferReader = new BufferReader(bufferReader.ReadBytes((uint)this.ActionLength));

            this.ActionType = (ActionType)bufferReader.ReadByte();
            this.ActionFlavor = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
            this.ActionFlags = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();

            totalBytes += bufferReader.Position;
            byte[] tmpArray = null;
            byte[] remainBuffer = bufferReader.ReadToEnd();
            tmpArray = remainBuffer;

            switch (this.ActionType)
                case ActionType.OP_MOVE:
                case ActionType.OP_COPY:

                    // On Exchange 2013, a redundant "0xff" field may be inserted before the actual Action data. 
                    if (remainBuffer != null && remainBuffer[0] == 0xff)
                        tmpArray = new byte[remainBuffer.Length - 1];
                        Array.Copy(remainBuffer, 1, tmpArray, 0, remainBuffer.Length - 1);
                        this.ActionLength = (ushort)this.ActionLength - 1;

                    if (this.CountType == CountByte.TwoBytesCount)
                        this.ActionDataValue = new MoveCopyActionData();
                    else if (this.CountType == CountByte.FourBytesCount)
                        this.ActionDataValue = new MoveCopyActionDataOfExtendedRule();

                case ActionType.OP_REPLY:
                case ActionType.OP_OOF_REPLY:

                    if (this.CountType == CountByte.TwoBytesCount)
                        this.ActionDataValue = new ReplyActionData();
                    else if (this.CountType == CountByte.FourBytesCount)
                        this.ActionDataValue = new ReplyActionDataOfExtendedRule();

                case ActionType.OP_DEFER_ACTION:
                    this.ActionDataValue = new DeferredActionData();
                case ActionType.OP_BOUNCE:
                    this.ActionDataValue = new BounceActionData();
                case ActionType.OP_FORWARD:
                case ActionType.OP_DELEGATE:
                    this.ActionDataValue = new ForwardDelegateActionData(this.CountType);
                case ActionType.OP_TAG:
                    this.ActionDataValue = new TagActionData();
                case ActionType.OP_DELETE:
                case ActionType.OP_MARK_AS_READ:
                    this.ActionDataValue = new DeleteMarkReadActionData();

            totalBytes += this.ActionDataValue.Deserialize(tmpArray);
            return totalBytes;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse method to obtain current structure from byte array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array data.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            uint count = 0;
            if (this.CountType == CountByte.TwoBytesCount)
                this.NoOfActions = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();
                this.Actions = new ActionBlock[(ushort)this.NoOfActions];
                count = (uint)(ushort)this.NoOfActions;
            else if (this.CountType == CountByte.FourBytesCount)
                this.NoOfActions = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
                this.Actions = new ActionBlock[(uint)this.NoOfActions];
                count = (uint)this.NoOfActions;

            uint totalBytes = bufferReader.Position;
            byte[] tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadToEnd();
            uint bytesCount = 0;
            for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                bufferReader = new BufferReader(tmpArray);
                tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadBytes(bytesCount, (uint)(tmpArray.Length - bytesCount));
                this.Actions[i] = new ActionBlock(this.CountType);
                bytesCount = this.Actions[i].Deserialize(tmpArray);
                totalBytes += bytesCount;

            return totalBytes;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to an ActionBlock instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of an ActionBlock instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader reader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            uint flags = reader.ReadUInt32();
            if (this.Flags != flags)
                throw new ParseException("Flags MUST be 0x00000000.");

            byte[] providerUID = reader.ReadBytes(16);
            if (!Common.CompareByteArray(this.ProviderUID, providerUID))
                throw new ParseException("ProviderUID MUST be %xDC.A7.40.C8.C0.42.10.1A.B4.B9.08.00.2B.2F.E1.82.");

            uint version = reader.ReadUInt32();
            if (this.Version != version)
                throw new ParseException("Version MUST be 0x00000001.");

            this.Type = (ObjectTypes)reader.ReadUInt32();
            this.valueOfX500DN = reader.ReadASCIIString();

            return reader.Position;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize FolderEntryID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Entry id data array.</param>
        public void Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader reader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            byte currentOurs = reader.ReadByte();
            if (currentOurs != this.ours)
                string errorMessage = "Wrong ours field, the expected value is " + this.ours.ToString() + ", the actual value is " + currentOurs.ToString() + "!";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            this.folderID = reader.ReadBytes(8);
            byte[] currentMessageID = reader.ReadBytes(8);
            if (!Common.CompareByteArray(currentMessageID, this.messageID))
                string errorMessage = "Wrong messageID data, the expected value is " + this.messageID.ToString() + ", the actual value is " + currentMessageID.ToString() + "!";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            byte[] currentInstance = reader.ReadBytes(4);
            if (!Common.CompareByteArray(currentInstance, this.instance))
                string errorMessage = "Wrong instance data, the expected value is " + this.instance.ToString() + ", the actual value is " + currentInstance.ToString() + "!";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to an ActionData instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of an ActionData instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            this.NoOfNamedProps = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();
            if (this.NoOfNamedProps == 0x0000)
                return bufferReader.Position;

            this.PropId = new uint[this.NoOfNamedProps];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.NoOfNamedProps; i++)
                this.PropId[i] = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();

            this.NamedPropertiesSize = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
            this.NamedProperty = new PropertyName[this.NoOfNamedProps];

            uint length = bufferReader.Position;
            byte[] tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadToEnd();
            int startIndex = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < this.NoOfNamedProps; j++)
                this.NamedProperty[j] = new PropertyName();
                startIndex += this.NamedProperty[j].Deserialize(tmpArray, startIndex);

            length += (uint)startIndex;
            return length;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to a Restriction instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of a Restriction instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public override uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            this.RestrictType = (RestrictionType)bufferReader.ReadByte();
            this.restrictCount = (this.CountType == CountByte.TwoBytesCount) ? bufferReader.ReadUInt16() : bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
            int count = (this.CountType == CountByte.TwoBytesCount) ? (int)(ushort)this.RestrictCount : (int)(uint)this.RestrictCount;
            this.Restricts = new IRestriction[count];

            uint size = bufferReader.Position;
            byte[] tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadToEnd();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                RestrictionType restrictionType = (RestrictionType)tmpArray[0];
                switch (restrictionType)
                    case RestrictionType.AndRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new AndRestriction(this.CountType);
                    case RestrictionType.BitMaskRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new BitMaskRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.CommentRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new CommentRestriction(this.CountType);
                    case RestrictionType.ComparePropertiesRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new ComparePropertiesRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.ContentRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new ContentRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.CountRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new CountRestriction(this.CountType);
                    case RestrictionType.ExistRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new ExistRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.NotRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new NotRestriction(this.CountType);
                    case RestrictionType.OrRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new OrRestriction(this.CountType);
                    case RestrictionType.PropertyRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new PropertyRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.SizeRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new SizeRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.SubObjectRestriction:
                        this.Restricts[i] = new SubObjectRestriction(this.CountType);

                uint tmpLength = this.Restricts[i].Deserialize(tmpArray);
                size += tmpLength;
                bufferReader = new BufferReader(tmpArray);
                tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadBytes(tmpLength, (uint)(tmpArray.Length - tmpLength));

            return size;
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a value from buffer for special Type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The Type of value.</param>
        /// <param name="buffer">Buffer contains value.</param>
        /// <returns>Byte array of the value.</returns>
        public static byte[] ReadValueByType(ushort type, byte[] buffer)
            byte[] value = null;
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);

            uint length = 0;
            byte[] tmpArray = null;
            uint startIndex = 0;
            uint endIndex = 0;
            switch (type)
                // 2-byte
                // PtypInteger16
                case 0x0002:
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(2);

                // 4-byte
                // PtypInteger32
                case 0x0003:

                // PtypFloating32
                case 0x0004:

                // PtypErrorCode 
                case 0x000A:
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(4);

                // 8-byte
                // PtypFloating64
                case 0x0005:

                // PtypCurrency 
                case 0x0006:

                // PtypFloatingTime
                case 0x0007:

                // PtypInteger64
                case 0x0014:

                // PtypTime 
                case 0x0040:
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(8);

                // 1 byte
                // PtypBoolean 
                case 0x000B:
                    value = new byte[1] { bufferReader.ReadByte() };

                // PtypString PT_UNICODE
                case 0x001F:
                    value = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(bufferReader.ReadUnicodeString());

                // PtypString8
                case 0x001E:
                    value = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(bufferReader.ReadASCIIString());

                // 16-byte
                // PtypGuid  16bytes
                case 0x0048:

                // PtypServerId 
                case 0x00FB:
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(16);

                // PtypRestriction  
                case 0x00FD:
                    tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadToEnd();
                    IRestriction restriction = null;
                    RestrictionType restrictionType = (RestrictionType)tmpArray[0];
                    switch (restrictionType)
                        case RestrictionType.AndRestriction:
                            restriction = new AndRestriction();
                        case RestrictionType.BitMaskRestriction:
                            restriction = new BitMaskRestriction();
                        case RestrictionType.CommentRestriction:
                            restriction = new CommentRestriction();
                        case RestrictionType.ComparePropertiesRestriction:
                            restriction = new ComparePropertiesRestriction();
                        case RestrictionType.ContentRestriction:
                            restriction = new ContentRestriction();
                        case RestrictionType.CountRestriction:
                            restriction = new CountRestriction();
                        case RestrictionType.ExistRestriction:
                            restriction = new ExistRestriction();
                        case RestrictionType.NotRestriction:
                            restriction = new NotRestriction();
                        case RestrictionType.OrRestriction:
                            restriction = new OrRestriction();
                        case RestrictionType.PropertyRestriction:
                            restriction = new PropertyRestriction();
                        case RestrictionType.SizeRestriction:
                            restriction = new SizeRestriction();
                        case RestrictionType.SubObjectRestriction:
                            restriction = new SubObjectRestriction();

                    length += restriction.Deserialize(tmpArray);
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(0, length);

                // PtypRuleAction  
                case 0x00FE:
                    tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadToEnd();
                    RuleAction ruleAction = new RuleAction();
                    length = ruleAction.Deserialize(tmpArray);
                    bufferReader = new BufferReader(tmpArray);
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(length);

                // PtypBinary  
                case 0x0102:
                    length = (uint)(buffer[bufferReader.Position] + (buffer[bufferReader.Position + 1] << 8) + 2);
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(length);

                // PtypMultipleInteger16 
                case 0x1002:
                    length = (uint)(buffer[bufferReader.Position] + (buffer[bufferReader.Position + 1] << 8));
                    length = (length * 2) + 2;
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(length);

                // PtypMultipleInteger32  
                case 0x1003:

                // PtypMultipleFloating32  
                case 0x1004:
                    length = (uint)(buffer[bufferReader.Position] + (buffer[bufferReader.Position + 1] << 8));
                    length = (length * 4) + 2;
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(length);

                // PtypMultipleFloating64 
                case 0x1005:

                // PtypMultipleCurrency
                case 0x1006:

                // PtypMultipleFloatingTime
                case 0x1007:

                // PtypMultipleInteger64
                case 0x1014:

                // PtypMultipleTime 
                case 0x1040:
                    length = (uint)(buffer[bufferReader.Position] + (buffer[bufferReader.Position + 1] << 8));
                    length = (length * 8) + 2;
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(length);

                // PtypMultipleString
                case 0x101F:
                    startIndex = bufferReader.Position;
                    ushort strCount = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();
                    for (int istr = 0; istr < strCount; istr++)

                    endIndex = bufferReader.Position;
                    length = endIndex - startIndex;
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(startIndex, length);

                // PtypMultipleString8
                case 0x101E:
                    startIndex = bufferReader.Position;
                    ushort str8Count = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();
                    for (int istr8 = 0; istr8 < str8Count; istr8++)

                    endIndex = bufferReader.Position;
                    length = endIndex - startIndex;
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(startIndex, length);

                // PtypMultipleGuid
                case 0x1048:
                    length = (uint)(buffer[bufferReader.Position] + (buffer[bufferReader.Position + 1] << 8));
                    length = (length * 16) + 2;
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(length);

                // PtypMultipleBinary 
                case 0x1102:
                    startIndex = bufferReader.Position;
                    ushort binCount = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();
                    for (int ibin = 0; ibin < binCount; ibin++)
                        uint binLength = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();

                    endIndex = bufferReader.Position;
                    length = endIndex - startIndex;
                    value = bufferReader.ReadBytes(startIndex, length);

                // PtypUnspecified 
                case 0x0000:
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                // PtypNull
                case 0x0001:
                    value = null;

                // PtypObject or PtypEmbeddedTable 
                case 0x000D:
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            return value;
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to an ActionBlock instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of an ActionBlock instance</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer</returns>
        public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            uint totalBytes = 0;
            if (this.CountType == Count.TwoBytesCount)
                this.ActionLength = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();
                totalBytes += bufferReader.Position;
                bufferReader = new BufferReader(bufferReader.ReadBytes((ushort)this.ActionLength));
            else if (this.CountType == Count.FourBytesCount)
                this.ActionLength = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
                totalBytes += bufferReader.Position;
                bufferReader = new BufferReader(bufferReader.ReadBytes((uint)this.ActionLength));

            this.ActionType = (ActionTypes)bufferReader.ReadByte();
            this.ActionFlavor = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
            this.ActionFlags = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();

            totalBytes += bufferReader.Position;
            byte[] tmpArray = bufferReader.ReadToEnd();
            this.ActionDataValue = new DeleteMarkReadActionData();
            totalBytes += this.ActionDataValue.Deserialize(tmpArray);
            return totalBytes;
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserialized byte array to an ActionData instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of an ActionData instance.</param>
 /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
 public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
     BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
     this.NamedPropertyInformation = new NamedPropertyInfo();
     uint namedPropertyInfoLength = this.NamedPropertyInformation.Deserialize(buffer);
     bufferReader = new BufferReader(bufferReader.ReadBytes(namedPropertyInfoLength, (uint)(buffer.Length - namedPropertyInfoLength)));
     this.RuleVersion = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
     this.RuleActionBuffer = new RuleAction(CountByte.FourBytesCount);
     uint actionLength = this.RuleActionBuffer.Deserialize(bufferReader.ReadToEnd());
     uint length = namedPropertyInfoLength + sizeof(uint) + actionLength;
     return length;
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserialized byte array to a BounceActionData instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contains data of an ActionData instance.</param>
 /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
 public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
     BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
     this.Bounce = (BounceCode)bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
     return bufferReader.Position;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to an ActionBlock instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of an ActionBlock instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader reader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            uint flags = reader.ReadUInt32();
            if (this.Flags != flags)
                string errorMessage = "Flags MUST be 0x00000000, the actual value is " + flags.ToString() + "!";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            byte[] providerUID = reader.ReadBytes(16);
            if (!Common.CompareByteArray(this.ProviderUID, providerUID))
                string errorMessage = "ProviderUID MUST be %x38.A1.BB.10.05.E5.10.1A.A1.BB.08.00.2B.2A.56.C2., the actual value is " + providerUID.ToString() + "!";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            byte version = reader.ReadByte();
            if (this.Version != version)
                string errorMessage = "Version MUST be zero., the actual value is " + version.ToString() + "!";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            byte flag = reader.ReadByte();
            if (this.Flag != flag)
                string errorMessage = "Flag MUST be zero, the actual value is " + flag.ToString() + "!";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            byte[] dllFileName = reader.ReadBytes(14);
            if (!Common.CompareByteArray(this.DLLFileName, dllFileName))
                string errorMessage = "DLLFileName MUST be set to the following value which represents \"emsmdb.dll\": %x45.4D.53.4D.44.42.2E.44.4C.4C., the actual value is " + dllFileName.ToString() + "!";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            uint wrappedFlags = reader.ReadUInt32();
            if (this.WrappedFlags != wrappedFlags)
                string errorMessage = "WrappedFlags MUST be 0x00000000, the actual value is " + wrappedFlags.ToString() + "!";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            byte[] wrappedProviderUID = reader.ReadBytes(16);
            if (Common.CompareByteArray(this.mailboxWrappedProviderUID, wrappedProviderUID))
                this.objectType = StoreObjectType.Mailbox;
            else if (Common.CompareByteArray(this.publicFolderWrappedProviderUID, wrappedProviderUID))
                this.objectType = StoreObjectType.PublicFolder;
                string errorMessage = "WrappedProviderUID is not mailbox or public folder, the actual wrappedProviderUID value is " + wrappedProviderUID.ToString() + "!";
                throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            uint wrappedType = reader.ReadUInt32();
            if (this.WrappedType != wrappedType)
                if (this.ObjectType == StoreObjectType.Mailbox)
                    string errorMessage = "For Mailbox Store object, WrappedType MUST be %x0C.00.00.00, the actual value is " + StoreObjectType.Mailbox.ToString() + "!";
                    throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);
                    string errorMessage = "For Public folder Store object, WrappedType MUST be %x06.00.00.00, the actual value is " + wrappedType.ToString() + "!";
                    throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            this.ServerShortname = reader.ReadASCIIString();
            this.MailBoxDN = reader.ReadASCIIString();
            return reader.Position;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to a ForwardActionData instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contains data of an ActionData instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            uint totalBytes = 0;
            uint count = 0;
            if (this.CountType == CountByte.TwoBytesCount)
                this.RecipientCount = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();
                this.RecipientsData = new RecipientBlock[(ushort)this.RecipientCount];
                count = (uint)(ushort)this.RecipientCount;
            else if (this.CountType == CountByte.FourBytesCount)
                this.RecipientCount = bufferReader.ReadUInt32();
                this.RecipientsData = new RecipientBlock[(uint)this.RecipientCount];
                count = (uint)this.RecipientCount;

            totalBytes += bufferReader.Position;
            byte[] tempArray = bufferReader.ReadToEnd();
            uint bytesCount = 0;
            for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                bufferReader = new BufferReader(tempArray);
                tempArray = bufferReader.ReadBytes(bytesCount, (uint)(tempArray.Length - bytesCount));
                this.RecipientsData[i] = new RecipientBlock(this.CountType);
                bytesCount = this.RecipientsData[i].Deserialize(tempArray);

            totalBytes += bufferReader.Position;
            return totalBytes;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to a Restriction instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of a Restriction instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public override uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader reader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            this.RestrictType = (RestrictionType)reader.ReadByte();
            this.TaggedValuesCount = reader.ReadByte();
            this.TaggedValues = new TaggedPropertyValue[this.TaggedValuesCount];
            uint size = reader.Position;
            byte[] tmpArray = reader.ReadToEnd();
            for (int i = 0; i < this.TaggedValuesCount; i++)
                this.TaggedValues[i] = AdapterHelper.ReadTaggedProperty(tmpArray);
                uint tagLength = (uint)this.TaggedValues[i].Size();
                size += tagLength;
                reader = new BufferReader(tmpArray);
                tmpArray = reader.ReadBytes(tagLength, (uint)(tmpArray.Length - tagLength));

            reader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            this.RestrictionPresent = reader.ReadByte();
            size += reader.Position;
            tmpArray = reader.ReadToEnd();
            if (this.RestrictionPresent == 0x01)
                RestrictionType restrictionType = (RestrictionType)tmpArray[0];
                switch (restrictionType)
                    case RestrictionType.AndRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new AndRestriction(CountType);
                    case RestrictionType.BitMaskRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new BitMaskRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.CommentRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new CommentRestriction(CountType);
                    case RestrictionType.ComparePropertiesRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new ComparePropertiesRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.ContentRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new ContentRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.CountRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new CountRestriction(CountType);
                    case RestrictionType.ExistRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new ExistRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.NotRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new NotRestriction(CountType);
                    case RestrictionType.OrRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new OrRestriction(CountType);
                    case RestrictionType.PropertyRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new PropertyRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.SizeRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new SizeRestriction();
                    case RestrictionType.SubObjectRestriction:
                        this.Restriction = new SubObjectRestriction(CountType);

                size += this.Restriction.Deserialize(tmpArray);

            return size;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to a MoveCopyActionData instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contains data of an ActionData instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader bufferReader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            this.FolderInThisStore = bufferReader.ReadByte();
            this.StoreEIDSize = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();
            this.StoreEID = bufferReader.ReadBytes(this.StoreEIDSize);
            this.FolderEIDSize = bufferReader.ReadUInt16();
            this.FolderEID = bufferReader.ReadBytes(this.FolderEIDSize);

            return bufferReader.Position;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize FolderEntryID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Entry id data array.</param>
        public void Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader reader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            byte[] currentFlag = reader.ReadBytes(4);
            if (!Common.CompareByteArray(currentFlag, this.flag))
                if (currentFlag != null)
                    string errorMessage = "Wrong flag error, the expect flag is { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, actual is " + currentFlag.ToString() + "!";
                    throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);
                    string errorMessage = "Wrong flag error, the expect flag is { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, actual is null!";
                    throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            this.providerUID = reader.ReadBytes(16);
            byte[] currentFolderType = reader.ReadBytes(2);
            if (!Common.CompareByteArray(currentFolderType, this.folderType))
                if (currentFlag != null)
                    string errorMessage = "Wrong folder type error, the expect folder type is " + this.folderType.ToString() + ", the actual is " + currentFolderType.ToString() + "!";
                    throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);
                    string errorMessage = "Wrong folder type error, the expect folder type is " + this.folderType.ToString() + ", actual is null!";
                    throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

            this.dataBaseGUID = reader.ReadBytes(16);
            this.globalCounter = reader.ReadBytes(6);
            byte[] currentPad = reader.ReadBytes(2);
            if (!Common.CompareByteArray(currentPad, this.pad))
                if (currentFlag != null)
                    string errorMessage = "Wrong pad data, the expect pad data is " + this.pad.ToString() + ", the actual is " + currentPad.ToString() + "!";
                    throw new Exception(errorMessage);
                    string errorMessage = "Wrong pad data, the expect pad data is " + this.pad.ToString() + ", actual is null!";
                    throw new Exception(errorMessage);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialized byte array to a Restriction instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Byte array contain data of a Restriction instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Bytes count that deserialized in buffer.</returns>
        public override uint Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
            BufferReader reader = new BufferReader(buffer);
            this.RestrictType = (RestrictionType)reader.ReadByte();
            this.RelOp = (RelationalOperator)reader.ReadByte();
            this.propTag.PropertyType = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.propTag.PropertyId = reader.ReadUInt16();

            uint size = reader.Position;
            byte[] tmpArray = reader.ReadToEnd();
            this.TaggedValue = AdapterHelper.ReadTaggedProperty(tmpArray);
            size += (uint)this.TaggedValue.Size();

            return size;