Exemplo n.º 1
 static void UpdatePredictionsParallel(AccountRepository accounts)
     Parallel.ForEach(accounts.AllAccounts, account =>
         Trend trend = SampleUtilities.Fit(account.Balance);
         double prediction = trend.Predict(account.Balance.Length + NumberOfMonths);
         account.ParPrediction = prediction;
         account.ParWarning = prediction < account.Overdraft;
Exemplo n.º 2
 static void UpdatePredictionsSequential(AccountRepository accounts)
     foreach (Account account in accounts.AllAccounts)
         Trend trend = SampleUtilities.Fit(account.Balance);
         double prediction = trend.Predict(account.Balance.Length + NumberOfMonths); 
         account.SeqPrediction = prediction;
         account.SeqWarning = prediction < account.Overdraft;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Usage: CreditReview n, optional n is number of customers, use 100,000+ for meaningful timings
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Credit Review Sample\n");
            Console.WriteLine("For most accurate timing results, use Release build.\n");

            Random random = new Random(1);  // seed 1 makes runs reproducible

            // Defaults for data generation, may override some on command line
            int months = 36;
            int customerCount = 1000000; // for data runs make big enough for significant timing measurements
            Trend goodBalance = new Trend { Slope = 0.0, Intercept = 0.0 };
            Trend badBalance = new Trend { Slope = -150.0, Intercept = 0.0 };
            const double variation = 100.0;
            const double overdraft = -1000.0; // Default overdraft limit

            // Printed table of results
            const int rows = 8;
            const int cols = 4;

            // Optionally override some defaults on command line
            if (args.Length > 0) 
                customerCount = Int32.Parse(args[0], CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            if (args.Length > 1) 
                months = Int32.Parse(args[1], CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            if (months < 4) 
                months = 4; // PrintBalance requires at least 4 months

            // Force JIT compilation before timing tests
            const int fewCustomers = 10;
            const int fewMonths = 3;
            AccountRepository smallAccounts = new AccountRepository(fewCustomers, fewMonths, overdraft);
            smallAccounts.AssignRandomTrends(goodBalance, badBalance, variation, random);

            // Create accounts for timing tests
            AccountRepository accounts = new AccountRepository(customerCount, months, overdraft);
            accounts.AssignRandomTrends(goodBalance, badBalance, variation, random);

            // Print summary of accounts  
            Console.WriteLine("{0} customers, {1} months in each account", customerCount, months);

            // Execute sequential and parallel versions, print timings
                () => { UpdatePredictionsSequential(accounts); return customerCount; }, "Sequential");
                () => { UpdatePredictionsParallel(accounts); return customerCount; }, "  Parallel");
                () => { UpdatePredictionsPlinq(accounts); return customerCount; }, "     PLINQ");

            // Print a few accounts including predictions and warnings
            accounts.Print(rows, months - cols, cols); // print the last few months

            Console.WriteLine("\nRun complete... press enter to finish.");