Exemplo n.º 1
        private static dynamic PopulateOrderFromConsoleForOfferCategory(string offerCategoryId, string customerCid, string countryCode, string token)
            var     offersResponse = OfferCatalogPartnerCenterApi.GetOffers(offerCategoryId, countryCode, token);
            dynamic order          = new {
                line_items            = new List <dynamic>(),
                recipient_customer_id = customerCid

            int nrOfLineItems = 0;

            bool done = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Hit enter to continue");

            Console.WriteLine("Select offer category for placing an order");
                Console.WriteLine("OfferCategory: {0}", offerCategoryId);
                int index = 1;
                foreach (var offerItem in offersResponse.items)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", index++, offerItem.name.ToString());

                Console.Write("\nSelect Offer [1...{0}]:", index);
                int selectedOfferIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine().Trim());

                var selectedOffer = offersResponse.items[selectedOfferIndex - 1];

                bool validQuantity = false;

                    Console.Write("\nQuantity {0} to {1}: ", selectedOffer.minimumQuantity, selectedOffer.maximumQuantity);
                    string inputQuantity = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                    int    quantity      = 1;
                    if (!int.TryParse(inputQuantity, out quantity))
                        done = false;

                    int minimumQuantity = int.Parse(selectedOffer.minimumQuantity.ToString());
                    int maximumQuantity = int.Parse(selectedOffer.maximumQuantity.ToString());

                    if (quantity >= minimumQuantity && quantity <= maximumQuantity)
                        validQuantity = true;

                    Console.Write("\nFriendly Name (or hit Enter for none): ");
                    string inputFriendlyName = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputFriendlyName))
                        order.line_items.Add(new {
                            // has to be a unique number for each line item
                            // recommendation is to start with 0
                            line_item_number = nrOfLineItems,

                            // this is the offer uri for the offer that is being purchased, refer to the excel sheet for this
                            offer_uri = selectedOffer.uri.ToString(),

                            // This is the quantity for this offer
                            quantity = quantity,

                            // This is friendly name
                            friendly_name = inputFriendlyName
                        order.line_items.Add(new {
                            // has to be a unique number for each line item
                            // recommendation is to start with 0
                            line_item_number = nrOfLineItems,

                            // this is the offer uri for the offer that is being purchased, refer to the excel sheet for this
                            offer_uri = selectedOffer.uri.ToString(),

                            // This is the quantity for this offer
                            quantity = quantity,
                }while (!validQuantity);

                Console.Write("\nDo you want to add another line item (y/n)? ");
                string input = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

                switch (input)
                case "y":
                case "Y":
                    done = false;

                    done = true;
            }while (!done);

Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main()
            Console.Write("\nHave you updated the app.config, with the settings from https://partnercenter.microsoft.com (y/n)? ");
            string response = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToUpperInvariant();

            if (response != "Y" && response != "YES")
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine("\nUpdate AppId, Key, MicrosoftId, DefaultDomain in the app.config and run the app again");

                Console.Write("\n\n\nHit enter to exit the app now");

            // This is the Microsoft ID of the reseller
            // Please work with your Admin Agent to get it from https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/AccountSettings/TenantProfile
            string microsoftId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MicrosoftId"];

            // This is the default domain of the reseller
            // Please work with your Admin Agent to get it from https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/AccountSettings/TenantProfile
            string defaultDomain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultDomain"];

            // This is the appid that is registered for this application in Azure Active Directory (AAD)
            // Please work with your Admin Agent to get it from  https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/ApiIntegration/Overview
            string appId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppId"];

            // This is the key for this application in Azure Active Directory
            // This is only available at the time your admin agent has created a new app at https://partnercenter.microsoft.com/en-us/pc/ApiIntegration/Overview
            // You could alternatively goto Azure Active Directory and generate a new key, and use that.
            string key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Key"];

            try {
                // Get Active Directory token first
                adAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetAD_Token(defaultDomain, appId, key);

                // Get Partner Center API access token
                partnerCenterApiAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetPartnerCenterApi_Token(adAuthorizationToken, appId);

                // get all offer categories
                var offerCategoriesResponse = OfferCatalogPartnerCenterApi.GetOfferCategories("US", partnerCenterApiAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // write the number of offers in each category out to the console
                foreach (var offerCategory in offerCategoriesResponse.items)
                    var offersResponse = OfferCatalogPartnerCenterApi.GetOffers(offerCategory.id.ToString(), "US", partnerCenterApiAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                    Console.WriteLine("Offers in {0} is {1}", offerCategory.id.ToString(), offersResponse.totalCount);

                // Using the ADToken get the sales agent token
                saAuthorizationToken = Reseller.GetSA_Token(adAuthorizationToken);

                // Get the Reseller Cid, you can cache this value
                string resellerCid = Reseller.GetCid(microsoftId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Get input from the console application for creating a new customer
                var customer = Customer.PopulateCustomerFromConsole();

                // This is the created customer object that contains the cid, the microsoft tenant id etc
                var createdCustomer = Customer.CreateCustomer(customer, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Populate a multi line item order
                var newCustomerOrder = Order.PopulateOrderWithMultipleLineItems(createdCustomer.customer.id);

                // Place the order and subscription uri and entitlement uri are returned per each line item
                var newCustomerPlacedOrder = Order.PlaceOrder(newCustomerOrder, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                foreach (var line_Item in newCustomerPlacedOrder.line_items)
                    var subscription = Subscription.GetSubscriptionByUri(line_Item.resulting_subscription_uri, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                    Console.WriteLine("Subscription: {0}", subscription.Id);
#if true
                string ExistingCustomerMicrosoftId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExistingCustomerMicrosoftId"];

                // You can cache this value too
                var existingCustomerCid = Customer.GetCustomerCid(ExistingCustomerMicrosoftId, microsoftId, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                customerAuthorizationToken = Customer.GetCustomer_Token(existingCustomerCid, adAuthorizationToken);

                // get the customer entity
                var customer = Customer.GetCustomer(existingCustomerCid, customerAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Get all subscriptions placed by the reseller for the customer
                var subscriptions = Subscription.GetSubscriptions(existingCustomerCid, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Get all orders placed by the reseller for this customer
                var orders = Order.GetOrders(existingCustomerCid, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                // Populate a multi line item order
                var existingCustomerOrder = Order.PopulateOrderFromConsole(existingCustomerCid);

                // Place the order and subscription uri and entitlement uri are returned per each line item
                var existingCustomerPlacedOrder = Order.PlaceOrder(existingCustomerOrder, resellerCid, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);

                foreach (var line_Item in existingCustomerPlacedOrder.line_items)
                    var subscription = Subscription.GetSubscriptionByUri(line_Item.resulting_subscription_uri, saAuthorizationToken.AccessToken);
                    Console.WriteLine("Subscription: {0}", subscription.Id);
            } catch (System.FieldAccessException) {
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n Looks like you are debugging the application.  Inorder to fix this exception: "
                                  + "\n 1. In Visual Studio, Right Click on the Project Microsoft.CSP.Api.V1.Samples"
                                  + "\n 2. Select the Debug Tab"
                                  + "\n 3. Uncheck the option \"Enable the Visual Studio hosting process\" (it is at the bottom of the page)"
                                  + "\n 4. Save the changes (File -> Save Selected Items)"
                                  + "\n 5. Debug the app now.");
                Console.Write("Make sure you copy/remember the above steps before exiting the app.");
            } catch (Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException) {
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                Console.WriteLine("\n Make sure the app.config has all the right settings.  The defaults in the app.config won't work."
                                  + "\n If the settings are correct, its possible you are hitting a service error.  Try again."
                                  + "\n If the error persists, contact support");

            Console.Write("\n\n\nHit enter to exit the app...");