Exemplo n.º 1
        public ExcelHelper(string _filename)
            excelApp = new Excel.Application();
            object objOpt = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

            wbclass = (Excel.WorkbookClass)excelApp.Workbooks.Open(_filename, objOpt, false, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, true, objOpt, objOpt, true, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public ExcelHelper(string _filename)
     fileName = _filename;
     excelApp = new Excel.Application();
     object objOpt = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
     wbclass = (Excel.WorkbookClass)excelApp.Workbooks.Open(_filename, objOpt, false, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, true, objOpt, objOpt, true, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt);
Exemplo n.º 3
            /// <summary>
            /// 构造
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="FileName"></param>
            public ExcelHelper(string FileName)
                ExcelApp = new InteropExcel.Application();
                object objOpt = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

                wbclass = (InteropExcel.WorkbookClass)ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(FileName, objOpt, false, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, true, objOpt, objOpt, true, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Main()
            Variables UserVariables = null;

            Dts.VariableDispenser.GetVariables(ref UserVariables);
            //The macro and the macro name were stored in the original data set, so we can get those from local variables.
            string      Macro      = UserVariables["User::VBA_Script"].Value.ToString();
            string      Macro_name = UserVariables["User::VBA_MacroName"].Value.ToString();
            XmlDocument doc        = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList Parameters = doc.GetElementsByTagName(@"Parameter");

            object[] AllParamArray = new object[31];
            object[] MyParamArray  = new object[Parameters.Count];
            //Fill the array with as many missing values as there are parameters in the Run macro command
            for (int i = 0; i < AllParamArray.Length; i++)
                AllParamArray[i] = Missing.Value;

            //get the parameters that we are actually going to use.
            for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; i++)
                MyParamArray[i] = Parameters[i].Attributes["Value"].Value.ToString();
            //the first parameter is always the macro name
            AllParamArray[0] = Macro_name;
            //after that, we can insert our list of all the parameters we need into the list of all the parameters Excel needs
            MyParamArray.CopyTo(AllParamArray, 1);
            //Get Excel ready to be opened
            Excel.Application   ExcelObject = default(Excel.Application);
            Excel.WorkbookClass oBook       = default(Excel.WorkbookClass);
            Excel.Workbooks     oBooks      = default(Excel.Workbooks);
            //get the vba module ready
            VBIDE.VBComponent module = null;

            //open excel in the background
            ExcelObject               = new Excel.Application();
            ExcelObject.Visible       = false;
            ExcelObject.DisplayAlerts = false;

            //Open our report
            oBooks = ExcelObject.Workbooks;
            oBook  = (Excel.WorkbookClass)oBooks.Add(Missing.Value);

            //Add a module to our report and populate it with our vba macro
            module = oBook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(VBIDE.vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_StdModule);
                (AllParamArray[0], AllParamArray[1], AllParamArray[2], AllParamArray[3], AllParamArray[4], AllParamArray[5], AllParamArray[6], AllParamArray[7], AllParamArray[8],
                AllParamArray[9], AllParamArray[10], AllParamArray[11], AllParamArray[12], AllParamArray[13], AllParamArray[14], AllParamArray[15], AllParamArray[16], AllParamArray[17],
                AllParamArray[18], AllParamArray[19], AllParamArray[20], AllParamArray[21], AllParamArray[22], AllParamArray[23], AllParamArray[24], AllParamArray[25], AllParamArray[26],
                AllParamArray[27], AllParamArray[28], AllParamArray[29], AllParamArray[30]);
            UserVariables["User::TriedToSaveFileAs"].Value = UserVariables["User::Current_DataFile"].Value.ToString();
            oBook.Close(false, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
            ExcelObject = null;
Exemplo n.º 5
    public bool LoadExcelFile()
        object objOpt = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
            wbclass = (Excel.WorkbookClass)excelApp.Workbooks.Open(_fileName, objOpt, false, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, true, objOpt, objOpt, true, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt, objOpt);
            if (wbclass == null)
                Program.Logger.ErrorFormat("ExcelHelper , Excel file  not exist  {0}",_fileName);
            return true;
        catch (System.Exception ex)

            Program.Logger.Error("ExcelHelper , Excel file  not exist", ex);
            excelApp = null;
        return false;