Exemplo n.º 1
        private void loadDay(String moneda, long fecha, Excel.Worksheet sh)
            String[]   headers   = { "Moneda", "Epoch", "Fecha", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close" };
            SrvCierres srvCierre = new SrvCierres();

            Excel.Range rng = sh.Cells;
            int row = 1;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < headers.Length; idx++)
                sh.Cells[row, idx + 1] = headers[idx];
            foreach (Row r in srvCierre.getData(moneda, fecha))
                int col = 1;
                sh.Cells[row, col++] = r.get("Moneda");
                sh.Cells[row, col++] = r.get("Epoch");
                sh.Cells[row, col++] = r.get("Fecha");
                sh.Cells[row, col++] = r.get("FOpen");
                sh.Cells[row, col++] = r.get("FHigh");
                sh.Cells[row, col++] = r.get("FLow");
                sh.Cells[row, col++] = r.get("FClose");
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void ExcelApplication_WorkbookBeforeClose(Excel.Workbook Wb, ref bool Cancel)
     Excel.Sheets    excelSheets    = Wb.Worksheets;
     Excel.Worksheet excelWorksheet = HelperUtil.GetSheetNameFromGroupOfSheets(GlobalMembers.InstanceGlobalMembers.MetaDataSheetName, excelSheets);
     Excel.Range     excelRange     = excelWorksheet.UsedRange;
 /// <summary>
 /// 合并单元格,并赋值,对指定WorkSheet操作
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sheetIndex">WorkSheet索引</param>
 /// <param name="beginRowIndex">开始行索引</param>
 /// <param name="beginColumnIndex">开始列索引</param>
 /// <param name="endRowIndex">结束行索引</param>
 /// <param name="endColumnIndex">结束列索引</param>
 /// <param name="text">合并后Range的值</param>
 public void MergeCells(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet workSheet, int beginRowIndex, int beginColumnIndex, int endRowIndex, int endColumnIndex, string text)
     Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range range = workSheet.Range[workSheet.Cells[beginRowIndex, beginColumnIndex], workSheet.Cells[endRowIndex, endColumnIndex]];
     range.ClearContents();                //先把Range内容清除,合并才不会出错
     range.MergeCells          = true;
     range.Value2              = text;
     range.WrapText            = true;
     range.HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
     range.VerticalAlignment   = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 合并单元格,并赋值,对指定WorkSheet操作
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheetIndex">WorkSheet索引</param>
        /// <param name="beginRowIndex">开始行索引</param>
        /// <param name="beginColumnIndex">开始列索引</param>
        /// <param name="endRowIndex">结束行索引</param>
        /// <param name="endColumnIndex">结束列索引</param>
        /// <param name="text">合并后Range的值</param>
        public void MergeCells(int beginRowIndex, int beginColumnIndex, int endRowIndex, int endColumnIndex, string text)
            range = workSheet.get_Range(workSheet.Cells[beginRowIndex, beginColumnIndex], workSheet.Cells[endRowIndex, endColumnIndex]);

            range.ClearContents(); //先把Range内容清除,合并才不会出错
            range.MergeCells = true;

            range.Value2 = text;
            range.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
            range.VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void BtnImport_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)
            Excel._Worksheet worksheet = Globals.ThisAddIn.excelApplication.ActiveSheet;
            Excel.Range      oRange    = worksheet.UsedRange;
            string                moduleId              = ExcelHelper.GetObjectIdFromText(dynamicMenuModules);
            IHttpRequest          httpRequest           = GlobalMembers.InstanceGlobalMembers.Container.Resolve <IHttpRequest>();
            ITranslationService   _translationService   = GlobalMembers.InstanceGlobalMembers.Container.Resolve <ITranslationService>(new TypedParameter(typeof(IHttpRequest), httpRequest));
            TranslationController translationController = new TranslationController(_translationService);

            ExcelHelper.PopulateTranslationFields(worksheet, moduleId, translationController);
Exemplo n.º 6
 internal void UpdateWSheet()
     object[,] objData = new object[rowList.Count, 5];
     Excel.Range tableIn = xlWsheet.Range["A2:E" + (rowList.Count + 1).ToString()];
     Debug.WriteLine("output range = " + "A2:E" + (rowList.Count + 1).ToString());
     for (int i = 0; i < rowList.Count; i++)
         objData[i, 0] = rowList[i].mMfr; objData[i, 1] = rowList[i].mSerNo; objData[i, 2] = rowList[i].mOsPK; objData[i, 3] = rowList[i].mStatus; objData[i, 4] = rowList[i].mRsult;
     tableIn.Value2              = objData;
     userMessageCell.Font.Color  = userMessageCell.Offset[0, 1].Font.Color;
     userMessageCell.Font.Italic = false;
     userMessageCell.Value2      = "Current Status";
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="colPaste"></param>
        private void PasteTitleOffer11(int colPaste)
            //int rowBottomTotal = ExcelHelper.FindCell(SheetUrv11, "ОБЩАЯ СУММА РАСХОДОВ (без НДС)").Row;
            int rowBottomTotal = ExcelHelper.FindCell(SheetUrv12, "НДС, 20%").Row - 1;

            Excel.Range rngTitle = SheetUrv11.Range["I10:K12"];
            SheetUrv11.Cells[10, colPaste].PasteSpecial(Excel.XlPasteType.xlPasteAll);
            rngTitle = SheetUrv11.Range[$"I{_rowStart}:K{rowBottomTotal + 6}"];
            SheetUrv11.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste].PasteSpecial(Excel.XlPasteType.xlPasteAll);
            Excel.Range rng = SheetUrv11.Range[SheetUrv11.Cells[_rowStart, colPaste],
                                               SheetUrv11.Cells[rowBottomTotal - 1, colPaste + 2]];
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void ClearDataRng11()
            int lastRow = GetLastRowUrv11();

            if (lastRow <= 14)
            int lastColumn = SheetUrv11.UsedRange.Column + SheetUrv11.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1;

            Excel.Range dataRng = SheetUrv11.Range[SheetUrv11.Cells[14, 2], SheetUrv11.Cells[lastRow, lastColumn]];
            dataRng = SheetUrv11.Range[SheetUrv11.Cells[_rowStart, 2], SheetUrv11.Cells[_rowStart, lastColumn]];
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: fmTotal.cs Projeto: tanzw/six
        /// <summary>
        /// 合并单元格,并赋值,对指定WorkSheet操作
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheetIndex">WorkSheet索引</param>
        /// <param name="beginRowIndex">开始行索引</param>
        /// <param name="beginColumnIndex">开始列索引</param>
        /// <param name="endRowIndex">结束行索引</param>
        /// <param name="endColumnIndex">结束列索引</param>
        /// <param name="text">合并后Range的值</param>
        public void MergeCells(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet workSheet, int beginRowIndex, int beginColumnIndex, int endRowIndex, int endColumnIndex, string text)
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range range = workSheet.Range[workSheet.Cells[beginRowIndex, beginColumnIndex], workSheet.Cells[endRowIndex, endColumnIndex]];

            range.ClearContents(); //先把Range内容清除,合并才不会出错
            range.MergeCells = true;

            range.Value2 = text;
            range.HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
            range.VerticalAlignment   = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;
            range.Interior.ColorIndex = 46;
            range.Interior.Pattern    = -4105;
            range.Font.Bold           = true;
            range.Font.Size           = 24;
            range.Borders.LineStyle   = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// 合并单元格,并赋值,对指定WorkSheet操作
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheetIndex">WorkSheet索引</param>
        /// <param name="beginRowIndex">开始行索引</param>
        /// <param name="beginColumnIndex">开始列索引</param>
        /// <param name="endRowIndex">结束行索引</param>
        /// <param name="endColumnIndex">结束列索引</param>
        /// <param name="text">合并后Range的值</param>
        public void MergeCells(int beginRowIndex, int beginColumnIndex, int endRowIndex, int endColumnIndex, string text)
            range = workSheet.get_Range(workSheet.Cells[beginRowIndex, beginColumnIndex], workSheet.Cells[endRowIndex, endColumnIndex]);

            range.ClearContents(); //先把Range内容清除,合并才不会出错
            range.MergeCells = true;

            range.Value2 = text;
            range.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
            range.VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Clears formulas and values from the range.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="range">The Excel range.</param>
 /// <param name="attempts">The number of attempts.</param>
 /// <param name="intervalMS">The interval between attempts. [ms].</param>
 public static void RangeClearContents(Excel.Range range, int attempts = 10000, int intervalMS = 100)
     Retry.DoTrue(() => TryBool(() => range.ClearContents()), new TimeSpan(intervalMS), attempts);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// 合并单元格,并赋值,对每个WorkSheet操作
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="beginRowIndex">开始行索引</param>
        /// <param name="beginColumnIndex">开始列索引</param>
        /// <param name="endRowIndex">结束行索引</param>
        /// <param name="endColumnIndex">结束列索引</param>
        /// <param name="text">合并后Range的值</param>
        public void MergeCells(int beginRowIndex, int beginColumnIndex, int endRowIndex, int endColumnIndex, string text)
            for (int i = 1; i <= this.WorkSheetCount; i++)
                workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workBook.Worksheets.get_Item(i);
                range = workSheet.get_Range(workSheet.Cells[beginRowIndex, beginColumnIndex], workSheet.Cells[endRowIndex, endColumnIndex]);

                range.ClearContents();  //先把Range内容清除,合并才不会出错
                range.MergeCells = true;
                range.Value = text;
                range.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
                range.VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// 結合されてない個人シフトを作成します
        /// </summary>
        /// 詳しいことはJobToShiftにかいてあります
        public static void Run(Excel.Workbook book)
            book.Application.ScreenUpdating         = true;
            MainForm._MainFormInstance.inProrgamUse = true;

            int Rows = 0, Columns = 0; //Rowがy座標

            Excel.Worksheet jobsheet;  // 操作中のアプリケーション
            Excel.Worksheet idvsheet;
            Excel.Sheets    sheets;
            sheets   = book.Worksheets;
            jobsheet = (Excel.Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(sheets.getSheetIndex("仕事シフト"));
            idvsheet = (Excel.Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(sheets.getSheetIndex("MySheet"));
            Excel.Range current = idvsheet.Cells[1, 1];    //セル単体です

            Excel.Range allJobRange = jobsheet.Cells[MainForm._MainFormInstance.startaddr_row, MainForm._MainFormInstance.startaddr_col];
            allJobRange = allJobRange.get_Resize(MainForm._MainFormInstance.jobtype + 10, 90 + 10);
            Excel.Range allIdvRange = idvsheet.Cells[1, 1];
            allIdvRange = allIdvRange.get_Resize(MainForm._MainFormInstance.jobtype + 10, 90 + MainForm._MainFormInstance.startaddr_col + 1);
            allIdvRange.Interior.ColorIndex = 2;

            Excel.Range clear_cell = idvsheet.Cells[3, 5];
            clear_cell = clear_cell.get_Resize(230, 90);


            string[,] allString    = allJobRange.DeepToString();   //仕事シフトを入れる
            string[,] allIdvString = allIdvRange.DeepToString();   //個人シフトを入れる

            Excel.Range JobRange = jobsheet.Cells[MainForm._MainFormInstance.startaddr_row, MainForm._MainFormInstance.startaddr_col - 1];
            JobRange            = JobRange.get_Resize(MainForm._MainFormInstance.jobtype, 1);
            string[,] jobString = JobRange.DeepToString();  //仕事名を入れる

            for (Rows = 0; Rows < MainForm._MainFormInstance.jobtype; Rows++)
                for (Columns = 0; Columns < MainForm._MainFormInstance.startaddr_col + 90; Columns++)
                    if (allString[Rows, Columns] == null || allString[Rows, Columns] == "")
                        for (int tmp = 0; tmp < MainForm._MainFormInstance.jobtype; tmp++)
                            if (allIdvString[tmp, 3] == null || allIdvString[tmp, 3] == "")
                            else if (allString[Rows, Columns] == allIdvString[tmp, 3])
                                //allIdvString[tmp, Columns + 4] = jobString[Rows, 0];
                                if (Columns + 4 > 93)
                                allIdvString[tmp, Columns + 4] = jobString[Rows, 0];
                            if (tmp == 500)
                                MessageBox.Show(jobString[Rows, 0] + "in" + allString[Rows, Columns] + " is not entered by error");

            allIdvRange.set_Value(Type.Missing, allIdvString);

             * book.Application.DisplayAlerts = false;
             * for (Rows = 1; Rows < 500; Rows++)
             * {
             *  for (Columns = 1; Columns < 100; Columns++)
             *  {
             *      cellCount = 1;
             *      value = allIdvString[Rows - 1, Columns - 1];
             *      if (value == null || value == "")
             *          continue;
             *      while (value == allIdvString[Rows - 1, Columns])
             *      {
             *          cellCount++;
             *          Columns++;
             *      }
             *      wholeRange = idvsheet.Cells[Rows, Columns - cellCount + 1];
             *      wholeRange = wholeRange.get_Resize(1, cellCount);
             *      wholeRange.Merge();
             *      wholeRange.Interior.ColorIndex = 35;
             *      wholeRange.BorderAround2();
             *  }
             * }
             * book.Application.DisplayAlerts = true;
            book.Application.ScreenUpdating         = true;
            MainForm._MainFormInstance.inProrgamUse = false;
Exemplo n.º 14
        //Exports a DataView to Excel. The following steps are carried out
        //in order to export the DataView to Excel
        //Create Excel Objects
        //Create Column & Row Workbook Cell Rendering Styles
        //Fill Worksheet With DataView
        //Add Auto Shapes To Excel Worksheet
        //Select All Used Cells
        //Create Headers/Footers
        //Set Status Finished
        //Save workbook & Tidy up all objects
        //@param dv : DataView to use
        //@param path : The path to save/open the EXCEL file to/from
        //@param sheetName : The target sheet within the EXCEL file
        public void ExportToExcel(List <DataView> dvList, string path, string sheetName)
                //Assign Instance Fields
                this.dvList = dvList;

                #region NEW EXCEL DOCUMENT : Create Excel Objects

                //create new EXCEL application
                EXL = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass();
                //index to hold location of the requested sheetName in the workbook sheets
                int indexOfsheetName;

                #region FILE EXISTS
                //Does the file exist for the given path
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    //Yes file exists, so open the file
                    workbook = EXL.Workbooks.Open(path,
                                                  0, false, 5, "", "", false, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "",
                                                  true, false, 0, true, false, false);

                    //get the workbook sheets collection
                    sheets = workbook.Sheets;

                    //set the location of the requested sheetName to -1, need to find where
                    //it is. It may not actually exist
                    indexOfsheetName = -1;

                    //loop through the sheets collection
                    for (int i = 1; i <= sheets.Count; i++)
                        //get the current worksheet at index (i)
                        worksheet = (Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(i);

                        //is the current worksheet the sheetName that was requested
                        if (worksheet.Name.ToString().Equals(sheetName))
                            //yes it is, so store its index
                            indexOfsheetName = i;

                            //Select all cells, and clear the contents
                            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range myAllRange = worksheet.Cells;

                    //At this point it is known that the sheetName that was requested
                    //does not exist within the found file, so create a new sheet within the
                    //sheets collection
                    if (indexOfsheetName == -1)
                        //Create a new sheet for the requested sheet
                        Worksheet sh = (Worksheet)workbook.Sheets.Add(
                            Type.Missing, (Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(sheets.Count),
                            Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
                        //Change its name to that requested
                        sh.Name = sheetName;

                #region FILE DOESNT EXIST
                //No the file DOES NOT exist, so create a new file
                    //Add a new workbook to the file
                    workbook = EXL.Workbooks.Add(XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);
                    //get the workbook sheets collection
                    sheets = workbook.Sheets;
                    //get the new sheet
                    worksheet = (Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(1);
                    //Change its name to that requested
                    worksheet.Name = sheetName;

                #region get correct worksheet index for requested sheetName

                //get the workbook sheets collection
                sheets = workbook.Sheets;

                //set the location of the requested sheetName to -1, need to find where
                //it is. It will definately exist now as it has just been added
                indexOfsheetName = -1;

                //loop through the sheets collection
                for (int i = 1; i <= sheets.Count; i++)
                    //get the current worksheet at index (i)
                    worksheet = (Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(i);

                    //is the current worksheet the sheetName that was requested
                    if (worksheet.Name.ToString().Equals(sheetName))
                        //yes it is, so store its index
                        indexOfsheetName = i;

                //set the worksheet that the DataView should write to, to the known index of the
                //requested sheet
                worksheet = (Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(indexOfsheetName);


                // Set styles 1st
                //Fill EXCEL worksheet with DataView values

                ////Add the autoshapes to EXCEL

                //Select all used cells within current worksheet

                #region Finish and Release
                    workbook.Close(true, path, Type.Missing);

                    EXL.UserControl = false;


                    //kill the EXCEL process as a safety measure
                    // Show that processing is finished
                    ProgressEventArgs pe = new ProgressEventArgs(100);

                    //MessageBox.Show("Finished adding dataview to Excel", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                catch (COMException cex)
                    MessageBox.Show("User closed Excel manually, so we don't have to do that");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error " + ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// 合并单元格,并赋值,对指定WorkSheet操作
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheetIndex">WorkSheet索引</param>
        /// <param name="beginRowIndex">开始行索引</param>
        /// <param name="beginColumnIndex">开始列索引</param>
        /// <param name="endRowIndex">结束行索引</param>
        /// <param name="endColumnIndex">结束列索引</param>
        /// <param name="text">合并后Range的值</param>
        public void MergeCells(int sheetIndex, int beginRowIndex, int beginColumnIndex, int endRowIndex, int endColumnIndex, string text)
            if (sheetIndex > this.WorkSheetCount)
                throw new Exception("索引超出范围,WorkSheet索引不能大于WorkSheet数量!");

            workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workBook.Worksheets.get_Item(sheetIndex);
            range = workSheet.get_Range(workSheet.Cells[beginRowIndex, beginColumnIndex], workSheet.Cells[endRowIndex, endColumnIndex]);

            range.ClearContents();  //先把Range内容清除,合并才不会出错
            range.MergeCells = true;
            range.Value = text;
            range.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
            range.VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;
Exemplo n.º 16
        async Task HandleOptionChain(Task <List <object> > task)
            List <object> options = await task;

            if (options.Count > 0)
                lock (excelLock)
                    string symbol = (options[0] as OptionStrike)?.Underlyer;
                    info("Locked Excel. Handling options quote symbol " + symbol);
                        Excel._Worksheet symbolSheet = (Excel._Worksheet)GetWorkBook().Sheets[symbol];
                        Excel.Range      xlRange     = symbolSheet.UsedRange;
                        object[,] data = new object[options.Count + 1, 18];

                        int row = 0;

                        data[row, 0]  = "Symbol";
                        data[row, 1]  = "Type";
                        data[row, 3]  = "ExpirationDate";
                        data[row, 5]  = "StrikePrice";
                        data[row, 9]  = "Bid";
                        data[row, 10] = "Ask";
                        data[row, 12] = "Delta";
                        data[row, 13] = "Gamma";
                        data[row, 14] = "Theta";
                        data[row, 15] = "Vega";
                        data[row, 16] = "Rho";
                        data[row, 17] = "ImpliedVolatitily";


                        foreach (OptionStrike call in options)
                            if (!call.IsCall)

                            data[row, 0]  = call.Symbol;
                            data[row, 1]  = call.GetType().Name;
                            data[row, 3]  = call.ExpirationDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                            data[row, 5]  = call.StrikePrice;
                            data[row, 9]  = call.Bid;
                            data[row, 10] = call.Ask;
                            //  data[row, 11] = option.ExpirationType;
                            data[row, 12] = call.Delta;
                            data[row, 13] = call.Gamma;
                            data[row, 14] = call.Theta;
                            data[row, 15] = call.Vega;
                            data[row, 16] = call.Rho;
                            data[row, 17] = call.ImpliedVolatitily;
                        xlRange       = GetExcel().Range[symbolSheet.Cells[1, 1], symbolSheet.Cells[data.GetLength(0), data.GetLength(1)]];
                        xlRange.Value = data;
                        (GetMainWorkSheet().Cells[25, "C"] as Excel.Range).Value = DateTime.Today;
                        (GetMainWorkSheet().Cells[GetSymbolRow(symbol), "C"] as Excel.Range).Font.Color = ColorTranslator.ToOle(Color.Black);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        error("Unable to handle option chain", ex);
                info("Unlocked Excel. Done handling options quote");
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void ReceivedMessage(AMPS.Client.Message msg)
            if (!_running)

             * {*/
            string sowKey = msg.getSowKey();

            // if an OOF, remove the row if we know of it
            if (msg.Command == AMPS.Client.Message.Commands.OOF && _rows.ContainsKey(sowKey))
                int theRow = _rows[sowKey];

                vbaInvoke(() =>
                    Excel.Range range = _worksheet.Rows[theRow];
                    _worksheet.Cells[theRow, _col] = "(deleted)";
            else if (msg.Command == AMPS.Client.Message.Commands.Publish || msg.Command == AMPS.Client.Message.Commands.DeltaPublish ||
                     msg.Command == AMPS.Client.Message.Commands.SOW)
                int thisRow = 0;
                // try and find the row
                if (!_rows.TryGetValue(sowKey, out thisRow))
                    string findKey = "|" + sowKey + "|";
                    vbaInvoke(() =>
                        if (_empty.Count > 0)
                            thisRow = _empty.Dequeue();
                            thisRow = _lastrow++;
                        _rows[sowKey] = thisRow;
                        _worksheet.Cells[thisRow, _col].Value = findKey;
                    if (thisRow == -1)
                // row == the row we want
                var dataField = msg.getDataRaw();
                _messageType.PopulateDictionary(dataField.buffer, dataField.position, dataField.length, _shredded);
                foreach (var x in _shredded.Keys)
                    int thisCol = 0;
                    if (!_columns.ContainsKey(x))
                        // find a spot for a new column.  hopefully this happens rarely.
                        for (int i = _col + 1; i < 1024768; i++)
                            vbaInvoke(() =>
                                dynamic c = _worksheet.Cells[_row, i];
                                if (c.Text == x)
                                    thisCol = i;
                                    _columns.Add(x, thisCol);
                                else if (c.Text == null || c.Text == "")
                                    c.Value     = x;
                                    c.Font.Bold = true;
                                    thisCol     = i;
                                    _columns.Add(x, thisCol);
                            if (thisCol != 0)
                        if (thisCol == 0)
                            return;               // no room
                        thisCol = _columns[x];
                    vbaInvoke(() => _worksheet.Cells[thisRow, thisCol].Value = _shredded[x].ToString());

             * catch (Exception e)
             * {
             *  this.close();
             *  _running = false;
             * }*/
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// 合并单元格,并赋值,对指定WorkSheet操作
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="beginRowIndex">开始行索引</param>
        /// <param name="beginColumnIndex">开始列索引</param>
        /// <param name="endRowIndex">结束行索引</param>
        /// <param name="endColumnIndex">结束列索引</param>
        /// <param name="text">合并后Range的值</param>
        private void MergeCells(Excel.Worksheet sheet, int beginRowIndex, int beginColumnIndex, int endRowIndex, int endColumnIndex, string text)
            if (sheet == null)

            range = sheet.get_Range(sheet.Cells[beginRowIndex, beginColumnIndex], sheet.Cells[endRowIndex, endColumnIndex]);

            range.ClearContents();  //先把Range内容清除,合并才不会出错
            range.MergeCells = true;
            range.Value = text;
            range.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter;
            range.VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;