void ProcessEvent(SweepEvent p) {
     var vertexEvent = p as VertexEvent;
     // ShowTrees(CurveFactory.CreateDiamond(3, 3, p.Site));
     if (vertexEvent != null)
     else {
         var rightIntersectionEvent = p as RightIntersectionEvent;
         if (rightIntersectionEvent != null)
         else {
             var leftIntersectionEvent = p as LeftIntersectionEvent;
             if (leftIntersectionEvent != null)
             else {
                 var coneClosure = p as ConeClosureEvent;
                 if (coneClosure != null) {
                     if (!coneClosure.ConeToClose.Removed)
                 } else {
                     var portLocationEvent = p as PortLocationEvent;
                     if (portLocationEvent != null)
                         ProcessPointObstacleEvent((PortObstacleEvent) p);
                 Z = GetZ(p);
     //     ShowTrees(CurveFactory.CreateEllipse(3,3,p.Site));
 protected virtual void ProcessCustomEvent(SweepEvent evt)
     // These are events specific to the derived class; by default there are none.
     Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown event type");
Exemplo n.º 3
        //        static int count;
        void GoOverConesSeeingVertexEvent(SweepEvent vertexEvent)
            RBNode <ConeSide> rbNode = FindFirstSegmentInTheRightTreeNotToTheLeftOfVertex(vertexEvent);

            if (rbNode == null)
            ConeSide coneRightSide = rbNode.Item;
            Cone     cone          = coneRightSide.Cone;
            ConeSide leftConeSide  = cone.LeftSide;

            if (VertexIsToTheLeftOfSegment(vertexEvent, leftConeSide))
            var visibleCones = new List <Cone> {

            rbNode = leftConeSides.Find(leftConeSide);

            if (rbNode == null)
                double tmpZ = Z;

                Z = Math.Max(GetZ(leftConeSide.Start), PreviousZ);
                //we need to return to the past when the order was still correct
                rbNode = leftConeSides.Find(leftConeSide);
                Z      = tmpZ;

                if (rbNode == null)
                    //GeometryGraph gg = CreateGraphFromObstacles();

                    ShowLeftTree(new Ellipse(3, 3, vertexEvent.Site));
                    ShowRightTree(new Ellipse(3, 3, vertexEvent.Site));

            rbNode = leftConeSides.Next(rbNode);
            while (rbNode != null && !VertexIsToTheLeftOfSegment(vertexEvent, rbNode.Item))
                rbNode = leftConeSides.Next(rbNode);

            //Show(new Ellipse(1, 1, vertexEvent.Site));

            foreach (Cone c in visibleCones)
                AddEdge(c.Apex, vertexEvent.Site);
Exemplo n.º 4
 static Ellipse EllipseOnVert(SweepEvent vertexEvent)
     // ReSharper restore UnusedMember.Local
     return(new Ellipse(2, 2, vertexEvent.Site));
Exemplo n.º 5
 RBNode <ConeSide> FindFirstSegmentInTheRightTreeNotToTheLeftOfVertex(SweepEvent vertexEvent)
                s => !VertexIsToTheRightOfSegment(vertexEvent, s)
Exemplo n.º 6
 static bool VertexIsToTheRightOfSegment(SweepEvent vertexEvent, ConeSide seg)
     return(Point.GetTriangleOrientation(seg.Start, seg.Start + seg.Direction,
                                         vertexEvent.Site) == TriangleOrientation.Clockwise);
        // Return value is whether or not we added a new segment.
        bool AddSegment(Point start, Point end, Obstacle eventObstacle
                                , BasicObstacleSide lowNborSide, BasicObstacleSide highNborSide
                                , SweepEvent action, double weight) {
            DevTraceInfoVgGen(1, "Adding Segment [{0} -> {1} {2}] weight {3}", start, end, weight);
            DevTraceInfoVgGen(2, "     side {0}", lowNborSide);
            DevTraceInfoVgGen(2, "  -> side {0}", highNborSide);
            if (PointComparer.Equal(start, end)) {
                return false;

            // See if the new segment subsumes or can be subsumed by the last one.  gbcList may be null.
            PointAndCrossingsList gbcList = CurrentGroupBoundaryCrossingMap.GetOrderedListBetween(start, end);
            bool extendStart, extendEnd;
            bool wasSubsumed = ScanSegment.Subsume(ref hintScanSegment, start, end, weight, gbcList, ScanDirection
                                        , ParallelScanSegments, out extendStart, out extendEnd);
            if (!wasSubsumed) {
                Debug.Assert((weight != ScanSegment.ReflectionWeight) || (ParallelScanSegments.Find(start, end) == null),
                            "Reflection segments already in the ScanSegmentTree should should have been detected before calling AddSegment");
                hintScanSegment = ParallelScanSegments.InsertUnique(new ScanSegment(start, end, weight, gbcList)).Item;
            } else if (weight == ScanSegment.ReflectionWeight) {
                // Do not continue this; it is probably a situation where a side is at a tiny angle from the axis,
                // resulting in an initial reflection segment that is parallel and very close to the extreme-vertex-derived
                // segment, so as the staircase progresses they eventually converge due to floating-point rounding.
                // See RectilinearFilesTest.ReflectionStaircasesConverge.
                return false;

            // Do reflections only if the new segment is not overlapped.
            if (ScanSegment.OverlappedWeight != weight) {
                // If these fire, it's probably an indication that isOverlapped is not correctly set
                // and one of the neighbors is an OverlapSide from CreateScanSegments.
                Debug.Assert(lowNborSide is HighObstacleSide, "lowNbor is not HighObstacleSide");
                Debug.Assert(highNborSide is LowObstacleSide, "highNbor is not LowObstacleSide");

                // If we are closing the obstacle then the initial Obstacles of the reflections (the ones it
                // will bounce between) are the opposite neighbors.  Otherwise, the OpenVertexEvent obstacle
                // is the ReflectionEvent initial obstacle.
                if (action is CloseVertexEvent) {
                    // If both neighbor sides reflect upward, they can't intersect, so we don't need
                    // to store a lookahead site (if neither reflect upward, StoreLookaheadSite no-ops).
                    if (!SideReflectsUpward(lowNborSide) || !SideReflectsUpward(highNborSide)) {
                        // Try to store both; only one will "take" (for the upward-reflecting side).
                        // The initial Obstacle is the opposite neighbor.
                        if (extendStart) {
                            this.StoreLookaheadSite(highNborSide.Obstacle, lowNborSide, start, wantExtreme:false);
                        if (extendEnd) {
                            this.StoreLookaheadSite(lowNborSide.Obstacle, highNborSide, end, wantExtreme: false);
                else {
                    if (extendStart) {
                        StoreLookaheadSite(eventObstacle, LowNeighborSides.GroupSideInterveningBeforeLowNeighbor, lowNborSide, start);
                    if (extendEnd) {
                        StoreLookaheadSite(eventObstacle, HighNeighborSides.GroupSideInterveningBeforeHighNeighbor, highNborSide, end);

            DevTraceInfoVgGen(2, "HintScanSegment {0}{1}", hintScanSegment, wasSubsumed ? " (subsumed)" : "");
            return true;
        void CreateConeOnVertex(SweepEvent sweepEvent) {
            var cone = new Cone(sweepEvent.Site, this);
#if SHARPKIT //http://code.google.com/p/sharpkit/issues/detail?id=368
            //SharpKit/Colin - property assignment values not retained
            cone.LeftSide = new ConeLeftSide(cone);
            cone.RightSide = new ConeRightSide(cone);

            var leftNode = InsertToTree(leftConeSides, cone.LeftSide);
            var rightNode = InsertToTree(rightConeSides, cone.RightSide);
            var leftNode = InsertToTree(leftConeSides, cone.LeftSide = new ConeLeftSide(cone));
            var rightNode = InsertToTree(rightConeSides, cone.RightSide = new ConeRightSide(cone));
 static Ellipse EllipseOnVert(SweepEvent vertexEvent) {
     // ReSharper restore UnusedMember.Local
     return new Ellipse(5, 5, vertexEvent.Site);
        void ProcessEvent(SweepEvent p) {
//            if(debug && (p.Site-new Point(-313.122 ,-170.6)).Length<1)
//               Show( EllipseOnVert(p));
            var vertexEvent = p as VertexEvent;
            if (vertexEvent != null)
            else {
                var rightIntersectionEvent = p as RightIntersectionEvent;
                if (rightIntersectionEvent != null)
                else {
                    var leftIntersectionEvent = p as LeftIntersectionEvent;
                    if (leftIntersectionEvent != null)
                    else {
                        var coneClosure = p as ConeClosureEvent;
                        if (coneClosure != null) {
                            if (!coneClosure.ConeToClose.Removed)
                        } else
                        Z = GetZ(p);
 RBNode<ConeSide> FindFirstSegmentInTheRightTreeNotToTheLeftOfVertex(SweepEvent vertexEvent) {
     return rightConeSides.FindFirst(
         s => !VertexIsToTheRightOfSegment(vertexEvent, s)
 static bool VertexIsToTheRightOfSegment(SweepEvent vertexEvent, ConeSide seg) {
     return (Point.GetTriangleOrientation(seg.Start, seg.Start + seg.Direction,
                                          vertexEvent.Site) == TriangleOrientation.Clockwise);
        //        static int count;
        void GoOverConesSeeingVertexEvent(SweepEvent vertexEvent) {
            var rbNode = FindFirstSegmentInTheRightTreeNotToTheLeftOfVertex(vertexEvent);

            if (rbNode == null) return;
            var coneRightSide = rbNode.Item;
            var cone = coneRightSide.Cone;
            var leftConeSide = cone.LeftSide;
            if (VertexIsToTheLeftOfSegment(vertexEvent, leftConeSide)) return;
            var visibleCones = new List<Cone> { cone };
            rbNode = leftConeSides.Find(leftConeSide);

            if (rbNode == null) {
                var tmpZ = Z;
                Z = Math.Max(GetZ(leftConeSide.Start), PreviousZ);
                //we need to return to the past a little bit when the order was still correct
                rbNode = leftConeSides.Find(leftConeSide);
                Z = tmpZ;
//                if (rbNode == null) {
                    //GeometryGraph gg = CreateGraphFromObstacles();
//                    PrintOutLeftSegTree();
//                    Console.WriteLine(leftConeSide);
//                    ShowLeftTree(new Ellipse(3, 3, vertexEvent.Site));
//                    ShowRightTree(new Ellipse(3, 3, vertexEvent.Site));
//                }
            // the following should not happen if the containment hierarchy is correct.  
            // If containment is not correct it still should not result in a fatal error, just a funny looking route.
            // Debug.Assert(rbNode!=null);

            if (rbNode == null) {//it is an emergency measure and should not happen                
                rbNode = GetRbNodeEmergency(rbNode, leftConeSide);

            if (rbNode == null)
                return; // the cone is not there! and it is a bug

            rbNode = leftConeSides.Next(rbNode);
            while (rbNode != null && !VertexIsToTheLeftOfSegment(vertexEvent, rbNode.Item)) {
                rbNode = leftConeSides.Next(rbNode);

            //Show(new Ellipse(1, 1, vertexEvent.Site));
            foreach (var visCone in visibleCones)
                AddEdgeAndRemoveCone(visCone, vertexEvent.Site);
        //        static int count;
        void GoOverConesSeeingVertexEvent(SweepEvent vertexEvent) {
            RBNode<ConeSide> rbNode = FindFirstSegmentInTheRightTreeNotToTheLeftOfVertex(vertexEvent);

            if (rbNode == null) return;
            ConeSide coneRightSide = rbNode.Item;
            Cone cone = coneRightSide.Cone;
            ConeSide leftConeSide = cone.LeftSide;
            if (VertexIsToTheLeftOfSegment(vertexEvent, leftConeSide)) return;
            var visibleCones = new List<Cone> {cone};
            rbNode = leftConeSides.Find(leftConeSide);

            if (rbNode == null) {
                double tmpZ = Z;

                Z = Math.Max(GetZ(leftConeSide.Start), PreviousZ);
                //we need to return to the past when the order was still correct
                rbNode = leftConeSides.Find(leftConeSide);
                Z = tmpZ;

                if (rbNode == null) {
                    //GeometryGraph gg = CreateGraphFromObstacles();

                    ShowLeftTree(new Ellipse(3, 3, vertexEvent.Site));
                    ShowRightTree(new Ellipse(3, 3, vertexEvent.Site));

            rbNode = leftConeSides.Next(rbNode);
            while (rbNode != null && !VertexIsToTheLeftOfSegment(vertexEvent, rbNode.Item)) {
                rbNode = leftConeSides.Next(rbNode);

            //Show(new Ellipse(1, 1, vertexEvent.Site));

            foreach (Cone c in visibleCones) {
                AddEdge(c.Apex, vertexEvent.Site);
 void CreateConeOnPortLocation(SweepEvent sweepEvent) {
     var cone = new Cone(sweepEvent.Site, this);
     RBNode<ConeSide> leftNode = InsertToTree(leftConeSides, cone.LeftSide = new ConeLeftSide(cone));
     RBNode<ConeSide> rightNode = InsertToTree(rightConeSides, cone.RightSide = new ConeRightSide(cone));