Exemplo n.º 1
 private void SetupQueue(DGraph g)
     foreach (DNode n in g.Nodes())
         DNestedGraphLabel l = n.Label as DNestedGraphLabel;
         if (l != null)
             foreach (DGraph graph in l.Graphs)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public DGraph(DNestedGraphLabel parent)
            : base(parent)

            NeedToCalculateLayout = true;
            ContentEditorProvider = new ContentEditorProvider(this);

            Edges = new List<DEdge>();
            NodeMap = new Dictionary<IComparable, DNode>();

            DrawingLayoutEditor = new LayoutEditor(this);
            DrawingLayoutEditor.ChangeInUndoRedoList += (sender, args) =>

            // I'm doing a slight change to the default toggle entity predicate: I don't want the user to be able to select nodes while I'm in
            // insertion mode. Note that this only concerns the DrawingLayoutEditor, which deals with dragging - by changing the toggle entity
            // predicate, I affect selection of entities while dragging a selection window, NOT selection by simple click. So, this ensures that
            // the user cannot draw a selection window (which doesn't make sense in editing mode), but he can still select single entities by
            // clicking on them.
            var defaultToggleEntityPredicate = DrawingLayoutEditor.ToggleEntityPredicate;
            DrawingLayoutEditor.ToggleEntityPredicate = (modKeys, mButtons, dragPar) => defaultToggleEntityPredicate(modKeys, mButtons, dragPar) && MouseMode != DraggingMode.ComboInsertion && MouseMode != DraggingMode.EdgeInsertion;

            // These decorators are exactly the same as the default ones, but they use my LineWidth fix (see DNode.cs).
            // Once the LineWidth bug in MSAGL is fixed, we should remove these.
            DrawingLayoutEditor.DecorateObjectForDragging = DecorateObjectForDragging;
            DrawingLayoutEditor.RemoveObjDraggingDecorations = RemoveObjDraggingDecorations;

            EdgeRoutingMode = EdgeRoutingMode.Spline;

            MouseMode = DefaultMouseMode = DraggingMode.Pan;

            BeginContentEdit = DefaultBeginContentEdit;
            //EndContentEdit = DefaultEndContentEdit;

            MouseLeftButtonDoubleClick += new EventHandler<MsaglMouseEventArgs>(DGraph_MouseLeftButtonDoubleClick);

Exemplo n.º 3
        private void BeginNextLayout()
            if (--count > 0)
            if (!m_LayoutQueue.Any())
                m_Graph.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => m_Graph.BeginLayout(true)));
            DNestedGraphLabel l = m_LayoutQueue.Dequeue();

            count = 0;
            foreach (DGraph graph in l.Graphs)
                graph.GraphLayoutDone += SubGraphLayoutDone;
                graph.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => graph.BeginLayout(true));
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an auxilliary geometry graph, which contains all the nodes of a flattened nested graph. Produces a map from the original graph nodes to the auxilliary graph nodes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gg">The auxilliary graph to be filled.</param>
 /// <param name="graph">The original graph.</param>
 /// <param name="offset">Offset to be applied to all nodes.</param>
 /// <param name="connectedNodes">Map from original graph nodes to auxilliary graph nodes.</param>
 private static void FillAuxGraph(GeometryGraph gg, DGraph graph, GeometryPoint offset, Dictionary <DNode, GeometryNode> connectedNodes)
     foreach (DNode n in graph.Nodes())
         GeometryNode clone = new GeometryNode(n.GeometryNode.BoundaryCurve.Clone());
         connectedNodes[n] = clone;
         DNestedGraphLabel ngLabel = n.Label as DNestedGraphLabel;
         if (ngLabel != null)
             GeometryPoint labelPosition = new GeometryPoint(Canvas.GetLeft(ngLabel), Canvas.GetTop(ngLabel));
             foreach (DGraph dg in ngLabel.Graphs)
                 Point         p                = ngLabel.GetDGraphOffset(dg);
                 GeometryPoint offsetToLabel    = new GeometryPoint(p.X, p.Y);
                 GeometryPoint graphOffset      = labelPosition + offsetToLabel;
                 GeometryPoint normalizedOffset = graphOffset - dg.Graph.BoundingBox.LeftBottom;
                 FillAuxGraph(gg, dg, offset + normalizedOffset, connectedNodes);