/// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of VpaidImageAdPlayer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skippableOffset">The position in the ad at which the ad can be skipped. If null, the ad cannot be skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="suggestedDuration">The duration of the ad. If not specified, the ad is closed when the next ad is played.</param>
        /// <param name="clickThru">The Uri to navigate to when the ad is clicked or tapped. Can be null of no action should take place.</param>
        public VpaidImageAdPlayer(FlexibleOffset skippableOffset, TimeSpan? suggestedDuration, Uri clickThru)
            IsHitTestVisible = false;
            image = new Image();
            Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);
            image.Stretch = Stretch.None;
            Opacity = 0;
            State = AdState.None;
            AdLinear = false;

            SkippableOffset = skippableOffset;
            SuggestedDuration = suggestedDuration;
            ClickThru = clickThru;
            this.NavigateUri = ClickThru;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of VpaidVideoAdPlayer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skippableOffset">The position in the ad at which the ad can be skipped. If null, the ad cannot be skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="maxDuration">The max duration of the ad. If not specified, the length of the video is assumed.</param>
        /// <param name="clickThru">The Uri to navigate to when the ad is clicked or tapped. Can be null of no action should take place.</param>
        public VpaidVideoAdPlayer(FlexibleOffset skippableOffset, TimeSpan? maxDuration, Uri clickThru)
            IsHitTestVisible = false;
            mediaElement = new MediaElement();
            Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
#if !WINDOWS80
            Opacity = 0.01; // HACK: Win8.1 won't load the video if opacity = 0
            Opacity = 0;
            State = AdState.None;
            AdLinear = true;

            SkippableOffset = skippableOffset;
            MaxDuration = maxDuration;
            this.NavigateUri = clickThru;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static IEnumerable <TrackingEvent> GetTrackingEvents(XElement element)
            if (element != null)
                var vastTrackingEvents = element.Element("TrackingEvents");
                if (vastTrackingEvents != null)
                    foreach (var vastTracking in vastTrackingEvents.Elements("Tracking"))
                        var eventName     = (string)vastTracking.Attribute("event");
                        var trackingEvent = GetTrackingEvent(eventName, (string)vastTracking);
                        if (trackingEvent != null)
                            if (trackingEvent.Type == TrackingType.Progress)
                                trackingEvent.Offset = FlexibleOffset.Parse((string)vastTracking.Attribute("offset"));

                            yield return(trackingEvent);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void LoadCreatives(XElement adElement, Ad ad)
            var vastCreatives = adElement.Element("Creatives");

            if (vastCreatives != null)
                foreach (var vastCreative in vastCreatives.Elements("Creative"))
                    var vastItem = vastCreative.Elements().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (vastItem != null)
                        ICreative creative = null;
                        switch (vastItem.Name.LocalName)
                        case "Linear":
                            var vastLinear     = vastItem;
                            var linearCreative = new CreativeLinear();
                            creative = linearCreative;

                            foreach (var trackingEvent in GetTrackingEvents(vastLinear))

                            if (vastLinear.Elements("AdParameters").Any())
                                var xmlEncoded = (bool?)vastLinear.Element("AdParameters").Attribute("xmlEncoded") ?? false;
                                linearCreative.AdParameters = xmlEncoded ? XmlDecode((string)vastLinear.Element("AdParameters")) : (string)vastLinear.Element("AdParameters");

                            LoadVideoClicks(vastLinear, linearCreative);

                            if (vastLinear.Elements("CreativeExtensions").Any())
                                foreach (var vastExtension in vastLinear.Element("CreativeExtensions").Elements("CreativeExtension"))
                                    linearCreative.Extensions.Add(new Extension());     // TODO

                            linearCreative.Duration   = ToNullableTimeSpan((string)vastLinear.Element("Duration"));
                            linearCreative.SkipOffset = FlexibleOffset.Parse((string)vastLinear.Attribute("skipoffset"));

                            var vastIcons = vastLinear.Element("Icons");
                            if (vastIcons != null)
                                foreach (var vastIcon in vastIcons.Elements("Icon"))
                                    var icon = new Icon();

                                    if (vastIcon.Elements("IconClicks").Any())
                                        var iconClicks = vastIcon.Element("IconClicks");

                                        icon.ClickThrough = GetUriValue(iconClicks.Element("IconClickThrough"));

                                        foreach (var clickTracking in iconClicks.Elements("IconClickTracking"))

                                    icon.ApiFramework = (string)vastIcon.Attribute("apiFramework") ?? string.Empty;
                                    icon.Duration     = ToNullableTimeSpan((string)vastIcon.Attribute("duration")) ?? new TimeSpan?();
                                    icon.Height       = (int?)vastIcon.Attribute("height");
                                    icon.Width        = (int?)vastIcon.Attribute("width");
                                    icon.Offset       = ToNullableTimeSpan((string)vastIcon.Attribute("offset")) ?? new TimeSpan?();
                                    icon.Program      = (string)vastIcon.Attribute("program") ?? string.Empty;
                                    icon.XPosition    = (string)vastIcon.Attribute("xPosition") ?? string.Empty;
                                    icon.YPosition    = (string)vastIcon.Attribute("yPosition") ?? string.Empty;
                                    icon.Item         = GetResources(vastIcon).FirstOrDefault();
                                    foreach (var viewTrackingUrl in vastIcon.Elements("IconViewTracking"))

                            if (vastLinear.Elements("MediaFiles").Any())
                                foreach (var vastMedia in vastLinear.Element("MediaFiles").Elements("MediaFile"))
                                    var mediaFile = new MediaFile();
                                    mediaFile.ApiFramework        = (string)vastMedia.Attribute("apiFramework") ?? string.Empty;
                                    mediaFile.Bitrate             = ToNullableLong((string)vastMedia.Attribute("bitrate"));
                                    mediaFile.Codec               = (string)vastMedia.Attribute("codec") ?? string.Empty;
                                    mediaFile.Delivery            = (MediaFileDelivery)Enum.Parse(typeof(MediaFileDelivery), (string)vastMedia.Attribute("delivery"), true);
                                    mediaFile.Height              = (int?)vastMedia.Attribute("height") ?? 0;
                                    mediaFile.Width               = (int?)vastMedia.Attribute("width") ?? 0;
                                    mediaFile.Id                  = (string)vastMedia.Attribute("id");
                                    mediaFile.MaintainAspectRatio = (bool?)vastMedia.Attribute("maintainAspectRatio") ?? false;
                                    mediaFile.MaxBitrate          = (long?)vastMedia.Attribute("maxBitrate") ?? 0;
                                    mediaFile.MinBitrate          = (long?)vastMedia.Attribute("minBitrate") ?? 0;
                                    mediaFile.Scalable            = (bool?)vastMedia.Attribute("scalable") ?? false;
                                    mediaFile.Type                = (string)vastMedia.Attribute("type");
                                    mediaFile.Value               = GetUriValue(vastMedia);

                        case "CompanionAds":
                            var vastCompanions = vastItem;
                            creative = LoadCompanions(vastCompanions);

                        case "NonLinearAds":
                            var vastNonLinears    = vastItem;
                            var nonLinearCreative = new CreativeNonLinears();
                            creative = nonLinearCreative;

                            foreach (var trackingEvent in GetTrackingEvents(vastNonLinears))

                            foreach (var vastNonLinear in vastNonLinears.Elements("NonLinear"))
                                var nonLinear = new NonLinear();

                                if (vastNonLinear.Elements("AdParameters").Any())
                                    var xmlEncoded = (bool?)vastNonLinear.Element("AdParameters").Attribute("xmlEncoded") ?? false;
                                    nonLinear.AdParameters = xmlEncoded ? XmlDecode((string)vastNonLinear.Element("AdParameters")) : (string)vastNonLinear.Element("AdParameters");
                                nonLinear.ApiFramework = (string)vastNonLinear.Attribute("apiFramework");
                                nonLinear.ClickThrough = GetUriValue(vastNonLinear.Element("NonLinearClickThrough"));
                                foreach (var vastTracking in vastNonLinear.Elements("NonLinearClickTracking"))

                                if (vastNonLinear.Elements("CreativeExtensions").Any())
                                    foreach (var vastExtension in vastNonLinear.Element("CreativeExtensions").Elements("CreativeExtension"))
                                        nonLinear.Extensions.Add(new Extension());     // TODO
                                nonLinear.ExpandedHeight       = (int?)vastNonLinear.Attribute("expandedHeight");
                                nonLinear.ExpandedWidth        = (int?)vastNonLinear.Attribute("expandedWidth");
                                nonLinear.Height               = (int?)vastNonLinear.Attribute("height") ?? 0;
                                nonLinear.Width                = (int?)vastNonLinear.Attribute("width") ?? 0;
                                nonLinear.MaintainAspectRatio  = (bool?)vastNonLinear.Attribute("maintainAspectRatio") ?? false;
                                nonLinear.MinSuggestedDuration = ToNullableTimeSpan((string)vastNonLinear.Attribute("minSuggestedDuration")) ?? new TimeSpan?();
                                nonLinear.Scalable             = (bool?)vastNonLinear.Attribute("scalable") ?? false;
                                nonLinear.Item = GetResources(vastNonLinear).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (creative != null)
                            creative.AdId     = (string)vastCreative.Attribute("AdID");
                            creative.Id       = (string)vastCreative.Attribute("id");
                            creative.Sequence = ToNullableInt((string)vastCreative.Attribute("sequence"));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of VpaidIFrameAdPlayer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="skippableOffset">The position in the ad at which the ad can be skipped. If null, the ad cannot be skipped.</param>
 /// <param name="suggestedDuration">The suggested duration of the ad.</param>
 /// <param name="clickThru">The Uri to navigate to when the ad is clicked or tapped. Can be null of no action should take place.</param>
 /// <param name="dimensions">The dimensions of the ad.</param>
 public VpaidIFrameAdPlayer(FlexibleOffset skippableOffset, TimeSpan? suggestedDuration, Uri clickThru, Size dimensions)
     : base(skippableOffset, suggestedDuration, clickThru, dimensions)
 { }
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of VpaidImageAdPlayer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skippableOffset">The position in the ad at which the ad can be skipped. If null, the ad cannot be skipped.</param>
        /// <param name="suggestedDuration">The duration of the ad. If not specified, the ad is closed when the next ad is played.</param>
        /// <param name="clickThru">The Uri to navigate to when the ad is clicked or tapped. Can be null of no action should take place.</param>
        /// <param name="dimensions">The dimensions of the ad.</param>
        public VpaidWebAdPlayer(FlexibleOffset skippableOffset, TimeSpan? suggestedDuration, Uri clickThru, Size dimensions)
            IsHitTestVisible = false;
            WebView = new Phone.Controls.WebBrowser();
            WebView = new WebBrowser();
            WebView = new WebView();
            WebView.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);
            State = AdState.None;
            AdLinear = false;
            InitialDimensions = dimensions;

            SkippableOffset = skippableOffset;
            SuggestedDuration = suggestedDuration;
            ClickThru = clickThru;
            this.NavigateUri = ClickThru;