Exemplo n.º 1
 internal static MemberInfo Select(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, int matches, IReflect[] argIRs, MemberTypes memberType){
   Debug.Assert(matches > 1);
   int candidates = 0;
   ParameterInfo[][] fparams = new ParameterInfo[matches][];
   bool lookForPropertyGetters = memberType == MemberTypes.Method;
   for (int i = 0; i < matches; i++){
     MemberInfo mem = match[i];
     if (mem is PropertyInfo && lookForPropertyGetters) mem = ((PropertyInfo)mem).GetGetMethod(true);
     if (mem == null) continue;
     if (mem.MemberType == memberType){
       if (mem is PropertyInfo)
         fparams[i] = ((PropertyInfo)mem).GetIndexParameters();
         fparams[i] = ((MethodBase)mem).GetParameters();
   int j = JSBinder.SelectBest(typeRefs, match, matches, argIRs, fparams, null, candidates, argIRs.Length);
   if (j < 0) return null;
   return match[j];
 private static int TypeDistance(TypeReferences typeRefs, Type formal, Type actual, int distFromObject)
     if (formal == typeRefs.Object)
         return distFromObject;
     if (formal.IsEnum)
         return (TypeDistance(typeRefs, Enum.GetUnderlyingType(formal), actual) + 10);
     return 100;
        internal static PropertyInfo SelectProperty(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, object[] args)
            if (match == null)
                return null;
            int length = match.Length;
            switch (length)
                case 0:
                    return null;

                case 1:
                    return (match[0] as PropertyInfo);
            int candidates = 0;
            PropertyInfo info = null;
            ParameterInfo[][] fparams = new ParameterInfo[length][];
            object[][] aparams = new object[length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                MemberInfo info2 = match[i];
                if (info2.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
                    MethodInfo getMethod = (info = (PropertyInfo) info2).GetGetMethod(true);
                    if (getMethod == null)
                        fparams[i] = info.GetIndexParameters();
                        fparams[i] = getMethod.GetParameters();
                    aparams[i] = args;
            if (candidates <= 1)
                return info;
            int index = SelectBest(typeRefs, match, length, null, fparams, aparams, candidates, args.Length);
            if (index < 0)
                return null;
            return (PropertyInfo) match[index];
 private static int TypeDistance(TypeReferences typeRefs, IReflect formal, IReflect actual)
     if (formal is TypedArray)
         if (actual is TypedArray)
             TypedArray array = (TypedArray) formal;
             TypedArray array2 = (TypedArray) actual;
             if (array.rank == array2.rank)
                 if (TypeDistance(typeRefs, array.elementType, array2.elementType) != 0)
                     return 100;
                 return 0;
         else if (actual is Type)
             TypedArray array3 = (TypedArray) formal;
             Type type = (Type) actual;
             if (type.IsArray && (array3.rank == type.GetArrayRank()))
                 if (TypeDistance(typeRefs, array3.elementType, type.GetElementType()) != 0)
                     return 100;
                 return 0;
             if ((type == typeRefs.Array) || (type == typeRefs.ArrayObject))
                 return 30;
         return 100;
     if (actual is TypedArray)
         if (formal is Type)
             Type type2 = (Type) formal;
             TypedArray array4 = (TypedArray) actual;
             if (type2.IsArray && (type2.GetArrayRank() == array4.rank))
                 if (TypeDistance(typeRefs, type2.GetElementType(), array4.elementType) != 0)
                     return 100;
                 return 0;
             if (type2 == typeRefs.Array)
                 return 30;
             if (type2 == typeRefs.Object)
                 return 50;
         return 100;
     if (formal is ClassScope)
         if (!(actual is ClassScope))
             return 100;
         if (!((ClassScope) actual).IsSameOrDerivedFrom((ClassScope) formal))
             return 100;
         return 0;
     if (!(actual is ClassScope))
         return TypeDistance(typeRefs, Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToType(typeRefs, formal), Microsoft.JScript.Convert.ToType(typeRefs, actual));
     if (!(formal is Type))
         return 100;
     if (!((ClassScope) actual).IsPromotableTo((Type) formal))
         return 100;
     return 0;
        internal static ConstructorInfo SelectConstructor(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, ref object[] args, string[] namedParameters)
            if (match == null)
                return null;
            int length = match.Length;
            switch (length)
                case 0:
                    return null;

                case 1:
                    Type t = match[0] as Type;
                    if (t != null)
                        if (t.IsInterface && t.IsImport)
                            t = HandleCoClassAttribute(t);
                        match = t.GetConstructors();
                        length = match.Length;
            if (length == 1)
                return (match[0] as ConstructorInfo);
            return (ConstructorInfo) Select(typeRefs, match, length, ref args, namedParameters, MemberTypes.Constructor);
 internal static MethodInfo SelectMethod(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, ref object[] args, string[] namedParameters)
     if (match == null)
         return null;
     int length = match.Length;
     if (length == 0)
         return null;
     MemberInfo getMethod = (length == 1) ? match[0] : Select(typeRefs, match, length, ref args, namedParameters, MemberTypes.Method);
     if ((getMethod != null) && (getMethod.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property))
         getMethod = ((PropertyInfo) getMethod).GetGetMethod(true);
     return (getMethod as MethodInfo);
Exemplo n.º 7
 private static MethodBase SelectMethodBase(TypeReferences typeRefs, MethodBase[] match, ref Object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, String[] namedParameters){
   if (match == null) return null;
   int n = match.Length;
   if (n == 0) return null;
   if (n == 1) return match[0];
   MethodBase result = (MethodBase)JSBinder.Select(typeRefs, match, n, ref args, namedParameters, MemberTypes.Method);
   if (result == null)
     result = (MethodBase)JSBinder.Select(typeRefs, match, n, ref args, namedParameters, MemberTypes.Constructor);
   return result;
 private static int SelectBest(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, int matches, IReflect[] argIRs, ParameterInfo[][] fparams, object[][] aparams, int candidates, int parameters)
     if (candidates == 0)
         return -1;
     if (candidates == 1)
         for (int m = 0; m < matches; m++)
             if (fparams[m] != null)
                 return m;
     bool[] flagArray = new bool[matches];
     int[] numArray = new int[matches];
     for (int i = 0; i < matches; i++)
         ParameterInfo[] infoArray = fparams[i];
         if (infoArray != null)
             int length = infoArray.Length;
             int num4 = (argIRs == null) ? aparams[i].Length : argIRs.Length;
             if ((num4 > length) && ((length == 0) || !Microsoft.JScript.CustomAttribute.IsDefined(infoArray[length - 1], typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), false)))
                 fparams[i] = null;
                 for (int n = parameters; n < length; n++)
                     ParameterInfo target = infoArray[n];
                     if ((n == (length - 1)) && Microsoft.JScript.CustomAttribute.IsDefined(target, typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), false))
                     if (TypeReferences.GetDefaultParameterValue(target) is DBNull)
                         numArray[i] = 50;
     for (int j = 0; candidates > 1; j++)
         int num7 = 0;
         int num8 = 0x7fffffff;
         bool flag = false;
         for (int num9 = 0; num9 < matches; num9++)
             int num10 = 0;
             ParameterInfo[] infoArray2 = fparams[num9];
             if (infoArray2 != null)
                 IReflect missing = typeRefs.Missing;
                 if (argIRs == null)
                     if (aparams[num9].Length > j)
                         object obj3 = aparams[num9][j];
                         if (obj3 == null)
                             obj3 = DBNull.Value;
                         missing = typeRefs.ToReferenceContext(obj3.GetType());
                 else if (j < parameters)
                     missing = argIRs[j];
                 int num11 = infoArray2.Length;
                 if ((num11 - 1) > j)
                 IReflect formal = typeRefs.Missing;
                 if ((((num11 > 0) && (j >= (num11 - 1))) && (Microsoft.JScript.CustomAttribute.IsDefined(infoArray2[num11 - 1], typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), false) && !(missing is TypedArray))) && ((missing != typeRefs.ArrayObject) && (!(missing is Type) || !((Type) missing).IsArray)))
                     ParameterInfo info2 = infoArray2[num11 - 1];
                     if (info2 is ParameterDeclaration)
                         formal = ((TypedArray) ((ParameterDeclaration) info2).ParameterIReflect).elementType;
                         formal = info2.ParameterType.GetElementType();
                     if (j == (num11 - 1))
                 else if (j < num11)
                     ParameterInfo parameter = infoArray2[j];
                     formal = (parameter is ParameterDeclaration) ? ((ParameterDeclaration) parameter).ParameterIReflect : parameter.ParameterType;
                     if ((missing == typeRefs.Missing) && !(TypeReferences.GetDefaultParameterValue(parameter) is DBNull))
                         missing = formal;
                         num10 = 1;
                 int num12 = (TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, missing) + numArray[num9]) + num10;
                 if (num12 == num8)
                     if ((j == (num11 - 1)) && flagArray[num9])
                         fparams[num9] = null;
                     flag = flag && flagArray[num9];
                 else if (num12 > num8)
                     if ((flag && (j < num11)) && FormalParamTypeIsObject(fparams[num9][j]))
                         num8 = num12;
                     else if (((j <= (num11 - 1)) || (missing != typeRefs.Missing)) || !Microsoft.JScript.CustomAttribute.IsDefined(infoArray2[num11 - 1], typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), false))
                         flagArray[num9] = true;
                     if ((candidates == 1) && !flagArray[num9])
                         return num9;
                     flag = flagArray[num9];
                     for (int num13 = 0; num13 < num9; num13++)
                         if ((fparams[num13] != null) && !flagArray[num13])
                             bool flag2 = fparams[num13].Length <= j;
                             if ((!flag2 || (parameters > j)) && ((flag2 || !flag) || !FormalParamTypeIsObject(fparams[num13][j])))
                                 flagArray[num13] = true;
                     num8 = num12;
         if ((j >= (parameters - 1)) && (num7 < 1))
     int index = -1;
     for (int k = 0; (k < matches) && (candidates > 0); k++)
         ParameterInfo[] suppars = fparams[k];
         if (suppars != null)
             if (flagArray[k])
                 fparams[k] = null;
             else if (index == -1)
                 index = k;
             else if (Class.ParametersMatch(suppars, fparams[index]))
                 MemberInfo info4 = match[index];
                 JSWrappedMethod method = match[index] as JSWrappedMethod;
                 if (method != null)
                     info4 = method.method;
                 if (((info4 is JSFieldMethod) || (info4 is JSConstructor)) || (info4 is JSProperty))
                     fparams[k] = null;
                     Type declaringType = match[index].DeclaringType;
                     Type c = match[k].DeclaringType;
                     if (declaringType != c)
                         if (c.IsAssignableFrom(declaringType))
                             fparams[k] = null;
                         else if (declaringType.IsAssignableFrom(c))
                             fparams[index] = null;
                             index = k;
     if (candidates != 1)
         throw new AmbiguousMatchException();
     return index;
Exemplo n.º 9
 internal static ConstructorInfo SelectConstructor(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, IReflect[] argIRs){
   if (match == null) return null;
   int n = match.Length;
   if (n == 1){
     Object val = match[0];
     if (val is JSGlobalField) val = ((JSGlobalField)val).GetValue(null);
     Type t = val as Type;
     if (t != null){
       match = t.GetConstructors();
     n = match.Length;
   if (n == 0) return null;
   if (n == 1) return match[0] as ConstructorInfo;
   return (ConstructorInfo)JSBinder.Select(typeRefs, match, n, argIRs, MemberTypes.Constructor);
Exemplo n.º 10
 internal static MethodInfo SelectMethod(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, IReflect[] argIRs){
   if (match == null) return null;
   int n = match.Length;
   if (n == 0) return null;
   MemberInfo result = n == 1 ? match[0] : JSBinder.Select(typeRefs, match, n, argIRs, MemberTypes.Method);
   if (result != null && result.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
     return ((PropertyInfo)result).GetGetMethod(true);
   return result as MethodInfo;
Exemplo n.º 11
 internal static ConstructorInfo SelectConstructor(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, ref Object[] args, String[] namedParameters){
   if (match == null) return null;
   int n = match.Length;
   if (n == 0) return null;
   if (n == 1){
     Type t = match[0] as Type;
     if (t != null) {
       match = t.GetConstructors();
       n = match.Length;
   if (n == 1) return match[0] as ConstructorInfo;
   return (ConstructorInfo)JSBinder.Select(typeRefs, match, n, ref args, namedParameters, MemberTypes.Constructor);
Exemplo n.º 12
 private static int SelectBest(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, int matches, IReflect[] argIRs, ParameterInfo[][] fparams, Object[][] aparams, int candidates, int parameters){ 
   Debug.Assert(matches > 1);
   if (candidates == 0) return -1;
   if (candidates == 1)
     for (int i = 0; i < matches; i++)
       if (fparams[i] != null) return i;
   bool[] eliminated = new bool[matches];
   //Set up penalties to discourage selection of methods that have more formal parameters than there are actual parameters
   int[] penalty = new int[matches];
   for (int i = 0; i < matches; i++){
     ParameterInfo[] fpars = fparams[i];
     if (fpars != null){
       int m = fpars.Length;
       int actuals =  (argIRs == null ? aparams[i].Length : argIRs.Length);
       if (actuals > m && (m == 0 || !CustomAttribute.IsDefined(fpars[m-1], typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), false))){
         fparams[i] = null;
         Debug.Assert(candidates >= 0);
       for (int j = parameters; j < m; j++){
         ParameterInfo fpar = fpars[j];
         if (j == m-1 && CustomAttribute.IsDefined(fpar, typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), false))
         Object dv = TypeReferences.GetDefaultParameterValue(fpar);
         if (dv is System.DBNull){
           //No default value, set up a penalty
           penalty[i] = 50;
   for (int p = 0; candidates > 1; p++){
     int candidatesWithFormalParametersStillToBeConsidered = 0;
     //Eliminate any candidate that is worse match than any other candidate for this (possibly missing) actual parameter
     int minval = Int32.MaxValue;
     bool objectCanWin = false;
     for (int i = 0; i < matches; i++){
       int penaltyForUsingDefaultValue = 0;
       ParameterInfo[] fpars = fparams[i];
       if (fpars != null){ //match[i] is a candidate
         IReflect aIR = typeRefs.Missing;
         if (argIRs == null){
           if (aparams[i].Length > p){
             Object apar = aparams[i][p];
             if (apar == null) apar = DBNull.Value;
             aIR = typeRefs.ToReferenceContext(apar.GetType());
         }else if (p < parameters)
           aIR = argIRs[p];
         int m = fpars.Length;
         if (m-1 > p) 
         IReflect fIR = typeRefs.Missing;
         if (m > 0 && p >= m-1 && CustomAttribute.IsDefined(fpars[m-1], typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), false) && 
         !(aIR is TypedArray || aIR == typeRefs.ArrayObject || (aIR is Type && ((Type)aIR).IsArray))){
           ParameterInfo fpar = fpars[m-1];
           if (fpar is ParameterDeclaration){
             fIR = ((ParameterDeclaration)fpar).ParameterIReflect;
             fIR = ((TypedArray)fIR).elementType;
             fIR = fpar.ParameterType.GetElementType();
           if (p == m-1) penalty[i]++;
         }else if (p < m){
           ParameterInfo fpar = fpars[p];
           fIR = fpar is ParameterDeclaration ? ((ParameterDeclaration)fpar).ParameterIReflect : fpar.ParameterType;
           if (aIR == typeRefs.Missing){
             //No actual parameter was supplied, if the formal parameter has default value, make the match perfect
             Object dv = TypeReferences.GetDefaultParameterValue(fpar);
             if (!(dv is System.DBNull)) {
               aIR = fIR;
               penaltyForUsingDefaultValue = 1;
         int distance = TypeDistance(typeRefs, fIR, aIR) + penalty[i] + penaltyForUsingDefaultValue;
         if (distance == minval){
           if (p == m-1 && eliminated[i]){
             fparams[i] = null;
           objectCanWin = objectCanWin && eliminated[i];
         if (distance > minval){
           if (objectCanWin && p < m && JSBinder.FormalParamTypeIsObject(fparams[i][p])){
              minval = distance; //Make sure that a future, better match than Object can win.
           if (p > m-1 && aIR == typeRefs.Missing && CustomAttribute.IsDefined(fpars[m-1], typeof(ParamArrayAttribute), false)) continue;
           eliminated[i] = true;
         //If we get here, we have a match that is strictly better than all previous matches.
         //If there are no other remaining candidates, we're done.
         if (candidates == 1 && !eliminated[i])
           return i;
         //Eliminate those other candidates from consideration.
         objectCanWin = eliminated[i];
         for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
           if (fparams[j] != null && !eliminated[j]){
             bool noFormalForCurrParam = fparams[j].Length <= p;
             if (noFormalForCurrParam && parameters <= p)
               //Do not eliminate an overload if it does not have a formal for the current position
               //and the call does not have an actual parameter for the current position either.
             if (noFormalForCurrParam || !objectCanWin || !JSBinder.FormalParamTypeIsObject(fparams[j][p]))
               eliminated[j] = true;
         minval = distance;
     if (p >= parameters-1 && candidatesWithFormalParametersStillToBeConsidered < 1)
       //Looked at all actual parameters as well as all formal parameters, no further progress can be made
   int best = -1;
   for (int j = 0; j < matches && candidates > 0; j++){
     ParameterInfo[] fpars = fparams[j];
     if (fpars != null){
       if (eliminated[j]){
         candidates--; fparams[j] = null; continue;
       int pc = fpars.Length;
       if (best == -1){ //Choose the first remaining candidate as "best"
         best = j; continue;
       if (Class.ParametersMatch(fpars, fparams[best])){
         MemberInfo bstm = match[best];
         JSWrappedMethod jswm = match[best] as JSWrappedMethod;
         if (jswm != null) bstm = jswm.method;
         if (bstm is JSFieldMethod || bstm is JSConstructor || bstm is JSProperty){
           //The first match is always the most derived, go with it
           candidates--; fparams[j] = null; continue;
         Type bestMemT = match[best].DeclaringType;
         Type memT = match[j].DeclaringType;
         if (bestMemT != memT){
           if (memT.IsAssignableFrom(bestMemT)){
             candidates--; fparams[j] = null; continue;
           }else if (bestMemT.IsAssignableFrom(memT)){
             fparams[best] = null; best = j; candidates--; continue;
   if (candidates != 1)
     throw new AmbiguousMatchException();
   return best;
Exemplo n.º 13
 internal static MemberInfo Select(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, int matches, ref Object[] args, String[] namedParameters, MemberTypes memberType){
   Debug.Assert(matches > 1);
   bool hasNamedParams = false;
   if (namedParameters != null && namedParameters.Length > 0)
     if (args.Length >= namedParameters.Length)
       hasNamedParams = true;
       throw new JScriptException(JSError.MoreNamedParametersThanArguments);
   int candidates = 0;
   ParameterInfo[][] fparams = new ParameterInfo[matches][];
   Object[][] aparams = new Object[matches][];
   bool lookForPropertyGetters = memberType == MemberTypes.Method;
   for (int i = 0; i < matches; i++){
     MemberInfo mem = match[i];
     if (lookForPropertyGetters && mem.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
       mem = ((PropertyInfo)mem).GetGetMethod(true);
     if (mem.MemberType == memberType){
       if (memberType == MemberTypes.Property)
         fparams[i] = ((PropertyInfo)mem).GetIndexParameters();
         fparams[i] = ((MethodBase)mem).GetParameters();
       if (hasNamedParams)
         aparams[i] = JSBinder.ArrangeNamedArguments((MethodBase)mem, args, namedParameters);
         aparams[i] = args;
   int j = JSBinder.SelectBest(typeRefs, match, matches, null, fparams, aparams, candidates, args.Length);
   if (j < 0) return null;
   args = aparams[j];
   MemberInfo result = match[j];
   if (lookForPropertyGetters && result.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
     result = ((PropertyInfo)result).GetGetMethod(true);
   return result;
 internal static MemberInfo Select(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, int matches, IReflect[] argIRs, MemberTypes memberType)
     int candidates = 0;
     ParameterInfo[][] fparams = new ParameterInfo[matches][];
     bool flag = memberType == MemberTypes.Method;
     for (int i = 0; i < matches; i++)
         MemberInfo getMethod = match[i];
         if ((getMethod is PropertyInfo) && flag)
             getMethod = ((PropertyInfo) getMethod).GetGetMethod(true);
         if ((getMethod != null) && (getMethod.MemberType == memberType))
             if (getMethod is PropertyInfo)
                 fparams[i] = ((PropertyInfo) getMethod).GetIndexParameters();
                 fparams[i] = ((MethodBase) getMethod).GetParameters();
     int index = SelectBest(typeRefs, match, matches, argIRs, fparams, null, candidates, argIRs.Length);
     if (index < 0)
         return null;
     return match[index];
Exemplo n.º 15
 internal static PropertyInfo SelectProperty(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, Object[] args){
   if (match == null) return null;
   int matches = match.Length;
   if (matches == 0) return null;
   if (matches == 1) return match[0] as PropertyInfo;
   int candidates = 0;
   PropertyInfo result = null;
   ParameterInfo[][] fparams = new ParameterInfo[matches][];
   Object[][] aparams = new Object[matches][];
   for (int i = 0; i < matches; i++){
     MemberInfo mem = match[i];
     if (mem.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property){
       MethodInfo getter = (result = (PropertyInfo)mem).GetGetMethod(true);
       if (getter == null)
         fparams[i] = result.GetIndexParameters();
         fparams[i] = getter.GetParameters();
       aparams[i] = args;
   if (candidates <= 1) return result;
   int j = JSBinder.SelectBest(typeRefs, match, matches, null, fparams, aparams, candidates, args.Length);
   if (j < 0) return null;
   return (PropertyInfo)match[j];
 internal static MemberInfo Select(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, int matches, ref object[] args, string[] namedParameters, MemberTypes memberType)
     bool flag = false;
     if ((namedParameters != null) && (namedParameters.Length > 0))
         if (args.Length < namedParameters.Length)
             throw new JScriptException(JSError.MoreNamedParametersThanArguments);
         flag = true;
     int candidates = 0;
     ParameterInfo[][] fparams = new ParameterInfo[matches][];
     object[][] aparams = new object[matches][];
     bool flag2 = memberType == MemberTypes.Method;
     for (int i = 0; i < matches; i++)
         MemberInfo getMethod = match[i];
         if (flag2 && (getMethod.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property))
             getMethod = ((PropertyInfo) getMethod).GetGetMethod(true);
         if (getMethod.MemberType == memberType)
             if (memberType == MemberTypes.Property)
                 fparams[i] = ((PropertyInfo) getMethod).GetIndexParameters();
                 fparams[i] = ((MethodBase) getMethod).GetParameters();
             if (flag)
                 aparams[i] = ArrangeNamedArguments((MethodBase) getMethod, args, namedParameters);
                 aparams[i] = args;
     int index = SelectBest(typeRefs, match, matches, null, fparams, aparams, candidates, args.Length);
     if (index < 0)
         return null;
     args = aparams[index];
     MemberInfo info2 = match[index];
     if (flag2 && (info2.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property))
         info2 = ((PropertyInfo) info2).GetGetMethod(true);
     return info2;
Exemplo n.º 17
 internal static PropertyInfo SelectProperty(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, IReflect[] argIRs){
   if (match == null) return null;
   int n = match.Length;
   if (n == 0) return null;
   if (n == 1) return match[0] as PropertyInfo;
   return (PropertyInfo)JSBinder.Select(typeRefs, match, n, argIRs, MemberTypes.Property);
        internal static ConstructorInfo SelectConstructor(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, IReflect[] argIRs)
            if (match == null)
                return null;
            int length = match.Length;
            if (length == 1)
                object obj2 = match[0];
                if (obj2 is JSGlobalField)
                    obj2 = ((JSGlobalField) obj2).GetValue(null);
                Type t = obj2 as Type;
                if (t != null)
                    if (t.IsInterface && t.IsImport)
                        t = HandleCoClassAttribute(t);
                    match = t.GetConstructors();
                length = match.Length;
            switch (length)
                case 0:
                    return null;

                case 1:
                    return (match[0] as ConstructorInfo);
            return (ConstructorInfo) Select(typeRefs, match, length, argIRs, MemberTypes.Constructor);
Exemplo n.º 19
      //Returns a value that quantifies the cost/badness of converting a value of type actual to type formal.
      //Used to select the overload that is the closest match to the actual parameter.

      private static int TypeDistance(TypeReferences typeRefs, IReflect formal, IReflect actual){
        if (formal is TypedArray){
          if (actual is TypedArray){
            TypedArray f = (TypedArray)formal;
            TypedArray a = (TypedArray)actual;
            if (f.rank == a.rank) 
              return TypeDistance(typeRefs, f.elementType, a.elementType) == 0 ? 0 : 100;
          }else if (actual is Type){
            TypedArray f = (TypedArray)formal;
            Type a = (Type)actual;
            if (a.IsArray && f.rank == a.GetArrayRank()) 
              return TypeDistance(typeRefs, f.elementType, a.GetElementType()) == 0 ? 0 : 100;
            else if (a == typeRefs.Array || a == typeRefs.ArrayObject)
              return 30;
          return 100;
        if (actual is TypedArray){
          if (formal is Type){
            Type f = (Type)formal;
            TypedArray a = (TypedArray)actual;
            if (f.IsArray && f.GetArrayRank() == a.rank) 
              return TypeDistance(typeRefs, f.GetElementType(), a.elementType) == 0 ? 0 : 100;
            else if (f == typeRefs.Array)
              return 30;
            else if (f == typeRefs.Object)
              return 50;
          return 100;
        if (formal is ClassScope){
          if (actual is ClassScope)
            return ((ClassScope)actual).IsSameOrDerivedFrom((ClassScope)formal) ? 0 : 100;
            return 100;
        if (actual is ClassScope){
          if (formal is Type)
            return ((ClassScope)actual).IsPromotableTo((Type)formal) ? 0 : 100;
            return 100;
        return TypeDistance(typeRefs, Convert.ToType(typeRefs, formal), Convert.ToType(typeRefs, actual)); 
 internal static MethodInfo SelectMethod(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, IReflect[] argIRs)
     if (match == null)
         return null;
     int length = match.Length;
     if (length == 0)
         return null;
     MemberInfo info = (length == 1) ? match[0] : Select(typeRefs, match, length, argIRs, MemberTypes.Method);
     if ((info != null) && (info.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property))
         return ((PropertyInfo) info).GetGetMethod(true);
     return (info as MethodInfo);
Exemplo n.º 21
 private static int TypeDistance(TypeReferences typeRefs, Type formal, Type actual){
   TypeCode atc = Type.GetTypeCode(actual);
   TypeCode ftc = Type.GetTypeCode(formal);
   if (actual.IsEnum) atc = TypeCode.Object;
   if (formal.IsEnum) ftc = TypeCode.Object;
     case TypeCode.DBNull:
         default: return formal == typeRefs.Object ? 0 : 1;
     case TypeCode.Boolean:
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 0;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 1;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 2;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 3;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 4;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 5;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 6;
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 7;
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 8;
         case TypeCode.Single: return 9;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 10;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 11; 
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 12);
         case TypeCode.String: return 13;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.Char:
         case TypeCode.Char: return 0;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 1;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 2;
         case TypeCode.Int32:  return 3;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 4;
         case TypeCode.Int64:  return 5;
         case TypeCode.Single: return 6;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 7;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 8;
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 9);
         case TypeCode.String: return 10;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 11;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 12;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.SByte:
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 0;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 1;
         case TypeCode.Int32:  return 2;
         case TypeCode.Int64:  return 3;
         case TypeCode.Single: return 4;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 5;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 6;
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 7);
         case TypeCode.String: return 8;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 9;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 10;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 12;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.Byte: 
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 0;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 1;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 3;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 4;
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 5;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 6;
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 7;
         case TypeCode.Single: return 8;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 9;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 10; 
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 11);
         case TypeCode.String: return 12;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.Int16:
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 0;
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 1;
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 2;
         case TypeCode.Single: return 3;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 4;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 5; 
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 6);
         case TypeCode.String: return 7;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 8;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 10;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 11;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 12;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.UInt16: 
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 0;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 1;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 2;
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 4;
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 5;
         case TypeCode.Single: return 6;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 7;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 8; 
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 9);
         case TypeCode.String: return 10;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 11;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 12;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.Int32:
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 0;
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 1;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 2;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 3; 
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 4);
         case TypeCode.String: return 5;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 6;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 7;
         case TypeCode.Single: return 8;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 9;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 10;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 12;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.UInt32: 
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 0;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 1;
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 2;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 3;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 4; 
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 5);
         case TypeCode.String: return 6;
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 7;
         case TypeCode.Single: return 8;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 9;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 11;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 12;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.Int64: 
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 0;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 1; 
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 2);
         case TypeCode.String: return 3;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 4;
         case TypeCode.Single: return 5;
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 6;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 7;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 8;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 9;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 10;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 11;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.UInt64:
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 0;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 1; 
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 2);
         case TypeCode.String: return 3;
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 4;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 5;
         case TypeCode.Single: return 6;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 7;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 8;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 10;
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 11;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 12;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.Single:
         case TypeCode.Single: return 0;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 1;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 2; 
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 3;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 4;
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 5;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 6;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 7;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 8;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 10;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 11;
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 12);
         case TypeCode.String: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.Double:
         case TypeCode.Double: return 0;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 1; 
         case TypeCode.Single: return 2;
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 3;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 4;
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 5;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 6;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 7;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 8;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 10;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 11;
         case TypeCode.Object: return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 12);
         case TypeCode.String: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.Decimal:
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 0; 
         case TypeCode.Double: return 1;
         case TypeCode.Single: return 2;
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 3;
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 4;
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 5;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 6;
         case TypeCode.Int16: return 7;
         case TypeCode.UInt16: return 8;
         case TypeCode.SByte: return 10;
         case TypeCode.Byte: return 11;
         case TypeCode.Object: return formal == typeRefs.Object ? 12 : 100;
         case TypeCode.String: return 13;
         case TypeCode.Boolean: return 14;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.DateTime:
         case TypeCode.DateTime: return 0;
         case TypeCode.Object: return formal == typeRefs.Object ? 1 : 100;
         case TypeCode.String: return 3;
         case TypeCode.Double: return 4;
         case TypeCode.Decimal: return 5; 
         case TypeCode.UInt64: return 6;
         case TypeCode.Int64: return 7;
         case TypeCode.UInt32: return 8;
         case TypeCode.Int32: return 9;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.String:
         case TypeCode.String: return 0;
         case TypeCode.Object: return formal == typeRefs.Object ? 1 : 100;
         case TypeCode.Char: return 2;
         default: return 100;
     case TypeCode.Object:
       if (formal == actual) return 0;
       if (formal == typeRefs.Missing) return 200;
       if (!(formal.IsAssignableFrom(actual))){
         if (typeRefs.Array.IsAssignableFrom(formal) && (actual == typeRefs.Array || typeRefs.ArrayObject.IsAssignableFrom(actual)))
           return 10;
         else if (ftc == TypeCode.String)
           return 20; 
         else if (actual == typeRefs.ScriptFunction && typeRefs.Delegate.IsAssignableFrom(formal))
           return 19;
           return 100;
       Type[] interfaces = actual.GetInterfaces();
       int i;
       int n = interfaces.Length;
       for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
         if (formal == interfaces[i]) return i+1;
       for (i = 0; actual != typeRefs.Object && actual != null; i++){
         if (formal == actual) return i+n+1;
         actual = actual.BaseType;
       return i+n+1;
   return 0; //should never get here
        private static MethodBase SelectMethodBase(TypeReferences typeRefs, MethodBase[] match, ref object[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, string[] namedParameters)
            if (match == null)
                return null;
            int length = match.Length;
            switch (length)
                case 0:
                    return null;

                case 1:
                    return match[0];
            MethodBase base2 = (MethodBase) Select(typeRefs, match, length, ref args, namedParameters, MemberTypes.Method);
            if (base2 == null)
                base2 = (MethodBase) Select(typeRefs, match, length, ref args, namedParameters, MemberTypes.Constructor);
            return base2;
        private static int TypeDistance(TypeReferences typeRefs, Type formal, Type actual)
            TypeCode typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(actual);
            TypeCode code2 = Type.GetTypeCode(formal);
            if (actual.IsEnum)
                typeCode = TypeCode.Object;
            if (formal.IsEnum)
                code2 = TypeCode.Object;
            switch (typeCode)
                case TypeCode.Object:
                    if (!(formal == actual))
                        int num;
                        if (formal == typeRefs.Missing)
                            return 200;
                        if (!formal.IsAssignableFrom(actual))
                            if (typeRefs.Array.IsAssignableFrom(formal) && ((actual == typeRefs.Array) || typeRefs.ArrayObject.IsAssignableFrom(actual)))
                                return 10;
                            if (code2 == TypeCode.String)
                                return 20;
                            if ((actual == typeRefs.ScriptFunction) && typeRefs.Delegate.IsAssignableFrom(formal))
                                return 0x13;
                            return 100;
                        Type[] interfaces = actual.GetInterfaces();
                        int length = interfaces.Length;
                        for (num = 0; num < length; num++)
                            if (formal == interfaces[num])
                                return (num + 1);
                        num = 0;
                        while ((actual != typeRefs.Object) && (actual != null))
                            if (formal == actual)
                                return ((num + length) + 1);
                            actual = actual.BaseType;
                        return ((num + length) + 1);
                    return 0;

                case TypeCode.DBNull:
                    if (formal == typeRefs.Object)
                        return 0;
                    return 1;

                case TypeCode.Boolean:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 12);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 2;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 3;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 9;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 10;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 11;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 13;

                case TypeCode.Char:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 9);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.Char:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 13;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 12;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 11;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 3;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 2;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 10;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.SByte:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 7);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 9;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 10;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 2;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 12;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 3;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 13;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 8;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.Byte:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 11);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 13;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 3;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 9;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 10;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 12;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.Int16:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 6);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 12;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 13;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 10;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 2;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 11;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 3;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 7;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.UInt16:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 9);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 13;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 12;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 11;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 2;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 10;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.Int32:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 4);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 12;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 13;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 9;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 10;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 2;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 3;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 5;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.UInt32:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 5);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 13;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 12;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 11;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 9;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 2;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 3;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 6;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.Int64:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 2);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 13;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 11;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 10;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 9;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 3;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.UInt64:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 2);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 13;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 10;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 12;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 11;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 3;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.Single:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 12);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 10;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 11;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 3;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 2;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 13;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.Double:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            return TypeDistance(typeRefs, formal, actual, 12);

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 10;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 11;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 3;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 2;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 13;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.Decimal:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            if (!(formal == typeRefs.Object))
                                return 100;
                            return 12;

                        case TypeCode.Boolean:
                            return 14;

                        case TypeCode.SByte:
                            return 10;

                        case TypeCode.Byte:
                            return 11;

                        case TypeCode.Int16:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.UInt16:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 3;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.Single:
                            return 2;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 13;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.DateTime:
                    switch (code2)
                        case TypeCode.Int32:
                            return 9;

                        case TypeCode.UInt32:
                            return 8;

                        case TypeCode.Int64:
                            return 7;

                        case TypeCode.UInt64:
                            return 6;

                        case TypeCode.Double:
                            return 4;

                        case TypeCode.Decimal:
                            return 5;

                        case TypeCode.DateTime:
                            return 0;

                        case TypeCode.String:
                            return 3;

                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            if (!(formal == typeRefs.Object))
                                return 100;
                            return 1;
                    return 100;

                case TypeCode.String:
                    TypeCode code18 = code2;
                    switch (code18)
                        case TypeCode.Object:
                            if (!(formal == typeRefs.Object))
                                return 100;
                            return 1;

                        case TypeCode.Char:
                            return 2;
                    if (code18 != TypeCode.String)
                        return 100;
                    return 0;
                    return 0;
            return 100;
        internal static PropertyInfo SelectProperty(TypeReferences typeRefs, MemberInfo[] match, IReflect[] argIRs)
            if (match == null)
                return null;
            int length = match.Length;
            switch (length)
                case 0:
                    return null;

                case 1:
                    return (match[0] as PropertyInfo);
            return (PropertyInfo) Select(typeRefs, match, length, argIRs, MemberTypes.Property);
 internal static MemberInfo[] GetDefaultMembers(TypeReferences typeRefs, IReflect ir)
     while (ir is ClassScope)
         ClassScope scope = (ClassScope) ir;
         if (scope.itemProp != null)
             return new MemberInfo[] { scope.itemProp };
         ir = scope.GetParent();
         if (ir is WithObject)
             ir = (IReflect) ((WithObject) ir).contained_object;
     if (ir is Type)
         return GetDefaultMembers((Type) ir);
     if (ir is JSObject)
         return typeRefs.ScriptObject.GetDefaultMembers();
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 26
 internal static Type ToType(TypeReferences typeRefs, IReflect ir){
   if (ir is Type)
     return (Type)ir;
   if (ir is ClassScope)
     return ((ClassScope)ir).GetTypeBuilderOrEnumBuilder();
   if (ir is TypedArray){
     return typeRefs.ToReferenceContext(((TypedArray)ir).ToType());
   if (ir is ScriptFunction)
     return typeRefs.ScriptFunction;
   return typeRefs.ToReferenceContext(ir.GetType());
Exemplo n.º 27
 internal static MemberInfo[] GetDefaultMembers(TypeReferences typeRefs, IReflect ir){
   while (ir is ClassScope){
     ClassScope csc = (ClassScope)ir;
     csc.owner.IsExpando(); //Force the class to expose its expando property if it has not already done so
     if (csc.itemProp != null) return new MemberInfo[]{csc.itemProp};
     ir = csc.GetParent();
     if (ir is WithObject) ir = (IReflect)((WithObject)ir).contained_object;
   if (ir is Type) return JSBinder.GetDefaultMembers((Type)ir);
   if (ir is JSObject) return typeRefs.ScriptObject.GetDefaultMembers();
   return null;