Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Decode(byte language, byte[] data, FruByteStringType encoding)
            switch (encoding)
            case FruByteStringType.Binary:
                this.Text = IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(data);

            case FruByteStringType.BcdPlus:
                this.Text = IpmiSharedFunc.DecodeBcdPlus(data);

            case FruByteStringType.Packed6BitAscii:
                data      = ReplaceNonAsciiChars(data);
                this.Text = IpmiSharedFunc.DecodePacked6bitAscii(data);

            case FruByteStringType.Text:
                // replace non ASCII characters
                data = ReplaceNonAsciiChars(data);
                if ((this.Language == FruByteString.defaultLang) ||
                    (this.Language == FruByteString.EnLang))
                    this.Text = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data).Trim();
                    this.Text = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(data).Trim();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats Non Time Stamped OEM SEL Records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="EventMessageData">Event Message Data</param>
        /// <param name="RecordCount">SEL Record Type</param>
        internal static void NonTimestampedOemSelFormat(ref SystemEventLogMessage message, byte[] messageData)
            // calculate Recorded date
            message.EventDate = new DateTime(0000, 0, 0);

            message.EventVersion = MsgVersion.OEM;

            // SensorType, RawSensorType and EventTypeCode are not used for OEM SEL entries
            message.SensorType    = SensorType.Reserved;
            message.RawSensorType = (byte)SensorType.Reserved;
            message.EventTypeCode = 0xFF;

            message.SensorNumber = 0;

            message.EventDir = EventDir.Assertion;

            if (messageData.Length >= 13)
                // Allocate larger array to store OEM Non-timestamped payload
                message.RawPayload = new byte[13];

                // Copy OEM Defined payload to the response raw payload array. Format shown in IPMI 2.0 Spec Table 32-3.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(messageData, 0, message.RawPayload, 0, 13);

                // Add the raw payload as hex string to the user return class.
                message.EventPayload = IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(message.RawPayload);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats Time Stamped OEM SEL Records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="EventMessageData">Event Message Data</param>
        /// <param name="RecordCount">SEL Record Type</param>
        internal static void TimeStampedOEMSelFormat(ref SystemEventLogMessage message, byte[] messageData)
            // convert byte[] to int using Shift operation
            int TotalSeconds = messageData[0] + (messageData[1] << 8) + (messageData[2] << 16) + (messageData[3] << 24);

            // calculate Recorded date
            message.EventDate = IpmiSharedFunc.SecondsOffSet(TotalSeconds);

            message.EventVersion = MsgVersion.OEM;

            // SensorType, RawSensorType and EventTypeCode are not used for OEM SEL entries
            message.SensorType    = SensorType.Reserved;
            message.RawSensorType = (byte)SensorType.Reserved;
            message.EventTypeCode = 0xFF;

            message.SensorNumber = 0;

            message.EventDir = EventDir.Assertion;

            if (messageData.Length >= 13)
                // Allocate larger array to store OEM Timestamped payload
                message.RawPayload = new byte[9];

                // Copy Manufacturer ID and OEM Defined payload to the response raw payload array. Format shown in IPMI 2.0 Spec Table 32-2.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(messageData, 4, message.RawPayload, 0, 9);

                // Add the raw payload as hex string to the user return class.
                message.EventPayload = IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(message.RawPayload);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public FruMultiRecordInfo(byte[] data)
            : base(data)
            // default constructor
            this.Manufacturer = string.Empty;

            if (data != null)
                if (data.Length >= HeaderSize) // header length is defined as 10.
                    this.LanguageCode    = data[FruMultiRecordInfo.LanguageCodeIndex];
                    this.WritesRemaining = data[FruMultiRecordInfo.WritesRemainingIndex];
                    this.RecordTypeId    = data[FruMultiRecordInfo.RecordTypeIdIndex];
                    this.RecordFormat    = data[FruMultiRecordInfo.RecordFormatIndex];
                    this.RecordLength    = data[FruMultiRecordInfo.RecordLengthIndex];

                    byte[] manufactureArray = new byte[FruMultiRecordInfo.ManufacturerLength];
                    Array.Copy(data, FruMultiRecordInfo.ManufacturerIndex, manufactureArray, 0, FruMultiRecordInfo.ManufacturerLength);
                    this.Manufacturer = IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(manufactureArray);

                    // add fields
                    if (data.Length > FieldStartIndex)
                        // start field offset
                        int fieldIndex = FieldStartIndex;

                        // abort counter.
                        int abortCnt = 0;

                        while (fieldIndex < data.Length || abortCnt > MaximumFields)
                            // data fields are limited to 63 bytes in length, as length is 6 bit encouded in FRU specification.
                            if (data.Length >= fieldIndex + FruByteString.LengthInfo(data[fieldIndex]) && data[fieldIndex] != 0xC1)
                                Fields.Add(FruByteString.ReadByteString(this.LanguageCode, data, fieldIndex, out fieldIndex));
                                // escape while as fru space has ended.

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Send Receive Ipmi messages
        /// </summary>
        internal override IpmiResponse IpmiSendReceive(IpmiRequest ipmiRequest, Type responseType, bool allowRetry = true)
            byte[] message = ipmiRequest.GetBytes(IpmiTransport.Wmi, 0x00);

            // Create the response based on the provided type
            ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = responseType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
            IpmiResponse    ipmiResponse    = (IpmiResponse)constructorInfo.Invoke(new Object[0]);

            // Serialize the IPMI request into bytes.
            ManagementBaseObject ipmiRequestMessage = this.GetManagementObject(ipmiRequest.ToString(), message);

            // invoke new method options
            InvokeMethodOptions methodOptions = new InvokeMethodOptions(null, System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(base.Timeout));

            // management return object
            ManagementBaseObject ipmiResponseMessage = null;

            // get instance and invoke RequestResponse method
            foreach (ManagementObject mo in ipmi_Instance)
                ipmiResponseMessage = mo.InvokeMethod(ipmi_Method, wmiPacket, methodOptions);

            if (ipmiResponseMessage == null)
                // Assume the request timed out.
                ipmiResponse.CompletionCode = 0xA3;
                ipmiResponse.CompletionCode = (byte)ipmiResponseMessage["CompletionCode"];

                if (ipmiResponse.CompletionCode == 0)
                        uint dataLenght = (uint)ipmiResponseMessage["ResponseDataSize"];

                        // expected to be true, as ResponseDataSize includes completionCode
                        if (dataLenght != 0)
                            // extract response data array
                            byte[] responseData = (byte[])ipmiResponseMessage["ResponseData"];

                            // extract response message lenght
                            if (responseData != null)
                                int lenght = responseData.Length;

                                if (this.debugEnabled)
                                    string cmd = ipmiRequest.GetType().ToString();

                                    IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Command: {0} Request: {1}", cmd, IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(message)));

                                    if (responseData != null)
                                        IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Command: {0} Response: {1}", cmd, IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(responseData)));
                                        IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Request: {0} Response: null", cmd));

                                // initialize the response to set the paramaters.
                                ipmiResponse.Initialize(IpmiTransport.Wmi, responseData, lenght, 0x00);
                                ipmiResponseMessage = null;
                                // IpmiCannotReturnRequestedDataBytes, data lenght is greater than zero
                                // but responseData is null.
                                ipmiResponse.CompletionCode = 0xCA;

                                if (this.debugEnabled)
                                    IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Response Lenght: {0} Response: null.  Asserting 0xCA CompletionCode ", dataLenght));
                            // Asserting IpmiResponseNotProvided
                            ipmiResponse.CompletionCode = 0xCE;

                            if (this.debugEnabled)
                                IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Unable to obtain Response Data Lenght: {0} Response: null.  Asserting 0xCE CompletionCode ", dataLenght));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Response data Invalid, data convertion failed.
                        // unexpected error, return:
                        ipmiResponse.CompletionCode = 0xAD;

                        if (this.debugEnabled)
                            IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Exception Source: {0} Message{1}", ex.Source.ToString(), ex.Message.ToString()));
                    if (this.debugEnabled)
                        // throw ipmi/dcmi response exception with a custom string message and the ipmi completion code
                        IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Completion Code: " + IpmiSharedFunc.ByteToHexString(ipmiResponse.CompletionCode)));

                        if (ipmiResponseMessage == null)
                            IpmiSharedFunc.WriteTrace(string.Format("Request Type: {0} Response Packet: null Completion Code {1}", ipmiRequest.GetType().ToString(),
            // Response to the IPMI request message.
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats System Event (Standard Range) SEL Records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="EventMessageData">Event Message Data</param>
        /// <param name="RecordCount">SEL Record Type</param>
        internal static void StandardSelFormat(ref SystemEventLogMessage message, byte[] messageData)
            // convert data bytes from messageData byte[] to int using Shift operation
            int totalSeconds = TimeStampFromBytes(messageData);

            // calculate Recorded date
            message.EventDate = IpmiSharedFunc.SecondsOffSet(totalSeconds);

            // SEL Event Message
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MsgVersion), messageData[6]))
                message.EventVersion = (MsgVersion)messageData[6];
                message.EventVersion = MsgVersion.Unknown;

            // Sensor Type
            byte sensorType = messageData[7];

            // add sensor type to attribute class
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SensorType), sensorType))
                message.SensorType = (SensorType)sensorType;
                message.SensorType = SensorType.Unknown;

            // add sensor type to message
            message.RawSensorType = messageData[7];

            // add sensor number to the message class
            message.SensorNumber = messageData[8];

            // Event Data Byte
            byte[] eventDataByte = IpmiSharedFunc.ByteSplit(messageData[9], new int[2] {
                7, 0
            // Event Dir. Asersion/Deserstion Bit 7
            byte eventDir = eventDataByte[0];
            // EventType [6:0]
            byte eventTypeCode = eventDataByte[1];

            message.EventTypeCode = eventTypeCode;

            // Event Dir
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(EventDir), eventDir))
                message.EventDir = (EventDir)eventDir;
                message.EventDir = EventDir.Unknown;

            // copy event message payload to the response raw payload array
            Buffer.BlockCopy(messageData, 10, message.RawPayload, 0, 3);

            // Add the raw payload as hex string to the user return class.
            message.EventPayload = IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString(message.RawPayload);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Send Receive Ipmi messages
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="responseType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal override IpmiResponse IpmiSendReceive(IpmiRequest ipmiRequest, Type responseType, bool allowRetry = true)
            byte[] message = ipmiRequest.GetBytes(IpmiTransport.Wmi, 0x00);

            // Serialize the IPMI request into bytes.
            ManagementBaseObject ipmiRequestMessage = this.GetManagementObject(message);

            // invoke new method options
            InvokeMethodOptions methodOptions = new InvokeMethodOptions(null, System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(base.Timeout));

            // management return object
            ManagementBaseObject ipmiResponseMessage = null;

            // get instance and invoke RequestResponse method
            foreach (ManagementObject mo in _ipmi_Instance)
                ipmiResponseMessage = mo.InvokeMethod(_ipmi_Method, wmiPacket, methodOptions);

            if (ipmiResponseMessage == null)
                // throw ipmi/dcmi response exception with a custom string message and the ipmi completion code
                throw new IpmiResponseException();

            // ipmi response completion code
            byte completionCode = (byte)ipmiResponseMessage["CompletionCode"];

            // Create the response based on the provided type and message bytes.
            ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = responseType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
            IpmiResponse    ipmiResponse    = (IpmiResponse)constructorInfo.Invoke(new Object[0]);

            if (completionCode == 0)
                    // extract response data array
                    byte[] responseData = (byte[])ipmiResponseMessage["ResponseData"];

                    // extract response message lenght
                    int lenght = (int)ipmiResponseMessage["ResponseDataSize"];

                    // initialize the response to set the paramaters.
                    ipmiResponse.Initialize(IpmiTransport.Wmi, responseData, lenght, 0x00);
                    ipmiResponseMessage = null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Exception Source: {0} Message{1}", ex.Source.ToString(), ex.Message.ToString());
                // throw ipmi/dcmi response exception with a custom string message and the ipmi completion code
                Debug.WriteLine("Completion Code: " + IpmiSharedFunc.ByteToHexString(ipmiResponse.CompletionCode));
                if (ipmiResponseMessage == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Request Type: {0} Response Packet: {1} Completion Code {2}", ipmiRequest.GetType().ToString(),
                                    IpmiSharedFunc.ByteArrayToHexString((byte[])ipmiResponseMessage["ResponseData"]), IpmiSharedFunc.ByteToHexString(ipmiResponse.CompletionCode));

            // Response to the IPMI request message.