Exemplo n.º 1
    public Commands GetPlayerCommands(int playerIndex, ref WarsContent warsContent, ref Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.JoystickState joystickState)
        Commands commands = new Commands();

         * if (true)//joystickState.X != 0)
         * {
         *  Console.WriteLine("joystickState.X = {0}", joystickState.X);
         * }
         * if (true)//joystickState.Y != 0)
         * {
         *  Console.WriteLine("joystickState.Y = {0}", joystickState.Y);
         * }

        byte[] buttons = joystickState.GetButtons();

         * for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++)
         * {
         *  if (buttons[i] >= 128)
         *  {
         *      Console.WriteLine("Button {0} pressed!", i);
         *  }
         * }

        Ship me = warsContent.getPlayersShip(playerIndex);

        if (me.ShipType == Constants.SHIP_TYPE_MANUALLY_CONTROLLED)
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.A) || joystickState.X == 0)
                commands.left = true;
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.D) || joystickState.X == 65535)
                commands.right = true;
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.W) || buttons[4] >= 128 || buttons[5] >= 128 || buttons[6] >= 128 || buttons[7] >= 128)
                commands.throttle = true;
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.P) || buttons[0] >= 128 || buttons[1] >= 128 || buttons[2] >= 128 || buttons[3] >= 128)
                commands.fire = 1;
        else if (me.ShipType == Constants.SHIP_TYPE_COMPUTER_CONTROLLED)
            //int left = random.Next(2);
            //Ship me = warsContent.getPlayersShip(playerIndex);
            Ship other = warsContent.getPlayersShip(me.FightingPlayer);
            if (me.Counter <= 0) // find new ship to fight
                me.Counter = 3;
                int newPlayerToFight = FindNearestShip(playerIndex, ref warsContent);
                if (newPlayerToFight != 0 && (other = warsContent.getPlayersShip(newPlayerToFight)) != null)
                    me.FightingPlayer = newPlayerToFight;
                    Console.WriteLine("New player to fight: {0}", newPlayerToFight);
                //    other = warsContent.getPlayersShip(1);
            if (other == null)
                other = warsContent.getPlayersShip(1);
            //Ship other = warsContent.getPlayersShip(me.FightingPlayer);
            //Vector2 toOtherVec;
            toOtherVec = new Vector2();
            toOtherVec = other.Pos - me.Pos;

            Vector2 totSpeedVec  = other.Speed - me.Speed;
            float   toOtherAngle = GetVectorAngle(toOtherVec);
            Console.WriteLine("toOtherAngle: {0}", MathHelper.ToDegrees(toOtherAngle).ToString());
            float fromOtherAngle = MathHelper.WrapAngle(toOtherAngle - MathHelper.Pi);
            float speedAngle     = GetVectorAngle(totSpeedVec);
            float diffAngle      = MathHelper.WrapAngle(speedAngle - fromOtherAngle);
            if (diffAngle != 0)
                float speedLength = totSpeedVec.Length();
                if (speedLength != 0)
                    double sinDiffAngle = Math.Sin(diffAngle);
                    if (sinDiffAngle != 0)
                        double val = (double)(speedLength / Constants.REDSHOT_SPEED) * sinDiffAngle;
                        compensationAngle = -(float)Math.Asin(val);
            toOtherAngle += compensationAngle;
            //Console.WriteLine("compensationAngle: {0}", MathHelper.ToDegrees(compensationAngle));
            //Console.WriteLine("compensationAngle: {0}", MathHelper.ToDegrees(compensationAngle));
            //Console.WriteLine("GetVectorAngle: {0}, {1}", MathHelper.ToDegrees(toOtherAngle), MathHelper.ToDegrees(me.RotationAngle));
            if (me.RotationAngle - toOtherAngle > Constants.SMALLEST_ANGLE_DIFF_ACCEPT)
                if (me.RotationAngle - toOtherAngle < MathHelper.Pi) // Handle wrap-around ("normal" case == < Pi ==> right)
                    commands.right = true;
                    commands.left = true;
            else if (toOtherAngle - me.RotationAngle > Constants.SMALLEST_ANGLE_DIFF_ACCEPT)
                if (toOtherAngle - me.RotationAngle < MathHelper.Pi) // Handle wrap-around ("normal" case == < Pi ==> left)
                    commands.left = true;
                    commands.right = true;

            if (toOtherVec.Length() > 400 && (me.Speed.Length() <= other.Speed.Length() || Math.Abs(GetVectorAngle(me.Speed) - GetVectorAngle(toOtherVec)) > MathHelper.PiOver4))
                commands.throttle = true;

            if (random.Next(10) == 5)
                commands.fire = 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
        } // onPaint().fim

        // [---
        void verificarJoystick()
            if (joystick == null)

            // Variáveis para guardar o estado das teclas
            int seta_esquerda = 0;
            int seta_direita  = 0;
            int seta_cima     = 0;
            int seta_abaixo   = 0;

            // <b>
            DirectInput.JoystickState state = joystick.CurrentJoystickState;
            byte[] btn = state.GetButtons();

            if (state.X < -40)
                seta_esquerda = 1;
            if (state.X > 1)
                seta_direita = 1;
            if (state.Y < -40)
                seta_cima = 1;
            if (state.Y > 0)
                seta_abaixo = 1;
            if (state.Z < -40)
                seta_cima = 1;
            if (state.Z > 1)
                seta_abaixo = 1;
            // </b>

            // Atualiza posicionamento do 'jogador'
            if (seta_abaixo == 1)
                ylin += 5;
            if (seta_cima == 1)
                ylin -= 5;
            if (seta_esquerda == 1)
                xcol -= 5;
            if (seta_direita == 1)
                xcol += 5;

            // Muda 'jogador' conforme seta pressionada
            if (seta_esquerda == 1)
                jogador = "<(-:";
            if (seta_direita == 1)
                jogador = ":-)>";

            // Aplique um reset se botão 1 for pressionando
            if (btn[1] > 0)
                xcol = 320;
                ylin = 240;
            } // endif

            // Pressione os dois botões [0] e [1] do joystick para sair
            if ((btn[1] > 0) && (btn[0] > 1))
                terminar = true;

            // Processa a tecla Escape
            if (terminar)
            } // endif
        }     // Atualizarjoystick()