Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Reset()
            if (!CanReset)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Event stream is not resetable (e.g. real time).");

            if (handles != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < handles.Length; i++)
                    if (handles[i] != TraceEventNativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                        handles[i] = TraceEventNativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
                    // Annoying.  The OS resets the LogFileMode field, so I have to set it up again.
                    if (!useClassicETW)
                        logFiles[i].LogFileMode  = TraceEventNativeMethods.PROCESS_TRACE_MODE_EVENT_RECORD;
                        logFiles[i].LogFileMode |= TraceEventNativeMethods.PROCESS_TRACE_MODE_RAW_TIMESTAMP;

                    handles[i] = TraceEventNativeMethods.OpenTrace(ref logFiles[i]);

                    if (handles[i] == TraceEventNativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Initialize(string fileOrSessionName, TraceEventSourceType type)
            // Allocate the LOGFILE and structures and arrays that hold them
            // Figure out how many log files we have
            if (type == TraceEventSourceType.MergeAll)
                List <string> allLogFiles = GetMergeAllLogFiles(fileOrSessionName);

                logFiles = new TraceEventNativeMethods.EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW[allLogFiles.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < allLogFiles.Count; i++)
                    logFiles[i].LogFileName = allLogFiles[i];
                logFiles = new TraceEventNativeMethods.EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILEW[1];
                if (type == TraceEventSourceType.FileOnly)
                    logFiles[0].LogFileName = fileOrSessionName;
                    Debug.Assert(type == TraceEventSourceType.Session);
                    logFiles[0].LoggerName   = fileOrSessionName;
                    logFiles[0].LogFileMode |= TraceEventNativeMethods.EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE;
                    IsRealTime = true;
            handles = new ulong[logFiles.Length];

            // Fill  out the first log file information (we will clone it later if we have multiple files).
            logFiles[0].BufferCallback = this.TraceEventBufferCallback;
            handles[0]    = TraceEventNativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
            useClassicETW = !OperatingSystemVersion.AtLeast(OperatingSystemVersion.Vista);
            if (useClassicETW)
                IntPtr mem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(TraceEventNativeMethods.EVENT_RECORD));
                TraceEventNativeMethods.ZeroMemory(mem, sizeof(TraceEventNativeMethods.EVENT_RECORD));
                convertedHeader           = (TraceEventNativeMethods.EVENT_RECORD *)mem;
                logFiles[0].EventCallback = RawDispatchClassic;
                logFiles[0].LogFileMode  |= TraceEventNativeMethods.PROCESS_TRACE_MODE_EVENT_RECORD;
                logFiles[0].EventCallback = RawDispatch;
            // We want the raw timestamp because it is needed to match up stacks with the event they go with.
            logFiles[0].LogFileMode |= TraceEventNativeMethods.PROCESS_TRACE_MODE_RAW_TIMESTAMP;

            // Copy the information to any additional log files
            for (int i = 1; i < logFiles.Length; i++)
                logFiles[i].BufferCallback = logFiles[0].BufferCallback;
                logFiles[i].EventCallback  = logFiles[0].EventCallback;
                logFiles[i].LogFileMode    = logFiles[0].LogFileMode;
                handles[i] = handles[0];

            DateTime minSessionStartTimeUTC = DateTime.MaxValue;
            DateTime maxSessionEndTimeUTC   = DateTime.MinValue + new TimeSpan(1 * 365, 0, 0, 0); // TO avoid roundoff error when converting to QPC add a year.

            // Open all the traces
            for (int i = 0; i < handles.Length; i++)
                handles[i] = TraceEventNativeMethods.OpenTrace(ref logFiles[i]);
                if (handles[i] == TraceEventNativeMethods.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

                // Start time is minimum of all start times
                DateTime logFileStartTimeUTC = SafeFromFileTimeUtc(logFiles[i].LogfileHeader.StartTime);
                DateTime logFileEndTimeUTC   = SafeFromFileTimeUtc(logFiles[i].LogfileHeader.EndTime);

                if (logFileStartTimeUTC < minSessionStartTimeUTC)
                    minSessionStartTimeUTC = logFileStartTimeUTC;
                // End time is maximum of all start times
                if (logFileEndTimeUTC > maxSessionEndTimeUTC)
                    maxSessionEndTimeUTC = logFileEndTimeUTC;

                // TODO do we even need log pointer size anymore?
                // We take the max pointer size.
                if ((int)logFiles[i].LogfileHeader.PointerSize > pointerSize)
                    pointerSize = (int)logFiles[i].LogfileHeader.PointerSize;

            _QPCFreq = logFiles[0].LogfileHeader.PerfFreq;
            if (_QPCFreq == 0)
                _QPCFreq = Stopwatch.Frequency;

            // Real time providers don't set this to something useful
            if ((logFiles[0].LogFileMode & TraceEventNativeMethods.EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE) != 0)
                DateTime nowUTC = DateTime.UtcNow;
                long     nowQPC = QPCTime.GetUTCTimeAsQPC(nowUTC);

                _syncTimeQPC = nowQPC;
                _syncTimeUTC = nowUTC;

                sessionStartTimeQPC = nowQPC - _QPCFreq / 10;           // Subtract 1/10 sec to keep now and nowQPC in sync.
                sessionEndTimeQPC   = long.MaxValue;                    // Represents infinity.

                Debug.Assert(SessionStartTime < SessionEndTime);
                _syncTimeUTC = minSessionStartTimeUTC;

                // UTCDateTimeToQPC is actually going to give the wrong value for these because we have
                // not set _syncTimeQPC, but will be adjusted when we see the event Header and know _syncTypeQPC.
                sessionStartTimeQPC = this.UTCDateTimeToQPC(minSessionStartTimeUTC);
                sessionEndTimeQPC   = this.UTCDateTimeToQPC(maxSessionEndTimeUTC);
            Debug.Assert(_QPCFreq != 0);
            if (pointerSize == 0)       // Real time does not set this (grrr).
                pointerSize = sizeof(IntPtr);
                Debug.Assert((logFiles[0].LogFileMode & TraceEventNativeMethods.EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE) != 0);
            Debug.Assert(pointerSize == 4 || pointerSize == 8);

            cpuSpeedMHz        = (int)logFiles[0].LogfileHeader.CpuSpeedInMHz;
            numberOfProcessors = (int)logFiles[0].LogfileHeader.NumberOfProcessors;

            // We ask for raw timestamps, but the log file may have used system time as its raw timestamp.
            // SystemTime is like a QPC time that happens 10M times a second (100ns).
            // ReservedFlags is actually the ClockType 0 = Raw, 1 = QPC, 2 = SystemTimne 3 = CpuTick (we don't support)
            if (logFiles[0].LogfileHeader.ReservedFlags == 2)   // If ClockType == EVENT_TRACE_CLOCK_SYSTEMTIME
                _QPCFreq = 10000000;

            Debug.Assert(_QPCFreq != 0);
            int ver = (int)logFiles[0].LogfileHeader.Version;

            osVersion = new Version((byte)ver, (byte)(ver >> 8));

            // Logic for looking up process names
            processNameForID = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            var kernelParser = new KernelTraceEventParser(this, KernelTraceEventParser.ParserTrackingOptions.None);

            kernelParser.ProcessStartGroup += delegate(ProcessTraceData data)
                // Get just the file name without the extension.  Can't use the 'Path' class because
                // it tests to make certain it does not have illegal chars etc.  Since KernelImageFileName
                // is not a true user mode path, we can get failures.
                string path     = data.KernelImageFileName;
                int    startIdx = path.LastIndexOf('\\');
                if (0 <= startIdx)
                    startIdx = 0;
                int endIdx = path.LastIndexOf('.');
                if (endIdx <= startIdx)
                    endIdx = path.Length;
                processNameForID[data.ProcessID] = path.Substring(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx);
            kernelParser.ProcessEndGroup += delegate(ProcessTraceData data)
            kernelParser.EventTraceHeader += delegate(EventTraceHeaderTraceData data)
                if (_syncTimeQPC == 0)
                {   // In merged files there can be more of these, we only set the QPC time on the first one
                    // We were using a 'start location' of 0, but we want it to be the timestamp of this events, so we add this to our
                    // existing QPC values.
                    _syncTimeQPC         = data.TimeStampQPC;
                    sessionStartTimeQPC += data.TimeStampQPC;
                    sessionEndTimeQPC   += data.TimeStampQPC;