Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static IEdmType ResolveTypeName(
            IEdmModel model,
            IEdmType expectedType,
            string typeName,
            Func <IEdmType, string, IEdmType> customTypeResolver,
            ODataVersion version,
            out EdmTypeKind typeKind)

            Debug.Assert(model != null, "model != null");
            Debug.Assert(typeName != null, "typeName != null");
            IEdmType resolvedType = null;

            // Collection types should only be recognized in V3 and higher.
            string itemTypeName = version >= ODataVersion.V3 ? EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCollectionItemTypeName(typeName) : null;

            if (itemTypeName == null)
                // Note: we require the type resolver or the model to also resolve
                //       primitive types.
                if (customTypeResolver != null && model.IsUserModel())
                    resolvedType = customTypeResolver(expectedType, typeName);
                    if (resolvedType == null)
                        // If a type resolver is specified it must never return null.
                        throw new ODataException(Strings.MetadataUtils_ResolveTypeName(typeName));
                    resolvedType = model.FindType(typeName);

                // Spatial types are only recognized in V3 and higher.
                if (version < ODataVersion.V3 && resolvedType != null && resolvedType.IsSpatial())
                    resolvedType = null;

                typeKind = resolvedType == null ? EdmTypeKind.None : resolvedType.TypeKind;
                // Collection
                typeKind = EdmTypeKind.Collection;
                EdmTypeKind itemTypeKind;

                IEdmType expectedItemType = null;
                if (customTypeResolver != null && expectedType != null && expectedType.TypeKind == EdmTypeKind.Collection)
                    expectedItemType = ((IEdmCollectionType)expectedType).ElementType.Definition;

                IEdmType itemType = ResolveTypeName(model, expectedItemType, itemTypeName, customTypeResolver, version, out itemTypeKind);
                if (itemType != null)
                    resolvedType = EdmLibraryExtensions.GetCollectionType(itemType);
