Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates and closes existing issues based on regressions found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The remaining issues that haven't been reported yet.
        /// </returns>
        private static async Task <IEnumerable <Regression> > UpdateIssues(IEnumerable <Regression> regressions, Source source, string template)
            if (!regressions.Any())

            if (_options.Debug)

            var issues = await GetRecentIssues(source);

            Console.WriteLine($"Downloaded {issues.Count()} issues");

            // The list of regressions that remain to be reported
            var regressionsToReport = new List <Regression>(regressions).ToDictionary(x => x.Identifier, x => x);

            foreach (var issue in issues)
                if (_options.Verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Checking issue: {issue.HtmlUrl}");

                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(issue.Body))

                // For each issue, extract the regressions and update their status (recovered).
                // If all regressions are recovered, close the issue.

                var existingRegressions = ExtractRegressionsBlock(issue.Body)?.ToDictionary(x => x.Identifier, x => x);

                if (existingRegressions == null)

                // Find all regressions that are reported in this issue, and check if they have recovered

                var issueNeedsUpdate = false;

                // Update local regressions that have recovered

                foreach (var r in regressions)
                    if (existingRegressions.TryGetValue(r.Identifier, out var localRegression))
                        // If the issue has been reported, exclude it
                        if (regressionsToReport.Remove(r.Identifier))
                            Console.WriteLine($"Issue already reported {r.CurrentResult.Description} at {r.CurrentResult.DateTimeUtc}");

                        if (!localRegression.HasRecovered && r.HasRecovered)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Found update for {r.Identifier}");
                            existingRegressions.Add(r.Identifier, r);
                            issueNeedsUpdate = true;

                if (issueNeedsUpdate)
                    Console.WriteLine("Updating issue...");
                    var update = issue.ToUpdate();

                    update.Body = await CreateIssueBody(existingRegressions.Values, template);

                    // If all regressions have recovered, close it
                    if (existingRegressions.Values.All(x => x.HasRecovered))
                        Console.WriteLine("All regressions have recovered, closing the issue");
                        update.State = ItemState.Closed;

                    if (!_options.ReadOnly)
                        await GitHubHelper.GetClient().Issue.Update(_options.RepositoryId, issue.Number, update);
                    Console.WriteLine("Issue doesn't need to be updated");

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method finds regressions for a give source.
        /// Steps:
        /// - Query the table for the latest rows specified in the source
        /// - Group records by Scenario + Description (descriptor)
        /// - For each unique descriptor
        ///   - Find matching rules from the source
        ///   - Evaluate the source's probes for each record
        ///   - Calculates the std deviation
        ///   - Look for 2 consecutive deviations
        /// </summary>
        private static async IAsyncEnumerable <Regression> FindRegression(Source source)
            if (source.Regressions == null)
                yield break;

            var loadStartDateTimeUtc    = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(0 - source.DaysToLoad);
            var detectionMaxDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(0 - source.DaysToSkip);

            var allResults = new List <BenchmarksResult>();

            // Load latest records

            Console.Write("Loading records... ");

            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_options.ConnectionString))
                using (var command = new SqlCommand(String.Format(Queries.Latest, source.Table), connection))
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startDate", loadStartDateTimeUtc);

                    await connection.OpenAsync();

                    var reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync();

                    while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                        allResults.Add(new BenchmarksResult
                            Id          = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]),
                            Excluded    = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["Excluded"]),
                            DateTimeUtc = (DateTimeOffset)reader["DateTimeUtc"],
                            Session     = Convert.ToString(reader["Session"]),
                            Scenario    = Convert.ToString(reader["Scenario"]),
                            Description = Convert.ToString(reader["Description"]),
                            Document    = Convert.ToString(reader["Document"]),

            Console.WriteLine($"{allResults.Count} found");

            // Reorder results chronologically


            // Compute standard deviation

            var resultsByScenario = allResults
                                    .GroupBy(x => x.Scenario + ":" + x.Description)
                                    .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToArray())

            foreach (var descriptor in resultsByScenario.Keys)
                // Does the descriptor match a rule?

                if (!source.Include(descriptor))

                var rules = source.Match(descriptor);

                // Should regressions be ignored for this descriptor?
                var lastIgnoreRegressionRule = rules.LastOrDefault(x => x.IgnoreRegressions != null);

                if (lastIgnoreRegressionRule != null && lastIgnoreRegressionRule.IgnoreRegressions.Value)
                    if (_options.Verbose)
                        Console.WriteLine("Regressions ignored");


                // Resolve path for the metric
                var results = resultsByScenario[descriptor];

                foreach (var probe in source.Regressions.Probes)
                    if (_options.Verbose)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Evaluating probe {descriptor} {probe.Path} with {results.Count()} results");

                    var resultSet = results
                                    .Select(x => new { Result = x, Token = x.Data.SelectTokens(probe.Path).FirstOrDefault() })
                                    .Where(x => x.Token != null)
                                    .Select(x => new { Result = x.Result, Value = Convert.ToDouble(x.Token) })

                    // Find regressions

                    // Can't find a regression if there are less than 5 value
                    if (resultSet.Length < 5)
                        if (_options.Verbose)
                            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                            Console.WriteLine($"Not enough data ({resultSet.Length})");


                    if (_options.Verbose)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Values: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resultSet.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray())}");

                    var values = resultSet.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray();

                    // Look for 2 consecutive values that are outside of the threshold,
                    // subsequent to 3 consecutive values that are inside the threshold.

                    // 5 is the number of data points necessary to detect a threshold

                    for (var i = 0; i < resultSet.Length - 5; i++)
                        // Skip the measurement if it's too recent
                        if (resultSet[i].Result.DateTimeUtc >= detectionMaxDateTimeUtc)

                        if (_options.Verbose)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Checking {resultSet[i + 3].Value} at {resultSet[i + 3].Result.DateTimeUtc} with values {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(values.Skip(i).Take(5).ToArray())}");

                        // Measure stdev by picking the StdevCount results before the currently checked one
                        var stdevs = values.Take(i + 1).TakeLast(source.StdevCount).ToArray();

                        if (stdevs.Length < source.StdevCount && probe.Unit == ThresholdUnits.StDev)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Not enough values to build a standard deviation: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stdevs)}");

                        // Calculate the stdev from all values up to the verified window
                        double average = stdevs.Average();
                        double sumOfSquaresOfDifferences = stdevs.Sum(val => (val - average) * (val - average));
                        double standardDeviation         = Math.Sqrt(sumOfSquaresOfDifferences / stdevs.Length);

                        if (_options.Verbose)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Building stdev ({standardDeviation}) from last {source.StdevCount} values {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stdevs)}");

                        /*                      checked value (included in stdev)
                         *                      ^                          ______/i+3---------i+4---------
                         *  (stdev results) ----i---------i+1---------i+2/
                         *                      <- value1 ->
                         *                      <------- value2 ------->
                         *                      <--------------- value3 --------->
                         *                      <------------------------ value4 ------------->

                        if (standardDeviation == 0)
                            // We skip measurement with stdev of zero since it could induce divisions by zero, and any change will trigger
                            // a regression
                            Console.WriteLine($"Ignoring measurement with stdev = 0");

                        var value1 = values[i + 1] - values[i];
                        var value2 = values[i + 2] - values[i];
                        var value3 = values[i + 3] - values[i];
                        var value4 = values[i + 4] - values[i];

                        if (_options.Verbose)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Next values: {values[i + 0]} {values[i + 1]} {values[i + 2]} {values[i + 3]} {values[i + 4]}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"Deviations: {value1:n0} {value2:n0} {value3:n0} {value4:n0} Allowed deviation: {standardDeviation * probe.Threshold:n0}");

                        var hasRegressed = false;

                        switch (probe.Unit)
                        case ThresholdUnits.StDev:
                            // factor of standard deviation
                            hasRegressed = Math.Abs(value1) < probe.Threshold * standardDeviation &&
                                           Math.Abs(value2) < probe.Threshold * standardDeviation &&
                                           Math.Abs(value3) >= probe.Threshold * standardDeviation &&
                                           Math.Abs(value4) >= probe.Threshold * standardDeviation &&
                                           Math.Sign(value3) == Math.Sign(value4);


                        case ThresholdUnits.Percent:
                            // percentage of the average of values
                            hasRegressed = Math.Abs(value1) < average * (probe.Threshold / 100) &&
                                           Math.Abs(value2) < average * (probe.Threshold / 100) &&
                                           Math.Abs(value3) >= average * (probe.Threshold / 100) &&
                                           Math.Abs(value4) >= average * (probe.Threshold / 100) &&
                                           Math.Sign(value3) == Math.Sign(value4);


                        case ThresholdUnits.Absolute:
                            // absolute deviation
                            hasRegressed = Math.Abs(value1) < probe.Threshold &&
                                           Math.Abs(value2) < probe.Threshold &&
                                           Math.Abs(value3) >= probe.Threshold &&
                                           Math.Abs(value4) >= probe.Threshold &&
                                           Math.Sign(value3) == Math.Sign(value4);



                        if (hasRegressed)
                            var regression = new Regression
                                PreviousResult    = resultSet[i + 2].Result,
                                CurrentResult     = resultSet[i + 3].Result,
                                Change            = value3,
                                StandardDeviation = standardDeviation,
                                Average           = average

                            if (_options.Verbose)
                                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                                Console.WriteLine($"Regression detected: {values[i + 2]:n0} to {values[i + 3]:n0} for {regression.Identifier}");

                            foreach (var rule in rules)
                                foreach (var label in rule.Labels)

                                foreach (var owner in rule.Owners)

                            foreach (var label in source.Regressions.Labels)

                            foreach (var owner in source.Regressions.Owners)

                            // If there are subsequent measurements, detect if the benchmark has
                            // recovered
                            // - if the delta is inside the threshold limits
                            // - the delta is outside the threshold limits but in the opposite sign

                            for (var j = i + 5; j < resultSet.Length; j++)
                                var nextValue = values[j] - values[i];

                                var hasRecovered = false;

                                // It has recovered if the difference between the first measurement and the current one
                                // are within the threashold boundaries, or if the value is better (opposite sign).

                                switch (probe.Unit)
                                case ThresholdUnits.StDev:
                                    // factor of standard deviation
                                    hasRecovered = Math.Abs(nextValue) < probe.Threshold * standardDeviation || Math.Sign(nextValue) != Math.Sign(value4);


                                case ThresholdUnits.Percent:
                                    // percentage of the average of values
                                    hasRecovered = Math.Abs(nextValue) < average * (probe.Threshold / 100) || Math.Sign(nextValue) != Math.Sign(value4);


                                case ThresholdUnits.Absolute:
                                    // absolute deviation
                                    hasRecovered = Math.Abs(nextValue) < probe.Threshold || Math.Sign(nextValue) != Math.Sign(value4);



                                if (hasRecovered)
                                    regression.RecoveredResult = resultSet[j].Result;

                                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Recovered on {regression.RecoveredResult.DateTimeUtc}");



                            yield return(regression);