public bool TryGetSmartTokenIndentation(out IndentationResult indentationResult)
                if (ShouldUseTokenIndenter(out var token))
                    // var root = document.GetSyntaxRootSynchronously(cancellationToken);
                    var sourceText = Tree.GetText(CancellationToken);

                    var formatter = CreateSmartTokenFormatter();
                    var changes   = formatter.FormatTokenAsync(Document.Project.Solution.Workspace, token, CancellationToken)

                    var updatedSourceText = sourceText.WithChanges(changes);
                    if (LineToBeIndented.LineNumber < updatedSourceText.Lines.Count)
                        var updatedLine = updatedSourceText.Lines[LineToBeIndented.LineNumber];
                        var offset      = updatedLine.GetFirstNonWhitespaceOffset();
                        if (offset != null)
                            indentationResult = new IndentationResult(
                                basePosition: LineToBeIndented.Start,
                                offset: offset.Value);

                indentationResult = default;
Exemplo n.º 2
            public bool TryGetSmartTokenIndentation(out IndentationResult indentationResult)
                if (_service.ShouldUseTokenIndenter(this, out var token))
                    var changes = SmartTokenFormatter.FormatToken(token, CancellationToken);

                    var updatedSourceText = Text.WithChanges(changes);
                    if (LineToBeIndented.LineNumber < updatedSourceText.Lines.Count)
                        var updatedLine         = updatedSourceText.Lines[LineToBeIndented.LineNumber];
                        var nonWhitespaceOffset = updatedLine.GetFirstNonWhitespaceOffset();
                        if (nonWhitespaceOffset != null)
                            // 'nonWhitespaceOffset' is simply an int indicating how many
                            // *characters* of indentation to include.  For example, an indentation
                            // string of \t\t\t would just count for nonWhitespaceOffset of '3' (one
                            // for each tab char).
                            // However, what we want is the true columnar offset for the line.
                            // That's what our caller (normally the editor) needs to determine where
                            // to actually put the caret and what whitespace needs to proceed it.
                            // This can be computed with GetColumnFromLineOffset which again looks
                            // at the contents of the line, but this time evaluates how \t characters
                            // should translate to column chars.
                            var offset = updatedLine.GetColumnFromLineOffset(nonWhitespaceOffset.Value, _tabSize);
                            indentationResult = new IndentationResult(basePosition: LineToBeIndented.Start, offset: offset);

                indentationResult = default;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static string GetIndentationString(this IndentationResult indentationResult, SourceText sourceText, bool useTabs, int tabSize)
            var baseLine         = sourceText.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(indentationResult.BasePosition);
            var baseOffsetInLine = indentationResult.BasePosition - baseLine.Start;

            var indent = baseOffsetInLine + indentationResult.Offset;

            var indentString = indent.CreateIndentationString(useTabs, tabSize);
