private Model FilterModelInBackgroundWorker(
                Model model,
                int id,
                SnapshotPoint caretPosition,
                CompletionFilterReason filterReason,
                ImmutableDictionary <CompletionItemFilter, bool> filterState)
                if (model == null)

                // We want to dismiss the session if the caret ever moved outside our bounds.
                // Do this before we check the _filterId.  We don't want this work to not happen
                // just because the user typed more text and added more filter items.
                if (filterReason == CompletionFilterReason.CaretPositionChanged &&
                    Controller.IsCaretOutsideAllItemBounds(model, caretPosition))

                // If the UI specified an updated filter state, then incorporate that
                // into our model. Do this before we check the _filterId.  We don't
                // want this work to not happen just because the user typed more text
                // and added more filter items.
                if (filterState != null)
                    model = model.WithFilterState(filterState);

                // If there's another request in the queue to filter items, then just
                // bail out immediately.  No point in doing extra work that's just
                // going to be overridden by the next filter task.
                if (id != _filterId)

                var textSnapshot   = caretPosition.Snapshot;
                var textSpanToText = new Dictionary <TextSpan, string>();

                var document = this.Controller.GetDocument();
                var helper   = this.Controller.GetCompletionHelper();

                var recentItems = this.Controller.GetRecentItems();

                var filterResults = new List <FilterResult>();

                var filterText = model.GetCurrentTextInSnapshot(
                    model.OriginalList.Span, textSnapshot, textSpanToText);

                // Check if the user is typing a number.  If so, only proceed if it's a number
                // directly after a <dot>.  That's because it is actually reasonable for completion
                // to be brought up after a <dot> and for the user to want to filter completion
                // items based on a number that exists in the name of the item.  However, when
                // we are not after a dot (i.e. we're being brought up after <space> is typed)
                // then we don't want to filter things.  Consider the user writing:
                //      dim i =<space>
                // We'll bring up the completion list here (as VB has completion on <space>).
                // If the user then types '3', we don't want to match against Int32.
                var filterTextStartsWithANumber = filterText.Length > 0 && char.IsNumber(filterText[0]);

                if (filterTextStartsWithANumber)
                    if (!IsAfterDot(model, textSnapshot, textSpanToText))

                var effectiveFilterItemState = ComputeEffectiveFilterItemState(model);

                foreach (var currentItem in model.TotalItems)
                    // Check if something new has happened and there's a later on filter operation
                    // in the chain.  If so, there's no need for us to do any more work (as it will
                    // just be superceded by the later work).
                    if (id != _filterId)

                    if (CompletionItemFilter.ShouldBeFilteredOutOfCompletionList(
                            currentItem, effectiveFilterItemState))

                    // Check if the item matches the filter text typed so far.
                    var matchesFilterText = MatchesFilterText(helper, currentItem, filterText, model.Trigger, filterReason, recentItems);

                    if (matchesFilterText)
                        filterResults.Add(new FilterResult(
                                              currentItem, filterText, matchedFilterText: true));
                        // The item didn't match the filter text.  We'll still keep it in the list
                        // if one of two things is true:
                        //  1. The user has only typed a single character.  In this case they might
                        //     have just typed the character to get completion.  Filtering out items
                        //     here is not desirable.
                        //  2. They brough up completion with ctrl-j or through deletion.  In these
                        //     cases we just always keep all the items in the list.

                        var wasTriggeredByDeleteOrSimpleInvoke =
                            model.Trigger.Kind == CompletionTriggerKind.Deletion ||
                            model.Trigger.Kind == CompletionTriggerKind.Invoke;
                        var shouldKeepItem = filterText.Length <= 1 || wasTriggeredByDeleteOrSimpleInvoke;

                        if (shouldKeepItem)
                            filterResults.Add(new FilterResult(
                                                  currentItem, filterText, matchedFilterText: false));

                model = model.WithFilterText(filterText);

                // If no items matched the filter text then determine what we should do.
                if (filterResults.Count == 0)
                    return(HandleAllItemsFilteredOut(model, filterReason));

                // If this was deletion, then we control the entire behavior of deletion
                // ourselves.
                if (model.Trigger.Kind == CompletionTriggerKind.Deletion)
                    return(HandleDeletionTrigger(model, filterReason, filterResults));

                           model, document, filterReason, caretPosition,
                           helper, recentItems, filterText, filterResults));
Exemplo n.º 2
            private Model FilterModelInBackgroundWorker(
                Model model,
                int id,
                SnapshotPoint caretPosition,
                bool recheckCaretPosition,
                bool dismissIfEmptyAllowed,
                CompletionFilterReason filterReason)
                if (model == null)

                var filterState = model.FilterState;

                // If all the filters are on, or all the filters are off then we don't actually
                // need to filter.
                if (filterState != null)
                    if (filterState.Values.All(b => b) ||
                        filterState.Values.All(b => !b))
                        filterState = null;

                // We want to dismiss the session if the caret ever moved outside our bounds.
                if (recheckCaretPosition && Controller.IsCaretOutsideAllItemBounds(model, caretPosition))

                if (id != _filterId)

                var textSnapshot     = caretPosition.Snapshot;
                var allFilteredItems = new List <PresentationItem>();
                var textSpanToText   = new Dictionary <TextSpan, string>();
                var helper           = this.Controller.GetCompletionHelper();

                // isUnique tracks if there is a single
                bool?            isUnique        = null;
                PresentationItem bestFilterMatch = null;
                bool             filterTextIsPotentialIdentifier = false;

                var recentItems = this.Controller.GetRecentItems();

                var itemToFilterText = new Dictionary <CompletionItem, string>();

                model = model.WithCompletionItemToFilterText(itemToFilterText);

                foreach (var currentItem in model.TotalItems)
                    // Check if something new has happened and there's a later on filter operation
                    // in the chain.  If so, there's no need for us to do any more work (as it will
                    // just be superceded by the later work).
                    if (id != _filterId)

                    // We may have wrapped some items in the list in DescriptionModifying items,
                    // but we should use the actual underlying items when filtering. That way
                    // our rules can access the underlying item's provider.

                    if (ItemIsFilteredOut(currentItem.Item, filterState))

                    var filterText        = model.GetCurrentTextInSnapshot(currentItem.Item.Span, textSnapshot, textSpanToText);
                    var matchesFilterText = helper.MatchesFilterText(currentItem.Item, filterText, model.Trigger, filterReason, recentItems);
                    itemToFilterText[currentItem.Item] = filterText;

                    if (matchesFilterText)

                        // If we have no best match, or this match is better than the last match,
                        // then the current item is the best filter match.
                        if (bestFilterMatch == null ||
                            helper.IsBetterFilterMatch(currentItem.Item, bestFilterMatch.Item, filterText, model.Trigger, filterReason, recentItems))
                            bestFilterMatch = currentItem;

                        // If isUnique is null, then this is the first time we've seen an item that
                        // matches the filter text.  That item is now considered unique.  However, if
                        // isUnique is non-null, then this is the second (or third, or fourth, etc.)
                        // that a provider said to include. It's no longer unique.
                        // Note: We only want to do this if any filter text was actually provided.
                        // This is so we can handle the following cases properly:
                        //    Console.WriteLi$$
                        // If they try to commit unique item there, we want to commit to
                        // "WriteLine".  However, if they just have:
                        //    Console.$$
                        // And they try to commit unique item, we won't commit something just
                        // because it was in the MRU list.
                        if (filterText != string.Empty)
                            isUnique = isUnique == null || false;
                        if (filterText.Length <= 1)
                            // Even though the rule provider didn't match this, we'll still include it
                            // since we want to allow a user typing a single character and seeing all
                            // possibly completions.  However, we don't consider it either unique or a
                            // filter match, so we won't select it.

                        // We want to dismiss the list if the user is typing a # and nothing matches
                        filterTextIsPotentialIdentifier = filterTextIsPotentialIdentifier ||
                                                          filterText.Length == 0 ||
                                                          (!char.IsDigit(filterText[0]) && filterText[0] != '-' && filterText[0] != '.');

                if (!filterTextIsPotentialIdentifier && bestFilterMatch == null)
                    // We had no matches, and the user is typing a #, dismiss the list

                if (allFilteredItems.Count == 0)
                    if (dismissIfEmptyAllowed &&
                        model.DismissIfEmpty &&
                        filterReason != CompletionFilterReason.BackspaceOrDelete)

                    if (model.FilterState != null && model.FilterState.Values.Any(b => b))
                        // If the user has turned on some filtering states, and we filtered down to
                        // nothing, then we do want the UI to show that to them.
                        // If we are going to filter everything out, then just preserve the existing
                        // model, but switch over to soft selection.  Also, nothing is unique at that
                        // point.

                // If we have a best item, then select it.  Otherwise just use the first item
                // in the list.
                var selectedItem = bestFilterMatch ?? allFilteredItems.First();

                // If we have a best item, then we want to hard select it.  Otherwise we want
                // soft selection.  However, no hard selection if there's a builder.
                var hardSelection = IsHardSelection(model, bestFilterMatch, textSnapshot, helper, model.Trigger, filterReason);

                var result = model.WithFilteredItems(allFilteredItems.ToImmutableArray())
                             .WithIsUnique(isUnique.HasValue && isUnique.Value);

Exemplo n.º 3
            private Model FilterModelInBackgroundWorker(
                Model model,
                int id,
                SnapshotPoint caretPosition,
                bool recheckCaretPosition,
                bool dismissIfEmptyAllowed,
                CompletionFilterReason filterReason)
                if (model == null)

                var filterState = model.FilterState;

                // If all the filters are on, or all the filters are off then we don't actually
                // need to filter.
                if (filterState != null)
                    if (filterState.Values.All(b => b) ||
                        filterState.Values.All(b => !b))
                        filterState = null;

                // We want to dismiss the session if the caret ever moved outside our bounds.
                if (recheckCaretPosition && Controller.IsCaretOutsideAllItemBounds(model, caretPosition))

                if (id != _filterId)

                var textSnapshot   = caretPosition.Snapshot;
                var textSpanToText = new Dictionary <TextSpan, string>();

                var document = this.Controller.GetDocument();
                var helper   = this.Controller.GetCompletionHelper();

                var recentItems = this.Controller.GetRecentItems();

                var filterResults = new List <FilterResult>();

                var filterText = model.GetCurrentTextInSnapshot(
                    model.OriginalList.Span, textSnapshot, textSpanToText);

                // Check if the user is typing a number.  If so, only proceed if it's a number
                // directly after a <dot>.  That's because it is actually reasonable for completion
                // to be brought up after a <dot> and for the user to want to filter completion
                // items based on a number that exists in the name of the item.  However, when
                // we are not after a dot (i.e. we're being brought up after <space> is typed)
                // then we don't want to filter things.  Consider the user writing:
                //      dim i =<space>
                // We'll bring up the completion list here (as VB has completion on <space>).
                // If the user then types '3', we don't want to match against Int32.
                var filterTextStartsWithANumber = filterText.Length > 0 && char.IsNumber(filterText[0]);

                if (filterTextStartsWithANumber)
                    if (!IsAfterDot(model, textSnapshot, textSpanToText))

                foreach (var currentItem in model.TotalItems)
                    // Check if something new has happened and there's a later on filter operation
                    // in the chain.  If so, there's no need for us to do any more work (as it will
                    // just be superceded by the later work).
                    if (id != _filterId)

                    if (ItemIsFilteredOut(currentItem, filterState))

                    // Check if the item matches the filter text typed so far.
                    var matchesFilterText = MatchesFilterText(helper, currentItem, filterText, model.Trigger, filterReason, recentItems);

                    if (matchesFilterText)
                        filterResults.Add(new FilterResult(
                                              currentItem, filterText, matchedFilterText: true));
                        if (filterText.Length <= 1)
                            // Even though the rule provider didn't match this, we'll still include it
                            // since we want to allow a user typing a single character and seeing all
                            // possibly completions.
                            filterResults.Add(new FilterResult(
                                                  currentItem, filterText, matchedFilterText: false));

                model = model.WithFilterText(filterText);

                // If no items matched the filter text then determine what we should do.
                if (filterResults.Count == 0)
                    return(HandleAllItemsFilteredOut(model, filterReason, dismissIfEmptyAllowed));

                // If this was deletion, then we control the entire behavior of deletion
                // ourselves.
                if (model.Trigger.Kind == CompletionTriggerKind.Deletion)
                    return(HandleDeletionTrigger(model, filterResults));

                           model, document, filterReason, textSnapshot,
                           helper, recentItems, filterText, filterResults));