Exemplo n.º 1
        private BoundExpression VisitExpressionImpl(BoundExpression node)
            ConstantValue constantValue = node.ConstantValue;

            if (constantValue != null)
                TypeSymbol type = node.Type;
                if (type?.IsNullableType() != true)
                    return(MakeLiteral(node.Syntax, constantValue, type));

            var visited = VisitExpressionWithStackGuard(node);

            // If you *really* need to change the type, consider using an indirect method
            // like compound assignment does (extra flag only passed when it is an expression
            // statement means that this constraint is not violated).
            // Dynamic type will be erased in emit phase. It is considered equivalent to Object in lowered bound trees.
            // Unused deconstructions are lowered to produce a return value that isn't a tuple type.
            Debug.Assert(visited == null || visited.HasErrors || ReferenceEquals(visited.Type, node.Type) ||
                         visited.Type.Equals(node.Type, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreDynamicAndTupleNames) ||
                         IsUnusedDeconstruction(node) ||
                         (_compilation.Options.HasRuntime && node?.Type == _compilation.UsualType()));
            Debug.Assert(visited == null || visited.HasErrors || ReferenceEquals(visited.Type, node.Type) ||
                         visited.Type.Equals(node.Type, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreDynamicAndTupleNames) ||
            if (visited != null && visited != node)
                if (!CanBePassedByReference(node) && CanBePassedByReference(visited))
                    visited = RefAccessMustMakeCopy(visited);
