A base class for an object provided by the application hosting the metadata reader. The object allows the host application to control how assembly references are unified, where files are found and so on. The object also controls the lifetime of things such as memory mapped files and blocks of unmanaged memory. Be sure to call Dispose on the object when it is no longer needed and the associated locks and/or memory must be released immediately.
Inheritance: MetadataHostEnvironment, IMetadataReaderHost, IDisposable
        internal IEnumerable <IMethodDefinition> getReachableMethodsFromMethod(IMethodReference method, IEnumerable <IModule> modules)
            IEnumerable <IAssembly> assemblies = getAssembliesFromModules(modules);

            Microsoft.Cci.MetadataReaderHost readerHost = host as Microsoft.Cci.MetadataReaderHost;

            if (readerHost == null)
                return(new List <IMethodDefinition>()); //?
            ILGarbageCollect.Mark.WholeProgram program = new ILGarbageCollect.Mark.WholeProgram(assemblies, readerHost);
            RapidTypeAnalysis analyzer = new RapidTypeAnalysis(program, TargetProfile.Phone);

            analyzer.Run(new IMethodReference[] { method });
    public PhoneNavigationCodeTraverser(MetadataReaderHost host, IEnumerable<IAssemblyReference> assemblies) : base() {
      this.host = host;
      List<IAssembly> assembliesTraversed = new List<IAssembly>();
      foreach (IAssemblyReference asmRef in assemblies) {

      Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType platform = host.PlatformType as Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType;
      // TODO obtain version, culture and signature data dynamically
      IAssemblyReference assembly= PhoneTypeHelper.getPhoneAssemblyReference(host);
      // TODO determine the needed types dynamically
      navigationSvcType = platform.CreateReference(assembly, "System", "Windows", "Navigation", "NavigationService");

      assembly = PhoneTypeHelper.getSystemAssemblyReference(host);
      cancelEventArgsType = platform.CreateReference(assembly, "System", "ComponentModel", "CancelEventArgs");
      navigationCallers = new HashSet<IMethodReference>();
Exemplo n.º 3
    public static AssemblyIdentity GetAssemblyIdentity(EnvDTE.Project project, MetadataReaderHost host) {
      Contract.Requires(project != null);
      Contract.Requires(host != null);

      if (!ProjectIsAvailable(project))
        return null;

      VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Getting the assembly identity for project: " + project.Name);

      string location_RootDir = null;
      string location_RelativeAssemblyDir = null;
      string location_FileName = null;
      string location = null;
      IName iName = null;
      string culture = "";//TODO: Find out where to get culture information.
      Version version = new Version();
      AssemblyIdentity result = null;
      try {
        var activePropCount = 
          project.ConfigurationManager != null && project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration != null && project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties != null ?
          project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties.Count : 0;
        for (int i = activePropCount; 1 <= i; i--) {
          var prop = project.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.Properties.Item(i);
          if (prop == null) continue;
          if (prop.Name == "OutputPath") {
            location_RelativeAssemblyDir = prop.Value as string;
        var propCount = project.Properties != null ? project.Properties.Count : 0;
        for (int i = propCount; 1 <= i; i--) {
          var prop = project.Properties.Item(i);
          if (prop == null) continue;
          switch (prop.Name) {
            case "AssemblyName":
              iName = host.NameTable.GetNameFor(prop.Value as string);
            case "AssemblyVersion":
              var stringVersion = prop.Value as string;
              if (!Version.TryParse(stringVersion, out version))
                  version = new Version();
              Contract.Assume(version != null);
            case "FullPath":
              location_RootDir = prop.Value as string;
            case "OutputFileName":
              location_FileName = prop.Value as string;
      } catch (COMException comEx) {
        VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("COM Exception while trying to access project's properties.");
        VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Message: " + comEx.Message);
        if (comEx.Message.Contains(COMExceptionMessage_ProjectUnavailable)) {
          VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Returning null.");
          return null;
        } else if (((uint)comEx.ErrorCode) == 0x80020009) {
          VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Returning null.");
          return null;
        } else {
          throw comEx;

      //Check if we got enough information from VS to build the location
      if (location_FileName == null
        || location_RelativeAssemblyDir == null
        || location_RootDir == null) {
        VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Couldn't find path to the project's output assembly.");
        return null;

      //Set the location of the output assembly
      location = Path.Combine(location_RootDir, location_RelativeAssemblyDir, location_FileName);

      //Check that the output assembly exists
      if (!File.Exists(location)) {
        VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Project output assembly could not be found at the location given by Visual Studio: " + location);

      //Check our other information from VS
      if (iName == null
        || string.IsNullOrEmpty(location)) {
        VSServiceProvider.Current.Logger.WriteToLog("Couldn't gather sufficient information from the project to construct an assembly identity.");
        return null;

      Contract.Assert(version != null);
      Contract.Assert(culture != null);
      result = new AssemblyIdentity(iName, culture, version, Enumerable<byte>.Empty, location);
      host.AddLibPath(Path.Combine(location_RootDir, location_RelativeAssemblyDir, "CodeContracts"));
      host.AddLibPath(Path.Combine(location_RootDir, location_RelativeAssemblyDir, @"..\Debug\CodeContracts"));

      return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
    public static void AddProjectReferencesPathsIntoHost(References references, MetadataReaderHost host) {
      Contract.Requires(host != null);

      if (references == null) return;
      for (int i = 1; i <= references.Count; i++) {
        var tempRef = references.Item(i);
        if (tempRef == null) continue;

        var refPath = tempRef.Path;
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(refPath)) {
          var refDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(refPath);
          if (refDir != null) {
            var referenceAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(refDir, "CodeContracts");
            if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(referenceAssemblyPath))

Exemplo n.º 5
 private CciModuleSource(MetadataReaderHost host, IAssembly module) : this(host)
     _moduleInfoList.Add(new ModuleInfo(module));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public CciModuleSource(MetadataReaderHost host, List<ModuleInfo> moduleInfoList) : this(host)
     _moduleInfoList = moduleInfoList;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public CciModuleSource(MetadataReaderHost host = null)
     pdbReaders = new Dictionary<string, PdbReader>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
     _host = host ?? new PeReader.DefaultHost();
     _moduleInfoList = new List<ModuleInfo>();
 public PhoneNavigationMetadataTraverser(MetadataReaderHost host)
   : base() {
   this.host = host;
Exemplo n.º 9
    private static void RewriteBinary(
        Assembly copy,
        AssemblyReport assemblyReport,
        MetadataReaderHost host,
        string outputPath,
        MethodRemoval methodRemoval,
        StubMethodBodyEmitter stubEmitter) {

      /* This is an attempt to decouple the MethodRemoval commandline options
       * from the tree shaker, but it doesn't really seem to be working.
       * Might be better to just pass the method removal directly to
       * the rewriter.

      bool removeMethods = (methodRemoval == MethodRemoval.Remove);
      bool fullDebugStubs = (methodRemoval == MethodRemoval.Debug);
      bool dryRun = (methodRemoval == MethodRemoval.None);

      PdbReader/*?*/ pdbReader = null;
      string pdbFile = Path.ChangeExtension(copy.Location, "pdb");
      if (File.Exists(pdbFile)) {
        using (var pdbStream = File.OpenRead(pdbFile)) {
          pdbReader = new PdbReader(pdbStream, host);
      else {
        Console.WriteLine("Could not load the PDB file for '" + copy.Name.Value + "' . Proceeding anyway.");

      using (pdbReader) {
        var localScopeProvider = pdbReader == null ? null : new ILGenerator.LocalScopeProvider(pdbReader);
        var outputFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputPath);
        using (var peStream = File.Create(outputPath)) {
          using (var pdbWriter = new PdbWriter(outputFileName + ".pdb", pdbReader)) {
            var rewriter = new TreeShakingRewriter(host, assemblyReport, dryRun, removeMethods, fullDebugStubs, stubEmitter);
            IAssembly rewrittenCopy = rewriter.Rewrite(copy);

            PeWriter.WritePeToStream(rewrittenCopy, host, peStream, pdbReader, localScopeProvider, pdbWriter);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void Dispose() {
     _mutableAssembly = null;
     _host = null;
 public PhoneInitializationCodeTraverser(MetadataReaderHost host, IMethodDefinition traversedMethod) : base() {
   this.methodBeingTraversed = traversedMethod;
   this.host = host;
 public PhoneInitializationMetadataTraverser(MetadataReaderHost host)
   : base() {
     this.host = host;