Exemplo n.º 1
        protected BindingContext(BindingContext parent)
            m_ExprFactory = parent.m_ExprFactory;
            m_outputContext = parent.m_outputContext;
            m_pNameGenerator = parent.m_pNameGenerator;
            m_pInputFile = parent.m_pInputFile;
            m_pParentDecl = parent.m_pParentDecl;
            m_pContainingAgg = parent.m_pContainingAgg;
            m_pCurrentSwitchType = parent.m_pCurrentSwitchType;
            m_pOriginalConstantField = parent.m_pOriginalConstantField;
            m_pCurrentFieldSymbol = parent.m_pCurrentFieldSymbol;
            m_pImplicitlyTypedLocal = parent.m_pImplicitlyTypedLocal;
            m_pOuterScope = parent.m_pOuterScope;
            m_pFinallyScope = parent.m_pFinallyScope;
            m_pTryScope = parent.m_pTryScope;
            m_pCatchScope = parent.m_pCatchScope;
            m_pCurrentScope = parent.m_pCurrentScope;
            m_pSwitchScope = parent.m_pSwitchScope;
            m_pCurrentBlock = parent.m_pCurrentBlock;
            m_ppamis = parent.m_ppamis;
            m_pamiCurrent = parent.m_pamiCurrent;
            m_UnsafeState = parent.m_UnsafeState;
            m_FinallyNestingCount = parent.m_FinallyNestingCount;
            m_bInsideTryOfCatch = parent.m_bInsideTryOfCatch;
            m_bInFieldInitializer = parent.m_bInFieldInitializer;
            m_bInBaseConstructorCall = parent.m_bInBaseConstructorCall;
            CheckedNormal = parent.CheckedNormal;
            CheckedConstant = parent.CheckedConstant;
            m_aidExternAliasLookupContext = parent.m_aidExternAliasLookupContext;

            m_bAllowUnsafeBlocks = parent.m_bAllowUnsafeBlocks;
            m_bIsOptimizingSwitchAndArrayInit = parent.m_bIsOptimizingSwitchAndArrayInit;
            m_bShowReachability = parent.m_bShowReachability;
            m_bWrapNonExceptionThrows = parent.m_bWrapNonExceptionThrows;
            m_bflushLocalVariableTypesForEachStatement = parent.m_bflushLocalVariableTypesForEachStatement;
            m_bInRefactoring = parent.m_bInRefactoring;
            m_bInAttribute = parent.m_bInAttribute;
            m_bRespectSemanticsAndReportErrors = parent.m_bRespectSemanticsAndReportErrors;
            m_pInitType = parent.m_pInitType;
            m_returnErrorSink = parent.m_returnErrorSink;

            Debug.Assert(parent.SemanticChecker != null);
            this.SemanticChecker = parent.SemanticChecker;
            this.SymbolLoader = SemanticChecker.GetSymbolLoader();
Exemplo n.º 2
        private bool TryVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, AggregateType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc.isInterfaceType() || typeSrc.isDelegateType());

            typeDst = null;

            AggregateSymbol aggSym = typeSrc.GetOwningAggregate();
            AggregateType aggOpenType = aggSym.getThisType();

            if (!semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(aggOpenType, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()))
                // if the aggregate symbol itself is not accessible, then forget it, there is no
                // variance that will help us arrive at an accessible type.
                return false;

            TypeArray typeArgs = typeSrc.GetTypeArgsThis();
            TypeArray typeParams = aggOpenType.GetTypeArgsThis();
            CType[] newTypeArgsTemp = new CType[typeArgs.size];

            for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.size; i++)
                if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeArgs.Item(i), bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()))
                    // we have an accessible argument, this position is not a problem.
                    newTypeArgsTemp[i] = typeArgs.Item(i);

                if (!typeArgs.Item(i).IsRefType() || !typeParams.Item(i).AsTypeParameterType().Covariant)
                    // This guy is inaccessible, and we are not going to be able to vary him, so we need to fail.
                    return false;

                CType intermediateTypeArg;
                if (GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, typeArgs.Item(i), out intermediateTypeArg))
                    // now we either have a value type (which must be accessible due to the above
                    // check, OR we have an inaccessible type (which must be a ref type). In either
                    // case, the recursion worked out and we are OK to vary this argument.
                    newTypeArgsTemp[i] = intermediateTypeArg;
                    Debug.Assert(false, "GetBestAccessibleType unexpectedly failed on a type that was used as a type parameter");
                    return false;

            TypeArray newTypeArgs = semanticChecker.getBSymmgr().AllocParams(typeArgs.size, newTypeArgsTemp);
            CType intermediateType = this.GetAggregate(aggSym, typeSrc.outerType, newTypeArgs);

            // All type arguments were varied successfully, which means now we must be accessible. But we could
            // have violated constraints. Let's check that out.

            if (!TypeBind.CheckConstraints(semanticChecker, null/*ErrorHandling*/, intermediateType, CheckConstraintsFlags.NoErrors))
                return false;

            typeDst = intermediateType;
            Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private bool TryArrayVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, ArrayType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);

            typeDst = null;

            // We are here because we have an array type with an inaccessible element type. If possible,
            // we should create a new array type that has an accessible element type for which a
            // conversion exists.

            CType elementType = typeSrc.GetElementType();
            if (!elementType.IsRefType())
                // Covariant array conversions exist for reference types only.
                return false;

            CType intermediateType;
            if (GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, elementType, out intermediateType))
                typeDst = this.GetArray(intermediateType, typeSrc.rank);

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void Reset()
            _controller = new RuntimeBinderController();
            _semanticChecker = new LangCompiler(_controller, new NameManager());

            BSYMMGR bsymmgr = _semanticChecker.getBSymmgr();
            NameManager nameManager = _semanticChecker.GetNameManager();

            InputFile infile = bsymmgr.GetMiscSymFactory().CreateMDInfile(nameManager.Lookup(""), (mdToken)0);

            _symbolTable = new SymbolTable(
            _semanticChecker.getPredefTypes().Init(_semanticChecker.GetErrorContext(), _symbolTable);
            SymbolLoader.getPredefinedMembers().RuntimeBinderSymbolTable = _symbolTable;

            _exprFactory = new ExprFactory(_semanticChecker.GetSymbolLoader().GetGlobalSymbolContext());
            _outputContext = new OutputContext();
            _nameGenerator = new NameGenerator();
            _bindingContext = BindingContext.CreateInstance(
            _binder = new ExpressionBinder(_bindingContext);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        internal bool GetBestAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, CType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            // This method implements the "best accessible type" algorithm for determining the type
            // of untyped arguments in the runtime binder. It is also used in method type inference
            // to fix type arguments to types that are accessible.

            // The new type is returned in an out parameter. The result will be true (and the out param
            // non-null) only when the algorithm could find a suitable accessible type.

            Debug.Assert(semanticChecker != null);
            Debug.Assert(bindingContext != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);

            typeDst = null;

            if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeSrc, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()))
                // If we already have an accessible type, then use it. This is the terminal point of the recursion.
                typeDst = typeSrc;
                return true;

            // These guys have no accessibility concerns.
            Debug.Assert(!typeSrc.IsVoidType() && !typeSrc.IsErrorType() && !typeSrc.IsTypeParameterType());

            if (typeSrc.IsParameterModifierType() || typeSrc.IsPointerType())
                // We cannot vary these.
                return false;

            CType intermediateType;
            if ((typeSrc.isInterfaceType() || typeSrc.isDelegateType()) && TryVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, typeSrc.AsAggregateType(), out intermediateType))
                // If we have an interface or delegate type, then it can potentially be varied by its type arguments
                // to produce an accessible type, and if that's the case, then return that.
                // Example: IEnumerable<PrivateConcreteFoo> --> IEnumerable<PublicAbstractFoo>
                typeDst = intermediateType;

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;

            if (typeSrc.IsArrayType() && TryArrayVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, typeSrc.AsArrayType(), out intermediateType))
                // Similarly to the interface and delegate case, arrays are covariant in their element type and
                // so we can potentially produce an array type that is accessible.
                // Example: PrivateConcreteFoo[] --> PublicAbstractFoo[]
                typeDst = intermediateType;

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;

            if (typeSrc.IsNullableType())
                // We have an inaccessible nullable type, which means that the best we can do is System.ValueType.
                typeDst = this.GetOptPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_VALUE).getThisType();

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;

            if (typeSrc.IsArrayType())
                // We have an inaccessible array type for which we could not earlier find a better array type
                // with a covariant conversion, so the best we can do is System.Array.
                typeDst = this.GetReqPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_ARRAY).getThisType();

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup()));
                return true;


            if (typeSrc.IsAggregateType())
                // We have an AggregateType, so recurse on its base class.
                AggregateType aggType = typeSrc.AsAggregateType();
                AggregateType baseType = aggType.GetBaseClass();

                if (baseType == null)
                    // This happens with interfaces, for instance. But in that case, the
                    // conversion to object does exist, is an implicit reference conversion,
                    // and so we will use it.
                    baseType = this.GetReqPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT).getThisType();

                return GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, baseType, out typeDst);

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public ExpressionBinder(BindingContext context)
     Context = context;
     m_nullable = new CNullable(GetSymbolLoader(), GetErrorContext(), GetExprFactory());
     g_binopSignatures = new BinOpSig[]
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_INT,        PredefinedType.PT_INT,      BinOpMask.Integer,  8, BindIntBinOp,            OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.IntBinOp      ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_UINT,       PredefinedType.PT_UINT,     BinOpMask.Integer,  7, BindIntBinOp,            OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.IntBinOp      ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_LONG,       PredefinedType.PT_LONG,     BinOpMask.Integer,  6, BindIntBinOp,            OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.IntBinOp      ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_ULONG,      PredefinedType.PT_ULONG,    BinOpMask.Integer,  5, BindIntBinOp,            OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.IntBinOp      ),
         /* ERROR */
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_ULONG,      PredefinedType.PT_LONG,     BinOpMask.Integer,  4, null,                    OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.None          ),
         /* ERROR */
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_LONG,       PredefinedType.PT_ULONG,    BinOpMask.Integer,  3, null,                    OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.None          ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_FLOAT,      PredefinedType.PT_FLOAT,    BinOpMask.Real,     1, BindRealBinOp,           OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.RealBinOp     ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_DOUBLE,     PredefinedType.PT_DOUBLE,   BinOpMask.Real,     0, BindRealBinOp,           OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.RealBinOp     ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_DECIMAL,    PredefinedType.PT_DECIMAL,  BinOpMask.Real,     0, BindDecBinOp,            OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.DecBinOp      ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_STRING,     PredefinedType.PT_STRING,   BinOpMask.Equal,    0, BindStrCmpOp,            OpSigFlags.Reference,   BinOpFuncKind.StrCmpOp      ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_STRING,     PredefinedType.PT_STRING,   BinOpMask.Add,      2, BindStrBinOp,            OpSigFlags.Reference,   BinOpFuncKind.StrBinOp      ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_STRING,     PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT,   BinOpMask.Add,      1, BindStrBinOp,            OpSigFlags.Reference,   BinOpFuncKind.StrBinOp      ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT,     PredefinedType.PT_STRING,   BinOpMask.Add,      0, BindStrBinOp,            OpSigFlags.Reference,   BinOpFuncKind.StrBinOp      ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_INT,        PredefinedType.PT_INT,      BinOpMask.Shift,    3, BindShiftOp,             OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.ShiftOp       ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_UINT,       PredefinedType.PT_INT,      BinOpMask.Shift,    2, BindShiftOp,             OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.ShiftOp       ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_LONG,       PredefinedType.PT_INT,      BinOpMask.Shift,    1, BindShiftOp,             OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.ShiftOp       ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_ULONG,      PredefinedType.PT_INT,      BinOpMask.Shift,    0, BindShiftOp,             OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.ShiftOp       ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_BOOL,       PredefinedType.PT_BOOL,     BinOpMask.BoolNorm, 0, BindBoolBinOp,           OpSigFlags.Value,       BinOpFuncKind.BoolBinOp     ),
         // Make boolean logical operators liftable so that they don't give funny short circuiting semantics.
         // This is for DDBugs 677075.
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_BOOL,       PredefinedType.PT_BOOL,     BinOpMask.Logical,  0, BindBoolBinOp,           OpSigFlags.BoolBit,     BinOpFuncKind.BoolBinOp     ),
         new BinOpSig (PredefinedType.PT_BOOL,       PredefinedType.PT_BOOL,     BinOpMask.Bitwise,  0, BindLiftedBoolBitwiseOp, OpSigFlags.BoolBit,     BinOpFuncKind.BoolBitwiseOp ),
     g_rguos = new UnaOpSig[]
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_INT,        UnaOpMask.Signed,   7, BindIntUnaOp,    UnaOpFuncKind.IntUnaOp  ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_UINT,       UnaOpMask.Unsigned, 6, BindIntUnaOp,    UnaOpFuncKind.IntUnaOp  ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_LONG,       UnaOpMask.Signed,   5, BindIntUnaOp,    UnaOpFuncKind.IntUnaOp  ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_ULONG,      UnaOpMask.Unsigned, 4, BindIntUnaOp,    UnaOpFuncKind.IntUnaOp  ),
         /* ERROR */
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_ULONG,      UnaOpMask.Minus,    3, null,            UnaOpFuncKind.None      ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_FLOAT,      UnaOpMask.Real,     1, BindRealUnaOp,   UnaOpFuncKind.RealUnaOp ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_DOUBLE,     UnaOpMask.Real,     0, BindRealUnaOp,   UnaOpFuncKind.RealUnaOp ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_DECIMAL,    UnaOpMask.Real,     0, BindDecUnaOp,    UnaOpFuncKind.DecUnaOp  ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_BOOL,       UnaOpMask.Bool,     0, BindBoolUnaOp,   UnaOpFuncKind.BoolUnaOp ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_INT,        UnaOpMask.IncDec,   6, null,            UnaOpFuncKind.None      ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_UINT,       UnaOpMask.IncDec,   5, null,            UnaOpFuncKind.None      ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_LONG,       UnaOpMask.IncDec,   4, null,            UnaOpFuncKind.None      ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_ULONG,      UnaOpMask.IncDec,   3, null,            UnaOpFuncKind.None      ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_FLOAT,      UnaOpMask.IncDec,   1, null,            UnaOpFuncKind.None      ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_DOUBLE,     UnaOpMask.IncDec,   0, null,            UnaOpFuncKind.None      ),
         new UnaOpSig( PredefinedType.PT_DECIMAL,    UnaOpMask.IncDec,   0, null,            UnaOpFuncKind.None      ),
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static void RecordUnsafeUsage(BindingContext context)
     if (!(context.GetUnsafeState() == UNSAFESTATES.UNSAFESTATES_Unsafe) &&
         context.GetOutputContext().m_bUnsafeErrorGiven = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private bool TryArrayVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, ArrayType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);

            typeDst = null;

            // We are here because we have an array type with an inaccessible element type. If possible,
            // we should create a new array type that has an accessible element type for which a
            // conversion exists.

            CType elementType = typeSrc.GetElementType();

            if (!elementType.IsRefType())
                // Covariant array conversions exist for reference types only.

            CType intermediateType;

            if (GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, elementType, out intermediateType))
                typeDst = this.GetArray(intermediateType, typeSrc.rank, typeSrc.IsSZArray);

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));

Exemplo n.º 9
        private bool TryVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, AggregateType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc.isInterfaceType() || typeSrc.isDelegateType());

            typeDst = null;

            AggregateSymbol aggSym      = typeSrc.GetOwningAggregate();
            AggregateType   aggOpenType = aggSym.getThisType();

            if (!semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(aggOpenType, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup))
                // if the aggregate symbol itself is not accessible, then forget it, there is no
                // variance that will help us arrive at an accessible type.

            TypeArray typeArgs   = typeSrc.GetTypeArgsThis();
            TypeArray typeParams = aggOpenType.GetTypeArgsThis();

            CType[] newTypeArgsTemp = new CType[typeArgs.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.Count; i++)
                if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeArgs[i], bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup))
                    // we have an accessible argument, this position is not a problem.
                    newTypeArgsTemp[i] = typeArgs[i];

                if (!typeArgs[i].IsRefType() || !((TypeParameterType)typeParams[i]).Covariant)
                    // This guy is inaccessible, and we are not going to be able to vary him, so we need to fail.

                CType intermediateTypeArg;
                if (GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, typeArgs[i], out intermediateTypeArg))
                    // now we either have a value type (which must be accessible due to the above
                    // check, OR we have an inaccessible type (which must be a ref type). In either
                    // case, the recursion worked out and we are OK to vary this argument.
                    newTypeArgsTemp[i] = intermediateTypeArg;
                    Debug.Assert(false, "GetBestAccessibleType unexpectedly failed on a type that was used as a type parameter");

            TypeArray newTypeArgs      = semanticChecker.getBSymmgr().AllocParams(typeArgs.Count, newTypeArgsTemp);
            CType     intermediateType = this.GetAggregate(aggSym, typeSrc.outerType, newTypeArgs);

            // All type arguments were varied successfully, which means now we must be accessible. But we could
            // have violated constraints. Let's check that out.

            if (!TypeBind.CheckConstraints(semanticChecker, null /*ErrorHandling*/, intermediateType, CheckConstraintsFlags.NoErrors))

            typeDst = intermediateType;
            Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));
Exemplo n.º 10
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        internal bool GetBestAccessibleType(CSemanticChecker semanticChecker, BindingContext bindingContext, CType typeSrc, out CType typeDst)
            // This method implements the "best accessible type" algorithm for determining the type
            // of untyped arguments in the runtime binder. It is also used in method type inference
            // to fix type arguments to types that are accessible.

            // The new type is returned in an out parameter. The result will be true (and the out param
            // non-null) only when the algorithm could find a suitable accessible type.

            Debug.Assert(semanticChecker != null);
            Debug.Assert(bindingContext != null);
            Debug.Assert(typeSrc != null);

            typeDst = null;

            if (semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeSrc, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup))
                // If we already have an accessible type, then use it. This is the terminal point of the recursion.
                typeDst = typeSrc;

            // These guys have no accessibility concerns.
            Debug.Assert(!(typeSrc is VoidType) && !(typeSrc is ErrorType) && !(typeSrc is TypeParameterType));

            if (typeSrc is ParameterModifierType || typeSrc is PointerType)
                // We cannot vary these.

            CType intermediateType;

            if (typeSrc is AggregateType aggSrc && (aggSrc.isInterfaceType() || aggSrc.isDelegateType()) && TryVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, aggSrc, out intermediateType))
                // If we have an interface or delegate type, then it can potentially be varied by its type arguments
                // to produce an accessible type, and if that's the case, then return that.
                // Example: IEnumerable<PrivateConcreteFoo> --> IEnumerable<PublicAbstractFoo>
                typeDst = intermediateType;

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));

            if (typeSrc is ArrayType arrSrc && TryArrayVarianceAdjustmentToGetAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, arrSrc, out intermediateType))
                // Similarly to the interface and delegate case, arrays are covariant in their element type and
                // so we can potentially produce an array type that is accessible.
                // Example: PrivateConcreteFoo[] --> PublicAbstractFoo[]
                typeDst = intermediateType;

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));

            if (typeSrc is NullableType)
                // We have an inaccessible nullable type, which means that the best we can do is System.ValueType.
                typeDst = GetPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_VALUE).getThisType();

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));

            if (typeSrc is ArrayType)
                // We have an inaccessible array type for which we could not earlier find a better array type
                // with a covariant conversion, so the best we can do is System.Array.
                typeDst = GetPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_ARRAY).getThisType();

                Debug.Assert(semanticChecker.CheckTypeAccess(typeDst, bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup));

            Debug.Assert(typeSrc is AggregateType);

            if (typeSrc is AggregateType aggType)
                // We have an AggregateType, so recurse on its base class.
                AggregateType baseType = aggType.GetBaseClass();

                if (baseType == null)
                    // This happens with interfaces, for instance. But in that case, the
                    // conversion to object does exist, is an implicit reference conversion,
                    // and so we will use it.
                    baseType = GetPredefAgg(PredefinedType.PT_OBJECT).getThisType();

                return(GetBestAccessibleType(semanticChecker, bindingContext, baseType, out typeDst));
